00:10 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Jinsho (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:2330 00:13 [hdf-us] [evil] bouquet (Dru Hum Fem Neu) had an alchemy smock entrusted to her by Silvanus, on T:35775 (8:26:17) 00:24 [hdf-us] [nndnh] johnnyteapot (Pir Inc Mal Neu) entered the Planes, on T:49014 00:30 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Sam Hum Mal Law) found the Tsurugi of Muramasa carried by a monster, on T:34162 00:30 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Sam Hum Mal Law) killed Ashikaga Takauji, on T:34163 00:30 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Sam Hum Mal Law) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:34165 00:34 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Jinsho (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) was bestowed with Magicbane by Thoth, on T:3290 00:34 [hdf-us] [nndnh] johnnyteapot (Pir Inc Mal Neu) killed the high priest of a whole faith, on T:49224 00:35 [hdf-us] [nndnh] johnnyteapot (Pir Inc Mal Neu) destroyed Pestilence, on T:49232 00:41 -!- Tangles has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 00:43 [hdf-us] [nndnh] johnnyteapot (Pir Inc Mal Neu) destroyed Famine, on T:49299 00:46 [hdf-us] [nndnh] johnnyteapot (Pir Inc Mal Neu) wished for "magic chest", on T:49332 00:47 [hdf-us] [nh370] LythariDrow (Rog Orc Fem Cha) entered Sokoban, on T:5898 00:50 [hdf-us] [nndnh] johnnyteapot (Pir Inc Mal Neu) wished for "magic chest", on T:49347 00:52 -!- Tangles has joined #hardfought 00:52 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o Tangles] by ChanServ 00:53 [hdf-us] [nndnh] johnnyteapot (Pir Inc Mal Neu) wished for "vilya", on T:49349 00:57 [hdf-us] [nndnh] johnnyteapot (Pir Inc Mal Neu), 10186043 points, T:49352, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/j/johnnyteapot/notnotdnethack/dumplog/1739220103.nndnh.txt 00:58 [hdf-us] [nh370] Falconpunch (Val Hum Fem Neu), 1549 points, T:2898, killed by a bugbear, while praying 00:59 -!- Noisytoot has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:00 [hdf-us] [gnoll] KaiHerd (Mon Hum Fem Cha) killed the Gargantuan Mimic, on T:1386 (1:02:43) 01:00 -!- Noisytoot has joined #hardfought 01:00 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Noisytoot] by ChanServ 01:02 [hdf-us] [gnoll] KaiHerd (Mon Hum Fem Cha) entered the Gnomish Mines, on T:1485 (1:04:43) 01:03 [hdf-us] [nndnh] johnnyteapot (Tou Inc Mal Neu), 76 points, T:77, killed by a killer bee 01:04 [hdf-us] [nndnh] johnnyteapot (Tou Inc Mal Neu), 233 points, T:105, killed by an arrow trap 01:04 [hdf-us] [nndnh] johnnyteapot (Tou Inc Mal Neu), 60 points, T:3, killed by a giant beetle 01:06 [hdf-us] [nndnh] johnnyteapot (Tou Inc Mal Neu), 104 points, T:81, killed by a plains centaur 01:08 [hdf-eu] [nerf] parasite (Sam Hum Mal Law) reached Mine Town, on T:8013 01:11 [hdf-us] [nndnh] johnnyteapot (Tou Inc Mal Neu), 678 points, T:314, killed by a yeti 01:12 [hdf-us] [nh370] Falconpunch (Hea Hum Fem Neu), 334 points, T:864, killed by a jackal, while frozen by a floating eye's gaze 01:13 [hdf-us] [nh370] LythariDrow (Rog Orc Fem Cha), 8807 points, T:8559, killed by a white unicorn 01:17 [hdf-eu] [nerf] parasite (Sam Hum Mal Law) destroyed parasite's ghost, the former Fighter, on T:8441 01:24 -!- Jera has quit [Quit: h] 01:26 [hdf-us] [un] Sylvie (Hea Hum Fem Neu) entered the Town, on T:21807 (3:00:04) 01:28 [hdf-us] [nh370] Falconpunch (Sam Hum Fem Law), 255 points, T:660, killed by an ettin mummy 01:30 -!- a1 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 01:31 [hdf-us] [un] Sylvie (Hea Hum Fem Neu) had Vorpal Blade bestowed upon her by Hermes, on T:22576 (3:05:07) 01:31 [hdf-us] [nndnh] johnnyteapot (Tou Inc Mal Neu), 8221 points, T:1713, killed by a boulder 01:36 -!- mobileuser has joined #hardfought 01:36 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vis (Bin Hum Mal Non) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1385 01:43 [hdf-us] [nh370] Falconpunch (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 404 points, T:1071, killed by a giant rat, while fainted from lack of food 01:51 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vis (Bin Hum Mal Non), 7910 points, T:3278, killed by a Mordor orc 01:51 [hdf-us] [un] Sylvie (Hea Hum Fem Neu) changed form for the first time, becoming a pony, on T:25450 (3:25:17) 01:55 [hdf-us] [nh370] a1 (Ran Gno Fem Neu), 762 points, T:1874, killed by a water moccasin 01:55 [hdf-us] [nh370] Falconpunch (Hea Hum Fem Neu), 267 points, T:629, killed by a crossbow bolt 02:01 [hdf-us] [gnoll] KaiHerd (Mon Hum Fem Cha) acquired the Gladstone from Mines' End, on T:3797 (2:03:30) 02:02 [hdf-eu] [nerf] parasite (Sam Hum Mal Law) was bestowed with Snickersnee by Amaterasu Omikami, on T:11250 02:10 -!