johnnyteapot, neutral male vampiric Madman Playing notnotdNetHack v2024.5.15 (notnotdnethack git 48e371cbb), last build 2024-06-02 18:22:43. ------------- --------- ----------- |...........| |.....^.| |`````````.# |...........| ##....>...| |`((F((((`|# ---|----- |...........| # |.......| |`o.....(`|# |.......| ------- |...........|#####|.......| |@(((((((`%##|.......| |......###|...........|# ----.----| |`````````| #-.......|#%.....| -------.-----# |........| ----------- |.......|#|....*| ####### |.......<| --|------#|......# ######### |........| ### #|.....|#-.------- -........| # #-------#-.......| ---------- ### ## |.......| # # |........ ## # |.......| ------.--# --------- |.......|# |.......|# ||......%# --------- Johnnyteap the Drifter St:10 Dx:13 Co:10 In:12 Wi:3 Ch:17 Neutral S:3564 Dlvl:6 $:590 HP:0(38) Pw:49(49) Br:3 AC:8 DR:0 Xp:6/676 T:2833 Satiated Fly Your inventory Weapons q - a cursed rotted +0 club {10} r - a +0 knife (weapon in hand) {5} B - a +0 droven dagger {5} J - 17 +0 darts {17} Armor d - a cursed thoroughly rusty +0 iron faceless helm {96} k - an uncursed very burnt +0 cloak of invisibility {10} v - an uncursed +0 bone orcish helm (being worn) {9} Comestibles y - an uncursed tripe ration {10} Scrolls D - an uncursed scroll of create monster {5} K - a cursed scroll of identify {5} M - an uncursed scroll of identify {5} Spellbooks E - a blessed spellbook of detect monsters {50} Potions c - 2 uncursed potions of human blood {40} i - an uncursed potion of healing {20} A - a blessed potion of sleeping {20} L - an uncursed potion of gain ability {20} Rings e - a cursed ring of slow digestion (on right hand) {3} x - an uncursed ring of warning {3} Tools b - an uncursed blindfold {2} w - an uncursed magic lamp (lit) {20} C - 7 uncursed tallow candles {14} Final Attributes: You inherited The Blade Singer's Saber. 8712 gold was created. Your alignment was 6. You carried 18 sins. Your max alignment was 6. You had stayed true to your quest. Eladrin precursors were pretty normal. You were level-drain resistant. You were poison resistant. You were sleep resistant. You had a drunkard score of 30, the maximum for an adventurer of your level. You had 74 sanity points. You had 1 insight points. You had a tendency to hallucinate, obscuring some monsters' true forms. You were telepathic. You had a carrying capacity of 175 remaining. You had 1463 points of nutrition remaining. You could fly. You could survive without air. You had slower digestion. You regenerated. Your luck was zero. Lobon was angry with you (1). You are dead. You didn't know any spells. Vanquished creatures 3 brown puddings 2 rust monsters 3 Uruk-hai (4 created) 4 enormous rats a floating eye 5 dutons (4 created) a homunculus a rothe a giant bat an iguana (2 created) 2 large kobolds a hobgoblin (2 created) a giant rat a cave spider a yellow mold 2 gnomes 7 jackals (13 created) 2 kobolds 3 goblins a sewer rat 7 grid bugs (8 created) 2 newts (6 created) 52 creatures vanquished. Voluntary challenges: You were an atheist. You used a wielded weapon 20 times. You were illiterate. You never genocided any monsters. You never polymorphed an object. You never changed form. You used no wishes. You never paid a shopkeeper to identify an item. You never magically identified an item. Your skills at the end Fighting Skills bare handed combat [Skilled] Weapon Skills (none) Spellcasting Skills (none) Latest messages You bite the duton! You kill the duton! You try to feel what is lying here on the floor. You attack thin air. You miss the duton. You miss the duton. You hit the duton! You miss the duton. You miss the duton. You bite the duton! You kill the duton! You try to feel what is lying here on the floor. You feel here a scroll labeled XIXAXA XOXAXA XUXAXA. What do you want to use or apply? [brwBC or ?*] You were wearing an uncursed blindfold {2}. You can see again. M - a scroll labeled XIXAXA XOXAXA XUXAXA {5}. The door resists! The door resists! The door opens. The jackal misses. You miss the jackal. You miss the jackal. The jackal bites! You miss the jackal. You miss the jackal. The jackal bites! You hit the jackal! You bite the jackal! You feed on the lifeblood. The jackal suddenly seems weaker! You kill the jackal! The door resists! The door opens. You miss the Uruk-hai. You bite the Uruk-hai! You feed on the lifeblood. The Uruk-hai suddenly seems weaker! The Uruk-hai hits! You kill the Uruk-hai! You hit the Uruk-hai! You bite the Uruk-hai! You feed on the lifeblood. The Uruk-hai misses. You miss the Uruk-hai. You bite the Uruk-hai! You feed on the lifeblood. You kill the Uruk-hai! The Uruk-hai shoots a crossbow bolt! The crossbow bolt hits you! The Uruk-hai picks up some gold. The Uruk-hai picks up a coarse mantelet. The Uruk-hai puts on a coarse mantelet. You miss the Uruk-hai. You bite the Uruk-hai! You feed on the lifeblood. The Uruk-hai swings her crossbow! The Uruk-hai misses. You hit the Uruk-hai! You bite the Uruk-hai! You feed on the lifeblood. The Uruk-hai swings her crossbow! The Uruk-hai hits! You miss the Uruk-hai. You miss the Uruk-hai. The Uruk-hai swings her crossbow! The Uruk-hai misses. That dingo was actually an Uruk-hai! You feel more confident in your weapon skills. You hit the Uruk-hai! You miss the Uruk-hai. The Uruk-hai swings her crossbow! The Uruk-hai misses. The Uruk-hai misses. You see here a statue of a rothe. The Uruk-hai misses. You see here a statue of an ogre king. The Uruk-hai shoots a crossbow bolt! The crossbow bolt hits you! The Uruk-hai misses. You see here a figurine of a piranha. You see here a figurine of a giant beetle. You miss the Uruk-hai. You bite the Uruk-hai! You feed on the lifeblood. The Uruk-hai suddenly seems weaker! You kill the Uruk-hai! The Uruk-hai shoots a crossbow bolt! The crossbow bolt hits you! You hear the wailing of the Banshee... You see here a figurine of an alpha metroid. You see here a figurine of a cockatrice. The Uruk-hai picks up a crossbow bolt. You see here a figurine of a parrot. You see here a statue of a wraith. You see here a statue of a giant turtle. You see here a statue of a wraith. The Uruk-hai swings her crossbow! The Uruk-hai hits! You die... Goodbye johnnyteapot the Madman... You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 6 with 3505 points, and 590 pieces of gold, after 2833 moves. Killer: Uruk-hai You were level 6 with a maximum of 38 hit points when you died. You didn't beat your previous score of 82717 points. No Points Name Hp [max] 1 17580438 johnnyteap-Acu-And-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 711 [724] 2 14546268 Demo-Acu-And-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 1014 [1014] 3 13385645 tkirkby-Mon-Hlf-Fem-Law ascended to demigoddess-hood. 615 [764] *41 82717 johnnyteap-Mad-Hlf-Mal-Neu died in Vlad's Tower on level 3 [max 11]. Killed by a vampire lady. - [117] * 3505 johnnyteap-Mad-Vam-Mal-Neu died in The Dungeons of Doom on level 6. Killed by an Uruk-hai. - [38]