00:01 beta is active 00:02 -!- aosdict has joined #tnnt 00:02 -!- mode/#tnnt [+o aosdict] by ChanServ 00:10 !who 00:11 huh 00:11 oh 00:11 $who 00:11 K2: [US] k2 | [EU] No current players | [AU] No current players 00:11 $help 00:11 Demo: https://github.com/tnnt-devteam/tnntbot/blob/master/botuse.txt 00:11 $clanscore teamsplit 00:11 Demo: Can't find clan teamsplit 00:15 $clantag losers ito 00:16 $streak DemoBot 00:16 Demo: No streaks for DemoBot. 00:16 $lastgame DemoBot 00:16 Demo: No last game for DemoBot. 00:16 hmm i don't know about november 00:55 [tnnt] copperwater pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://github.com/tnnt-devteam/tnnt/compare/b27e79eb9fc1...132e80772996 00:55 [tnnt] copperwater 132e807 - Fix: unusable monster color in devteam member tile 01:17 -!- Furey has joined #tnnt 01:19 [tnnt] k21971 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://github.com/tnnt-devteam/tnnt/compare/132e80772996...a7eaecb08ecd 01:19 [tnnt] k21971 a7eaecb - Remove mac/windows builds from github workflow. 02:06 [tnnt] copperwater pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1] https://github.com/tnnt-devteam/tnnt/compare/a7eaecb08ecd...2787b616b8a9 02:06 [tnnt] copperwater 2787b61 - Fix: oclass was not read properly from swapchest file 02:51 The sleep ray bounces! The sleep ray bounces! The sleep ray bounces! The sleep ray bounces! Upernavik gets angry! 02:51 Achievement unlocked: "Three-Rail Shot". The sleep ray hits Upernavik. 02:52 ahaha i even got away with it 03:02 -!- Furey has quit [Quit: Client closed] 03:44 -!- aosdict has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 03:50 -!- Loggers_VIII has joined #tnnt 03:51 -!- cathartes has joined #tnnt 04:08 -!- Loggers_VIII has quit [Quit: Client closed] 04:29 -!- Umbire has joined #tnnt 04:33 -!- Loggers_VIII has joined #tnnt 04:41 doorstopper is the dumbest achievement of all time 04:46 I guess startscumming for a weak character until you get it might be the easiest way to do it, if you are trying for that one specifically. 04:47 yeah it's not that hard to get it's just irritating and lame 04:48 though it's not as bad as some of the really luck based achievements, because anyone patient enough can technically do it 04:49 I dislike the ones like chocoban, last chance outpost and amon hen a lot. I think completing every achievement in a single game should be doable purely off skill 04:50 bleah I keep sleepin too hard 04:50 I miss anything important? 04:50 tnnt beta opened 04:51 as such I've been given something to whine about (bad achievements) which should content me for a bit 04:52 dnh pushed undead hunter i think 04:55 yeah that one I heard about 04:56 ya thassaboutit ey 04:57 the nethack community needs more excitement 04:58 hm, actually, this is a 'careful what you wish for' type postulate 05:03 -!- floating_eye has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:03 -!- floating_eye has joined #tnnt 05:06 I wasn't looking for excitement, just a catch up because I fell asleep around 3 05:45 -!- Loggers_VIII has quit [Quit: Client closed] 06:47 -!- Fukka has joined #tnnt 06:54 -!- cathartes has quit [Quit: fly away] 07:49 -!- Umbire is now known as PhantomLumina 08:17 -!- Fukka has quit [Quit: Leaving] 10:38 -!- aosdict has joined #tnnt 10:38 -!- mode/#tnnt [+o aosdict] by ChanServ 11:22 <@karafruit (she/her)> hmm time for a "nethack hot take" generator bot? 11:23 <@karafruit (she/her)> that would cause excitement 11:23 'lo kara 11:23 -!- joes has joined #tnnt 11:23 <@karafruit (she/her)> hello 11:24 ey joes 11:24 <@karafruit (she/her)> I am en route to work (via train) and not playing nethack. this makes me sad. 😦 11:45 o no 11:45 ey PhantomLumina 13:01 -!- Bleeko has joined #tnnt 13:09 -!- floating_eye has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:10 -!- floating_eye has joined #tnnt 14:11 -!- PhantomLumina has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:12 -!- Umbire has joined #tnnt 14:28 -!- tinklebear has joined #tnnt 14:36 -!- nurdglaw has joined #tnnt 14:56 !help 14:56 !halp 14:56 @help 14:56 $help 14:56 joes: https://github.com/tnnt-devteam/tnntbot/blob/master/botuse.txt 14:56 ty, joes! 14:56 \o/ 14:56 i forget too sometimes 14:56 like yesterday 14:57 which channels are the other bots in :P 14:57 #hardfought and #evilhack 14:57 they use ! 14:58 ab tinklebear 14:58 hallo, Umbire 14:59 and good morning, K2 14:59 hi 15:00 ab K2 15:00 hi 15:01 is it wrong to greet with "good morning" when the morning is damp and you spilled water all over a toolbox? 