- Noisytoot has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:10 -!- Noisytoot has joined #hardfought 02:10 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Noisytoot] by ChanServ 02:13 -!- Noisytoot has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:14 -!- Noisytoot has joined #hardfought 02:14 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Noisytoot] by ChanServ 02:16 [hdf-eu] [nerf] parasite (Sam Hum Mal Law) was bestowed with Grayswandir by Amaterasu Omikami, on T:12035 02:17 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dictyostelium (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Juiblex, on T:29109 02:19 -!- Noisytoot has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:20 -!- Noisytoot has joined #hardfought 02:20 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Noisytoot] by ChanServ 02:20 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dictyostelium (Val Dwa Fem Law) bribed Baalzebub with 43 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:29278 02:21 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dictyostelium (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed greased fixed +3 helm of opposite alignment", got "a greased crested helmet", on T:29295 02:22 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dictyostelium (Val Dwa Fem Cha) used a helm to turn chaotic, on T:29298 02:24 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dictyostelium (Val Dwa Fem Cha) wished for "blessed greased ring of confict", got "a greased ring of gain constitution", on T:29365 02:26 -!- wvc has joined #hardfought 02:28 -!- oh7 has joined #hardfought 02:28 -!- oh6 has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 02:28 -!- oh7 is now known as oh6 02:51 [hdf-us] [nh4] Elspeth (Ackbladder) (Kni Hum Fem Law), 49116 points, T:4348, killed by a gray unicorn 02:51 [hdf-us] [gnoll] KaiHerd (Mon Hum Fem Cha) became literate by reading a scroll, on T:5593 (2:54:13) 02:56 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vinyl (Pir Inc Mal Cha), 35182 points, T:6284, killed by a soldier ant 02:59 [hdf-us] [gnoll] KaiHerd (Mon Hum Fem Cha) entered Sokoban, on T:6081 (3:01:34) 03:14 -!- wvc has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 03:21 [hdf-eu] [nh370] wisp (Arc Hum Fem Law) attained the rank of Curator (level 30), on T:44934 03:22 -!- wvc has joined #hardfought 03:27 -!- phinxy has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 03:32 -!- phinxy has joined #hardfought 03:52 [hdf-us] [gnoll] KaiHerd (Mon Hum Fem Cha) completed Sokoban, acquiring a pyramidal amulet, on T:8505 (3:54:19) 03:53 [hdf-us] [nh370] VFD (Val Dwa Fem Law), 2481 points, T:4910, quit 03:54 [hdf-us] [evil] Koeranen (Ran Elf Fem Neu) chose an elven dagger to be named "Sting", on T:478 (0:02:42) 03:55 [hdf-us] [evil] Koeranen (Ran Elf Fem Neu), 254 points, T:533, killed by a Grey-elf 03:56 -!- Sgeo has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:07 [hdf-au] [evil] Arahael (Dru Trt Mal Neu), 219 points, T:587, killed by a gas spore's explosion 04:10 [hdf-us] [nh4] Nettle (Ackbladder) (Hea Gno Fem Neu), 18412 points, T:1879, killed by a kitten 04:17 [hdf-eu] [dnh] dedal (Bin Hum Mal Non) wished for "blessed fireproof +3 Premium Heart", on T:373 04:18 -!- Haudegen has joined #hardfought 04:18 [hdf-eu] [nh370] wisp (Arc Hum Fem Law) wished for "blessed greased ring of teleport control", got "a greased ring of teleport control", on T:49972 04:29 [hdf-us] [slshm] wsx9000 (Wiz Dop Fem Cha), 15544 points, T:7144, killed by a lynx 04:33 [hdf-us] [evil] xialg (Rog Hum Mal Cha) chose a runed broadsword to be named "Orcrist", on T:22483 (3:18:06) 04:36 [hdf-us] [nh370] hilliance (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) changed form for the first time, becoming a blue dragon, on T:25550 04:46 [hdf-eu] [nh370] wisp (Arc Hum Fem Law) wished for "blessed greased magic marker", got "a greased magic marker", on T:50422 04:56 [hdf-eu] [dnh] dedal (Bin Hum Mal Non), 19492 points, T:6216, killed by a yeti 04:56 [hdf-au] [evil] Arahael (Mon Hum Fem Cha), 4356 points, T:3521, killed by the Goblin King 05:14 [hdf-us] [nh370] hilliance (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) attained the rank of Sorceress (level 18), on T:26189 05:17 [hdf-au] [evil] Arahael (Mon Hum Fem Neu) killed the Goblin King, on T:2727 (0:20:25) 05:18 [hdf-us] [evil] Koeranen (Ran Elf Fem Neu) chose an elven dagger to be named "Sting", on T:487 (0:02:48) 05:23 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Jinsho (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) changed form for the first time, becoming a werewolf, on T:4054 05:23 -!- oh6 has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 05:24 -!