Happy 17th birthday Hardfought!

By K2 on October 22nd, 2017 at 12:51 pm EST

Today marks Hardfought’s 17th birthday. This is the first birthday post in a long, long while that will have something more to acknowledge other than the passing of another year of existence. A lot has happened over the past several months that has basically revitalized the purpose of this server. With the help of several good friends in the NetHack community, we’ve started a multi-variant NetHack server, have successfully participated in Junethack 2017, and are about to host a one-off /dev/null/nethack tribute tournament in just a few days. And there’s even more things to come, and soon. Exciting times indeed ;)

The /dev/null/nethack tribute tournament is all set to start at 0700 hrs UTC on November 1st. We have everything in place now, and we could kick off the tournament today if we wanted to – we’re way ahead of schedule. With the remaining time we have left, it’s finding and fixing small bugs, tweaking, making adjustments, etc. Mandevil has done an outstanding job on the scoreboard and clan management web pages, which you can access via the menu up top (NetHack –> /dev/null), or you can link directly to it here. Tangles worked his magic, and made it possible for us to host three servers in total for the tournament – the main one here, another one in London, and a third on the US West coast that’s hosted by NAO (thanks dtype!). User accounts and logfiles are synced across all three servers, you only have to register an account on the main server, and within a minute it will exist on all servers. You can manually sync your rcfile from the main server to the remotes as well. You can also start building your clan now, and can send invites to anyone who’s already registered. For more information on how to connect to any of the tournament servers or any other functions or how-to’s, see the ‘About’ page on the tournament page I linked to earlier in this post.

So happy birthday Hardfought! See you all online…