00:00 i was farming too little too late for the last half hour on my game 00:00 ###### TNNT 2024 IS CLOSED! ###### 00:00 FINAL TOURNAMENT STATISTICS: Games: 34010, Asc: 387, Scum: 24715. 48420234 turns, 1090918406 points. 536d 06:15 gametime. (28%Wiz), (49%Hum), (36%Cha), (55%Mal), 00:00 We hope you enjoyed The November Nethack Tournament. 00:00 Thank you for playing. 00:00 $time 00:00 nabru: 2024-12-01 00:00:04 UTC. The 2024 tournament is OVER! 00:00 furey: tsk tsk, if only those people had been just a little more insane maybe they could have gotten 275 :) 00:00 that's it 00:00 see you in 2025! 00:00 gg's all 00:00 gg 00:00 gg 00:00 <@post163> $lastgame 00:00 @post163: [US] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/l/lispwitch/tnnt/dumplog/1732934145.tnnt.html | [EU] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/p/post163/tnnt/dumplog/1733011017.tnnt.html | [AU] https://au.hardfought.org/userdata/t/tjw/tnnt/dumplog/1732874136.tnnt.html 00:00 gg all 00:00 K2: does the leaderboard update right at teh end of the tournament? 00:00 reminder, you can still finish out your existing games, you have one week 00:00 or do I wait 10 minutes for the final leaderboard? 00:00 ais523 it will here in a few seconds 00:00 (vibrating) 00:00 ah, does Croesus announce it? 00:00 on the hour + 30 sec 00:00 grats over achievers! 00:00 no 00:00 good November, everyone.  It was fun 00:00 <@post163> gg everyone 00:01 ah, well it's past 00:00:30 now 00:01 existing games will not count of course 00:01 meh, this run is scuffed 00:01 and doesn't count anyway 00:01 ais523 give it a min, it has to run 00:01 loggers_viii: the practical limit is remembering to dot every "i" and cross every "t", such as quaffing to get to the planes, over a 200,000 turn hellgame 00:01 [US] [D]: nabru (Hea Gno Fem Neu), 996 points, 914 turns, killed by a bolt of cold 00:01 this late in the tourney, around :02 the board is fully updated 00:01 <@spider74656> Great Job all! Thanks to all the programmers and server-runners!! We couldn't do this without you! 00:02 yes thanks k2 and company, it's so much fun! 00:02 [US] haldisse (Val Hum Fem Law) had Mjollnir bestowed upon her by Tyr, on T:19051 00:02 <@HourglassMan> thanks for the tournament, was a lot of fun! 00:03 thanks, organizers! 00:03 K2: ah, OK 00:03 excited for the December dnethack tournament!! 00:03 <@post163> Thanks for the tournament! 00:03 -!- Noims has left #tnnt 00:04 anyway, time to reveal what I was secretly competing for: http://nethack4.org/pastebin/tnnt-2024-trophies.txt 00:04 maximum number of personal trophies 00:04 <@spider74656> there's a dnethack tourney?? Or is that said in jest? 00:04 junethack 00:04 why would I ever lie about such a thing :p 00:04 (yeah it's not real) 00:04 but tournaments focusing on one bigger variant would be super fun, too 00:04 december isn't a great month for a tournament 00:05 <@recuerdo> I am for real so disappointed that there's nothing to roll over to 00:05 <@recuerdo> I enjoyed beta and then TNNT 00:05 I can't wait for the evember evilhack tournament 00:05 run it in Undecimber! 00:05 i think variant tournaments might be fun if they were a week long instead of a whole month 00:05 the xevember xnethack tournament 00:05 <@cloudmillion> My favourite achievement this year was to read a fortune cookie without eating it 00:05 I mean tnnt IS a variant tournament 00:05 <@spider74656> yep, too many things going on in December & end-of-year wrap-up work for many people @ their RL work... 00:06 <@shadow_rider> a week lowkey not enough time to be winning some of these variants hothraxxa 00:06 <@spider74656> ^what Cloudmillion just said. 00:06 TNNT was slightly too short for me to do everything I wanted to do – getting the combos for the clan meant that I didn't get to try so much in terms of challenge runs 00:06 except for speedruns, because those don't take long 00:06 the problem is that tournaments require a shitton of prep and admin 00:06 I think tnnt was long enough for me and I spent a lot of time playing cards instead and now I regret it 00:07 I played in some bridge tournaments during TNNT and did very well in those too 00:07 <@spider74656> I believe I beat my last year's achievement count, but just barely. 00:07 I came second in a local tournament on Thursday 00:07 <@cloudmillion> Week isn't long enough for people to participate. For example I had my dad here for 2 weeks and couldn't play much just for that overlap 00:07 hah grats ais523 00:07 <@cloudmillion> Did I help 🤭 00:07 actually one thing I would like to see is something tournament-like that you can just play in whenever 00:07 ranked nethack 00:07 <@spider74656> Yes, Cloudmillion. Thanks! 00:08 there was deathrobin, which was a community unique deaths account that aimed to get *all* of them over the course of many years, that was fun 00:08 <@cloudmillion> Nethack speedruns are totally up for grabs 00:08 right, speedruns, multiconduct runs, personal all conducts, etc. can be done any time 00:08 and achruns can theoretically be done any time but you have to build TNNT locally 00:09 I am considering implementing a death uniquifier into NetHack itself, that uniquifies deaths a bit more strictly than TNNT does 00:09 <@cloudmillion> I like social hack as we call it. We have an open discord call and we just play nethack together 00:09 <@post163> I beat my achievement count from 2022 but died more often in the first 1000 turns. 00:09 <@spider74656> Next year I'll have a better laptop w/proper clicker buttons & a better keyboard, leading to better typing, leading to (hopefully) more achievements. 00:10 My personal goal was low score ascension, and I came in third, behind the two pacifists. 00:10 @post163: are you counting intentional first 1000 deaths there, or not? 00:10 careful about that spider, I broke both shift keys and s key on mine 00:10 <@cloudmillion> My personal goal was to ascend a new class for me, which I did 00:10 -!- charlie14690 has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 00:10 <@spider74656> b/c I'm saving for a new one now, so I'll have it b/4 Win10 end-of-service. I'm going Linux@ 00:10 <@post163> I calculated by percentage of games that lasted 1000 turns - I am a ways from ascending. 00:11 my personal goal was top 10 on as many of the leaderboards I care about as possible, also winning the "most trophies" competition, both went pretty well 00:11 my goal was to get 10 ascensions but it morphed into getting the fastest run which I failed at 00:11 <@cloudmillion> I wish I could give challenges to other people and see if they can do it 😏 00:11 cloudmillion: how does that socialhack work? one players and a bunch of coaches? 00:11 I've got a USB external keyboard because of broken keys on this old toshiba. So that's one option. 00:11 -s 00:11 my goal was to ascend and i forgot about the one week extension, thus my last-minute suicide by tossing excalibur on the medusa level :p 00:11 <@recuerdo> RIGHT, I was thinking about, like, nethack bingo 00:12 nethack bingo is real 00:12 getting achievements unspoiled was pretty fun 00:12 <@post163> I am using an old USB keyboard since my computer does not have a numberpad. 00:12 <@cloudmillion> Sometimes we just play at the same time and chat about what's happening. This time we were watching finitelycraig get the ascension and just chatting about our games 00:12 robin: unspoiled on NetHack, or unspoiled on what the achievements are, or unspoiled on the best strategy to get them? 00:12 ais523, on what the achievements were 00:12 <@spazm9000> love seeing everyone hitting their goals this tnnt 00:12 <@shadow_rider> i was hoping our clan was going to do a single robin account and everyone had to play on it 00:12 <@shadow_rider> thought that would be funny 00:13 I want to stream NetHack at some point, but I will have to write the streaming software first 00:13 I came in with no goals so I can also proudly say I achieved all goals 00:13 <@cloudmillion> Did you have a goal? Sunsword-%? 00:13 ooh! I just realised you could circumvent clan limits with account sharing 00:13 i've watched some round robin nethack. it's hilarious sometimes 00:13 play the same account on different servers 00:13 I was willing to do that but all the people who I can actually communicate with aside from you and xdminsy joined over achievers lol 00:13 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed Orcus, on T:13337 00:13 <@spazm9000> my goal was getting a full monty 00:13 and xdminsy didn't play much 00:13 hothraxxa: I participated in a robin once, and ignored everything except armor, which I curse-tested in an attempt to find the best equipment 00:13 <@spazm9000> sunsword is an every day goal 00:14 maybe it will have to be loggers/shadowrider Robin if we do that at some point 00:14 <@shadow_rider> im down 00:14 <@shadow_rider> darn overachievers 00:14 <@shadow_rider> too good 00:14 anyway, I feel like these tournaments are more fun with cooperation than competition 00:14 -!- Loggers_VIII has quit [Quit: Client closed] 00:14 I think it'd be great to arrange the best players into two clans in such a way that they can both get NetHack Dominator 00:14 what's amusing is watching someone take over from someone with a completely different approach 00:14 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) wished for "uncursed marker", on T:25347 00:14 <@cloudmillion> Policy of Splendor of Yendor is pretty much play and have fun 00:15 same for teamsplat 00:15 i think getting even one clan for nethack dominator is going to be a stretch (and i am thinking about it) 00:15 overall stats - https://tnnt.org/stats 00:15 <@spider74656> mine plan is to improve each year. I did so, but only slightly. Will do better next year! 00:15 Furey: there are enough players but getting them all to join clans in a way that makes it possible is a stretch 00:15 <@Loggers_VIII> if we do that next tnnt let’s do a practice robin ascension or two sometime before cuz I have never done one 00:16 <@shadow_rider> make the account right now 00:16 <@cloudmillion> @loggers_viii you could just join nethackathon... 00:16 <@cloudmillion> And stream it 00:16 "Ascensions 387; Games that completed Mines + Soko 568" 00:16 <@shadow_rider> id be curious to go for nethack dominator with clan but i dont think any clans ive joined have been interested 00:16 I think that really says a lot about NetHack's balance 00:16 <@post163> I only played 503 games out of 9487 non scummed games - a far cry from my 10k+ games in junethack. 00:16 ais523, I created 2 extra accounts in case someone showed up after the deadline on the 10th 00:16 <@shadow_rider> ive been mildly curious to go for it myself but i dont want to commit that that much time to it 00:17 crunchbubba6: I love hearing about these exploits 00:17 what does it say ais523? 00:17 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) polymorphed his first object, on T:13381 00:17 @shadow_rider: 73 wins is a lot, I wouldn't recommend trying to do it peraonslly 00:17 K2: that a significant proportion of games that can do Mines' End + Sokoban are won 00:17 <@Loggers_VIII> I dunno how to stream lol 00:18 I want to write some ASCII streaming software, complete with voice chat 00:18 streaming takes courage 00:18 roughly 2/3 00:18 that's what I was working on befoer TNNT 00:18 <@shadow_rider> i think if the player i am now played the amount of time i did during the covid tnnt 73 could get done 00:18 <@shadow_rider> luxi almost did that many once 00:18 everyone gets to see your gauntlets of fumble typing 00:18 lemme go pull up that luxi record 00:18 hothraxxa: they can do that anyway using hardfought's watchmode 00:18 but dominator is all conducts too 00:18 <@spider74656> Now that I know about NetHackathon, I'll do that next year too! 00:18 <@shadow_rider> yeah thats the problem 00:18 my most fun part this year was vault farming. I did it poorly, but was actually laughing 00:18 <@cloudmillion> That's called entertainment 00:19 I'm curious whether people were watching me this tournament, I used to get quite a few watchers 00:19 yes but they don't usually 00:19 i think we broke some records this year 00:19 <@spazm9000> nethackathon is a fun time 00:19 so it's 73 with some of those quite slow 00:19 will have to compare to past years 00:19 K2: most achievements in 1 clan is definitely a record 00:19 <@shadow_rider> i think the vanilla conducts would add that much time but some of the tnnt ones are a pain 00:19 more games were played on eu vs us and au (that's a first) 00:19 I think the TNNT conducts are generally easier than the vanilla ones 00:19 <@shadow_rider> *wouldn't 00:19 <@lunchbucket> ggs thanks to those that run this. Lots of fun to get back to nethack 00:19 lol, eitbo with "They're dead, Jim" 00:19 I got ingame mail, surprising the (encrypted) out of me, commenting on funny named weapon 00:19 how many of those were scummed, dunno 00:20 K2: be careful with that statistic, there was a lot of various types of scumming on EU 00:20 i know 00:20 just stating overall 00:20 [US] [D]: SludgeGunkman (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 40 points, 242 turns, killed by a falling rock 00:20 crunchbubba6: now we must know the name 00:20 I was also grinding the games>1000 statistic by playing a lot of games that did 1000 turns of waiting and then died 00:20 <@shadow_rider> ais maybe some of them are harder but hallucination is going to drive me crazy while pacifist i could scum for a wish for example 00:20 Stabbity, for a dagger that I didn't want to get lost in the mix 00:20 <@post163> Unlike in junethack I did not scum any games - if I could not die on turn 1, I played normally until I died. 00:21 I don't think of permahallu as a TNNT achievement because it first came from NH4 00:21 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) wished for "marker", on T:13400 00:21 glad having you, pots 00:21 <@shadow_rider> and a lot of the individual vanilla conducts are trivial if you optimize everything else 00:21 ah good one. i often split my daggers into 1 as stabby and the rest are tosser 00:21 <@spider74656> wowzers! we collectively played almost 1.5 years in just 1 month! 00:21 maybe next year tnnt could be on 3.7 if it's ever officially released 00:21 @post163: I thought of you when I fell off my horse on turn 1 for unique deaths 00:21 wink/nudge ais523 00:21 post163: i noticed that 00:22 K2: 3.7 needs a lot of work, I will have to be in a good frame of mind to do that work 00:22 I do want to see if I can get in the right mental state to get 3.7 ready for next year's tournament, but I can't give any guarantees 00:22 https://hardfought.org/tnnt/archives/2020/players/Luxidream.html 00:22 64 wins, quite a good distribution, just eyeballing it 00:22 I am recovering from mental health issues that left me basically unable to program 00:22 devteam needs to set some goals, figure out which ones can go into 3.7 and which could be deferred to a later version 00:22 and release 00:22 <@shadow_rider> wheres the leaderboard for total time played during the tournament 00:22 <@shadow_rider> i wanna see that 00:22 <@cloudmillion> Ehh 3.7 is perfect ❤️ 00:22 we're going on 10 yrs 00:23 +1 k2 00:23 K2: so part of the problem is that there isn't much actual NetHack play in the devteam, so all the balance testing has to be either a) community players playing 3.7 on hardfought and b) me on my own 00:23 <@cloudmillion> @spazm9000 i knew it was you without looking lol 00:23 <@Loggers_VIII> me too lmao 00:23 Just make it so that liches in castle don't insta die and release as is 00:24 <@Loggers_VIII> I don’t think 3.7 will ever be to spazm standard 00:24 <@spazm9000> when tnnt moves to 3.7 it will kill my motivation to play 00:24 hmm, explain? I'm looking forward to 3.7 in TNNT 00:25 <@Loggers_VIII> spazm haaaates 3.7 00:25 <@cloudmillion> @spazm9000 you can still hoarde holy water in 3.7 just as easily 00:25 <@post163> The only thing I really dislike about 3.7 is the saving grace - though the saving grace is that I can try to make my steed gallop without dying to the 10-19 damage of a riding acccident. 00:25 it's worth noting that before TNNT 2023, I had barely played 3.6 00:25 <@Loggers_VIII> what about the cool new sunsword invoke?? :p 00:25 <@shadow_rider> i think i agree with spazm a little bit haha 00:25 <@spazm9000> im not a fan of a lot of the 3.7 changes 00:25 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed the invisible Dispater, on T:13837 00:25 @post163: OK, that made me laugh out loud, I hadn't thought of that side effect at all 00:26 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed the invisible Baalzebub, on T:13850 00:26 maybe it should take a few turns from the start of the game to become active? 00:26 <@spazm9000> it's just more memey 00:26 <@Loggers_VIII> a camera flash on an invoke timer is very funny 00:26 <@spider74656> 1 recommendation: I use a spreadsheet for price-ID'ng etc, & leaving myself notes of where my strategy was going, when I have to save+come back later. Maybe add a low-level text-editor function one can command, & scroll through one's own notes?? 00:27 <@cloudmillion> @spider74656 there's a website for that if you want 00:27 <@Loggers_VIII> yani: give all the banes an invoke that makes them instakill the next monster of the appropriate type that you hit 00:27 you can already add comments to your config file 00:27 you can name items to leave short notes to yourself – but price-IDing is a UI mess at the moment 00:27 <@cloudmillion> @spider74656 nethackathon.org/annotate 00:27 -!- Loggers_VIII has joined #tnnt 00:27 <@spider74656> Oh, I see. I could write my strategy notes there... 