Loggers, lawful male human Knight
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[Loggers the Sergeant] St:18/15 Dx:11 Co:16 In:8 Wi:14 Ch:18 Lawful
Home 5 $:3320 HP:0(73) Pw:71(71) AC:-5 Xp:11/13967 T:16798

Latest messages

You hit Ixoth!
The ochre jelly falls into a pit!
Never mind.
Ixoth bites!
Ixoth casts a spell at you!
You feel as if you need some help.
You feel a malignant aura surround you.
Ixoth hits!
Ixoth misses.
"Thou art truly foolish, Sergeant. I shall dispatch thee anon."
As you read the scroll, it disappears. (2x)
To what position do you want to be teleported?
(For instructions type a '?')
Ixoth bites!
Ixoth casts a spell at you!
A field of force surrounds you!
Ixoth hits! (2x)
"Thou art truly foolish, Sergeant. I shall dispatch thee anon."
In what direction?
U - an uncursed ring of increase damage (on right hand).
The air crackles around Ixoth.
You see here a silver potion.
Ixoth bites!
Ixoth points all around, then curses.
Ixoth hits! (2x)
"Thou art truly foolish, Sergeant. I shall dispatch thee anon."
To what position do you want to be teleported?
(For instructions type a '?')
Ixoth bites!
You die...

Your inventory

Inventory: 821/925 weight (43/52 slots)


$ - 3320 gold pieces


t - a blessed amulet of ESP (being worn)
Q - an [uncursed] circular amulet [versus poison]


a - the uncursed rustproof +3 Excalibur (weapon in hand)*
b - an uncursed [+0] trident


f - an uncursed rotted +0 pair of leather gloves (being worn)*
i - an [uncursed] +0 cloak of protection
j - a blessed +0 pair of water walking boots (being worn)
r - an uncursed +1 dwarvish iron helm (being worn)
D - a blessed +2 shield of reflection (being worn)
P - an uncursed +1 elven mithril-coat (being worn)
R - an uncursed +0 pair of elven boots
V - an uncursed +0 cloak of magic resistance (being worn)


O - an uncursed lizard corpse


g - an [uncursed] scroll labeled JUYED AWK YACC [of food detection]
G - a [blessed] scroll labeled LEP GEX VEN ZEA [of genocide]
X - a [cursed] scroll of earth


m - an [uncursed] potion called restore ability [of restore ability]
u - an [uncursed] silver potion [of speed]
F - a [blessed] yellow potion [of see invisible]
M - an [uncursed] potion of object detection
S - an uncursed puce potion [of booze]
T - an uncursed potion called water [of water]


k - a blessed +2 ring of gain strength (on left hand)
E - an [uncursed] wedding ring [of cold resistance]
U - an uncursed [+1] ring of increase damage (on right hand)


l - an uncursed wand called nm nz [of locking (0:2)]
x - an uncursed wand of digging named z1 [0:2]
y - an uncursed wand of teleportation named z2 [0:0]
B - an [uncursed] wand of teleportation [0:4]
K - an [uncursed] wand called nm nz [of opening (0:2)]
L - a [cursed] octagonal wand [of light (0:13)]
Y - an uncursed wand of enlightenment [0:11]


c - an uncursed magic marker (0:6)
d - an uncursed key [skeleton key]
p - an uncursed [+0] pick-axe
q - an uncursed magic lamp (lit)
z - a blessed oil lamp
A - an uncursed towel
C - an uncursed magic lamp
N - an uncursed [tallow] candle
W - an uncursed [+0] unicorn horn


e - an uncursed blue gem [worthless glass]
I - a blessed stone called luckstone [luckstone]

Final Attributes

You didn't know any spells.

Vanquished creatures

541 creatures vanquished.

Voluntary challenges

Your skills at the end

Fighting Skills
Weapon Skills
long sword[Expert]
Spellcasting Skills

Dungeon overview

Game information

Seed: uikkr8s7
Started: 2022-06-11 23:43:19
Ended: 2022-06-12 02:33:17
Wallclock time: PT02:49:58
Play time: PT02:49:44


Fare thee well Loggers the Knight...
You died in The Quest on dungeon level 5 with 35652 points,
and 3320 pieces of gold, after 16798 moves.
Killer: Ixoth
You were level 11 with a maximum of 73 hit points when you died.
 No  Points     Name                                                   Hp [max]
  1    2765841  oh6-Tou-Hum-Fem-Neu ascended to demigoddess-hood.    3259 [3259]
  2    2464000  saxonysam-Wiz-Hum-Mal-Cha ascended to demigod-hood.   764 [851]
  3    2338704  arnibald-Con-Hum-Mal-Cha ascended to demigod-hood.    790 [790]

 99     218849  noty-Val-Hum-Fem-Law turned to stone in Vlad's Tower
                on level 38 [max 47].  Petrified by a captain.        108 [112]
 100     216447  Delraven-Cav-Hum-Mal-Law was crushed to death in Fort
                Ludios [max 21].  Crushed to death by a collapsing
                drawbridge.                                           172 [178]
*        35652  Loggers-Kni-Hum-Mal-Law died in The Quest on level 18          
                [max 14].  Killed by Ixoth.                             -  [73]