Unix NetHack Version 3.7.0-119 Work-in-progress - last build Feb 11 2025 23:39:05 (2c244868c45009260f0c8b8894be58902a2cdbe7,branch:master).

Game began 2025-02-13 08:28:34, ended 2025-02-17 11:34:55.

Alvietron, lawful female dwarven Valkyrie

                                     - ..|.-              |..--.----
                               @.........|...|            |........---
                                  .....###...--          -#..........|
                                      -###....|         -#........^..--
                                       ###....--  ---- |...)..........|
                                         ---...|  |..---........*.....--
                                           |...|  |............*.......|
                                             |..--..........-- |..--..--
                                             |...........----  --------
Alvietron the Skirmisher    St:13 Dx:14 Co:20 In:9 Wi:8 Ch:10  Lawful S:10607
Dlvl:6  $:49 HP:0(52) Pw:5(5) AC:-1 Xp:4/132 T:2581  Hungry   Blind Conf

Latest messages:
 Are you sure you want to pray? [yn] (n)
 You begin praying to Tyr.
 You are surrounded by a shimmering light.
 You finish your prayer.
 You feel that Tyr is well-pleased.
 The yellow light explodes!
 You are blinded by a blast of light!
 You hear crashing rock.
 You hear crashing rock.
 It hits!
 It hits!
 It just misses!
 It hits!
 You fall into a pit!
 You land on a set of sharp iron spikes!
 The spikes were poisoned!
 You feel weaker!
 You have a little trouble lifting 4 daggers.  Continue? [ynq] (q)
 There is a spiked pit here.
 You try to feel what is lying here on the floor.
 You feel here 4 daggers.
 You are still in a pit.
 It hits!
 You miss it.
 You miss it.
 You miss it.
 It hits!
 It misses!
 You hit it.
 You miss it.
 It hits!
 You hit it.
 It hits!
 It hits!
 What do you want to drink? [m or ?*]
 Huh, What?  Where am I?
 It misses!
 What do you want to read? [kq or ?*]
 Never mind.
 What do you want to write with? [- abfgjpx or ?*]
 You write in the dust with a blue gem.
 It hits!
 It hits!
 You die...
 Do you want your possessions identified? [ynq] (y)
 Do you want to see your attributes? [ynq] (y)
 Do you want an account of creatures vanquished? [ynaq] (y)
 Do you want to see your conduct and achievements? [ynq] (y)
 Do you want to see the dungeon overview? [ynq] (y)

 Coins    ('$')
  $ - 49 gold pieces
 Weapons  (')')
  p - 6 +0 shuriken
  b - a +0 dagger (alternate weapon; not wielded)
  a - a +1 dwarvish spear (weapon in right hand)
  g - a +0 elven dagger
  f - a +0 orcish dagger
 Armor    ('[')
  z - an uncursed +0 shield of reflection
  c - a blessed +3 small shield (being worn)
  h - an uncursed +0 dwarvish cloak (being worn)
  l - an uncursed +0 leather armor
  t - an uncursed +0 plate mail (being worn)
 Comestibles  ('%')
  e - 2 uncursed lichen corpses
 Scrolls  ('?')
  k - an uncursed scroll of food detection
  q - a cursed scroll of identify
 Rings    ('=')
  x - an uncursed +3 ring of adornment
 Tools    ('(')
  v - a cursed magic whistle
  w - a cursed partly used wax candle (lit)
  A - a cursed wax candle
 Gems/Stones  ('*')
  j - an uncursed worthless piece of blue glass

Alvietron the Valkyrie's attributes:

 You were a Skirmisher, a level 4 dwarven Valkyrie.
 You were lawful, on a mission for Tyr
 who was opposed by Odin (neutral) and Loki (chaotic).
 You were right-handed.
 You were in the Gnomish Mines, on level 6.
 You entered the dungeon 2581 turns ago.
 You had 132 experience points, 28 more were needed to attain level 5.
 Your score was 10607 before end-of-game adjustments.

 You had 0 out of 52 hit points.
 You had all 5 energy points (spell power).
 Your armor class was -1.
 Your wallet contained 49 zorkmids.
 Autopickup was on for '$?!/="+%' plus thrown, with exceptions.

Final Characteristics:
 Your strength was 13 (peak:16, limit:18/100).
 Your dexterity was 14 (limit:20).
 Your constitution was 20 (limit:20).
 Your intelligence was 9 (limit:16).
 Your wisdom was 8 (limit:16).
 Your charisma was 10 (limit:16).

Final Status:
 You were confused.
 You were temporarily blind.
 You were trapped in a spiked pit.
 You were hungry.
 You were unencumbered.
 You were wielding a spear.
 You had basic skill with spear.

Final Attributes:
 You were devoutly aligned.
 Your items were somewhat protected from fire.
 You were cold resistant.
 Your items were somewhat protected from cold.
 You would have seen invisible when not blind.
 You had infravision.
 You were stealthy.
 You were guarded.
 You could have avoided a one-shot death via saving-grace.
 You are dead.

 You never encountered a bones level.
 Total elapsed playing time was 43 minutes and 48 seconds.

Major events:
    1: Alvietron the lawful dwarven Valkyrie entered the dungeon
  926: attained the rank of Skirmisher (level 3)
 2076: entered the Gnomish Mines
 2581: killed by a dwarf

Vanquished creatures:
  a gnome ruler
  2 yellow lights
  a gnome leader
  a floating eye
  a homunculus
  2 rothes
 an orc zombie
  2 dwarf zombies
 an iguana
  a gas spore
  2 hobbits
  a hobgoblin
  a giant rat
  a cave spider
  a brown mold
  a green mold
  a red mold
  9 gnomes
  a gnome zombie
  6 geckos
  4 jackals
  2 foxes
  2 goblins
  3 grid bugs
  3 lichens
  7 newts
58 creatures vanquished.

No species were genocided or became extinct.

Voluntary challenges:
 You read items or engraved 1 time.
 You never engraved Elbereth.
 You never genocided any monsters.
 You never polymorphed an object.
 You never changed form.
 You used no wishes.
 You attained the rank of Skirmisher.
 You entered the Gnomish Mines.

 The Dungeons of Doom: levels 1 to 4
    Level 1:
    Level 2:
       A fountain.
    Level 3:
       A sink.
       Stairs down to The Gnomish Mines.
    Level 4:
       A fountain.
 The Gnomish Mines: levels 4 to 6
    Level 4:
    Level 5:
    Level 6: <- You were here.
       Final resting place for
          you, killed by a dwarf.

Game over:
                      /          \
                     /    REST    \
                    /      IN      \
                   /     PEACE      \
                  /                  \
                  |    Alvietron     |
                  |      49 Au       |
                  |   killed by a    |
                  |      dwarf       |
                  |                  |
                  |                  |
                  |       2025       |
                 *|     *  *  *      | *

Farvel Alvietron the Valkyrie...

You died in The Gnomish Mines on dungeon level 6 with 853 points,
and 49 pieces of gold, after 2581 moves.
You were level 4 with a maximum of 52 hit points when you died.