00:28 <@shadow_rider> loggers: demonbane instakill demogorgon heck yeah 00:28 <@spazm9000> im not a fan of a lot of the 3.7 changes <--- i'm not a fan of some of the changes either, but I think the pluses outweigh the negatives 00:28 <@spazm9000> 3.7 does have some things i like, but just too much i also really dont like, its more like a variant now than what i think of as nethack 00:28 variants are sool though 00:28 cool 00:28 @spazm9000 a lot of people used to say the exact same thing about 3.6 (vs 3.4.3) 00:28 <@Loggers_VIII> ok amy :P 00:28 in a way I agree with that sentiment – but, that is going to be inevitable to be able to move forwards with the game 00:28 <@spazm9000> variants *are* cool 00:29 <@spazm9000> but i want nethack 00:29 <@spazm9000> i played 3.4.3 for a long time 00:29 <@cloudmillion> @spazm9000 you're cool and cool people play 3.7 😎 00:29 but I think about it more in balance terms than in "more stuff" terms 00:29 if it's nethack from the official devteam, its not a variant 00:29 ^^^ 00:29 I was not a fan of 3.6's balance when 3.6 was released, and am still not really a fan of it now 00:29 now if I can only motivate to code some more 00:29 <@spazm9000> i dont care if its the official dev team 00:29 <@cloudmillion> I just find 3.7 to be more interesting and vibrant and I love the displacement of friends ❤️ 00:29 devteam doesnt care if you care or not :) 00:30 (i'm assuming, i cant speak for devteam) 00:30 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) averted death (killed by Vlad the Impaler), on T:14204 00:30 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:14205 00:30 does 3.7 have show_weight? 00:30 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:14206 00:30 I care to some extent, but there are a lot of players out there and they generally have contradictory opinions 00:30 <@spazm9000> i dont think they even know i exist lol 00:30 don't care which version of nethack tnnt is based on. i'm here for the fun of getting a team of people to do more then one person can. 00:30 NH 1.3 tourney! 00:30 <@Loggers_VIII> the “it feels like a variant” mindset is just silly 00:30 so I know that most chagnes are likely to offend some people 00:30 <@spazm9000> i dont think they even know i exist lol ← do you have me on ignore or something? :-D 00:30 @spazm9000, ais523 is part of the devteam 00:31 <@cloudmillion> No version can please everyone, I'm kinda hating on 3.6 😏 00:31 <@spider74656> I use show_weight in Slash'EM: it's great! 00:31 so is bhaak 00:31 peacefuls just don't want to kill you. they aren't friends 00:31 <@spazm9000> ok well ais knows i exist 00:31 just saying 00:31 i dont think there are any other devteam in this channel 00:31 <@Loggers_VIII> I can bet there were people complaining about the dungeon revamp all the way back in 3.1.0 because it wasn’t what they were used to 00:31 my main complaint is that devs tend to change stuff without thinking about the implications 00:31 although, sometimes they are right about that 00:32 <@cloudmillion> I think there are hieroglyphs that were discovered where @ points to a blue floating eye with lots of hate messages 00:32 I was very opposed to the reduction in early-game gold between 3.4.3 and 3.6 – I thought it would at least need a compensating change – but it turned out to be less of a problem than I thought it would be and may even be an improvement 00:32 <@cloudmillion> And in roman times people used to hate on the lack of wine in nethack, with all the fruit. 00:32 hey @post163 you have the very last game 00:32 \o/ 00:32 potion of booze 00:32 [US] haldisse (Val Hum Fem Law) genocided mind flayer, on T:19732 00:32 the booze in the gnome king's wine cellar is explicitly wine, I think 00:32 other potions are ambiguous 00:33 <@Loggers_VIII> compared to previous versions, 3.1.0 is a nearly totally different game content-wise. does this mean you have people calling it not NetHack? no, that’s silly 00:33 <@cloudmillion> See? That's because the romans complained about the early versions. 00:33 these days, I'm more a potion of hallucination kinda person 00:33 <@Loggers_VIII> in 20 years, no one is going to be calling 3.7 a “variant”, it’s just the nature of things 00:33 <@spazm9000> i will 00:33 <@spazm9000> if im still alive lol 00:33 <@Loggers_VIII> mark your calendars lmao 00:34 <@cloudmillion> @spazm9000 and we'll enjoy the entertainment that it gives 😏 00:34 cloudmillion: the romans would have had 3.7 out in a week 00:34 oh, I consider 3.4.3 and 3.6 to be, in effect, different NetHack variants 00:34 I should watch the zen and permahallu games, but too tired right now 00:34 <@spazm9000> happy to entertain! 00:34 <@spider74656> here's another ascension achievement one might add: ascend without ever quaffing Booze or Hallucinating. (Drug-free). 00:34 <@cloudmillion> Playing nethack on stone tablets was more difficult than you'd think hothraxxa 00:34 boooring, @spider 00:34 yes i remember 00:35 I suggested that early this tourny, I think: "Straight edge" 00:35 heh 00:35 @spider74656: that seems unfun to play, it's basically about either startscumming for Grayswandir, or playing blind so that you don't get hit by black lights 00:35 I need 3.7 for the mind flayers changes. I have never(?) used magic mapping though, so maybe that could help... 00:35 <@Loggers_VIII> I don’t like it, that would be mutually exclusive with the “quaff all harmful potions” achievement 00:35 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) genocided master mind flayer, on T:14520 00:36 <@spazm9000> mindflayers arnt even scarying in 3.7 00:36 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) killed Scorpius, on T:26456 00:36 <@spazm9000> replaced by the terrifying shocking sphere lol 00:36 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:26470 00:37 one positive thing I can say about 3.7, is that I really like being able to sort discoveries listings in sortloot order 00:37 I am waiting to see how long it takes a) the community as a whole and b) the rest of the devteam to notice the changes to asc kits that are made in 3.7 as opposed to 3.6 00:37 <@spazm9000> displacing friendlies is a nice quality of life update though i will say 00:37 oh god, not you too, spazm? 00:37 nooo 00:37 <@spider74656> true, but if you price-ID Booze & keep your quiver reasonably full, it might not be impossible (though it'd probably require eliminating all foocubi as well). It'd add a family-friendly challenge for those who want to introduce their kids to the game. (no, I don't have kids. I'm just thinking of how to get more people in on the ground level of the game.) 00:37 the shocking sphere thing actually has an asc kit impact 00:37 <@stormofbeans> Without more items giving mr I don't see kits changing 00:38 peacefuls aren't your friends. they just don't want to kill you! 00:38 <@spazm9000> the scocking sphere thing just means i geno them every game 00:38 <@spazm9000> its dumb 00:38 the biggest thing i disklike (aside from the MF) is sokoban level flipping 00:38 there really is such a category as creatures that couldn't care less whether you live or die 00:38 ...and that category is PEACEFULS 00:38 <@spazm9000> ok maybe give me a 50% chance to go by them 00:38 <@spazm9000> say excuse me 00:39 <@Loggers_VIII> they’ve changed slightly, usually using blue dsm and water walking boots 00:39 @spazm9000: seriously, adapt your asc kit to have an extrinsic shock res source 00:39 <@Loggers_VIII> but not very meaningfully 00:39 you can say excuse me to peacefuls even in 3.6 00:39 using m and their direction 00:39 <@Loggers_VIII> blue dsm does protect from shock damage 00:39 <@spider74656> that works in 343, too. 00:39 <@stormofbeans> I personally don't see that better then speed boots and AoLS 00:39 not just blue dsm, you can now go without reflection if you have ring of shock 00:39 and do some other random dsm 00:39 yellow 00:39 right, the really big 3.7 change is that reflectionless has gone from "thing ais523 often does that probably isn't optimal" to actual optimal strategy 00:40 <@spazm9000> if you want more variety in asc kinds, more MR and reflection sources are needed, and roll back rodney quest art stealing changes to 3.4.3 00:40 -!- OmegaDino has joined #tnnt 00:40 if you have reflection in your late-game asc kit, and aren't a Caveman, you have probably screwed up your asc kit somehow 00:40 I had a game where I was juggling between three different builds as I went 00:40 <@stormofbeans> I agree, but I think Rodney should only steal quest artifacts that are not your own 00:41 -!- Furey has quit [Quit: Client closed] 00:41 rodney took the eye from my wizard and fucked up my never kill rodney ach 00:41 <@Loggers_VIII> it’s less a technical optimal thing and more convenience cause there’s fuck ton of lava and water in 3.7 00:41 @Loggers_VIII: reflectionless is technically optimal, I think; water-walking might or might not be 00:41 so no stealing quest artifacts 00:42 <@cloudmillion> I think 3.7 should come out so that people can have the tutorial. Lots of people want to try nethack but don't quite know how 00:42 the 3.7 asc kit has a lot more flexibility than the 3.6 asc kit, I am not sure what the ideal arrangement is and it might even differ from game to game in order to save wishes 00:42 <@Loggers_VIII> optimally I believe jumping > wwalking 00:42 I can believe that 00:42 [US] [D]: PigInZen (Mon Hum Mal Law), 2759 points, 2347 turns, killed by a priest of Huan Ti 00:42 ww for gehennom, jumping for astral 00:42 but I can also believe that wwalking is better due to knockback attacks 00:42 or what Arseniy said, right 00:42 you don't have to wear just one whole game if you have both 00:43 I feel like there's an interesting division in NetHack between "fixed-strategy" play where you know in advance how you plan the game to go, your asc kit, etc., and adapting to what happens during the game 00:44 I do both – I have fairly fixed valk strategies that work, but am also willing to adapt based on the game circumstances 00:44 I'm firmly in the latter camp cause I skip a lot of exploration and loot 00:45 part of the attraction for me is the latter camp 00:45 Arseniy: oddly, my low-resource games are further towards the former side 00:45 <@spider74656> I'm in the latter camp too, but I do full-exploration & packratting+stashbuilding. Haven't gotten to the quest often enought to really build my strategy preferences. 00:45 <@stormofbeans> What sort of flexibility do you see? When playing 3.7 I pretty much go for the same stuff I do now 00:45 if I am speedrunning I can't rely on finding basically anything useful at all, so I have to scrape together a strategy using guaranteed items 00:46 <@spazm9000> yeah my 3.7 kits are basically the same as 3.6 00:46 https://www.reddit.com/r/nethack/comments/1h3r0ee/tnnt_2024_is_over_sad_face/ 00:46 @stormofbeans: so in 3.4.3 and 3.6, reflection late-game is primarily useful for stopping item destruction attacks, as you have elemental resistances to stop the damage 00:46 TNNT is over. long live TNNT 00:47 \o/ 00:47 <@stormofbeans> Black dragons are around too though 00:47 but, 3.7 adds new mechanics to prevent item destruction, e.g. a ring of shock resistance will protect your rings and wands from lightning, *and* it also adds new item destruction sources that aren't reflectable 00:47 you can geno black dragons, or just wear a shield which gives you enough warning 00:48 actually, the most commonly problematic reflectable attack late-game is floating eye gaze :-D 00:48 <@stormofbeans> That's true but I'd rather Geno shocking spheres 00:48 <@cloudmillion> @spazm9000 50 potions of holy water, a Sunsword and what else? 00:48 <@stormofbeans> Then at least I can wear GoP 00:49 become truly enlightened, wear GoP and don't genocide shocking spheres 00:49 <@cloudmillion> The nerfing of unicorn horn has been the best 00:49 I don't like the flavour behind that change but I'm fine with the gameplay 00:49 traditionally unihorns are supposed to cure poisoning, now in 3.7 they cure everything except poisoning :-D 00:50 @cloudmillion I agree, although I like being able to reset attributes easily with 3.7 I pay a lot more attention to nutrion stats and weight. 00:50 unicorn horns were always overpowered, but it makes me a little sad for them to feel less overpowered :p 00:51 it makes paying attention to attributes actually matter which is good 00:51 <@cloudmillion> It's just too easy to reset everything with a unicorn horn 00:51 yes, that was a good balance change 00:51 so they don't make you "feel great" anymore? 00:51 <@cloudmillion> Also finally there's a use for restorw ability potion 00:51 tinklebear: nope 00:51 gives restore ability book and potion actual utility 00:51 there goes the cigarette analogy 00:51 potion of restore ability is good in 3.6 for lost levels 00:51 <@spazm9000> restore ability is already the 3rd best potion 00:52 hey so on my last TNNT game (Valk) I was deciding between twowep, and Excalibur+Shield of Refl (went with the latter) 00:52 it occurred to me that "shield bash" should be a possible skill to train 00:52 is it? just don't lose levels 00:52 it's amazing if you do the prot drain and regain trick 00:52 (and yeah, I think it's for the best that restore ability isn't useless anymore) 00:52 I made that change for 3.6 because I wanted there to be multiple plausible ways to deal with level-draining monsters 00:52 yes, I do the drain and regain trick in most games. 00:52 <@spider74656> YAII: making terrain (other than lava+air+water+ice) matter: rocky terrain stops you & you must go around it, or levitate... And mine-lifts instead of stairs (these concepts would be particularly realistic to those of us with IRL physical mobility challenges...) 00:52 possibiliy of a pushback for monsters smaller than player, possible stun at high skill 00:53 you now have the options of a) drain resistance source, b) MC3, c) just fighting them and fixing the level drain afterwards 00:53 and there may be others I haven't thought of 00:53 that is a thing in evilhack, eitbo 00:53 bu I've used all of those strategies in TNNT this year 00:53 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) averted death (killed by Yeenoghu), on T:17278 00:53 shield bash, pretty much just as you describe 00:53 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed Yeenoghu, on T:17284 00:53 ah cool!  I have not played evilhack 00:53 I think dnethack also has shield bash 00:53 oh, it is fun. recommended! 00:53 eitbo: you should, it is very fun 00:53 you don't want shields to be too good as weapons, because then there wouldn't be a reason to use weapons 00:54 at least in the offhand 00:54 yeah they're not used as weapons by any stretch of the imagination 00:54 it's just every once in a while you get a knock back or stun on a guy 00:54 there's at least one roguelike where it's usual for unarmed attackers to dual-wield shields and attack with kicks 00:54 fair.  I wasn't thinking it should be a high possibility, or that it would work on monsters larger than player 00:54 ais523: there is also a strategy "bash everything with MC1 and hope you kill them faster than they drain you" 00:54 https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/EvilHack#Shields 00:54 <@stormofbeans> It is one of the few potions I keep in the late game 00:54 Arseniy: hmm, I guess, that might be a variant on c) though 00:55 the only draining monster that you should actually have to worry about draining more than one level is vlad 00:55 you just have to kill them faster than they drain 2 levels 00:55 Loggers_VIII: my worry is more about fighting multiple level-drainers at once 00:55 well not exactly, if you mash buttons with complete abandon you do get drained if surrounded by wraiths and vampires 00:55 lead them into a corridor or use a bugle 00:56 oh right 00:56 K2 thanks, interesting 00:56 I am not sure whether I like the buffs to bugles between 3.4.3 and 3.6 00:56 wraiths are the only really dangerous ones because you can purposely keep vampires in bat/fog/wolf form 00:56 o/ 00:56 and thus only have to fight one draining vampire at once 00:56 <@spazm9000> 3.6 bugles are dumb 00:56 3.6 bugles are so funny and so so so overpowered 00:56 3.7 nerfs them a bit but they may still be dumb 00:57 they're a lot worse in 3.7 imo since they're not good for the planes 00:57 which is where they were really good 00:57 bugles would definitely be on my "3.6 things to fix for 3.7" list if not for the fact that they were nerfed already 00:58 even in 3.4.3 I would sometimes use a tooled horn on Air 00:58 that's another thing I disliked about the bugle change, they obsoleted a rare item with an interesting niche use by making a common item that was better 00:58 [AU] [E]: Phyban (Cav Hum Mal Law), 60918 points, 33379 turns, escaped 00:59 <@spazm9000> i agree completly with you about bugle vs tooled horn 00:59 <@spazm9000> bugle shouldnt do anything but play music 00:59 bugle scaring monsters makes the lategame more fun 01:00 <@cloudmillion> ... I didn't know about bugles until 2 years ago 😆😆😆 01:00 in a way it's a flavour issue that bugles can play the Castle tune 01:00 <@cloudmillion> Decades passed without ever using it hahah 01:00 I'm getting drowsy. before I drop off, I want to say I had a great time hanging out here with you all 01:00 otherwise you have no "get off me" and end up just doing way more stair dancing 01:00 IIRC in real life bugles can only play certain notes, not the entire scale 01:00 likewise tinklebear :D 01:00 same tinklebear 01:00 didn't qt make a PR for the bugle notes? 