/dev/null/nethack Tribute Tournament wrap-up

By K2 on December 10th, 2017 at 2:26 am EST

About ten days late on this post, but that’s ok. The /dev/null/nethack tribute tournament ended early on December 1st and ran the entire month of November. The tournament was a success, with 145 players participating, 12 clans and over 11,500 games played. You can read the breakdown of the stats on reddit or you can see for yourself on the tournament scoreboard here. All of the dumplogs and ttyrecs from the remote servers have been moved over to the main server and are linked to properly via the tournament scoreboard. Even though this was a one-off tribute to /dev/null/nethack, the scoreboard will stay up indefinitely to act as a permanent record.

Thank you to all who played and provided feedback before and during the tournament. That feedback went a long way in helping make the tournament a success. I think I only had to recover maybe 8-10 games out of the 11,000+ total. Special thanks to Tangles and Mandevil (game code and scoreboard respectively) who made this a reality.

So, moving forward – we’re definitely going to start hosting our own unique NetHack tournament around the same time next year. We learned quite a bit from this last one, and will be putting that knowledge to good use. Any ideas or suggestions you may have for the new tournament, please let us know.

That’s all for now, more news to follow soon…