00:00 -!- qt has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 00:20 -!- Umbire has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 00:25 I basically treat cancellation like carrying around a live grenade. Could be super useful but can also go south with a moment's lapse of concentration 01:14 -!- aosdict has joined #tnnt 01:14 -!- mode/#tnnt [+o aosdict] by ChanServ 01:25 -!- karafruit has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 01:31 -!- Furey has joined #tnnt 01:31 omg throne wish 01:38 <@karafruit (she/her)> can confirm that the "going commando" achievement is working 😄 (Master Kaen will have to wait until another day though) 01:40 -!- karafruit has joined #tnnt 01:41 nice, karafruit! 01:42 :D 01:50 rats. all fountains gone, all sinks gone. (dlvl 20 and above). too bad, because smoky potions are extra healing this game. no AYEW for me! 01:52 new achievement: use up all sinks and/or fountains in the game 01:52 I was sad I didn't get a throne wish from my one throne so far, but smoky are polymorph so they're p rare anyway 01:53 healing is milky though which I foresee being potentially dangerous 01:54 k2: what about ungenerated levels? does the hero have to visit every level, or are many heroes going to achieve it on turn 1 if no sinks/fountains are on dlvl 1? 01:55 to preserve sanity, only generated levels 02:00 hmm yeah 02:00 start game, fountain on dlvl 1, use it up, die. achievement earned 02:00 no bueno 02:01 maybe something like 'use up all fountains in the game that you ascended' 02:01 but now this is getting silly 02:01 -!- aosdict has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 02:02 more sane would be 'use up x number of fountains in one game' 02:02 "use up all the fountains in minetown and oracle level"? 02:02 yeah something like that 02:03 things that are "in the game you ascended" are more like conducts 02:03 i only said something because Furey said all of the sinks and fountains in his game were gone 02:03 heh 02:03 fair enough 02:04 a guest's job is to amuse the host :) 02:05 https://youtu.be/yD0XIowNAG8?si=jAbTOuB4aW7ATE6f&t=52 02:05 shoutouts to the shocking sphere I lured onto a polymorph trap so I wouldn't get shocked... only to have it turn into a Blue Dragon 02:05 \o/ 02:06 at least you really dont have to worry about shocking spheres in 3.6 02:06 it's 3.7 where they got nasty (and xnethack/evilhack before 3.7) 02:07 hey somehow i got one of these: an uncursed egg named Easter Egg 02:07 black dragon is less dangerous than shocking sphere in 3.7? 02:07 blue* 02:07 yeah I probably shoulda just let it hit me. But on the bright side, the corpse of the dragon gave me the resistance :D 02:07 double \o/ 02:07 let the shocking sphere hit me I mean 02:07 I'd have put the scales in the swap chest if it'd dropped them, but alas :< 02:08 though no one wants blue in 3.6 anyway 02:08 or 3.7 but there's more reason at least 02:09 at the start of tnnt k2 is gonna beat me up in throw me in the swap chest (its like a locker but 2x bullying multiplier) and then im gonna stay in it all month cause noone wants to take me out of it (i think stuff expires now but whatever) 02:09 c - a figurine of Demo 02:10 hahah 02:18 K2, are clans enabled with an eye that you want us to exercise them and report bugs? 02:18 they were briefly, just wanted to verify they could still be made. turned it off 02:20 ah okay, i'll just ascend on my ownsome 02:30 Slim pickings in the US swapchest 02:31 heya 02:32 is tnnt just testing right now? 02:32 beta testing 02:33 can alphas test too? ba-dum-tsh! 02:33 there might be a few more things in valley of the dead chest 02:34 doh, the chests "have a common pool of objects" 02:34 I think I put a robe in or something, there were only like three things when I looked 02:34 i put in a ring of conflict and some spellbook 02:34 I wasn't feeling generous enough to give up one of my magic markers 02:34 I assume the distribution formula is the same as 2023? 02:35 i think so, haven't seen any github commits that would change it 02:37 are you doing a conduct? i could wish up an object and hustle down to votd 02:39 aaaaagh I told myself I was done for the night but now I wanna play more ;.; 02:41 hey you got the yellow clover, that's a milestone 02:41 yeppp 02:52 -!- tinklebear has left #tnnt 02:53 -!- karafruit4 has joined #tnnt 02:54 -!- karafruit has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 03:12 I'm practicing my atheist Samurai, currently not near either swapchest 03:15 ...and of course I get a magic lamp but it's cursed 03:15 i can do amulet of life saving, or gauntlets of power, or some holy water (without even wishing) 03:17 I'll try to r-t-q before heading to either swapchest 03:17 okay sounds good 03:29 lol my arena opponent is myself - are the initial npcs taken from last year's ascenders? 03:29 i got tjw also, i think it's just seeded with you 03:30 iirc my arena!tjw had ac -34 03:30 lucky me, I chased you out? 03:30 yeah i was not prepped enough to hit that ac! 03:30 -!- floating_eye has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:30 -!- floating_eye has joined #tnnt 03:31 and no one has ascended so far in beta afaik 03:31 I'm in the same boat, especially since I don't have maxed luck due to no sacrifices 03:33 -!- raisse has joined #tnnt 03:40 throw gems to unicorns? 