01:01 so although they're tonal they wouldn't be able to play the specific Castle tune most of the time, unless it was intended to be bugled 01:02 you're correct about tones, it's basically only a major chord in fixed key 01:02 <@Loggers_VIII> boo, if that gets accepted I have to look for a flute or a harp or some bs to cheese the castle 01:03 [US] [D]: PigInZen (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 410 points, 1616 turns, killed by a kitten 01:04 But that issue can be sidestepped by renaming them into trumpets. 01:04 <@Loggers_VIII> aha, so true and real 01:04 [US] Staengia (Sam Hum Mal Law) removed peterg's +0 unicorn horn from the swap chest, on T:10458 01:05 <@spider74656> wait, does the swap chest exist outside of the tournament?? 01:05 <@Loggers_VIII> no 01:06 the swap chest has such a significant balance impact 01:06 <@Loggers_VIII> well, it exists in tnnt for the grace period 01:06 the tnnt game still exists for a week, it's just that nothing counts for stats anymore 01:06 <@Loggers_VIII> but it’s not in variants or anything 01:06 it has taught me a lot about what the impact of an early wish in 3.6 is 01:06 <@spider74656> ah. the grace period, that makes sense. 01:06 [US] ChongLi (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) bribed Baalzebub with 3262 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:40549 01:08 between the swapchest and the devteam office branch, tnnt is slightly easier than official 3.6.7 01:08 <@cloudmillion> Swap chest is such a boon 😁 01:08 yup 01:08 [US] steveyo (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:22349 01:08 the fun factor though... fun 01:08 K2: more than slightly 01:08 I do love the really Cool T-shirt 01:08 yup 01:08 and that's ok 01:09 it just crosses my mind that that might be signficantly responsible for the "mines cleared versus ascensions" stat 01:09 <@Loggers_VIII> I think a single swap chest in evilhack votd should be real 01:09 it is a very TNNT thing to do, at least 01:09 hah no 01:09 Loggers_VIII 01:09 <@Loggers_VIII> for tortles to give everyone else all the dragonhide cloaks of MR they get 01:09 I turn bones on in TNNT more than I do outside, because bones feels like a TNNTish mechanic too 01:09 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) had Mjollnir bestowed upon him by Tyr, on T:18306 01:10 if i made a swapchest for evilhack, it'd be for players to place a cursed figurine of a monster in it, and when another player opened the chest, that monster would materialze and attack 01:10 <@Loggers_VIII> I think evilhack swap chest can work 01:10 (although I've had them off for the unique deaths play recently, per TNNT rules) 01:10 <@Loggers_VIII> maybe you have to fight the chest first and it’s really strong 01:10 <@spider74656> Luggage. 01:10 <@Loggers_VIII> idk. maybe it’s better in loggershack 01:10 <@spider74656> THE Luggage. 01:11 you already have magic chests Loggers_VIII 01:11 K2: just confirming the email address to send feedback to, it's admin@ right? 01:11 yup admin@hardfought.org 01:11 <@Loggers_VIII> yeah maybe I just need to be happy with what I’ve got :p 01:11 more of my feedback is for the vanilla devteam than for TNNT 01:11 Loggers_VIII there's also a backend server component for the swapchest to work 01:12 that would cause issues with windows binary being stand alone 01:12 or anyone wanting to play locally on any version 01:12 'hey here's this neat feature, but you cant use it, nyah' 01:13 I seem to recall a mecahnism for sharing bones files, even when playing on one's own box 01:13 been a while,though. 01:13 [US] ChongLi (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed Juiblex, on T:40862 01:13 eitbo: it's called "hearse" 01:14 it is somewhat dependent on players using it fairly, rather than sending crafted bones files 01:14 ah yep, that's it, thanks 01:14 <@spazm9000> i didnt even use a bugle in any of my ascensions in tnnt, it is too broken of an item 01:14 [US] Staengia (Sam Hum Mal Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:11907 01:14 as such I think the conventional wisdom nowadays is to recommend that people don't use it, now that the world is more security-conscious 01:14 -!- Arseniy has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 01:14 I generally carried a bugle but usually didn't abuse it 01:14 <@spazm9000> for scaring, for the castle passtune i might have used it 01:15 likewise Elbereth, I generally carried a finger to dust an Elbereth with but usually didn't use it 01:15 [US] [D]: PigInZen (Arc Hum Mal Law), 162 points, 470 turns, killed by an acid blob 01:17 [US] Staengia (Sam Hum Mal Law) found kitten, on T:12601 01:18 [US] ChongLi (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) bribed Asmodeus with 190 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:41052 01:19 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed the invisible Asmodeus, on T:18652 01:19 <@spazm9000> 3.6 Elbereth is pretty fair though 01:19 <@recuerdo> lol it's not that I don't believe you if you think different things in nethack are broken, but, considering that most of us can't ascend most of the time anyway.... haha 01:20 I'm not up to speed on bugles, what's nerfed about them? 01:20 too easy to scare monsters? 01:20 bugle is only really broken on planes 01:20 yes, 3.6.1 E is much fairer than 3.4.3 E 01:20 otherwise it's fine 01:21 (which it isn't anymore, in 3.7) 01:21 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed Juiblex, on T:18759 01:22 <@spazm9000> E was broken in 3.4.3 for sure, it is good in 3.6, too nerfed in 3.7 01:22 <@shadow_rider> bugle was mainly broken cause it could scare angels and priests for some reason 01:22 [US] steveyo (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) had Giantslayer bestowed upon her by Thoth, on T:22873 01:22 eh spazm E is not changed in 3.7 01:22 [US] Staengia (Sam Hum Mal Law) murdered his faithful kitten, on T:13352 01:22 I missed the E nerfs between 3.6.1 and 3.7 – what changed? 01:22 <@shadow_rider> tooled horn and stuff was always able to scare elementals and things 01:22 oh, apparently nothing, thanks Loggers_VIII 01:22 3.7 bugle nerf isn't directly a bugle nerf I think, but mindless monsters don't get scared by music 01:23 <@spazm9000> in 3.7 if you E and a monster has no space to move it will attack you 01:23 so practically it does nerf bugles on planes since the elementals are mindless 01:23 was that not the case already? I never use elbereth 01:24 <@spazm9000> yes it was a change in 3.7 01:24 weird 01:24 I wanna say that doesn't seem like a big difference but again I've never used it really 01:24 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:19051 01:24 <@spazm9000> its fine for like valks but for squishy role it kills them 01:24 hmm, I don't think that's a big difference either unless you are swarmed by two layers of monsters 01:24 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:19062 01:24 <@spazm9000> one werejackle summons in a hall and you are dead 01:25 werejackal in hall is a good example of two layers 01:25 <@spazm9000> thats when you need E the most 01:25 <@spazm9000> early game situation like that, you have no other escape items 01:25 [US] [D]: PigInZen (Hea Gno Mal Cha), 345 points, 1058 turns, killed by a werejackal 01:26 in 3.7 you probably do have escape items 01:26 <@cloudmillion> E has always been unreliable trash. 01:26 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) performed the invocation, on T:19133 01:27 I added a lot of escape items to the early game intentionally to give players solutions to otherwise unwinnable situations 01:27 <@spazm9000> Elbereth dont listen to her! 01:27 <@spazm9000> she doesnt mean it 01:27 @cloudmillion: definitely not in 3.4.3, if it wasn't helping you there it was because you weren't spamming it enough 01:27 <@cloudmillion> I'm not into graffiti 01:27 some players would routinely dust, like, ten dust-Es as soon as they saw a monster 01:28 E and pudding farming both traded off cheesing the game vs. boredom. 01:28 if you dusted enough dust-Es you could fight from on top of it 01:28 I definitely used to do that 01:28 oh6: right, that's how bots won 3.4.3 eventually, E spam and pudding farming 01:28 because bots don't get bored 01:28 <@spazm9000> my bot def abused E 01:29 [US] steveyo (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) made her first artifact wish - "blessed fixed +3 staff of aesculapius", on T:22995 01:29 the 3.6.1 E changes were aimed specifically at ensuring that attacking from E spam became unviable as a strategy, while leaving it mostly usable defensively 01:29 [US] steveyo (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) wished for "blessed fixed +3 staff of aesculapius", on T:22996 01:30 [US] steveyo (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) wished for "blessed +3 fixed staff of aesculapius", on T:22996 01:30 [US] steveyo (Wiz Hum Fem Neu) wished for "blessed fixed +3 staff of aesculapius", on T:23078 01:32 3.6 scare monster is pretty hilarious, although I was always a bit twitchy about using it on master kaen 01:32 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed the high priestess of Moloch, on T:19465 01:32 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) acquired the Amulet of Yendor, on T:19469 01:32 [US] PigInZen (Mon Hum Mal Neu) destroyed PigInZen's ghost, the former Candidate, on T:417 01:33 in 3.6 I generally carry a ?oSM for emergencies and usually end up not needing to use it 01:33 although there was one very spectacular emergency that justified carrying it 01:33 <@spazm9000> yeah but sometimes i am glad i have it 01:33 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) wished for "marker", on T:19476 01:34 [US] [D]: Staengia (Sam Hum Mal Law), 25192 points, 15692 turns, killed by a giant mummy 01:36 -!- tinklebear has left #tnnt 01:36 I use the ?oSM in my emergency bag when a mind flayer comes into melee range. 01:37 -!- K2 changed the topic on #tnnt to: Welcome to 'The November NetHack Tournament' :: public irc logs available at https://www.hardfought.org/tnnt/irclog :: https://tnnt.org :: TNNT 2024 has ended - https://redd.it/1h3r0ee :: TNNT 2023 shirts are still available to order! https://hardfought.org/shop 01:38 cathartes: ooh, ?oSM in emergency bag so you can tip it, I should have thought of that 01:38 <@spazm9000> yeah that is a good use for it 01:39 I thought you knew about emergency bags already. 01:39 My last TNNT game was pretty wacky, as i technically got all my must-have items from bones but it was all cursed, and my AC was way below par until i finished sokoban 01:39 the emergency bag usually isn't tipped unless you have a cursed 2-handed weapon, if the BoH gets cursed you take the item out of the emergency bag manually 01:39 cathartes: I do but am not setting them up optimally 01:39 [US] [D]: PigInZen (Mon Hum Mal Neu), 1668 points, 838 turns, killed by a gnome 01:39 often mine are as simple as one potion of holy water 01:39 I picked up the emergency bag thing from hothraxxa 01:40 emergency bag is a very long-standing NetHack strategy, it was standard even back in the 3.4.3 era (where it didn't help with two-handed weapons) 01:40 I am disappointed to come back after spending the last hours of the tournament at a family event to find that Over Achievers stole yet another leaderboard, the unique deaths, from my clan. For this I swear vengeance. 01:40 <@spazm9000> i usually dont bother with an emergency bag but it is a good strat 01:41 aosdict: we were running out of things to compete on 01:41 <@cloudmillion> Yes, "compete".... 01:41 <@cloudmillion> You mean "annhilate" 01:42 My emergency sacks have my /oCancel and 1 blessed ?oSM, usually. 01:42 why would you ever put the /oCancel in the ack 01:42 just leave it in open inventory – it is a) harder to accidentally put in the BoH that way and b) more useful for zapping monsters with 01:42 To identify it as a sack 01:42 ais523: are you saying you took your foot off the gas on that one too 01:42 so you can tip it, then uncurse the BoH 01:43 seeing how you only beat surly dinos by 4, I figure I probably could have held out if I weren't unavailable 01:43 aosdict: I stopped like 1½ hours from the end of the tournament 01:43 see, the thing is that I usually want to put "all my wands" into my BoH, more than I want to put "all my tools" into BoH. So I think my wand of cancellation is safer in the sack. 01:43 but most of the clan wasn't trying it, it was just 3 people I think 01:43 -!- jientho has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 01:44 cathartes: ah, that might be a playstyle difference, I frequently bag tools, whereas I'm very selective about bagging wands – many of them I want in open inventory 01:44 because they aren't usable as escape items if bagged 01:44 I am so paranoid form bohsplosions that I rarely carry the wand of cancel and the Boh, so I end up dropping the boh, go get the want from chest storage, cancel stuff, put the wand away, then go get the Boh again 01:45 nice typing fingers there 01:45 crunchbubba6: I have been doing that this tournament, most of the time 01:45 I do the same thing as cathartes, I'm always putting '/' into my bag and that can be very dangerous if you have a cancel wand in open inventory 01:45 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) killed Medusa, on T:30566 01:45 although monsters don't usually pick up /oCancel so often I have been leaving it on the floor rather than in a chest, that way I don't ever need to select a /oCancel from the container prompt 01:45 usually my muscle memory just puts ?!/ into my bag 01:45 <@spazm9000> i just leave cancel in my open inventory 01:45 my muscle memory for bagging is %?! and sometimes = 01:45 actually $!?/ 01:45 / takes more care 01:46 oh yes, $ too 01:46 <@cloudmillion> Who tf can ever find a bag in the game 🤬 01:46 is it intentional that gold pieces don't show up in your inventory in 3.7? 01:46 gold as an inventory object has a bit of a messy history 01:47 oh, that's weird, it's just for the perm inventory window 01:47 my mistake is usually from using the wildcard for "unknown BUC" to put stuff in the bag 01:47 having them not in perm_invent is probably a good thing, they get in the way 01:47 I like to try to keep my inventory below 1 screenful so I can see my entire inventory in perm_invent 01:47 my muscle memory looks there to see my gold count 01:47 I suppose that's a me issue 01:48 and my fingers often put stuff in the bag instead instead of the chest/locked box and vice versa 01:48 mine is to look at the status lines, because I started playing before there were non-tiles perm_invent interfaces 01:48 I well recall weird things happening with gold occasionally 01:48 gold has always been weird as an object/non-object 01:48 I'm curious, when did you start playing ais523? 01:48 in 3.4.3 with default settings, it is not an item at all while it is in player or monster inventory 01:49 Take gold out of bag to donate, typo too much, cancel, and now there are 2 gold stacks in the bag 01:49 Loggers_VIII: I'm not sure – but I found a ttyrec dated August 2008 01:49 and I must surely have been playing before I heard ttyrec exists 01:49 wow 01:50 when I started playing I think 3.7 was already in dev 01:51 so, a decade ago? 01:51 [US] ChongLi (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:42263 01:52 oh6: I think that might still happen if you try to take out more gold than you can carry from a BoH 01:52 [US] ChongLi (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:42267 01:52 lmao crunchbubba6 I forgot it's been in dev for so long 01:53 like early 2020 I believe I started 01:53 or even from a container on the ground, I guess 01:53 I was just snarking 01:53 so almost half a decade 01:53 3.7 and 3.6 were in development simultaneously for a while 01:53 <@cloudmillion> All in good time I suppose 01:53 Ais523: That's the scenario i was thinking of 01:53 3.6 still is 01:53 there is less pressure to release nowadays because 3.7 is public even without a release 01:53 nhmall made some updates to 3.6.7 earlier this month 01:54 we still have the technical capability to upload 3.6, but there isn't much reason to 01:54 ais523: take it from fiqhack, an eternal rolling dev version is not great 01:54 and, well, even with intense pressure 3.6 took a long time to release 01:54 devteam needs a project manager 01:54 i'll do it 01:54 :P 01:55 what the devteam actually needs is more mental bandwidth for doing the actual programming 01:55 i'm currently unemployed, i got all sorts of free time to crack the whip 01:55 muhahaha 01:55 <@cloudmillion> Is it not time to start developing 3.8? 01:55 there are so many changes I want to make, but can't find time that I'm actually able to concentrate for 01:56 [US] ChongLi (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) performed the invocation, on T:42293 01:56 at the start of this month I was splitting my time between programming and TNNT, but over time I couldn't face the programming any more and just did pure TNNT 01:56 ais523: I would say mentally file those under "3.8 or later version, when I have time" 01:57 well, things like steam clouds not being visible in corridors is a really bad gameplay experience 01:57 it is very confusing and buggy-looking 01:57 ais523 or even 3.7.1 01:57 or .2 01:57 ok but that can be fixed in a 3.7.1 if people complain about it and it's obviously a high priority 01:57 doesnt have to be for 3.8 01:57 -!- stagnate has quit [Quit: Client closed] 01:58 some of the gameplay changes could easily go into 3.7.1 01:58 although, I may want to create new items and you can't put those in a point release 01:58 I'm not really sure how clouds in dark areas even ought to work 01:58 if you treat your entire wishlist as things that need to be put into 3.7.0 then we will never get a 3.7.0 01:58 Just got back from a dinner party -- great month everyone! Always a super fun time! 01:58 <@spazm9000> "good" 01:58 3.7.0 at least can't be released until we are comfortable with saying "no more save-breaking changes" 01:59 and save-breaking changes are still happening quite regularly 01:59 or, well, frequently at least 01:59 That's a sensible criterion 01:59 is it intended that 3.7.0 would be save-compatible with a hypothetical 3.7.1? 