Unix xNetHack Version 8.0.0 - last build Jan  1 2025 21:57:42 (0098001b0cd8dc2be5fe76b9b5924cf32642ca04).

Game began 2025-01-20 17:42:42, ended 2025-02-01 16:33:58.

Rx, neutral female gnomish Healer

                         -------------       #-...|
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         ---------    ###....#........########|.<.|   #|).....|
         |+!?%)?G|   ##  ---.---------    ####....|   #|......|
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         ---------           #            #            --------#   ##........|
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                             #####       #     ##
                         --------.-------#     #

Rx the Empiric               St:11 Dx:8 Co:16 In:13 Wi:16 Ch:13  Neutral S:1640
Dlvl:2  $:2643 HP:34(34) Pw:43(43) AC:8  Xp:4/150 T:2299 

Latest messages:
 Really save? [yn] (n) y
 Restoring save file...
 Hello Rx, the gnomish Healer, welcome back to xNetHack!
 Pick an object.
 You see here a scroll labeled DUAM XNAHT (for sale, 80 zorkmids).
 You see here a scroll labeled DUAM XNAHT (for sale, 80 zorkmids).
 You see here a cursed ring called [150 twisted[ (for sale, 150 zorkmids).
 You see here a dagger (for sale, 4 zorkmids).
 You see here a dagger (for sale, 4 zorkmids).
 You see here a red gem (for sale, 500 zorkmids).
 You see here a wooden plate mail (for sale, 480 zorkmids).
 You see here a red gem (for sale, 500 zorkmids).
 You see here a scroll labeled MAPIRO MAHAMA DIROMAT (for sale, 100 zorkmids).
 What do you want to use or apply? [cg-ims or ?*] s
 In what direction? .
 Status of Rx (piously neutral):  Level 4  HP 34(34)  AC 8.
 Really save? [yn] (n) y
 Restoring save file...
 Hello Rx, the gnomish Healer, welcome back to xNetHack!
 Be careful!  New moon tonight.
 Really quit? (This will end your game permanently!) [yn] (n) y
 Hebiwerie gratefully inherits all your possessions.
 Do you want to see what you had when you quit? [ynq] (y) q

 Inventory: 539/725 weight (20/52 slots)
 Coins    ('$')
  $ - 2643 gold pieces {26}
 Weapons  (')')
  a - an uncursed +0 scalpel (weapon in hand) {5}
 Armor    ('[')
  H - an uncursed +0 wooden helmet (being worn) {9}
  G - an uncursed +1 pair of leather gloves (being worn) {8}
 Comestibles  ('%')
  j - 6 uncursed apples {12}
  l - 9 uncursed food rations {180}
  z - an uncursed orange {2}
 Scrolls  ('?')
  k - an uncursed scroll of gold detection {5}
  q - an uncursed scroll of identify {5}
  I - an uncursed scroll of light {5}
 Spellbooks  ('+')
  h - a blessed spellbook of extra healing {45}
  g - a blessed spellbook of healing {35}
  m - an uncursed spellbook of magic missile {40}
  i - a blessed spellbook of stone to flesh {45}
 Potions  ('!')
  d - 3 uncursed potions of healing {60}
  E - an uncursed potion of restore ability {20}
  K - an uncursed potion of water {20}
 Rings    ('=')
  L - an uncursed ring of polymorph control {3}
  o - an uncursed ring of slow digestion {3}
 Wands    ('/')
  c - an uncursed wand of sleep (0:7) {7}
 Tools    ('(')
  s - an uncursed stethoscope {4}

Rx the Healer's attributes:

 You were an Empiric, a level 4 female gnomish Healer.
 You were neutral, on a mission for Hermes
 who was opposed by Athena (lawful) and Poseidon (chaotic).
 You were heterosexual.
 You were in the Dungeons of Doom, on level 2.
 You entered the dungeon 2299 turns ago.
 There was a new moon in effect when your adventure ended.
 You had 150 experience points, 10 more were needed to attain level 5.
 Your score was 1640 before end-of-game adjustments.

 You had all 34 hit points.
 You had all 43 energy points (spell power).
 Your armor class was 8.
 Your wallet contained 2643 zorkmids.
 Autopickup was on, but temporarily disabled while inside the shop.

Final Characteristics:
 Your strength was 11 (limit:18/50).
 Your dexterity was 8 (limit:18).
 Your constitution was 16 (limit:18).
 Your intelligence was 13 (limit:19).
 Your wisdom was 16 (limit:18).
 Your charisma was 13 (limit:18).

Final Status:
 You were not hungry.
 You were unencumbered.
 You were wielding a knife.
 You were skilled in knife.

Final Attributes:
 You were piously aligned.
 You were poison resistant.
 You were telepathic.
 You had infravision.
 You survived.

 You disabled loading of bones levels.
 Total elapsed playing time was 1 hour, 39 minutes and 18 seconds.

Major events:
    1: Rx the neutral female gnomish Healer entered the dungeon
  622: attained the rank of Empiric (level 3)
 1360: found Demonbane on the floor
 1568: entered the Gnomish Mines
 2299: quit

Vanquished creatures:
  a shrieker
  a floating eye
  a homunculus
  a wererat
  a werejackal
 an iguana
  2 acid blobs
  a large kobold
  a giant rat
  a brown mold
  a gnome zombie
  3 geckos
 15 jackals
  a fox
  2 kobolds
  4 sewer rats
  7 lichens
  3 kobold zombies
  6 newts
53 creatures vanquished.

No species were genocided or became extinct.

Voluntary challenges:
 You read items or engraved 3 times.
 You never had a pet.
 You never genocided any monsters.
 You never polymorphed an object.
 You used no wishes.
 You never owned a pet.
 You never scared an enemy with impunity.
 You were celibate.
 You never generated conflict.
 You attained the rank of Empiric.
 You entered a shop.
 You entered the Gnomish Mines.

Dungeon overview:
 The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 5
    Level 1:
       An altar to Hermes.
    Level 2: <- You were here.
       A general store, some trees.
    Level 3:
       A potion shop.
    Level 4: "[+ESP]"
       An armor shop.
       Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines.
    Level 5:
 The Gnomish Mines:
    Level 5:

Goodbye Rx the Healer...

You quit in The Dungeons of Doom on dungeon level 2 with 1640 points,
and 2643 pieces of gold, after 2299 moves.
You were level 4 with a maximum of 34 hit points when you quit.