Scoreboards are back

By K2 on March 20th, 2020 at 10:03 pm EST

The scoreboards for all NetHack games and its variants have been reinstated, and this time they’re not just tracking games on the US based server. All game across all three servers are tracked and recorded. So now players that frequent the European and Australian servers can check out their games here and see how they fared against everyone else. This includes the z-scores pages as well as the regular scoreboard. Links to the scoreboards and z-scores can be found here, or just follow the ‘NetHack’ menu above. One minor issue to be aware of – any EU or AU games, the dumplog link still points to the US server. Haven’t quite figured out how to handle that one yet. In the meantime, just replace www with either eu or au in the link, that will then load the dumplog for that game.

Hoping to add even more data statistics to the site here soon, preferably before Junethack starts this year. Stay tuned!