01:59 but this is helpful, I should prioritise changes that can't be done without breaking the save data 01:59 cathartes: this has always been the case in the past 02:00 you can load a 3.4.0 save or bones file in 3.4.3 just fine (with one bug related to stinking cloud that wasn't retroactively fixable 02:00 ) 02:00 Even at my day job we're careful about not breaking saves 02:00 or, hear me out, you set a cutoff, release 3.7.0, people still want to make save breaking changes, so those go into 3.8.0, the pressure for 3.8.0 means it gets out in 2 years instead of 10 02:00 speed up the cycle! 02:00 aosdict: you would be disappointed with what the devteam would be able to accomplish in 2 years 02:01 it's not good for the health of the project to release only once every decade 02:01 at the moment, the only really prolific programmer we have is PatR, who primarily does bugfixes 02:01 PatR my goat 02:01 and a big volume of bugfixes is helpful *but* it isn't going to get bigger changes implemetned 02:01 or save breaking changes get pushed to 3.7.1 02:01 it doesnt have to be 'everything else save for 3.8' 02:02 perhaps if the devteam were willing to put their ideas out to the public, they would find people happy to implement them 02:02 in my mind, going from 3.7.x to 3.8 would be a major change 02:02 it would be a big break with tradition for saves to break between 3.7.0 and 3.7.1 (or 3.7.1 and 3.7.2 if we go with the "skip a version number" plan) 02:02 tell PatR to add all of the monsters on his list and see what happens to game balance 02:02 ais523 no it wouldnt 02:02 please do not tell patr that 02:02 I 02:02 you have over 100 editlevel version changes with 3.7.0 and they all save break 02:02 K2: you're talking about this as a public server maintainer who already has a plan for dealing with save breaks 02:03 nope, see last comment 02:03 but we have to deal with, like, 10 different Linux distributions 02:03 who want to be able to install NetHack and just leave it, and not break people's same games on OS upgrade 02:04 and they aren't necessarily so understanding of how NetHack works – just look at the Gentoo local root escalation for an example 02:04 (yes, installing NetHack suid root is ridiculous – fortunately we/they found another way to produce the effect they wanted without having to do that) 02:05 regardless of the details - 3.7 has been in development for almost 10 yrs. release it already 02:05 3.7.0 isn't released yet, the distro maintainers aren't packaging it and don't care what it does yet 02:06 I well remember playing 3.0 out of a rogue installation split across the disk quota of several student accounts 02:06 ais523: seriously, if I had access to the devteam's wishlists that they want to do but lack time to do, I and I suspect many others would be overjoyed to code them. a major problem with contributing new features now is that we don't know if the devteam likes them or not. to know in advance that the devteam wants something done would completely remove that problem 02:06 oh6 :) 02:07 aosdict: *I* don't know if the devteam likes them or not either, despite being on the devteam 02:07 I am going to be posting my wishlist for devteam-internal discussion in the next week or so 02:07 things that are agreed to be a good idea, I can make public so that people can submit patches if necessary 02:08 although quite a bit of it is "mechanic X needs changing but I am not sure what change would improve it" 02:08 here is something to get started on: searching mechanics 02:09 well then you have to go deeper which is the other drum I and K2 and several other people have been pounding, you all need to get together and figure out a process for getting stuff done that can't be stymied by asking feedback and getting vague or no responses 02:09 searching in NetHack at the moment is a very badly designed mechanic for unspoiled players, and not really ideal for spoiled players either 02:09 honestly, it seems like you need a more organized method of getting consensus and bringing things up to get consensus on 02:10 it's worth noting that the devteam is fairly small atm, there are lots of people technically on it, but some of them only work on devteam-internal stuff (maintaining the website and spam filter, etc.) and many of them do nothing at all 02:10 I hadn't really thought about searching as 02:10 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor (5 times), on T:23680 02:10 A mechanic, other than how it has some odd consequences for monster AI 02:11 as aosdict says if straight-up time/motivation is an issue, that's one that can be easily solved by outsourcing the implementation to the community. there are *plenty* of people skilled enough and no doubt willing to help 02:11 <@post163> I cannot believe it has been 9 years since 3.6 was first released. My introduction to the game came by reading the battle report found on martinsnyder.net sometime in early 2016. 02:11 InterHack 3 had a cyan highlight on walls that had been "sufficiently searched" 02:12 Aha, yeah, when you're done is kind of an imponderable at present 02:12 Loggers_VIII: hmm, my experience has been prolific variant devs struggling when working on vanilla just due to the extra scale of the issues presented 02:12 I joined the devteam planning to work on the interface, but UI changes are so hard to make in vanilla because there are so many supported configurations 02:12 ooh, ais523 02:13 most variants don't bother making more than tty work, and perhaps one tiles interface 02:13 [US] ChongLi (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) murdered his faithful fire ant, on T:42706 02:13 [US] ChongLi (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed the high priest of Moloch, on T:42706 02:13 so I've mostly been working on trying to fix the game balance instead 02:13 brb 02:13 eh, struggling to get something done is better than not getting anything done 02:13 [US] ChongLi (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) acquired the Amulet of Yendor, on T:42709 02:14 ais523: in my experience open source projects that are community run, where some community members no longer do anything on the project but are kept around because they helped found it or whatnot, listen to feedback from those members but don't give them a veto. no contributions = we don't need your approval 02:14 but anyway, since around 2020 I have hardly done any programming at all, NetHack-related or otherwise – I even had to quit my job 02:14 aosdict: oh, we aren't giving them a veto (I think they might technically have one but don't try to use it), it's just the scale of the project that's the problem 02:14 <@cloudmillion> Sorry to hear that ais, I hope it gets better for you 02:15 it is gradually getting better 02:15 but it's why my productivity on the DevTeam has dropped 02:15 I spent several months writing just one FizzBuzz program 02:15 (which, admittedly, made the front page of Hacker News three times once it was released, but I only thought it would take a week or so) 02:16 [US] bleeko (Arc Hum Mal Law) removed spazm's uncursed bag of holding from the swap chest, on T:13396 02:16 I think I may have a lot of imposter syndrome not related to my programming skill, but my programming speed, I feel like I should be able to program ten times as quickly as I actually am 02:16 <@cloudmillion> But taking care of yourself is very important ais, regardless of how many projects wait. 02:17 I know 02:17 my family has been supportive 02:17 Loggers_VIII: though one thing to watch out for with a "devteam hands ideas to the community" model is if the idea is vague. the example above, "searching mechanic doesn't really work", a potential PR fixing that could go a dozen different, possibly radical, ways 02:18 I guess, though, I also felt like "why am I taking 8 hours to ascend NetHack, I should be able to do it in under 5" and hten I did 02:19 of course, it's best used for changes where the devteam knows exactly what they want changed and they just don't have the time or motivation or whatever to do it 02:19 we have already largely delegated playtesting 3.7 to the community, and this a) is helpful but b) isn't as helpful as we were hoping for 02:19 -!- Kontroller has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 02:19 <@recuerdo> this is maybe a stupid question, but are there things that would make it more helpful? 02:19 <@cloudmillion> c) casual players like me are happy let's gooo 02:19 write shittier code :D 02:19 sorry to hear that ais523, imposter syndrome is horrible 02:20 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) wished for "marker", on T:23975 02:20 I think part of the problem is that it can be hard to get a sense about how people feel about, e.g., the balance of item destruction changes because different people have very different opinions and you have no idea how good or bad the sample of opinions you're seeing is 02:20 <@cloudmillion> I do think that most of the things are prepared for the more advanced players though when really most nethack players try to get to the quest (I think?) 02:21 it's actually the other way round, NetHack's early game is the only part where most of the mechanics function correctly 02:21 <@cloudmillion> You're getting the niche feedback of players with multiple ascensions when there are lots of early game struggles that are completely unaware of conducts etc 02:21 in fact I am curious whether none of the original playtesters got past it, and thus didn't see how broken the rest of it is :-D 02:22 I care a lot about the unspoiled player experience, although it is sometimes hard to get good feedback about what it is like 02:22 there are things that I can reason out are bad for unspoiled players, e.g. priest donation mechanics 02:22 <@cloudmillion> As a mid player, I think 3.7 endgame got considerably more difficult but also less grindy 02:22 one of the things blocking 3.7's release is making sure that new mechanics that are critical for balance (and old mechanics that are critical for balance, for that matter) are reasonably discoverable by unspoiled players 02:22 <@cloudmillion> I think I got screwed by a wall of water for example 02:23 I think that you can usually tell how biased the views of people are when it comes to gameplay mechanics if you listen enough, and then you can reach more of a balanced middle ground 02:23 but that's kinda annoying to do 02:23 <@cloudmillion> As a mid player, I think 3.7 endgame got considerably more difficult but also less grindy ← if this is true this is encouraging news, given that 3.4.3's and 3.6's are generally considered too easy and too grindy 02:23 3.7's lategame is no longer too easy, I would say 02:23 <@cloudmillion> But if you want community feedback, we could do a systematic effort to ascend and try all kinds of things to find the broken stuff that actually matters 02:23 but it could stand to be a little more interesting 02:24 Hrm, I've periodically worried about getting thrown into a wall of lava... 02:24 Loggers_VIII: so one thing a dev can do is, say, hang out in a tournament channel for a month, and join a clan of top players who are able to find broken strategies 02:24 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) wished for "blessed greased fixed +2 speed boots", on T:31173 02:24 ais523: hmm good idea, I wonder why no one's tried that :P 02:24 all you need to know is that all my opinions are the best ones 02:24 everything I suggest should be added to 3.7 exactly as I describe 02:25 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) entered the Planes, on T:24042 02:25 oh6: I've ended up in lava much more often than I'd expect during 3.7 playtesting, and it has been less problematic than I expected too 02:25 really I need to make a variant, but I'm the worst programmer of all time 02:25 [US] bleeko (Arc Hum Mal Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:13639 02:25 Loggers_VIII: I wouldn't say that, being the worst programmer of all time takes serious effort 02:25 <@cloudmillion> I just enjoy nethack and try to get more people to play it 02:26 I used to teach programming, some of the students were very good, some not so much 02:26 hmm true I'd actually say there's thousands of people around the world exactly as mediocre at programming as I am 02:26 I think there was a discworld bit about an architect whose designs were so terrible it looped around into being incredibly impressive 02:26 I am inattentive enough that I've failed to notice I'm sinking into lava until DYWYPI 02:27 the bad students took up most of the effort, but the good students occasionally caused trouble by finding correct answers to exam questions that weren't anticipated by the exam paper 02:27 (I am still not quite sure how that was resolved, but it wasn't up to me) 02:28 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) entered Gehennom, on T:31448 02:28 [US] [D]: PigInZen (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 156 points, 1886 turns, killed by a gecko 02:29 <@spider74656> Isn't that essentially Kirk's answer to the Kobayashi Maru? Coming up w/a new+unexpected solution that later becomes another acceptable correct answer? 02:30 sometimes I wonder whether it is possible to "design" new strategies in NetHack or whether it's just a case of trying to come up with the best possible combination of existing strategies 02:30 cheeses like "get crowned very early" are clearly in the strategy space, but players can easily underestimate how powerful they can be, and devs probably aren't thinking about it when implementing a mechanic like crowning 02:30 it's not static anymore 02:31 stuff like knockback from monsters definitely allows for a lot of room for new designs 02:31 <@cloudmillion> Well lexi thought I was throwing my game when I went into an unescapable square and trusted that a gnomish wizard will not kill me and will act as a meatshield 02:31 <@cloudmillion> I haven't seen that strat before 02:31 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed Famine, on T:24457 02:31 nowadays when changing/adding mechanics I have to start thinking like a nomic player rather than a dev – "OK, so how will players break this, and is it funny and non-tedious enough to leave in the game?" 02:32 -!- Kontroller has joined #tnnt 02:33 e.g. the whole priest donation stuff is broken at the moment due to a) the visible gold thing and b) intentionally levelling down to get free protection 02:33 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed Death, on T:24533 02:33 our clan found two entirely different consistent ways to cheese the Vlad fight 02:34 with some debate about which was easier :-D 02:34 this is random. am I crazy for thinking monster spellcasting and trap effects should be altered to make magic resistance only slightly more important than reflection? 02:34 ais523: elaborate 02:34 Loggers_VIII: no, "rebalance MR" is one of the first items on my todo list 02:34 ais523: you're talking about acid blobs vs nymph? I thought nymph was already known. 02:34 I don't really think you need to cheese Vlad you can just hit him until he dies 02:35 cathartes: yes, the nymph method is kind-of obvious but what is not obvious is that it is easier than fighting him normally 02:35 [EU] aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed the invisible Pestilence, on T:24587 02:35 Nymph method? 02:35 (partly because fighting him normally is easy) 02:35 what were those, ais523? 02:35 nymph method: polyself into nymph and steal candelabrum 02:35 [EU] [A]: aoei (Val Dwa Mal Law), 2001660 points, 24614 turns, ascended (and one other game not reported) 02:35 https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/a/aoei/tnnt/dumplog/1733005888.tnnt.html 02:36 option a) controlled polyself into nymph, steal the candelabrum while hitting Vlad, levport out when he runs to the stairs; option b) entirely fill the middle level of Vlad's with acid blobs 02:36 acid blobs: fill up tower2 with acid blobs and take Vlad there, he'll drop the Candelabrum 02:36 that took way too logn 02:36 when you go back downstairs in option 2), Vlad will be gone and the Candelabrum will just be lying on the ground 02:36 huh 02:36 Congrats aoei 02:36 crunchbubba6: I was in your clan last year, that's how I did it then. 02:36 GG aoei 02:37 these options are helpful if your character is too weak to chase Vlad through several levels or to kill him in-place 02:38 ty 02:38 I think you can just hit Vlad until he dies instead usually 02:38 (the acid blobs are still there, though, so I wouldn't recommend that method if playing neutral; a cramped level that's full of a mix of peaceful and hostile acid blobs is not a fun time) 02:38 grats aoei! 02:38 I just scroll of earth, and smack him. sometimes wield potion of paralysis. sometimes find a decent silver weapon. but my checklist has several lines, all from history. Check the time! no magicbane!  etc 02:38 that run was so scuffed lol 02:38 Loggers_VIII: he runs if you do that 02:38 and takes the Candelabrum with him 02:39 uh stand on the stairs? 