15:05 no, but a more appropriate greeting under those cirmcumstances might be 'eh' 15:05 o canada 15:08 true patriot love, in all thy sons command 15:12 I think you accidentally a line 15:15 s/accidentally/ignorantly 15:29 Anything need wiki documentation at the moment? If not, I'm gonna take a break and AFK 15:31 -!- PhantomLumina has joined #tnnt 15:31 -!- Umbire is now known as Guest3249 15:31 -!- Guest3249 has quit [Killed (molybdenum.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services))] 15:31 -!- PhantomLumina is now known as Umbire 15:32 <@Umbyre (he/him)> really inopportune comedic timing, that 15:36 $who 15:36 tinklebear: [EU] No current players | [US] tinklebear | [AU] No current players 15:36 $time 15:36 tinklebear: 2024-10-15 15:36:48 UTC. 2024 Tournament begins in 16d 08:23:12 15:37 $lastgame K2 15:37 tinklebear: [US] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/k/k2/tnnt/dumplog/1729006555.tnnt.html 15:37 $lastasc tinklebear 15:37 tinklebear: No last ascension for tinklebear. 15:38 $score Umbire 15:38 tinklebear: Can't find player Umbire on the scoreboard. 15:38 if you logged in yesterday, do it again today 15:38 $score K2 15:38 tinklebear: Can't find player K2 on the scoreboard. 15:38 $score k2 15:38 K2: Can't find player k2 on the scoreboard. 15:38 $score tinklebear 15:38 tinklebear: Can't find player tinklebear on the scoreboard. 15:38 yeah there's a lot of functions with the bot that dont work anymore 15:38 happened when the backend was upgraded 15:38 we've never updated the bot :) 15:39 cool 15:39 what did $score even do 15:40 like there hasn't been a unified tournament score for as long as there's been tnnt 15:43 it showed your score 15:43 back when we actually had scores 15:44 what's the score, daddy-o 15:45 heh 15:45 errand time, bbl 15:45 actually I may be wrong - did we have a tournament score in early tnnt with the old backend? 15:45 and then discard it when moving to the python backend 15:45 or am I thinking of devnull tribute only 15:47 https://hardfought.org/tnnt/archives/2020/ 15:47 "List of Top 10 Players" 15:47 "# player clan games wins score ach" 15:48 "1 Luxidream Order of the Cockatrice 501 64 6136 180" 15:48 ...etc 15:49 amateurhour was number 4, with 1443 points 15:49 * tinklebear misses amateurhour 16:14 the #vanquished seems to have gone away 16:14 * #vanquished command 16:15 -!- Loggers_VIII has joined #tnnt 16:15 -!- Loggers_VIII has quit [Changing host] 16:15 -!- Loggers_VIII has joined #tnnt 16:15 oh my god FUCK DOORSTOPPER FUCK DOORSTOPPER FUCK DOORSTOPPER 16:16 thank you for coming to my ted talk 16:16 why you curse the chilton manual, Loggers_VIII? 16:16 lol 16:17 every time i get to 5 or 7 times in a row i get my hopes up just for them to be dashed on the rocks of sorrow 16:18 why is this an achievement??? 16:21 yippee I got it!!! only took 400 turns of trying as a 10 strength tourist 16:22 on the next level i got oneshot by a hobbit with a wand of lightning 16:26 the only rule I can discern from the list of achievements is 16:26 that it is "a list of things that can happen in nethack" 16:29 maybe "memorable types of things" 16:31 "world-building events" 16:37 in the case of doorstopper, "sadistically boring events" 16:41 statistics with a stuffy nose == sadistics 16:48 -!- Loggers_VIII has quit [Quit: Client closed] 17:11 "cruel and unusual event" <-- its occurence is an achievement (just not necessarily for the player) 20:55 -!- nurdglaw has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 21:09 -!- Furey has joined #tnnt 21:09 $time 21:09 Furey: 2024-10-15 21:09:37 UTC. 2024 Tournament begins in 16d 02:50:23 21:13 -!- nurdglaw has joined #tnnt 21:15 -!- Furey has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 21:32 -!- Furey has joined #tnnt 21:40 $pom 21:53 $who 21:53 tinklebear: [EU] No current players | [US] Furey | [AU] No current players 21:54 hey tinklebear, how's it going? 21:55 chilly, wet, sort of gloomy here 21:55 how are you, Furey? 21:55 checking out the new achievements. 21:56 I saw a three wall-bounce thing. that looks new 21:56 it is, it's fun to set that up 21:56 Boing! Boing! Boing! 21:56 nice 21:56 (hmm maybe there should be a SEPARATE achievement to get three Boing!s at once because that is NOT the same thing) 21:57 heh 21:57 we would call it "Cory Doctorow Eat Your Heart Out" 21:57 i got a shopkeeper with a wand of sleep 21:58 they were in front of the door 21:58 fun fact: chopping down a door with a pick-axe does not make noise 21:59 so i chopped the door down and snuck out, without waking them, and laughed my ass off 21:59 hah 22:00 clever 22:02 unplayable 22:02 delete game 22:02 :P 22:03 don't worry, i got my yasd somewhere else 22:26 -!