johnnyteapot, neutral male human Pirate
Playing notnotdNetHack v2024.5.15 (notnotdnethack git 39b965990), last build 2025-01-25 16:06:20.

      -----   -----
      |...+###.^...      -----   ------
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            ###   ------#
            ##         ###
            #           #  ##
   ------+--#           ##*.--------------#
   |.......|#           # |..............|#-.-
   |.......|              |...(..........|#...I.f|
   |........              ---------------- |...'@.#
   ---------                                --*---

Johnnyteap the Swabbie     St:25 Dx:14 Co:25 In:7 Wi:8 Ch:8   Neutral S:690
Dlvl:2  $:312 HP:0(37) Pw:12(12) Br:8 AC:8  DR:1  Xp:3/82 T:506

Your inventory
  a - a rustproof +0 cutlass (weapon in hand) {40}
  b - a rustproof +0 flintlock (alternate weapon; not wielded) {10}
  c - 5 rustproof +0 knives {25}
  m - 20 +0 bullets (in quiver) {20}
  e - an uncursed +0 leather jacket (being worn) {20}
  f - an uncursed +0 pair of high boots (being worn) {20}
  n - the uncursed +0 Great Claws of Urdlen (being worn) {30}
  s - an uncursed lizard corpse {10}
  v - an uncursed fortune cookie {1}
  y - an uncursed scroll of identify {5}
  q - a blessed potion of rum {20}
  r - an uncursed potion of rock piercer blood {20}
  t - an uncursed potion of hallucination {20}
  i - an uncursed +2 ring of adornment {3}
  l - an uncursed oilskin ditty bag {164}
  x - an uncursed worthless piece of yellow glass {1}

Contents of the oilskin ditty bag:
  298 gold pieces
  a cursed amulet of ESP
  6 uncursed kelp fronds
  2 uncursed sea biscuits
  3 uncursed potions of rum
  a rustproof +0 grappling hook

Final Attributes:

You inherited Great Claws of Urdlen.
1599 gold was created.
Your alignment was 11.
You carried 0 sins.
Your max alignment was 12.
You had stayed true to your quest.
Eladrin precursors were pretty normal.
You had a drunkard score of 0.
You had 99 sanity points.
You had 0 insight points.
You were telepathic.
You had a carrying capacity of 588 remaining.
You had 376 points of nutrition remaining.
You could swim.
Your luck was zero.
You are dead.
You didn't know any spells.

Vanquished creatures
  a small mimic
  a rock kobold
  a leprechaun (2 created)
  a lizard
  a bugbear
  a giant ant (2 created)
  a floating eye
  a kobold shaman
  a centipede (2 created)
  a monkey
  2 giant rats
  a sewer rat (2 created)
  13 creatures vanquished.

Voluntary challenges:

You used a wielded weapon 22 times.
You were illiterate.
You never genocided any monsters.
You never polymorphed an object.
You never changed form.
You used no wishes.
You never paid a shopkeeper to identify an item.
You never magically identified an item.
Your skills at the end
  Fighting Skills
  Weapon Skills
    knife              [Skilled]
    pick-axe           [Skilled]
    scimitar           [Skilled]
    flail              [Skilled]
    firearms           [Skilled]
  Spellcasting Skills

Latest messages
  You hit the rock with all your might.
  You succeed in cutting away some rock.
  You see here 38 rocks.
  You start digging.
  You hit the rock with all your might.
  You succeed in cutting away some rock.
  You hear water dripping onto metal.
  You hear water dripping onto metal.
  This door is locked.
  This door is locked.
  This door is locked.
  This door is locked.
  This door is locked.
  You start digging.
  You hit the rock with all your might.
  You make an opening in the wall.
  You kill the giant rat!
  There is a doorway here.
  You see here 34 rocks.
  There is a doorway here.
  You see here 34 rocks.
  The giant rat misses.
  You see here a foot locker.
  You kill the giant rat!
  You see here a foot locker.
  You see here a foot locker, tip it? [ynq] (q) 
  It's locked.
  What do you want to use or apply? [cln or ?*] 
  You don't have that object.
  What do you want to use or apply? [cln or ?*] 
  Never mind.
  In what direction? 
  There is a foot locker here, force its lock? [ynq] (q) 
  You force your cutlass into a crack and pry.
  You succeed in forcing the lock.
  You see here a foot locker, tip it? [ynq] (q) 
  Objects spill out:
  a yellow gem,
  a tripe ration,
  a fortune cookie.
  v - a fortune cookie {1}.
  w - a tripe ration {10}.
  x - a yellow gem {1}.
  Unknown command ' '.
  You see here a scroll labeled VELOX NEB.
  y - a scroll labeled VELOX NEB {5}.
  You start digging.
  You hit the rock with all your might.
  You make an opening in the wall.
  There is a doorway here.
  You see here 28 rocks.
  You start digging.
  You hit the rock with all your might.
  You make an opening in the wall.
  The gold golem swings its large golden saber!
  The gold golem misses.
  The gold golem hits!
  You hit the gold golem!
  The cutting edge is ineffective against the gold golem.
  The gold golem swings its large golden saber!
  The gold golem misses.
  The gold golem hits!
  You miss the gold golem.
  The gold golem swings its large golden saber!
  The gold golem misses.
  The gold golem misses.
  You hit the gold golem!
  You hit the gold golem!
  The gold golem swings its large golden saber!
  The gold golem misses.
  The gold golem hits!
  You hit the gold golem!
  The gold golem swings its large golden saber!
  The gold golem hits!
  The gold golem just misses!
  You hit the gold golem!
  The gold golem swings its large golden saber!
  The gold golem hits!
  The gold golem hits!
  The kitten bites!
  You see here a looking glass.
  What do you want to throw? [$abcm or ?*] 
  What do you want to throw? [$abcm or ?*] 
  In what direction? 
  The kitten devours a tripe ration.
  It misses the kitten.
  It misses the kitten.
  The kitten bites it!
  What do you want to tip? [l or ?*] 
  Nothing happens.
  Tip a monster? (in what direction) 
  You displaced your kitten.
  You see here a looking glass.
  The gold golem swings its large golden saber!
  The gold golem hits!
  You die...

Goodbye johnnyteapot the Pirate...
You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 2 with 659 points,
and 610 pieces of gold, after 506 moves.
Killer: gold golem
You were level 3 with a maximum of 37 hit points when you died.

You didn't beat your previous score of 1277 points.

 No  Points     Name                                                   Hp [max]
  1   23329654  johnnyteap-Mad-Elf-Mal-Una ascended to demigod-hood.  654 [654]
  2   22190125  johnnyteap-Bin-Inc-Mal-Non ascended to demigod-hood.  548 [576]
  3   17580438  johnnyteap-Acu-And-Fem-Law ascended to
                demigoddess-hood.                                     711 [724]

*264       1277  johnnyteap-Pir-Oct-Mal-Neu died in The Dungeons of             
                Doom on level 4.  Killed by a crow.                     -  [34]
*          659  johnnyteap-Pir-Hum-Mal-Neu died in The Dungeons of             
                Doom on level 2.  Killed by a gold golem.               -  [37]