02:39 Why does vlad drop the candelabrum if the level is full? 02:39 oh6: my guess is that the game despawns Vlad but that triggers a failsafe to preven the invocation items being lost 02:39 because of some obscure code path that causes monsters to drop special objects if they go into limbo 02:39 it doesn't work in 3.7 though, because the relevant code changed 02:40 every Vlad kill I've done this tourney goes like 02:40 attack vlad 02:40 wait on the square next to the ladder until he moves off the ladder 02:40 move onto the ladder and kill him 02:40 <@spazm9000> i dont even want to tell you guys how many time i had to go back and get the bell after leaving it next to the arena 02:40 I was wondering about "the devteam thinks of everything" today, as I was trying to vault farm. one vault  level I had completely dug out, and I was wondering what would happen if I let the guard walk be back to ... somewhere 02:40 -!- Tangles has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 02:40 Loggers_VIII: this run I actually lifesaved doing that 02:40 Loggers_VIII: sometimes he runs downstairs even when you aren't near the ladder 02:40 if you try it in 3.7, Vlad will be gone, and the Candelabrum won't be there. You'll have to kill a blob, come back, and kill Vlad. 02:40 the level was completely clearer 02:40 cleared 02:40 ais523 just don't hurt him enough for him to run 02:41 aoei: well you probably had some silly speedrun character stats 02:41 -!- Stumpfenstiel has quit [Quit: http://quassel-irc.org - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.] 02:41 perhaps 02:41 crunchbubba6: my guess is that the guard repairs the vault then leaves, but I actually don't know 02:41 I still can't believe I didn't just #quit that run 02:41 that was so annoying to finish 02:41 maybe i shoulda just wished for mapping scrolls 02:41 I had enough wishes in the end lol 02:41 aoei: I think finishing screwed-up runs has given me a lot of practice that became useful for boosting my asc rate 02:41 ascended with ridiculous AC 02:42 better player than me cuz I woulda just quit once the tourney ended lol 02:42 ais523: yeah but I've already ascended a hundred times 02:42 Loggers_VIII: I was this close. 02:42 right – it's not about the ascension, it's about the practice 02:42 tru 02:42 My usual approach to vlad is absurdly laborious 02:42 idk how much the practice was useful when i just like ended up kitting myself out to 11 tho 02:42 sometimes if I'm feeling fancy I read a scroll of earth on the top Vlad level 02:42 asc run and planes were trivial 02:42 really makes me feel like a tactical genius 02:43 aoei: do you consider -27 ridiculously good or ridiculously bad? I actually can't tell 02:43 ais523: -27 is *plenty* 02:43 it is 02:43 it's ridiculously overprepared 02:43 it is worse AC than normal for an ascension though 02:43 because overpreparation is normal 02:44 https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/a/aoei/tnnt/dumplog/1732304344.tnnt.html TC run i have -16 AC as well but like 02:44 base AC of an mmf is what, 0? 02:44 I ascended with -50 AC one game, because I created all that good armor for an achievement and may as well wear it 02:44 https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/a/aoei/tnnt/dumplog/1732742021.tnnt.html -10, pretty comfortable 02:44 ais523: I've ascended with 5 AC in minotaur form fwiw 02:44 speedrunners are crazy 02:45 my realtime speedrun was AC:-20 02:45 if I don't have -15 AC at least by the castle I'm cooked 02:45 by the votd I should say 02:45 plus an extra 100 AC from dancing 02:45 HP 02:45 well, castle AC is pretty important, you need enough AC to get to the wand of wishing 02:46 I like to smash everyone in the bridge usually 02:46 when I can't do that I'm sad 02:46 if you have enough AC to survive the castle, wishing for 1-2 asc kit pieces (one of which could be a marker for ?oEA) will give you enough AC to easily win te game 02:46 Loggers_VIII: that doesn't help with the maze outside the castle 02:46 I used to diligently bridge d 02:46 which can occasionally be very dangerous, especially in 3.6 compared to 3.7 02:47 -!- Tangles has joined #tnnt 02:47 -!- mode/#tnnt [+o Tangles] by ChanServ 02:47 malor wtf, buncha these uwtf malor loads of my dumplog links on nethackscoreboard.org are broken 02:47 well if you can't deal with one minotaur get yo sorry ass outta the castle 02:47 i wanted to find the game where I ascended as Aoei the Minotaur with 5 AC 02:47 lol 02:47 Smash but the thougt of all that loot getting destroyed got to be too much for me 02:47 Loggers_VIII: what about a minotaur and an arch-lich and a black dragon (without reflection)? 02:47 arch lich isn't really in 3.7 02:48 black dragon? just walk next to it smh 02:48 s/really/real 02:48 Loggers_VIII: what about a black dragon which is at the end of the corridor you're in but you're not sure *which* end 02:48 ok then get disintegrated and insert coin to continue idfk 02:48 I won that situation by dodging two disint beams and leaving the level, but unfortunately I forgot Medusa was up there and still alive 02:48 minotaurs have 0 MR which makes them vulnerable to all manner of shenanigans 02:49 the Castle maze was too much of a distraction 02:49 don't melee them 02:49 put them to sleep or polymorph them 02:49 or tame them 02:49 you have so many options 02:49 aoei: right, you can just put the minotaur to sleep while you deal with everything else 02:49 still takes a turn though 02:49 mm 02:50 i mean if you rock up to castle without any magics, and with positive AC, and run into a minotaur in the maze 02:50 RIP 02:50 my AC was negative that game 02:50 which game 02:50 the game with the minotaur and arch-lich and black dragon in the Castle mage, after I got shafted from Medusa'a 02:50 * Medusa's 02:50 when I didn't have reflection 02:50 [US] Grouchy (Sam Hum Mal Law) killed Juiblex, on T:38467 02:51 I ended up dying to Medusa, the combat situation in the castle used all my focus to survive and I forgot she was still up there 02:51 I had so many runs on the last day when I got to Castle in excellent pace and then just got owned by minotaurs and/or purple L because I had no kit lol 02:51 yes, this is common on speedruns I think 02:51 speedrunning is silly 02:51 black dragons being harmless with reflection is sort of mean because when I don't have reflection I forget they are scary 02:51 lmao loggers 02:52 Loggers_VIII: a junk shield is helpful in that situation – you get a turn of warning 02:52 speedrunning IS silly. I played like such shit today I had wanted to get 2 ascensions 02:52 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) killed Yeenoghu, on T:32859 02:52 I used polymorph on a monster for the first time in forever in my last TNNT game 02:52 [US] ChongLi (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) entered the Planes, on T:44477 02:52 oh6: oh, it's my standard solution to the native elementals on Air 02:53 if I get engulfed, just polymorph them 02:53 Heh 02:53 normally I have a lot of spare polymorph charges because I don't usually polypile 02:54 oddly, one of my polypileless breaks this tournament happened when I was polymorphing a monster that was killing me in Sokoban, and hit an item in the same blast by mistake 02:54 you poly them from inside? 02:54 it turned into a lich, this was an improvement 02:54 crunchbubba6: yes 02:54 heh 02:54 if I am outside I use a wand of slow instead 02:54 I should take notes 02:54 In my game I was all set to after an orange dragon with my stack of poison arrows and remembered just in time that i didn't have sleep resistance or reflection 02:55 the trick is that there is a special case for using a wand of slow inside an air elemental, that lets you escape, but this hardly helps – slowing them before they reach you really does help though 02:55 I find missing sleep resistance is the resistance that most often catches me out 02:55 the others I'm normally more aware of 02:55 I was literally laughing at vault farming today, partly because I screwed up (forgot to bring my pick-axe to get out) but luckily I had rinds of teleportation and teleport control. and I guessed that I could do sop at will 02:55 (although I almost accidentally started exploring Gehennom without cold resistance once) 02:55 rings 02:55 <@habib0338> Gotta say I really like the "bones bot" they had playing all month, was nice to frequently get a pretty decent pile of loot 02:56 was the bones bot a particular player? or just the combined results of lots of players dying? 02:56 Loggers_VIII: fwiw i also played like complete shit 02:56 err, lots of characters controlled by different playeres dying 02:56 <@habib0338> post163 02:56 bones bot? 02:57 post played a lot of longer games this time 02:57 actual bots left by bones are normally considered bad for servers 02:57 although a bot was responsible for the best bones story I'm aware of 02:57 spoonerism detected! or is it. 02:57 <@habib0338> you got me @aleister_crowley 🙂 But they are prolific in their bones 🙂 02:58 the bot had somehow managed to become locked in a delicatessen, and by eating the entire delicatessen, then using nutrition prayers, it had survived for a huge length of time while the rest of the level gradually became full of monsters 02:58 and then someone found the boens 02:58 ais523: lmao 02:58 (it wasn't me, so I heard this second-hand) 02:58 habib: why are you pinging me tho i dun geddit 02:59 I did this, once.  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o0P5yHpHVGAlyM7DrqwBSoPcYbG9Yshx/view?usp=sharing 02:59 crunchbubba6: I'm impressed that you were able to sense all those monsters 02:59 <@habib0338> I thought your spoonerism comment was directed at me. Maybe I don't know what that is. 02:59 it was not! 02:59 detect monster spell? 03:00 yes 03:00 aoei: oh, you were thinking of alliteration, not spoonerism 03:00 "actual bots left by a bones" is actually not a spoonerism, but it's a similar thing at a different level of abstraction 03:00 ah no 03:00 or wait 03:00 maybe it IS a spoonerism 03:00 this is just me being tired, I didn't notice the mistake until you quoted it 03:00 aoei: it wasn't a good day for speedrunning, I guess :p 03:00 I translated that to "actual bones left by a bot" 03:00 spoonerisms just swap the first letters, not the entire words 03:00 it's either a spoonerism or it's somethign similar 03:00 ais523: RIGHT 03:01 surely there is some celestial phenomena I can find to blame 03:01 [US] Grouchy (Sam Hum Mal Law) killed Asmodeus, on T:38972 03:01 so it's like a spoonerism but it's not 03:01 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) killed Juiblex, on T:33119 03:01 i was right the first time 03:01 it's like a spoonerism, kniferism and forkerism all in one 03:01 XD 03:01 [US] Grouchy (Sam Hum Mal Law) bribed Baalzebub with 185 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:38996 03:01 If I ever manage to finish a game in even one day I will be thrilled 03:01 Speedrunners bewilder me 03:01 oh6: I recently ascended twice in a single day 03:01 [US] [D]: PigInZen (Cav Gno Fem Neu), 392 points, 2013 turns, killed by a gecko, while fainted from lack of food 03:02 oh6: I find too many things tend to go wrong when leaving a game saved, so I prefer to complete a game in one session if possible 03:02 speedrunning is fun 03:02 yup that's a thing too 03:02 that said, historically I have usually survived leaving games saved, although I have a policy of not saving when oversatiated 03:02 there's a lot of short to mid term memory context that evaporates whne i save a game 03:03 (actually, this tournament, if I became oversatiated that would often cause me to wish up and wear LS if I didn't have it already) 03:03 a successful speedrun gives me a similar feeling as when someone tries to punch you in the face and you weave by a hair and follow up quickly 03:03 Loggers_VIII: does that happen often? (people trying to punch you, not speedrunning) 03:03 LOL 03:03 ais523: maybe they are into boxing? 03:03 idk 03:03 sry Loggers_VIII pls elaborate on pronouns 03:03 [US] Grouchy (Sam Hum Mal Law) killed Geryon, on T:39136 03:03 I do a lot of martial arts stuff lol 03:04 nice 03:04 ais523: he/him am man 03:04 oh right, that would be a circumstance in which you got punched a lot legitimately 03:04 k thx 03:04 I pinged the wrong person 03:04 ais523: he gets punched on the regs 03:04 Loggers_VIII: what kinda martial arts 03:05 NetHack channels are some of the few places where I've eventually had to ask people's pronouns because it had become too annoying avoiding pronouns until I found out 03:05 [US] [D]: PigInZen (Kni Hum Fem Law), 57 points, 275 turns, killed by a riding accident 03:05 although, generally only if I talk to them alot 03:05 ais523: my pronouns btw are she/her what are yours? 03:05 I have been doing taekwondo for a very long time and recently have been messing with boxing 03:05 Loggers_VIII: neat 03:05 krav maga as well in there 03:05 aoei: I generally try to keep my gender hidden online, although it's probably known by this point 03:05 and a little jiu jitsu or however you spell it 03:06 ais523: it's hidden enough that I don't know! 03:06 and if you would like to keep it that way, fair enough 03:06 I normally use "they" to refer to myself when I /ctcp action 03:06 for that reason 03:06 I did that for a while but people started to think I was nonbinary 03:07 I used to contort my sentence structure to avoid gendering myself but eventually decided it was silly 03:07 but I've been online for a long time, and historically a lot of online communities were somewhat unwelcoming to people who they thought were female (this is not as large a problem nowadays but is still a problem to some extent) 03:08 people thinking you're female nowadays usually results in weird dms 03:08 and pressuring people to reveal gender seems wrong in that context – women should have the option avialable of flying under the radar in order to avoid being treated weirdly 03:08 I'm sure it always did, but the hostility is less prominent 03:09 I prefer it to be known than to fly under the radar but maybe im weird 03:09 the online NetHack communities are fairly non-sexist partially because most of the people being outright sexist got banned or otherwise driven out a couple of decades ago 03:10 it's funny in a not funny way that catcalling managed to find an online equivalent almost instantly 03:11 luckily the historical ops/moderators were very good at clamping down on that stuff 03:11 I think to play nethack you almost are required to be a kind of nerd that is opposed to bigotry 03:11 -!- OmegaDino has left #tnnt 03:11 <[> if I don't have -15 AC at least by the castle I'm cooked 03:11 <@recuerdo> that 03:11 <@recuerdo> 's interesting history, ty 03:12 <[> I did the castle yesterday with -7 AC and 124 HP, then died in minetown to the priest who I accidentally magic missiled 03:12 has there historically been problems in the nethack community with sexism, etc? 03:12 not for a very long time 03:12 I do remember summoning an op to ban someone for blatant sexism in #nethack, but that was a very long time ago now 03:13 (especially because if it happened nowadays I would be able to ban them myself) 03:13 [: I remember seeing that, was the the run where you got your bag lava'd? 03:13 <[> yes 03:13 I remember gnollhack had a feature where female characters had a lower max strength or something but I think that got removed 03:13 I assume in the early days of NetHack it may have been a problem, just because it was a problem for the entire online community back then 03:14 [: while we're still vaguely on the topic, what are your preferred pronouns lol 03:14 ais523: yeah I thought the same thing 03:15 [US] Grouchy (Sam Hum Mal Law) killed Orcus, on T:39651 03:15 <@cloudmillion> As a streamer woman, the nethack community has been the most respectful there is 03:16 glad to hear. <3 03:17 the community nowadays is definitely among the most respectful of any in the gaming sphere when it comes to gender and stuff 03:17 as a woman i have only ever streamed nethack so idk how other stuff compares, who is worse cloud, tell us 03:17 <@cloudmillion> Well in other communities you get comments about looks like "i can't believe a girl like you knows how to play nethack" 03:18 <@cloudmillion> The nethack community has never commented anything about how I look 03:18 <@recuerdo> ew that's so gross 03:18 lots of girls know how to play nethack actually? 03:18 gamers love to be condescending 03:18 <@cloudmillion> Lol that ia extremely mild 03:18 [US] ChongLi (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor (5 times), on T:44929 03:18 <@cloudmillion> Not pretty little things like me ;D 03:19 lol. 03:19 <@recuerdo> I was really worried coming in but my experience has been that you have to be kind of a freak to play nethack to begin with 03:19 <@cloudmillion> HAHAHAHAHA 03:19 <@recuerdo> so people are generally pretty respectful 03:19 I think something that helps this is NetHack's playerbase not being largely teenagers (unlike most reasonably popular games) 03:19 <@cloudmillion> I'll keep that in mind for the next time someone asks 😆😆😆 03:20 <@cloudmillion> "Nethack players are freaks to begin with.." 😆😆🙈 03:21 I can honestly not really say what came first in my case, being a freak, or playing NetHack to begin with... 03:21 <@cloudmillion> In all seriousness I get so much shit for looking the way I do, aoei, that nethack is almost a respite 03:21 but you look fine?! 03:21 certainly to commit to playing nethack for very long is impossible without some level of freakery 03:21 you look like a normal person? 03:21 <@cloudmillion> Aoei, I don't look fine. I am pretty. It comes with a lot of hate. 03:22 but why are they hating on you for that, wtf 03:23 <@spider74656> as a >50 y.o. she/her sci-fi+fantasy fan, I must concur: this is the most respectful primarily-online bunch I've seen. 03:23 <@cloudmillion> Two main reasons: they think that I get everything just because of my looks and are bitter, or, are not confident and need to take me down a notch so that I'm not that great 03:23 oic 03:23 -!