The November Nethack Tournament


trophy player clan
First Ascension Luxidream Order of the Cockatrice
Most Ascensions Luxidream (47) Order of the Cockatrice
Lowest Turncount ToneHack (7635) Order of the Cockatrice
Fastest Realtime Luxidream (1:33:10) Order of the Cockatrice
Most Conducts ToneHack (21) Order of the Cockatrice
Most Achievements in One Game jt (212) teamsplat
Lowest Score spontiff (12,300) The Procrastinators. Maybe tomorrow.
Highest Score mosen (55,079,662) TeamGirlAndShoes
Longest Streak kcostell (6) Clan of the Cave Grue
Both Genders eraserhead97 Anerag jonathanhanes iyarkonan hothraxxa kcostell noims ToneHack thegame eitwinston Merlek JohnKeel spontiff LoneWolf efot porkman malor Grouchy swegen allanb k2 hilliance ogmobot elenmirie klintos scorchgeek Bartlem Andrio amateurhour jt Tangles oh6 khamul PeterQ deki voffer Numbgoon Grasshopper aosdict squolly larry Graznop truculent teamsplat Order of the Cockatrice TeamGirlAndShoes Teenage NetHack Ninja Turtles #pray Clan of the Cave Grue Read Long Worm The Procrastinators. Maybe tomorrow. The Strong and the Bad Meanwhile in Europe unfoog Destine Bane of Rodney They All Float Down Here Order of the Chickatrice Kitten Lovers MEOW!
All Alignments Luxidream Anerag thegame kcostell spontiff eitwinston jonathanhanes iyarkonan noims bouquet Numbgoon amateurhour hothraxxa hilliance swegen JohnKeel ogmobot elenmirie klintos deki voffer khamul jt k2 Order of the Cockatrice Teenage NetHack Ninja Turtles teamsplat Kitten Lovers MEOW! TeamGirlAndShoes Clan of the Cave Grue The Procrastinators. Maybe tomorrow. #pray unfoog They All Float Down Here Bane of Rodney Meanwhile in Europe Read Long Worm
All Races Anerag spontiff hilliance noims thegame Luxidream jonathanhanes swegen TeamGirlAndShoes Teenage NetHack Ninja Turtles Order of the Cockatrice The Procrastinators. Maybe tomorrow. Meanwhile in Europe teamsplat
All Roles Luxidream teamsplat Order of the Cockatrice
All Conducts
All Achievements
The Respectably-Sized Impossible
The Great Impossible
Unique Deaths N/A Teenage NetHack Ninja Turtles (209)
Most Unique Ascensions N/A Order of the Cockatrice (34)
Most Games N/A teamsplat (720)
NetHack Master N/A
NetHack Dominator N/A
Medusa Cup N/A The Would-Be Kings
Never Scum a Game hackedhead wooble HarmathZsolt eitwinston elenmirie Noah mach kcostell pinball gnoll1gog gxe99 Menche antigulp niddler Numbgoon Leggman coldaemon xhtmlcoder ArcaneNH Smugzug jannis FIQ sflicht Bliss56 Glord Muad arnibald truculent bubbles khamul fionna larry richards efot nht JohnKeel tacco spline scj643 Entitas Amester blinkleo deadnoob joes hothraxxa Dakira Anerag wvc atcarr Wolfechu bragi AgentOfAntinous squishy gnuninio Hill malor Demo GaulGallant tsingi oatmeal rsa iyarkonan voffer Schnibble12 elron gargor scorchgeek bouquet thorsb itsame Xea k2 Merlek oh6 Sanae ScienceBall karibou OtsMcGee Kejchi ichbinmiah Lettuce PeterQ eraserhead97 Bartlem swegen bhaak kitty spleen Andrio jackofclubs jeremiahL Arimja Mandevil Ziberian WizardOfPoland jmcunx parad0xx carr0t every spontiff asdf chromatic jt Cropper Grasshopper hilliance Tangles LordCancerPimp StinkyGreene thegame superdav42 Ashpool Kontroller noims RandomHacker scheijan Dins allanb squolly drunkenmister rootkit AlbertB Grouchy deki snes attie Tmasher Graznop dbanethacker Graydot post163 tinklebear stenno Luna Bugpowder engelson xxxstout murgatroid99 OhNoNotAgain RyanHill toon EndlessMike Raisse mosen MHL ogmobot bebing jah Kame lordjoe arckex CALLOUS OneColdCanuck telegarn LoneWolf winny N/A
Great Dwarf Luxidream k2 Order of the Cockatrice teamsplat
Great Elf eitwinston iyarkonan Teenage NetHack Ninja Turtles Order of the Cockatrice TeamGirlAndShoes
Great Gnome
Great Human Luxidream elenmirie Anerag hothraxxa jonathanhanes #pray Order of the Cockatrice teamsplat TeamGirlAndShoes
Great Orc Luxidream Tangles Order of the Cockatrice teamsplat
Great Archeologist efot The Strong and the Bad
Great Barbarian Anerag iyarkonan Order of the Cockatrice teamsplat TeamGirlAndShoes
Great Caveman
Great Healer efot hothraxxa #pray teamsplat The Strong and the Bad
Great Monk amateurhour Teenage NetHack Ninja Turtles They All Float Down Here
Great Priest Luxidream JohnKeel Read Long Worm Order of the Cockatrice
Great Ranger
Great Rogue #pray teamsplat
Great Valkyrie snes eitwinston Bliss56 Anerag voffer Merlek unfoog Smile Mold The Elder Ones Order of the Cockatrice They All Float Down Here TeamGirlAndShoes Kitten Lovers MEOW!
Great Wizard Teenage NetHack Ninja Turtles Meanwhile in Europe Order of the Cockatrice
Lesser Dwarf Luxidream k2 Order of the Cockatrice teamsplat
Lesser Elf eitwinston iyarkonan Teenage NetHack Ninja Turtles Order of the Cockatrice
Lesser Gnome
Lesser Human amateurhour elenmirie hothraxxa #pray Order of the Cockatrice They All Float Down Here teamsplat
Lesser Orc Tangles teamsplat
Lesser Archeologist efot The Strong and the Bad
Lesser Barbarian Anerag iyarkonan unfoog Order of the Cockatrice teamsplat TeamGirlAndShoes
Lesser Caveman
Lesser Healer efot hothraxxa teamsplat The Strong and the Bad
Lesser Monk amateurhour Teenage NetHack Ninja Turtles They All Float Down Here teamsplat
Lesser Priest JohnKeel Read Long Worm
Lesser Ranger
Lesser Rogue MHL teamsplat
Lesser Valkyrie Cropper snes eitwinston Bliss56 Entitas Anerag squishy voffer unfoog Smile Mold The Elder Ones They All Float Down Here TeamGirlAndShoes Kitten Lovers MEOW!
Lesser Wizard Teenage NetHack Ninja Turtles Order of the Cockatrice teamsplat