- [ has joined #tnnt 22:34 Would striking down a door wake a monster hit with /sleep, as opposed to merely "asleep"? 22:40 -!- Furey has quit [Quit: Client closed] 22:46 -!- nurdglaw has quit [Quit: Client closed] 22:54 -!- joes has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 22:59 -!- Furey has joined #tnnt 22:59 tjw: going to find out soon. headed for sokoban zoo with a stealthy barbarian and some pets. 23:00 ow freaking shapechanger master lich 23:02 <@Loggers_VIII> the three rail bounce achievement is good 23:02 <@Loggers_VIII> for an example of the worst achievement of all time look no further than doorstopper 23:05 it's hilarious watching some hero opening and closing a door for 15 minutes 23:07 i dunno, it certainly made you stop at a door 23:08 I mean, for any player I can think of, there's going to be at least a few achievements they just won't get 23:08 if it is so painful, why not make doorstopper one of those? 23:09 *one of those achievements you simply don't achieve 23:13 there's a whole raft of achievements I'm like, "yeah, that looks like crap. not doing that one" 23:14 -!- Regne has joined #tnnt 23:15 i think a good clan can get 100% of the achievements, but of course the players have to split them up 23:15 sure 23:16 surly dinos got 320/325 last year 23:16 I mean, like, for some people the +7 all-elven gear thing is attractive 23:16 but hell will freeze over before I try for that one 23:16 the 5 they missed were the very hard luck-based one (wish from every source) and several partial conducts 23:17 I think the key thing is that every achievement was done by at least one person 23:18 oh right 23:18 "i think a good clan can get 100% of the achievements" -- furey. hmm I wonder who is sitting on top of the leaderboard for most achievements last year ;) 23:18 If you had any that were unachieved achievements, that would be something to adjust. 23:19 That's actually something I'm trying to implement for this year - a page with a basic breakdown of how many players got each achievement 23:19 uh that page is already there? 23:19 Yea, it should already be there 23:20 Probably needs a more prominent link though 23:20 great, thanks past me for making less work for current me 23:20 https://hardfought.org/tnnt/archives/2023/achievements.html 23:20 I was considering writing a script to show who in a clan got certain achievements 23:21 It was super helpful when I was planning which achievements to plan for and which ones to say "someone will just get it" 23:21 If anyone has ideas on where to put the link for that (and possibly other "tournament errata" pages), let me know. we can't really put anything else in the header bar 23:22 one thing I was considering was making a "stats" page to link to these sorts of misc statistics pages, and take "Archives" out of the header and put the archives somewhere else (in "About" perhaps) 23:22 in the header bar: merge "about' and "rules", or demote "about", or something. "about" is mostly 2017 history. 23:22 What I like about TNNT is that everyone plays the way they want to. Last year GIF was ascending hard while the Dinos were doing a lot of achievemnts. Place for everyone. 23:23 ^ that is exactly what I wanted when I argued for the multi-leaderboard model and against a unified-scoring-algorithm model when that debate happened 23:24 Well, having a single score is nice because competition, but allowing a bunch of paths to a big number give more opportunity for strategery 23:25 I prefer multi leaderboard. 23:25 Isn't that junethack? 23:25 Agreed, multi leaderboard gives a variety of bragging rights, less boring that way 23:25 Incoming brag! 23:26 This wraith corpse tastes okay. Achievement unlocked: "Wafer-Thin Mint". You feel more experienced. Welcome to experience level 10. 23:26 Nice Furey 23:26 You feel more confident in your skills. 23:26 IIRC, my case was helped by the fact no one could agree on a fair scoring algorithm 23:26 lol 23:27 I mean how do you weight ascs vs streaks vs achievements vs conducts vs... 23:28 I like being in a tournament where billdacat is going for world record low turncount, and I like that that is NOT rolled into a uni-score along with all the other dimensions 23:33 A little achievement history: 23:33 2018  196/196  order of the cockatrice, teenage nethack ninja turtles, teamsplat 23:33 2019, 2020, 2021: ... nobody clan got a perfect score ... 23:33 2022  316/323  surly dinos 23:33 2023  320/325  surly dinos 23:34 So I think the achievements are tuned about right, it's a struggle to shoot for a perfect score for a clan, let alone one player