- Loggers_VIII96 has joined #tnnt 03:23 <@cloudmillion> @spider74656 yeah I wish everyone was like nethackers sometimes 03:24 now would be a great time to make a self deprecating joke about not being pretty but I'm not sure if I'm tactless enough to throw it out there 03:24 <@cloudmillion> I feel like nethack community doesn't care what I look like and it's nice. And the only place in my life where I have that. 03:24 <@habib0338> Cloud you do have a pretty awesome fanbase though... 03:24 -!- Loggers_VIII has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Loggers_VIII96))] 03:24 [US] Grouchy (Sam Hum Mal Law) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:40374 03:24 -!- Loggers_VIII96 is now known as Loggers_VIII 03:24 [US] Grouchy (Sam Hum Mal Law) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:40375 03:25 Yea, typical gamers are young and fundamentally insecure. Most of us are old curmudgeons, and if you show some skill with this brutal malicious game, that's all we need to know. 03:25 <@cloudmillion> I know @habib0338 my community is honestly great. Including you 03:25 nethack is decidedly an old curmudgeon game :P 03:25 there are exceptions. I for example am a very young curmudgeon 03:26 nice try Loggers_VIII96, give us back the real Loggers_VIII 03:26 curmudgeon is not about age, it is attitude 🙂 03:26 he's already been assimilated 03:26 (not sure why I'm playing at confusing the people on discord) 03:26 Bleeko: lol 03:28 <@recuerdo> lol genuinely I started playing nethack bc I am NOT good at video games, and I wanted to enjoy them but I felt really unwelcome as a woman (well, sort of - nonbinary lesbian) who sucks at them. so it was sort of like OK, well, I guess I'm going to try the weird game that normal gamers are scared of because it's so hard 03:28 lol recuerdo fair play 03:29 an interesting comparison for those of you on discord, since it's not just a nethack discord, would be: is the community any less respectful for other roguelikes and roguelites? 03:29 [US] ChongLi (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed Pestilence, on T:45059 03:29 I started playing nethack because I had vague memories of my older brother letting me play it on his phone when I was really little 03:29 <@recuerdo> I like roguelikes because I feel like if you haven't died yet, you're doing OK, and if you have died, it's fine, just roll up a new character 03:29 -!- crunchbubba6 has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 03:29 i.e. is nethack something special, or is it the genre 03:29 <@recuerdo> awwwww loggers that's so cute ❤️ 03:30 it wouldn't surprise me if traditional ASCII roguelikes were different from roguelites in that respect 03:30 it's interesting to play a game older than you are :p 03:30 <@cloudmillion> @aosdict4406 idk but Noita and Spelunky communities are definitely more "blokey" but still respectful ... still nethackers are in a league of their own to me 03:30 <[> Loggers_VIII: they/them 03:30 aosdict: roguelike players and roguelite players can be kind of shitasses ngl 03:31 <@spider74656> one needs a certain level of sheer cussedness to make it through to the quest; those who go through life on instant gratification won't hang in there long enough. 03:31 nethack community is also a space where i transitioned genders and as far as online communities go that are not explicitly queer i've found the nethack community to be very accepting of such things 03:31 now I am reminded of that player who ascended their first game (but with pretty much the entire NetHack community helping them with advice and spoilers) 03:31 <@recuerdo> @aos I'd love to be able to answer that but I don't talk to THOSE PEOPLE 😉 03:31 I think, at least, my mind might have made that up 03:31 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) removed stagnate's uncursed +0 pair of levitation boots from the swap chest, on T:33902 03:32 ais523: not the episode where someone went to #nethack saying "help i am on plane of air with no lev what do" and the great mass mail adventure happened? 03:32 [: thanks. sorry, I've been using he/him since like years ago in #evilhack we brought it up and I guess that's what you were using at the time 03:32 aosdict: no 03:33 <@cloudmillion> @subwayfares why did you feel unwelcome in gaming? I mean, is it really not open to anyone and everyone? Honestly asking, because I haven't seen things that would keep people away 03:33 that was a different event 03:33 honestly I don't really trust rougelikes but i will say FTL was quite fun 03:33 <@Eternal Guardian> It's spelled *rogue*like. 03:33 <@cloudmillion> Great mass mail adventure 😆😆😆 03:33 sorry rougelites* 03:33 huh, no eternal guardian trigger there 03:33 aoei: FTL is closer to being a traditional roguelike than many people realise 03:33 roguelite communities are a mixed bag 03:34 ais523: FTL is a great fuckin game 03:34 some time I have been meaning to write about "balance points" in roguelikes and related genres 03:34 aosdict: yeah it doesn't trigger on rougelite 03:34 <[> I can't tell if people intentionally say rougelike to trigger the bot 03:34 <@Eternal Guardian> It's spelled *rogue*like. 03:34 and i intended it not to trigger but scuffed writing "rougelite" 03:34 [: i sometimes say it intentionally to trigger the bot but in this case it was an accident! 03:34 the idea being, if your game is near a balance point, you can normally make it more balanced by moving it towards the balance point, but there is more than one balance point 03:34 i meant to write rougelite 03:34 it's different from traditional roguelikes. traditional roguelikes are similar enough in level of obtuseness and gameplay mechanics that their communities are usually pretty similar, but roguelites are all over the playes 03:34 [: lot of people do it intentionally, although I think some of them are accidental 03:34 <@spazm9000> rougelike 03:34 <@Eternal Guardian> It's spelled *rogue*like. 03:35 [: some people do it intentionally but it's common enough as a genuine typo that the bot was created 03:35 <@recuerdo> @cloudmillion a lot of it was in my head or was about IRL experiences - I spent a lot of time, like, sitting and watching boys play video games when I was growing up, and then when I started to play games I was just really self-conscious about it 03:35 catching up on backscroll... yeah the nethack community is really good. when hardfought started, i hosted first person shooters. between the cheaters and assholes, it was a constant struggle 03:35 still miffed at when luxidream discovered you could name your nh4 character rougelike and then the end of game would trigger it 03:35 <@Eternal Guardian> It's spelled *rogue*like. 03:35 in fact it has become a sort of unofficial !ping equivalent in some chnanels 03:35 i dont miss that part of it 03:35 ais523: hah for real? 03:35 aosdict: LOL 03:36 aoei: you haven't noticed anyone in #hardfought yelling it when rld is suspected to be down? 03:36 aosdict: I hadn't noticed, no 03:36 [US] ChongLi (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed Famine, on T:45155 03:36 FPS communities are probably the worst in gaming 03:36 <@cloudmillion> @subwayfares oh, well, hopefully you're ok with gaming now. Lots of entertainment to be had out there 03:36 Loggers_VIII: you may well be right on that 03:37 MMO communities can be really toxic sometimes but they can also be really non-toxic sometimes, it is a weird mix 03:37 online FPSs specifically 03:37 I don't even know what to think about MMOs anymore 03:37 <@recuerdo> @cloudmillion yes!! nethack was like training wheels, nothing else can intimidate me anymore 03:37 but yes, an online FPS is generally assumed to be really toxic, people would be surprised if it isn't 03:37 ais523 yeah my MMO experience wasn't bad 03:38 i beta tested WoW, and played DAoC religiously for over a year 03:38 overall was good 03:38 oh and everquest before all of that 03:38 TNNT reminds me of an MMO in some ways 03:38 even though it isn't 03:38 how about MOBAs, what is their community like 03:38 Ultima Online at all, too? 03:39 I think I was playing that when I first got into Nethack 03:39 so MOBAs are weird because you're normally paired with random allies each game, so there isn't so much of a chance to form a community 03:39 I don't touch MMOs really, I've seen too many people become suuuuuper unhealthily addicted to them 03:39 if you have a family, you cant play an MMO and have everything be ok 03:39 but many people are incredibly toxic towards allies who they think are holding them back 03:39 luckily i was single then 03:39 Loggers_VIII yup me too 03:39 and given that many of them overestimate their own ability and underestimate their allies' ability, it is ab ad mix 03:39 i was on that path and got out of it 03:40 K2: I am on the other side of that, I think, I don't enjoy MMOs because they look like they need more of a time investment to enjoy than I'm willing to commit to 03:40 good for you 03:40 Played a fair bit of starcraft back in the day. That was a pretty harsh environment 03:40 mmos require devotion which is sickening 03:40 MMO's can be a lot of fun, but the time commitment, omg 03:40 Demo: right, it is the requirement for devotion that really turns me off 03:41 its not worth it unless you are 1) single and 2) can make some actual $$$ off of it 03:41 the only 'MMO' I've played is kingdom of loathing which actually really limits the amount of time you can play per day 03:41 KOL has limits, but man can you stretch it! 03:41 when i started playing daoc i had just gotten out of a toxic relationship, so it kinda worked for me for awhile there 03:41 one thing I like about NetHack is that I can take a multi-year break from it and things are still fine 03:42 hah yup 03:42 which I have done, in the past 03:42 i remember playing some KoL back in the day 03:42 that game was silly and fun 03:42 <[> the nethack community is better than other gaming communities because it doesn't discriminate against old hardware. I reported a bug in minetest about bad performance with shaders enabled and they closed the issue with "your hardware is too old" and dropped support for running without shaders anyway 03:42 i never played kol 03:42 <@spider74656> Yep, the time committment was bad even in the 90s. now if only they'd do an in-game *environment/terrain* that is deliberately wheelchair-friendly. WheelHack, anyone? 03:42 some other games I enjoyed stopped being as playable for various reasons, as technology changes over the years – NetHack is unlikely to have that problem 03:43 I take breaks from playing nethack but I never manage to avoid yapping in IRC about it 03:43 i love NetHack honestly 03:43 if you want to not play as much, start coding your own variant 03:43 I stopped playing kol once I found out that the lead developer is like the scum of the earth 03:43 it's been part of my life for so long 03:43 Loggers_VIII: so some people went from being heavy NetHack players to prolific NetHack community members who rarely played, but they generally ended up drifting away eventually 03:44 aoei <3 03:44 K2: <3 03:44 eww 03:44 lol 03:44 hey you did it first 03:44 :V 03:44 ais523: well I can't resist playing every once in a while :P 03:44 i know, i ddnt say you could do it back 03:44 what are you afraid of cooties K2 03:44 XD 03:44 hahah 03:44 sometimes I need an ego boost of a win so I can think that I'm the goat 03:44 hmm, I thnk one of the best things about the NetHack community is this: we generally want each other to succeed, even when we're competing against each other 03:45 one of the reasons I wanted to join a top clan was so that I could root for the players on it without feeling bad for betraying my clan 03:45 <@cloudmillion> True 03:45 [US] [A]: ChongLi (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 1409340 points, 45202 turns, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/C/ChongLi/tnnt/dumplog/1732493061.tnnt.html 03:45 yeah 03:45 it's great seeing someone else make it through, esp their first time 03:45 except for Loggers_VIII, fuck that guy 03:45 I don't want over achievers to succeed, they can't be allowed to run away with the top rank of all the leaderboards 03:45 and then I didn't feel bad for rooting for the players on other clans, either, because we were too far ahead to catch 03:45 lmao k2 03:45 :P 03:45 ais523: I usually want other players to succeed but I did honestly wish for DoktorL's barbarian to die on the planes xD 03:45 I am actually like a bad person who harbors resentment toward the top clans 03:45 <@cloudmillion> I cheer everyone on regardless... 03:46 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcUs5X9glCc 03:46 <@cloudmillion> @loggers_viii yesss become the quest nemesis 03:46 -!- crunchbubba97 has joined #tnnt 03:46 Over Achievers, I hate the way that you walk, the way that you talk... 03:46 Loggers_VIII: hey don't feel too bad, I'm literally same... 03:46 I do generally want to see clans that try to hire absolutely everyone (with little or no coordination) get beaten, but that's partly because tournaments wouldn't be interesting if that were optimal strategy 03:47 <@spider74656> gg Chong Li! 03:47 i didnt do it this year, but sometimes i like to ascend with some cockatrice eggs in open inventory. nice lil 'gotcha' for the deathmatch 03:47 -!- blankman has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 03:47 Loggers_VIII ok let's start teaming up and countering furey's intention of a heavy hitting megaclan for next year 03:47 I am the opposite. because if a clan who doesn't strategize beats a clan who does, that's really funny 03:47 K2: hah nice 03:47 Loggers_VIII: it's less funny if it's done through sheer numbers 03:47 <@spazm9000> you mean like gandalf illegal fireworks? 03:47 <@spazm9000> we took anyone 03:47 <[> drop everything else and ascend with an inventory full of cockatrice eggs 03:47 no, at TNNT there are no spamclans due to the member limit 03:47 -!- eitbo has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 03:48 ais523: I did a spamclan in junethack it was awesome 03:48 <@recuerdo> I liked that different clans (other than Over Achievers) had different goals + strategies this year 03:48 at Junethack you often have a clan who is trying to recruit half or more of the players in the tournament 03:48 i've stopped trying to get bhaak to see reason in regards to junethack rules a long time ago 03:48 @recuerdo: that was the same for us initially, we just got more and more ambitious over time 03:48 I still hold the opinion that a team of 30 people where 27 of them suck is hilarious 03:48 Loggers_VIII: can i just say that i started a clan where i was in the end the only person to ascend, we ascended 3 games, and actually my clan is both the #2 clan at turncount, and the #2 clan at wallclock actually? just sayin. 03:48 but bhaak is perfect in every way, so i cant stay mad 03:49 -!- blankman has joined #tnnt 03:49 Loggers_VIII: with three ascensions. 03:49 and one ascending player. 03:49 that's a powerful clan. 03:49 <@recuerdo> yeah aoei you are on another level TBH 03:49 hehe I'll throw you some laurels to rest on 03:49 I was aiming for top 10 on almost all the leaderboards 03:49 <[> does it count as a spamclan if half the members of the clan are alts of a single player invited at the last minute? 03:50 "we accept absolutely anyone… twice" 03:50 recuerdo :3 03:50 I also managed top 10 on some of the leaderboards I wasn't planning to compete on, like high score and games>1000 03:50 my last four ascensions were 1:37, 1:40, 1:36 and 1:39 03:50 (games>1000 is not a well-designed leaderboard btw, it is trivial to grind that total degenerately if you want to) 03:51 so I'm patting myself on the back too :p 03:51 i actually got a sick unique death 03:51 those are surprisingly consistent times 03:51 squished by a fuckin boulder 03:51 weee 03:51 we should have some way to recognise unique unique deaths next year, that's one of the things I'll put in my TNNT suggestions email 03:51 ais523: it seems to be around my limit for now until I start going really hard on it 03:52 aoei: as an expert, I would rate that "nice" but not "sick" 03:52 aosdict: ok what qualifies as sick actually? 03:52 going to heaven is sick 03:52 <@recuerdo> I'm very happy, I was thinking 300 achievements would be rad, and I got 301, AND I ascended two roles I'd never ascended before, sort of by accident, so that's a++ 03:52 suicide is sick 03:52 nice one recuerdo 03:52 squished is off the beaten path but won't take very long to do 03:52 suicide might be beyond sick 03:53 I think killed by moloch's indifference is the best unique death 03:53 I got "drowned in a pool of water", "killed by a master lich", "killed by chopping off their own foot", "petrified by kicking a chickatrice corpse barefoot" 03:53 aosdict: i mean i was pleased with it because i wasn't going for unique deaths and just lucked into a kinda cool one 03:53 yeah recuerdo, you did some great achs this year! 03:53 <@recuerdo> PETRIFIED BY KICKING A CHICKEN CORPSE BAREFOOT OMG 03:53 LOL 03:53 ok that is sick 03:53 <@recuerdo> I had never done monk (THE WORST ROLE) or wizard before, and now all I want is wizard 03:53 yeah that one is probably "sick" tier 03:53 also I think I might have got *both* "killed by a cobra" 03:53 I like monk 03:54 actually monk is lame in 3.6 03:54 ah no, it's 2 players, not 2 deaths 03:54 "killed by a cadaver" is also "sick" tier, obviously ;) 03:54 so I got it twice but someone else got it too 03:54 i got some really passé drowned by an eel in a moat ones where i looked at the list and im thinking like 03:54 "is this death even unique? surely someone else has died this way!" 03:54 drowned in a pool of water is much more difficult than it seems 03:54 "killed by a cadaver" I have gotten stupidly often 03:54 it took me well over 10 attempts to get that one 03:54 ais523: well this year, you can at least see unique unique deaths 03:54 aosdict: yes 03:54 which is still not very much, but really you should just get it once at most 03:55 <@recuerdo> how do you get killed by a cadaver? 