Posts Tagged ‘Nethack’

Junethack 2020 has started!

By K2 on May 31st, 2020 at 8:00 pm EST

Junethack 2020 has officially started! This years’ tournament features more variants to choose from than in any previous year, with the re-addition of Slash ‘EM and a new variant, GnollHack. This is also the first year for 3.7.0 (still in developmental status) to be featured in any tournament, in the form of 370-hdf. There are also new versions of many other variants, including EvilHack, dNetHack, xNetHack, SpliceHack and UnNetHack. Several clans have already been formed, and the competition looks to be fierce. Be sure to check out the Junethack website for more information, and to sign up to play if you haven’t already.

Good luck and have fun everyone!