03:46 <@Loggers_VIII> should be an achievement for quaffing 30 times 03:46 <@Loggers_VIII> this is gambling i can get behind 03:47 You have received wishes from: wand lamp bottle throne 03:47 ... and no fountains left. better luck next life! 03:48 Yeah I just cornered a unicorn and tossed it a ruby 03:53 magic harp into US swap chest 04:01 I'll take some holy water if you have it handy 04:03 argh, too late, i'm donated out 04:04 no worries 04:27 <@Loggers_VIII> fountain is by far the worst wish source to try and get 04:27 <@Loggers_VIII> it's like less than 1% at its most likely lol 04:28 <@Loggers_VIII> well maybe it's 2% on level 1? maybe I made that up 04:29 <@Loggers_VIII> it is 1.9% on level 1. I am such a genius 04:34 -!- Furey has quit [Quit: Client closed] 04:43 -!- Furey has joined #tnnt 05:25 <@Loggers_VIII> I was tossing around the idea of what an all-achievement game would look like, and at first I just thought it would require impossible amounts of luck (there's like 25 or so achievements that simply can't be achieved if you get unlucky), but it turns out it's impossible, thanks to a couple role-specific achievements 05:25 <@Loggers_VIII> "destroy a monster with #turn", "wear a cornuthaum as a wizard", and "throw mjollnir and have it return to your hand", specifically 05:26 <@Loggers_VIII> I knew an all achievement game was functionally impossible legitimately, but even rng-manip couldn't pull it off :(( 05:39 the player also cannot kill 8 demon princes, bribe one with 1 gp, and bribe one with 25000 gp 05:42 <@Loggers_VIII> or make one escape the dungeon and also kill them 05:45 i think it's also impossible to receive the quest permadeaf and chat with the wise old man, because permadeaf can never be cured 05:47 <@Loggers_VIII> I suppose you'd hope for orctown so you can get minetown avenger instead 05:47 <@Loggers_VIII> another pair of mutually exclusive achievements 05:49 <@Loggers_VIII> you also need at least 2 wands of wishing, there's that one for breaking one with at least one wish left, and one for wresting a wish 05:49 <@Loggers_VIII> this achievement stuff is tricky 06:02 it's too much for one game. have to spread it out across multiple games. and across more than one player, if the players are around my level. 06:04 hmm, i just ascended (with about 153 achievements and a trophy for never letting a rider die) ... but beta scoreboards are just ignoring the game 06:05 <@Loggers_VIII> grats! 06:06 <@Loggers_VIII> I think I'll try to get a beta ascension with a lot of achievements and then use what went wrong to adjust my strategy 06:06 what role do you fancy for that? 06:07 <@Loggers_VIII> gonna do neutral wiz 06:07 <@Loggers_VIII> neutral for vorpal, wiz for the fact that it's wiz 06:08 <@Loggers_VIII> wiz has one role-specific achievement, one only a couple roles can get (freeing a prisoner), and their abilites make a bunch of the other achievements much more attainable 06:08 yeah there's a ton and a half of polypiling, pet charming, and other magical stuff 06:10 <@Loggers_VIII> they're really really great as a role for enabling you to do stupid shit 06:10 -!- Peteird has joined #tnnt 06:10 <@Loggers_VIII> which is what half these achievements are :p 06:10 <@Loggers_VIII> tbh the achievement that irks me the most is the dudley one 06:10 <@Loggers_VIII> most of the achievements are funny and a good way to sidetrack yourself 06:10 <@Loggers_VIII> that one just sucks 06:12 <@Loggers_VIII> I've reconciled with doorstopper by realizing I can save it until I do the -13 luck achievement 06:13 -!- Arseniy has joined #tnnt 06:13 one player's "funny" is another player's "this sucks". 06:14 -!- Peteird has quit [Client Quit] 06:14 <@Loggers_VIII> that might have come off wrong, by "funny" I meant "enjoyable" 06:14 <@Loggers_VIII> no one likes doing the dudley achievement 06:15 i like it 06:15 <@Loggers_VIII> I don't believe you are a real person 06:15 <@Loggers_VIII> surely some sort of highly advanced AI 06:15 i pass the nethack turing test. no bot can ascend a nethack game. 06:15 <@Loggers_VIII> heheheh true that 06:15 bots can chat, but they can't play. 06:16 <@Loggers_VIII> I don't know why I'm surprised by stuff like this anymore. I need to learn to not underestimate the eccentricity of the nethack community 06:17 <@Loggers_VIII> there's probably someone who gets excited about the full elven 06:17 just *playing* nethack is eccentic. 06:18 <@Loggers_VIII> THAT is a statement matched in truth by none other 06:18 whew, my game results showed up, guess it just needed a cron job. 06:19 <@Loggers_VIII> I'm scribbling categorized lists of tnnt achievements on scrap paper. this is not normal behavior :p 06:19 <@Loggers_VIII> aha I see it 06:20 <@Loggers_VIII> wow, almost a full day of realtime hours. though that doesn't take into account being afk and the like 06:21 yeah i play slow 06:21 <@Loggers_VIII> I hear that's the way to do it 06:21 <@Loggers_VIII> how come only the temple on astral is mapped? did you get amnesia 06:22 yup, that's amnesia on purpose, just to look unique 06:23 <@Loggers_VIII> gotcha 06:23 <@Loggers_VIII> certainly through me for a loop 06:23 <@Loggers_VIII> *threw 06:24 <@Loggers_VIII> why's english gotta be like that. it's the same sound dammit 06:24 true 06:25 <@Loggers_VIII> I nearly spelled 'cancer' as 'canswer' the other day 06:25 <@Loggers_VIII> though that's a slightly more egregious error, I think :p 06:29 -!- Arseniy has quit [Quit: Konversation terminated!] 06:43 gg Furey 06:44 thanks! 06:44 new "do not let XXX die" code didn't show any problems, it just worked 06:53 -!- Furey has quit [Quit: Client closed] 07:30 -!- joes has joined #tnnt 07:31 -!- Peteird has joined #tnnt 08:29 <@joes5898> no fkn way. This is way I dislike uniform distributions