03:55 you have to eat a corpse like the turn before it goes rotten, it damages you 03:55 better source dive and find out 03:55 IIRC you need to eat a corpse that is old but not quite up to foodpois levels 03:55 and die from the damage 03:55 yes but "old" is randomized so it's very annoying 03:55 you feel sick! or whatever 03:55 'went to heaven prematurely' <--- goat 03:55 aosdict got that one 03:55 pog 03:56 * aosdict doesn't need to ascend 03:56 K2: ending the tournament on a new moon was mean 03:56 the various unique levelport values and their deaths are a great example of tdttoe 03:56 yup, my bad 03:56 fwiw it also started on a new moon 03:56 yeah K2, move the moon next time 03:56 and K2 didn't have a say in the matter?? 03:56 he's not God 03:56 it genuinely makes the trice-related unique deaths much harder to get, because you are normally trying to get them with a character who is not able to reliably kill al lizard 03:56 next tournament i will adjust the moon's rotation so new moon doesnt happen in november 03:56 my best is "killed by the wrath of a deity" 03:56 K2: oh will you? 03:56 that'd be swell 03:57 and the trices turn you to stone before you can kill them and do something absurd with their corpse 03:57 thanks a bunch 03:57 just this once 03:57 yay <3 03:57 nethack events based on the real-life calendar are fun, I wish there was a few more 03:57 I did manage to get "killed by a cockatrice" though 03:57 here's what you can expect for next year - https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/en/moon-phases-calendar/2025/11.html 03:57 (surprisingly difficult, they normally kill you with petrification rather than HP damage) 03:58 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) killed Baalzebub, on T:35287 03:58 <@spider74656> there are RL calendar events in UnNetHack + Shattered Pixel Dungeon. 03:58 hmm, how long would it take to get all unique deaths (assuming that the uniquification bugs are fixed)? 03:58 I got 11th on the unique death board and I never even tried to die B) 03:59 see, the trick is, when you have a few accidental deaths you're embarrassed by, you do unique deaths to cover them up 03:59 <@cloudmillion> Hahahahaha 03:59 I count 12 unique unique deaths to myself, if we had a leaderboard for that I may have won it 04:00 how do you see unique unique deaths? 04:00 ais523: if you have any "uniquification bug" reports to make, put em in your email (other than "killed by foo's ghost", I know about that one) 04:00 aosdict: ooh, plain "orc", interesting 04:01 I saw a plain orc in a couple of my runs cuz they can spawn below mine town if you got orctown 04:01 the death-string-normalization logic is just a bunch of regexes, it's easy to modify 04:01 Loggers_VIII: https://tnnt.org/uniquedeaths and look for entries with 1 in the "players" column 04:01 now we wait for hdf to crash as a bunch of people try to load that page 04:01 aha 04:01 right, that page seems like it could do with more optimisation 04:01 ais523: yes to my recollection it was a sub orctown orc 04:01 it's takin a minute to load... 04:02 it does that 04:02 aosdict: you're literally number one on the unique deaths board 04:02 if anyone wants to write the page better than I did, feel free 04:03 -!- Bleeko has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 04:03 there are some where it's not clear whether it's better unique or not, e.g. the various trice corpse deaths to both chickatrice and cockatrice, or different sorts of rotted globs counting as different from each other and from corpses 04:03 I'm #18 for unique deaths apparently 04:03 which I feel like is not a bad score for not even trying 04:03 and (with the Amulet) counting as different from without 04:03 when the archive of 2024 is up that page will load immediately 04:03 static 04:04 I have one unique unique death, which is to a scorpion 04:04 <@recuerdo> ok but "crunched in the head by an iron ball" ouch 04:04 that was today, actually 04:04 aosdict this is something we need to address for next year 04:04 load time for unique deaths 04:04 oh shit I beat BilldaCat for unique deaths as well as turncount 04:04 this was a good year :3 04:04 vampire forms, too 04:04 hah aoei 04:04 I need to learn turn count so I can beat everyone at it next year 04:05 also I need to be faster so shadowrider doesn't beat me at that next yeat 04:05 Loggers_VIII: bullshit. I am taking #1 next year. 04:05 year 04:05 does 3.6 have the turn 2000 barrier? 04:05 I may have to resort to swapchest shenanigans in 2025 04:05 ais523: yes 04:06 it's only in 3.7 that it's been removed, im p sure 04:07 lol you probably will aoei 04:07 #1 tc run this year had 51 cursed gain level from the swap chest, so in 2025 i will do similar if it's still possible 04:07 I will try anyway 04:07 they are gonna nerf that fasho 04:07 idk if they will 04:07 big stacks has been a thing for years already 04:08 [US] PigInZen (Sam Hum Fem Law) destroyed xororand's ghost, the former Thaumaturge, on T:3982 04:08 <@recuerdo> honestly that sort of tomfoolery is part of the fun of TNNT 04:08 <@recuerdo> also oof "turned to slime by a green slime (with the Amulet)" 04:08 ooh, I just realised – you can cooperatively make a big stack across multiple games by taking it from one swap chest, adding more to it, and putting it in the other swap chest 04:09 ais523: :o 04:09 although the odds of the stack going to the wrong server makes that difficult to coordinate 04:09 I am not sure whether I'm in favour of fewer swap chest shenanigans or even more swap chest shenanigans 04:09 the latter is better for the community aspect 04:10 there was talk about nerfing stacks after arseniy pulled that 04:10 im not entirely sure how the server aspect works, i assumed if you're on the same server and you have your alt ready to pick up the drop ASAP you probably won't have any issue, but maybe my intuitions about the underlying mechanic are bogus 04:11 <@shadow_rider> it can go to any of the servers, but you could get around that by just having an account from each server at the chest 04:11 aoei: so there is a 60% chance the stack arrives on the same server immediately, and a 40% chance of going to a random other server with a time delay 04:11 ah 04:12 i think DoktorL already have a tc run on the go when they did their shenanigans but perhaps they were prepared to farm up more than one stack if necessary 04:12 Loggers_VIII: if you nerf it with the swap chest it can still be done via bones-stuffing 04:13 true, bones stuffing is a bit more annoying to set up but ultimately it's the same 04:13 hmm, I kind-of want to make a reverse leaderboards page for TNNT, from the point of view of the monsters rather than the players 04:14 although it's unclear what stats they'd have other than "heroes killed" 04:14 I guess "unique heroes killed", which is just the unique deaths page 04:15 -!- Phyban has joined #tnnt 04:16 -!- Haudegen has quit [Quit: Bin weg.] 04:18 <@spider74656> don't forget pets killed: monsters might view character-tamed pets as traitors to their species... 04:19 <@spider74656> and each monster class would be a clan... 04:19 <[> where is the TNNT xlogfile/livelog? 04:21 <[> (found it, it's in the same place as for all the other variants) 04:21 <[> what's this for? https://hardfought.org/xlogfiles/tnnt/donors 04:22 -!- oh73 has joined #tnnt 04:22 -!- crunchbubba97 has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 04:22 i would guess it's swapchest donors 04:22 yup 04:22 my name isn't in there :) 04:23 * aoei did not touch the swapchest at all this Nov 04:23 no that's the secret list of people who slipped K2 some money to get free magic lamps 04:23 lmao 04:23 heh 04:23 https://nhqdb.alt.org/?3282 04:24 includin K2 himself.. he slipped hisself some cash to get some free lamps 04:24 -!- Phyban has quit [Quit: Client closed] 04:24 <@recuerdo> well, at least he's fair 04:24 K2: did anyone pay your kid's tuition for a wish yet 04:25 right 04:25 aoei i thought you wanted to keep that on the DL 04:26 keep what on the DL 04:26 I'm trying to figure out how good the 10% chance of starting with an uncursed +0 dagger actually is 04:26 -!- oh6 has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 04:26 that you're paying for my kids tuition 04:26 i have a big mouth? had you not noticed? I'm not very good at keeping things discrete 04:26 -!- Loggers_VIII has quit [Quit: Client closed] 04:26 I think it's substantially better in 3.7 than 3.6 04:27 fun fact - this year tied for most players, 335 04:27 same number as 2022 04:27 neat 04:27 almost beat # of asc players 04:27 huh, TNNT didn't even have leaderboards until 2021? 04:27 <@cpittman> k2, one of the guys in the dev level said you still owe him $10. I can't remember what the name was 04:27 ais523 correct 04:28 started out with a typical scoring system 04:28 @cpittman that would be paxed 04:28 and yes he still owes me 10 bucks 04:28 @cpittman: https://nhqdb.alt.org/?2751 04:28 ais523: it had one leaderboard. 04:28 K2: has that finnish still not paid you back?? 04:29 heh 04:29 smh 04:29 <@cpittman> 😄 04:30 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) killed the invisible Orcus, on T:36701 04:30 <[> did he buy a 1% chance of starting with an uncursed +0 dagger? 04:30 factor in interest since 2017, i figure it's now... 14,347,221 USD 04:30 good thing you have that bitcoin 04:30 hah 04:30 :3 04:30 HOLD 04:30 HODL 04:30 it's spelt hodl 04:30 <@cpittman> I thought I would have time to finish this last game, but then I slept all day 04:30 hodl apes 04:30 idk why it's spelt like that, like obviously the word is "hold" 04:31 but cyrptobros spell it hodl 04:31 You see here a scroll of gold detection labeled HODL. 04:31 XD 04:31 I had fun playing swapchest santa when I realized i hadn't visited the valley chest in one of my games after an unreasonable amount of farming 04:31 its like 'pwn' instead of 'own' 04:31 I think I added "diamond-handed investor" as an xnh bogusmon 04:31 yes I did 04:31 mpoce 04:31 noice* 04:31 still kicking myself for not mining sooner 04:32 <[> or "rougelike" instead of "roguelike" 04:32 <@Eternal Guardian> It's spelled *rogue*like. 04:33 $time 04:33 Grasshopper: 2024-12-01 04:33:56 UTC. The 2024 tournament is OVER! 04:34 Grasshopper: hi¬! 04:34 \o/ 04:34 how are you? :3 04:34 hiya aoei 04:34 hung over 04:34 nic! 04:34 nice!* 04:34 went to a party thing last night 04:34 I'm not hungover yet because I'm still tipsy 04:34 how was the party? 04:34 drank too much beer, as usual 04:34 fair 04:34 aoei, i hate that i know this, but https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=375643.0 is probably the source (of the meme, at least) 04:35 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) wished for "3 blessed greased +2 silver daggers", on T:36776 04:35 robin: YO did you see how good we did as a clan this November 2024? 04:35 we were on fire! 04:35 I AM HODLING lmao 04:35 aoei (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 0 points, T:1, killed by a tower of flame 04:35 (this is actually possible) 04:36 > Yeah you good traders can spot the highs and the lows pit pat piffy wing wong wang just like that an 04:36 lmfao 04:36 aosdict: yo i haven't played Tourist in so long 04:37 it's one of the best NetHack roles of all time, so underrated 04:37 aoei, yes :D 3 ascensions in a month is great by my standards 04:37 robin: two of those were in a SINGLE DAY 04:37 i shit you not 04:37 !! 04:37 -!- oh73 has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 04:37 the 27th of November, which was, idk when 04:38 a few days back ig 04:38 did you play much in the end robin where you been at? 04:39 aoei, i only played ~50 games, i usually get an ascension in tournaments but i've been busy with a major conference presentation for next week (well, major for me) 04:40 43 dead tourists :p 04:40 why the heck did i ascend two games on a wednesday 04:40 oh right i pulled a sickie that day 04:40 :o what sorta conference presentation :o 04:40 yeah, too bad it's so hard to get unihorns irl 04:40 ha 04:41 aoei, https://emacsconf.org/2024/talks/guile/ 04:43 [US] [D]: PigInZen (Sam Hum Fem Law), 6122 points, 5717 turns, killed by a lynx 04:43 :o 04:44 <[> I almost forgot about emacsconf 04:48 alright bedtime for me. gnite all o/ 04:49 lots of good talks this year :) https://emacsconf.org/2024/talks/ 04:49 im not rly into emacs but i wanted to get into it for orgmode 04:49 hope you're havin a good time robin 04:50 :) 04:53 -!- ais523 has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:55 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) wished for "uncursed marker", on T:36955 04:57 -!- a-1 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 04:57 -!- a-1 has joined #tnnt 05:13 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) destroyed the invisible Vlad the Impaler, on T:37477 05:13 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:37478 05:21 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) wished for "2 blessed greased scrolls of genocide", on T:37840 05:21 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) performed his first genocide (class L), on T:37841 05:21 -!- crunchbubba89 has joined #tnnt 05:24 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) genocided class h, on T:38034 05:24 -!- aosdict has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 05:38 -!- crunchbubba89 has quit [Quit: Client closed] 05:47 -!- raisse has joined #tnnt 06:06 [US] cpittman (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed Thoth Amon, on T:28559 06:07 -!- a-1 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:08 [US] cpittman (Bar Orc Mal Cha) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:28561 06:12 -!- a-1 has joined #tnnt 06:36 [US] TeagueasaurusRex (Bar Orc Fem Cha) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:3382 06:40 [US] cpittman (Bar Orc Mal Cha) murdered his faithful kitten, on T:29665 07:04 [US] [D]: elfwarrior (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 753 points, 2154 turns, killed by a fox 07:05 [US] cpittman (Bar Orc Mal Cha) entered Gehennom, on T:30350 07:12 [US] cpittman (Bar Orc Mal Cha) removed Azoxey's wand of polymorph (0:7) from the swap chest, on T:30412 07:19 -!- a-1 has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 08:12 -!- elenmirie has joined #tnnt 08:39 -!- Umbire has joined #tnnt 08:40 -!- Umbire is now known as BirthdayUmbs 08:47 -!- cathartes has quit [Quit: fly away] 08:55 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 09:00 -!- Arseniy has joined #tnnt 09:03 -!- Arseniy has left #tnnt 09:25 -!- tsowell has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.3.5] 09:32 -!- a-1 has joined #tnnt 09:37 -!- a-1 has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 09:44 [US] cpittman (Bar Orc Mal Cha) bribed Asmodeus with 1388 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:31856 10:16 -!- mobileuser has joined #tnnt 10:42 -!- mobileuser has left #tnnt 10:46 [AU] Tangles (Hea Gno Mal Neu) entered Gehennom, on T:23642 10:52 -!- khamul has joined #tnnt 10:53 Thanks to everybody involved for running a wonderful tournament once more! 10:54 Was a little too busy this year to really hang in there, but enjoyed it nevertheless! 10:57 Yeah, too busy and not motivated enough to finish either of my current games. 11:03 And all these extra achievements keep sidetracking you from finishing games quickly. 11:05 neh, achievements weren't my problem exactly 11:05 's always happens around winter for me 11:34 [US] swooboo (Val Dwa Fem Law) received Excalibur, on T:11665 11:34 -!- oh6 has joined #tnnt 11:40 -!- aosdict has joined #tnnt 11:40 -!- mode/#tnnt [+o aosdict] by ChanServ 11:43 [US] [D]: swooboo (Val Dwa Fem Law), 14824 points, 11972 turns, burned by molten lava 11:46 -!- floating_eye has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:46 -!- floating_eye has joined #tnnt 11:50 -!- spontiff has joined #tnnt 11:51 -!- floating_eye has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:51 -!- floating_eye has joined #tnnt 12:07 -!- oh6 has quit [Quit: Client closed] 12:40 -!- spontiff has quit [Quit: spontiff] 12:42 -!- raisse has joined #tnnt 13:01 -!- hothraxxa has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:31 -!- tjw has quit [Quit: Leaving] 13:31 -!- tjw has joined #tnnt 13:33 -!- nurdglaw has joined #tnnt 13:42 -!- Haudegen has joined #tnnt 13:50 -!- Furey has joined #tnnt 13:52 -!- tjw has quit [Quit: Leaving] 13:52 -!- tjw has joined #tnnt 13:55 [US] [D]: PigInZen (Cav Dwa Fem Law), 458 points, 1249 turns, killed by a little dog (and one other game not reported) 13:58 -!- elenmirie has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 14:01 robin: lmao I found this open in a tab and just laughed so much at > NO SHIT I SHOULD HAVE SOLD. I SHOULD HAVE SOLD MOMENTS BEFORE EVERY SELL AND BOUGHT MOMENTS BEFORE EVERY BUY BUT YOU KNOW WHAT NOT EVERYBODY IS AS COOL AS YOU. 14:03 [US] [E]: OtsMcGee (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 2555 points, 4855 turns, escaped 14:17 [US] dbanethacker (Val Hum Mal Neu) killed the invisible Wizard of Yendor, on T:41943 14:20 -!