Unix xNetHack Version 6.0 - last build Tue Mar 30 08:07:08 2021 (f9bb7f1bfcc5eeff2e229fc7b306a2d7ead53559).

Game began 2021-04-08 20:12:23, ended 2021-04-08 20:37:58.

hikingpete, lawful male human Samurai

             #     #

Hikingpete the Ninja   St:17 Dx:15 Co:18 In:9 Wi:11 Ch:7  Lawful
Dlvl:8  $:12 HP:0(62) Pw:22(22) AC:1  Xp:6/580 T:3861 

Latest messages:
 The dingo bites!
 The dingo bites!
 You miss the dingo.
 You miss the dingo.
 The dingo just misses!
 You miss the dingo.
 You miss the dingo.
 The dingo misses!
 You hit the dingo!
 You miss the dingo.
 The dingo misses!
 The dingo just misses!
 The dingo bites!
 The dingo bites!
 You miss the dingo.
 You miss the dingo.
 The dingo bites!
 Your leg feels better.
 Your movements are now unencumbered.
 You miss the dingo.
 You miss the dingo.
 The dingo misses!
 The dingo just misses!
 You miss the dingo.
 You miss the dingo.
 The dingo bites!
 The dingo bites!
 You miss the dingo.
 You miss the dingo.
 The dingo misses!
 The dingo just misses!
 You miss the dingo.
 You miss the dingo.
 The dingo misses!
 The dingo misses!
 You miss the dingo.
 You miss the dingo.
 The dingo bites!
 You miss the dingo.
 You miss the dingo.
 The dingo misses!
 You miss the dingo.
 You miss the dingo.
 The dingo bites!
 You miss the dingo.
 You miss the dingo.
 You miss the dingo.
 You miss the dingo.
 The dingo bites!
 You die...

 Inventory: 923/925 weight (34/52 slots)
 Coins    ('$')
  $ - 12 gold pieces {0}
 Weapons  (')')
  t - 12 uncursed +0 darts {12}
  v - 4 uncursed +0 silver darts {4}
  A - 8 uncursed +0 shuriken {8}
  w - 8 uncursed +0 daggers {80}
  r - the blessed rustproof +0 Excalibur (wielded in right hand) {40}
  a - an uncursed +0 katana (wielded in left hand) {40}
 Armor    ('[')
  k - an uncursed +2 orcish helm (being worn) {23}
  F - an uncursed +0 mummy wrapping {3}
  e - an uncursed +0 splint mail (being worn) {300}
 Comestibles  ('%')
  I - an uncursed cram ration {15}
  f - an uncursed fortune cookie {1}
  h - 3 uncursed gunyoki {60}
  m - 2 uncursed tripe rations {20}
  g - 2 uncursed lichen corpses {40}
 Scrolls  ('?')
  H - a cursed scroll of confuse monster {5}
  j - an uncursed scroll of enchant weapon {5}
  R - an uncursed scroll of fire {5}
  z - 2 blessed scrolls of light {10}
 Potions  ('!')
  l - an uncursed potion of extra healing {20}
  n - an uncursed potion of healing {20}
  G - an uncursed potion of levitation {20}
  L - 2 uncursed potions of object detection {40}
 Rings    ('=')
  D - an uncursed +2 ring of carrying {3}
 Wands    ('/')
  C - an uncursed wand of lightning (0:7) {7}
 Tools    ('(')
  s - an uncursed lantern {30}
  O - an uncursed pea whistle {3}
  p - an uncursed +0 pick-axe {100}
 Gems/Stones  ('*')
  q - a cursed jasper stone {1}
  M - an uncursed turquoise stone {1}
  J - 2 uncursed worthless pieces of green glass {2}
  P - 2 uncursed worthless pieces of red glass {2}
  Q - an uncursed worthless piece of violet glass {1}
  u - an uncursed worthless piece of white glass {1}
  E - an uncursed worthless piece of yellow glass {1}

Hikingpete the Samurai's attributes:

 You were a Ninja, a level 6 male human Samurai.
 You were lawful, nominally on a mission for Amaterasu Omikami
 who was opposed by Raijin (neutral) and Susanowo (chaotic).
 You were heterosexual.
 You were in the Dungeons of Doom, on level 8.
 You entered the dungeon 3861 turns ago.
 You had 580 experience points, 60 more were needed to attain level 7.

 You had 0 out of 62 hit points.
 You had all 22 energy points (spell power).
 Your armor class was 1.
 Your wallet contained 12 zorkmids.
 Autopickup was on for '$%?!"=/*' plus thrown, with exceptions.

Final Characteristics:
 Your strength was 17 (limit:18/100).
 Your dexterity was 15 (limit:18).
 Your constitution was 18 (limit:18).
 Your intelligence was 9 (limit:18).
 Your wisdom was 11 (limit:18).
 Your charisma was 7 (limit:18).

Final Status:
 You were trapped in a bear trap.
 You were not hungry.
 You were unencumbered.
 You were wielding two weapons at once.
 Your skill in long sword was limited by being unskilled with two weapons.
 You could have enhanced skill with two weapons.

Final Attributes:
 You were piously aligned.
 You were poison resistant.
 You were level-drain resistant.
 You had automatic searching.
 You were warded.
 You were fast.
 You are dead.

 You disabled loading of bones levels.

Vanquished creatures:
  a dust vortex
  a bugbear
  a shrieker
  5 gnome leaders
  a gnomish wizard
  a kobold mummy
  a little dog
  a homunculus
  a rothe
  a dwarf zombie
  a werejackal
 an iguana
  2 acid blobs
  a hobbit
  2 manes
  2 large kobolds
  a hobgoblin
  2 giant rats
  a cave spider
  2 yellow molds
  a red mold
 30 gnomes
  6 garter snakes
  2 gnome zombies
  2 geckos
  3 jackals
  2 kobolds
  6 goblins
  2 sewer rats
  3 grid bugs
  3 bats
  4 lichens
  2 kobold zombies
  3 newts
98 creatures vanquished.

No species were genocided or became extinct.

Voluntary challenges:
 You were an atheist.
 You were illiterate.
 You never genocided any monsters.
 You never polymorphed an object.
 You never changed form.
 You used no wishes.
 You never owned a pet.
 You never scared an enemy with impunity.
 You were celibate.
 You never generated conflict.

 You attained the rank of Ronin.
 You entered the Gnomish Mines.
 You attained the rank of Ninja.
 You entered a shop.
 You entered Minetown.
 You entered a temple.

The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 8
   Level 1:
      A fountain.
   Level 2:
      A grave.
   Level 3: "vault, loose stash"
      Some fountains, a sink.
      Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines.
   Level 4:
   Level 5: "shop"
      An armor shop.
   Level 6:
      A fountain.
   Level 7:
   Level 8: <- You were here.
      A fountain.
      Final resting place for
         you, killed by a moderately wounded dingo.
The Gnomish Mines: levels 4 to 7
   Level 4:
   Level 5:
   Level 6:
   Level 7:
      A delicatessen, a temple, a fountain.

Game over:
                      /          \
                     /    REST    \
                    /      IN      \
                   /     PEACE      \
                  /                  \
                  |    hikingpete    |
                  |      12 Au       |
                  |   killed by a    |
                  |    moderately    |
                  |  wounded dingo   |
                  |                  |
                  |       2021       |
                 *|     *  *  *      | *

Sayonara hikingpete the Samurai...

You died in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 8 with 2681 points,
and 12 pieces of gold, after 3861 moves.
You were level 6 with a maximum of 62 hit points when you died.