- Furey has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 14:22 [US] [D]: elmegil (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 171 points, 822 turns, killed by a bat 14:26 -!- BirthdayUmbs has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:30 [US] PigInZen (Rog Hum Mal Cha) averted death (killed by a housecat), on T:2712 14:31 -!- BirthdayUmbs has joined #tnnt 14:31 -!- BirthdayUmbs has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:32 -!- crunchbubba70 has joined #tnnt 14:32 -!- Umbire has joined #tnnt 14:33 -!- Umbire is now known as BirthdayUmbs 14:34 -!- Furey has joined #tnnt 14:37 -!- Changesite has joined #tnnt 14:45 -!- Furey has quit [Quit: Client closed] 14:55 -!- Changesite has quit [Quit: Changesite] 15:00 -!- jmcunx has left #tnnt 15:05 [US] dbanethacker (Val Hum Mal Neu) killed Baalzebub, on T:43566 15:07 [US] [D]: PigInZen (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 2890 points, 4991 turns, killed by a wolf 15:13 -!- khamul has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 15:40 -!- fadein has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:48 -!- khamul has joined #tnnt 16:02 -!- Bleeko has joined #tnnt 16:16 -!- BirthdayUmbs has quit [Quit: Umbire zaps a wand of digging!] 16:39 -!- a-1 has joined #tnnt 16:50 -!- nurdglaw has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 16:56 $time 16:56 nabru: 2024-12-01 16:56:33 UTC. The 2024 tournament is OVER! 16:57 it was great playing with y'all btw 16:58 I had a lot of fun (and my first non-valk ascension) this year 16:58 you and others again exposed what good players do, and my lack of inclusion in that group. congrats! 16:58 $tell Arseniy thanks for beating my TC run, that was really funny when you pulled operation gain level out of the bag at the last moment 16:58 No worries, aoei, I've got this! 16:58 Content. 17:01 -!- floating_eye has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:02 -!- floating_eye has joined #tnnt 17:06 -!- Haudegen has quit [Quit: Bin weg.] 17:07 -!- Haudegen has joined #tnnt 17:09 -!- cathartes has joined #tnnt 17:15 -!- nurdglaw has joined #tnnt 17:35 -!- floating_eye has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:35 -!- floating_eye has joined #tnnt 17:53 -!- khamul has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 17:54 -!- elenmirie has joined #tnnt 17:56 [US] [D]: joq (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 98 points, 318 turns, killed by a goblin 17:59 -!- tjw has quit [Quit: Leaving] 18:01 -!- eitbo has joined #tnnt 18:01 -!- khamul has joined #tnnt 18:13 [EU] [D]: spontiff (Hea Gno Mal Neu), 500 points, 5380 turns, killed by a soldier ant 18:23 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) wished for "uncursed marker", on T:39887 18:31 -!- tinklebear has joined #tnnt 18:40 I have been so happy to see everyone who came out 18:40 I miss some who didn't 18:40 (though I suppose some may have reappeared under new names unbeknownst to me) 18:40 and it was super fun to meet new ones 18:40 (looking at you, @recuerdo) 18:41 thanks again to everyone who makes TNNT what it is 18:45 <@recuerdo> <3_<3 yes, thank you everyone (+ especially the best clan, medusa swim team), I had a blast 18:48 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:41862 18:49 -!- a-1 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 18:49 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:41888 18:49 \o/ 18:51 -!- fadein has joined #tnnt 18:55 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) wished for "7 blessed candles", on T:42126 18:55 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) performed the invocation, on T:42131 19:03 -!- Loggers_VIII has joined #tnnt 19:03 -!- Loggers_VIII has quit [Changing host] 19:03 -!- Loggers_VIII has joined #tnnt 19:04 any recs out there on a good place to place 3.6.x now that TNNT is over? 19:04 vaguely curious why it's not one of the playable options on hardfought 19:04 but ... not my server, not my monkeys :) 19:04 *place to play 19:05 3.6.7 is on NAO 19:05 cool thanks! 19:05 hdf doesn't host 3.6.7 specifically cuz NAO does I think 19:05 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) killed the high priest of Moloch, on T:42537 19:05 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) acquired the Amulet of Yendor, on T:42538 19:06 that makes sense, also thanks! 19:06 [US] tinklebear (Kni Hum Mal Law) killed Ixoth, on T:10509 19:10 <@recuerdo> NAO: where I play when I DON'T want to embarrass myself by having things livelogged on hardfought 😉 19:11 it still broadcasts your deaths to #nethack though! 19:11 -!- tjw has joined #tnnt 19:11 (but your embarrassing BoH explosions will be a secret) 19:12 :D 19:12 <@recuerdo> 😮 I don't think I've ever seen that on discord 19:12 it's an IRC channel that doesn't have a discord bridge 19:13 @recuerdo it is possible to hide the #hardfought livelogging by posting a special incantation into IRC 19:13 !setmintc is the command 19:14 Not sure if it works via the discord bridge, cuz I think it's normally based on IRC nicks, which means it's open to abuse if you don't own the relevant IRC nick 19:16 tinklebear: I has a blast too 19:25 -!- ais523 has joined #tnnt 19:26 -!- Loggers_VIII71 has joined #tnnt 19:26 -!- Loggers_VIII71 has quit [Changing host] 19:26 -!- Loggers_VIII71 has joined #tnnt 19:26 -!- Loggers_VIII has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Loggers_VIII71))] 19:27 -!- Loggers_VIII71 is now known as Loggers_VIII 19:30 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) averted death (killed by invisible Dispater), on T:44231 19:32 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) murdered his faithful hill giant, on T:44245 19:33 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) killed the invisible Wizard of Yendor (5 times), on T:44256 19:35 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) killed Asmodeus, on T:44343 19:37 [US] Riffius (Val Hum Fem Law) had Mjollnir bestowed upon her by Tyr, on T:1958 19:39 -!- a-1 has joined #tnnt 19:42 -!- Arseniy has joined #tnnt 19:43 been so good to see you, aoei! <3 19:44 :D <3 19:44 likewise, always a pleasure 19:45 hi Croesus, mind giving that message? 19:45 Arseniy: Message from aoei at 2024-12-01 16:58 UTC: thanks for beating my TC run, that was really funny when you pulled operation gain level out of the bag at the last moment 19:45 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) killed the invisible Dispater, on T:44599 19:46 Thanks aoei, was cool seeing you play! 19:46 and that run that beat billdacat is legendary in my book 19:47 I hope you were sufficiently perched on the edge of your seat when we almost bought it in the Astral West Wing 19:47 * tinklebear doesn't really have a book 19:47 I was! 19:47 :D 19:47 unforgettable 19:47 Arseniy: it's a shame I missed your actual run through the planes tho, I think I was trying to realtime speedrun at that moment so I only saw you get to dl1 19:47 Oh that was great! I was watching live. 19:48 I will be streaming post-commentary on twitch and if you don't yet know what happened to me on astral, I recommend you watch the end of it cause it was fun 19:49 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) killed Geryon, on T:44706 19:49 oh that sounds like fun, maybe I can do the same with my tc game at some point, just need streaming setup and thet ttyrecs I guess? 19:50 Yeah it's pain playing TNNT ttyrecs though 19:50 the only thing I found that plays them without bugs is ttyplay and that doesn't support jumping forwards/backwards 19:50 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) killed the invisible Wizard of Yendor (10 times), on T:44720 19:50 meanwhile im trying to find a nice rt speedrun clock for watching my split times, when I was playing TNNT there's a clock built into the nethack interface (not sure if it's always on, but on my games it is enabled), but I think NAO 3.6 doesn't have this 19:51 <@joes5898> I was also planning on reviewing some notable games 19:51 I think in the past I had best results with IPBT, but *some* ttyrecs (DECgraphics maybe?) would break it on Arch Linux at the time I last tried this 19:52 @joes your own games or in general? 19:52 <@joes5898> other people's games, like Loggers' first asc 19:52 I tried IPBT and it invariably shows grid bugs and mumkas for walls 19:53 <@joes5898> what is that standard speedrun timer? 19:53 yeah that was the problem I had Arseniy 19:53 <@joes5898> does the curses symset use CP437? 19:53 termplay has problems with 'repeat character' escape sequence and with scrolling of perma-inventory, the former I managed to patch but the latter seemed too hard 19:54 I had some email exchanges with SGT about it but we didn't really find a solution. 19:54 so what I did in the end is run ttyplay while recording in OBS and then will play back that video file on stream 19:54 Arseniy: ha! that's one way of solving it 19:55 -!- a-1 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 19:55 joes5898: I haven't checked, I don't even know if it's the same for all players or depends on their symset setting 19:55 <@joes5898> Arseniy: how does scrolling work? 19:57 there are escape sequences for scrolling rectangular region of the terminal, which TNNT build uses when you pick something up into perma-inventory 19:57 I haven't worked out all the details 19:58 ttyplay doesn't have problem with any of it because it just dumps everything raw into the terminal, but flip side of such approach is that it cannot rewind 19:58 termplay can rewind but chokes on escape sequences that it does not itself support 20:00 there are escape sequences for scrolling rectangular region of the terminal, which TNNT build uses when you pick something up into perma-inventory ← for me it uses codes that scroll the entire width of the terminal and then redraws the map 20:00 which seems inefficeint 20:00 yeah, I think the simple and elegant solution of simply recording screen-capture of ttyplay playback is probably the best Arseniy 20:00 you may well be right ais523, I haven't looked at all the details 20:00 if it is using a rectangular scroll code, I would be interested in what specfically that code is, because I'm not aware of a standard one 20:01 I was working on a new ttyrec player before TNNT, I should perhaps get back to that 20:01 <@joes5898> the one with embedded audio? 20:01 I was hoping that would be part of it, but really it'd be useful even without 20:02 <@joes5898> doesn't libcurses support multiple windows 20:02 sort o 20:02 * of 20:02 do we need yet another ttyrec player 20:02 or can we just make SGT fix IPBT 20:02 or fix it for him 20:02 <@joes5898> I don't really want to know how NH handles redrawing 20:02 it has a concept of virtual windows for the purpose of the program telling it what to draw, but it just flattens it all for drawing on teh terminal 20:03 [US] Riffius (Val Hum Fem Law) destroyed PigInZen's ghost, the former Novice, on T:2199 20:03 anyway, the way curses does windows is overly confusing, when developing libuncursed I realised that you could do something that was much simpler and had just as much functionality 20:04 (which is to have rectangular regions in memory that you can copy-and-paste onto the terminal) 20:05 -!- nurdglaw has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 20:06 [US] tinklebear (Kni Hum Mal Law) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:10511 20:06 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 20:11 do we need yet another ttyrec player ← jettyplay is showing its age and it's kind-of awkward for me to change at this point, Java tends to need overly complicated IDEs to develop in and I haven't kept up-to-date with configuring those 20:11 I could just try to fix it in a text editor, I guess 20:12 I remember getting jettyplay to work reasonably well once upon a time, but I also remember bouncing off it the last time I tried to use it for some reason 20:13 IPBT has all the features I think I want or need, so if the bloody mumak/gridbug nonsense could be solved it'd be amazing actually? 20:13 IPBT is based on PuTTY I think, which has a very similar bug 20:14 well, it's by the same author, so might have some code in common, yeah 20:14 but one of the reasons I want to write a new player is that the exact way a ttyrec is encoded depends on the terminal that the recorded program was running in 20:14 ah, interesting 20:14 so you can think "this player works" but then try it on someone else's ttyrecs and it doesn't work 20:15 I've been trying to work out the entire set of codes that are used across all the terminals, so that the player can implement all of them 20:15 also, the (much smaller) set of codes that work in all commonly used terminals, so that the player can use only those for rendering 20:17 unfortunately there are a couple of ambiguous codes, most notably bold-is-bright; if I see the code for bold red in the input it's unclear whether the program wants a bold red or a bold orange 20:18 (there are unambiguous codes for both bold red and bold orange, but neither is standard and each has a range of terminals that don't support it) 20:18 (so programs usually use the ambiguous code to guarantee that the terminal at least partially understands it) 20:27 [US] [D]: PigInZen (Ran Elf Mal Cha), 351 points, 1648 turns, killed by a werejackal, while fainted from lack of food 20:51 <@lunchbucket> PigInZen, I found your bones pile from minetown. looked like it was going alright 20:57 -!- a-1 has joined #tnnt 20:58 [US] [D]: PigInZen (Pri Hum Mal Law), 1136 points, 3002 turns, killed by a brown mold 21:02 [US] GrmlyFndsh (Sam Hum Fem Law) made her first wish - "blessed greased +2 gray dragon scale mail", on T:6952 21:05 [US] [D]: PigInZen (Rog Orc Fem Cha), 345 points, 977 turns, killed by a gnome lord 21:09 -!- a-1 has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 21:17 -!- raisse has joined #tnnt 21:20 [US] GrmlyFndsh (Sam Hum Fem Law) destroyed Gandelf's ghost, the former Candidate, on T:9446 21:26 [US] GrmlyFndsh (Sam Hum Fem Law) destroyed peterg's ghost, the former Thaumaturge, on T:9955 21:27 <@arahael> Man what a busy few days. Pity i couldn’t squeeze out another game at the end of nov! Its been fun 🙂 21:29 -!- nurdglaw has joined #tnnt 21:32 -!- elenmirie has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 21:44 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) entered the Planes, on T:45835 21:45 -!- Arseniy has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 21:50 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) averted death (killed by the Wizard of Yendor), on T:46067 21:51 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) wished for "blessed greased amulet of life saving", on T:46076 21:52 -!- Furey has joined #tnnt 21:52 -!- Furey has quit [Client Quit] 21:53 [US] GrmlyFndsh (Sam Hum Fem Law) had Snickersnee bestowed upon her by Amaterasu Omikami, on T:13778 21:54 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) averted death (killed by a yellow dragon), on T:46114 21:54 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) wished for "blessed greased amulet of life saving", on T:46121 21:57 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) wished for "2 blessed scrolls of charging", on T:46150 22:08 -!- nurdglaw has quit [Quit: Client closed] 22:08 -!- nurdglaw has joined #tnnt 22:09 -!- khamul has quit [Quit: Client closed] 22:10 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) killed Death, on T:46490 22:12 [US] [D]: jackofclubs (Wiz Orc Mal Cha), 1092 points, 2001 turns, killed by a rock piercer 22:13 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 22:17 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) killed Famine, on T:46582 22:29 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) killed Famine (5 times), on T:46719 22:30 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) killed Pestilence, on T:46736 22:32 [US] rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha) averted death (killed by an Angel of Moloch), on T:46751 22:33 [US] [D]: rebrane (Ran Elf Mal Cha), 1523960 points, 46754 turns, poisoned by Pestilence (with the Amulet) 22:35 -!- Arseniy has joined #tnnt 22:57 -!- fadein has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 23:05 [US] GrmlyFndsh (Sam Hum Fem Law) destroyed spontiff's ghost, the former Rhizotomist, on T:18245 23:07 [US] GrmlyFndsh (Sam Hum Fem Law) had Grayswandir bestowed upon her by Amaterasu Omikami, on T:18478 23:10 $lastgame rebrane 23:10 tjw: [US] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/r/rebrane/tnnt/dumplog/1732952013.tnnt.html 23:11 -!- a-1 has joined #tnnt 23:14 -!- nurdglaw has quit [Quit: Client closed] 23:15 congrats on overachieving. tjw 23:16 -!- a-1 has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 23:20 -!- Changesite has joined #tnnt 23:23 [US] bleeko (Arc Hum Mal Law) was crowned "The Hand of Elbereth" by Quetzalcoatl, on T:16554 23:24 -!- Arseniy has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 23:29 [US] bleeko (Arc Hum Mal Law) made his first wish - "blessed fixed +3 grayswandir", on T:16563 23:31 -!- qt has joined #tnnt 23:31 -!- mode/#tnnt [+o qt] by ChanServ 23:31 -!- Changesite has quit [Quit: Changesite] 23:31 congrats everyone 23:32 I got the Plastic Star 23:33 I think that was the best I ever did in devnull 23:37 o/ 23:52 I got highest "lowest turncount", so I've got that going for me 23:52 nice one crunchbubba70 23:52 I think not "highest turncount", but last on the lowest rurncount page 23:54 I have an absurdly high handplayed turncount game in progress on NAO. the dungeon is almost extinct. I think I geno'd a bunch of things, though