- wvc has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 05:27 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Jinsho (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 3809 points, T:4296, killed by a wolf 05:30 [hdf-us] [evil] Koeranen (Ran Elf Fem Neu) destroyed the invisible Mystes' ghost, the former Ovate, on T:2175 (0:14:34) 05:31 [hdf-au] [evil] Arahael (Mon Hum Fem Neu) consumed animal products (fortune cookie) for the first time, on T:4140 (0:35:22) 05:38 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Jinsho (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 545 points, T:965, killed by a bolt of fire played by himself 05:46 -!- MiseryMyra has joined #hardfought 05:46 -!- MisteryMyra has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 05:46 [hdf-us] [nh370] hilliance (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) attained the rank of Necromancer (level 22), on T:26697 05:48 [hdf-us] [nh370] hilliance (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) performed her first genocide (class L), on T:26703 05:51 [hdf-au] [evil] Arahael (Mon Hum Fem Neu) hit with a wielded weapon for the first time, on T:5204 (0:55:16) 05:52 [hdf-au] [evil] Arahael (Mon Hum Fem Neu) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:5411 (0:56:07) 05:52 [hdf-us] [nh370] hilliance (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) bribed Baalzebub with 1 zorkmid for safe passage, on T:26773 05:55 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Jinsho (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 244 points, T:675, killed by a small mimic 05:57 [hdf-au] [evil] Arahael (Mon Hum Fem Neu), 11129 points, T:5723, killed by a giant spider 06:00 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Dru Cen Fem Neu) killed Cerberus, on T:49077 (1 day, 9:35:45) 06:01 -!- Tangles has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 06:03 -!- Tangles has joined #hardfought 06:03 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o Tangles] by ChanServ 06:07 [hdf-au] [evil] Arahael (Mon Hum Fem Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:638 (0:10:24) 06:13 -!- Tangles has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 06:13 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Jinsho (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:1935 06:15 -!- Tangles has joined #hardfought 06:15 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o Tangles] by ChanServ 06:16 [hdf-au] [evil] Arahael (Mon Hum Fem Cha), 4149 points, T:1555, killed by a dwarf lord 06:16 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Jinsho (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) destroyed Jinsho's ghost, the former Thaumaturge, on T:2067 06:21 [hdf-eu] [nh370] MalkMcJorma (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 554 points, T:1531, killed by a pony 06:21 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Jinsho (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) found Magicbane on the floor, on T:2122 06:27 -!- Tangles has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 06:29 -!- Tangles has joined #hardfought 06:29 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o Tangles] by ChanServ 06:31 -!- Peteird has joined #hardfought 06:33 -!- phinxy has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 06:44 [hdf-us] [dnh] KrO2 (Mad Elf Mal Una) killed the creature in the ice, on T:39158 06:45 [hdf-us] [dnh] KrO2 (Mad Elf Mal Una) killed Levistus, on T:39161 06:48 [hdf-au] [evil] Arahael (Mon Hum Fem Neu) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:3499 (0:30:32) 06:50 [hdf-au] [evil] Arahael (Mon Hum Fem Neu) tasted meat for the first time, by eating a wraith corpse, on T:3539 (0:32:11) 06:50 [hdf-au] [evil] Arahael (Mon Hum Fem Neu) murdered her faithful horse, on T:3544 (0:32:24) 06:51 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vinyl (Pir Elf Fem Cha), 13643 points, T:4590, killed by a Mordor orc 06:52 !PoM 06:52 APic: The moon is full for 2 more days. 06:52 \o 06:53 [hdf-au] [evil] Arahael (Mon Hum Fem Neu) completed Sokoban, acquiring an amulet of reflection, on T:3673 (0:35:30) 06:54 [hdf-au] [evil] Arahael (Mon Hum Fem Neu), 17165 points, T:3714, killed by an owlbear 06:57 -!- VaderFLAG has joined #hardfought 07:06 [hdf-us] [nh370] hilliance (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) bribed Asmodeus with 1 zorkmid for safe passage, on T:27459 07:09 -!- Peteird has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:10 [hdf-us] [dnh] KrO2 (Mad Elf Mal Una) killed Juiblex, on T:39205 07:12 -!- ponies_ has joined #hardfought 07:14 -!- ponies has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 07:25 [hdf-us] [hackm] arnibald (Pir Hum Mal Cha) averted death (killed by an air elemental of the deep blue sea), on T:4236 (2:07:40) 07:26 [hdf-us] [hackm] arnibald (Pir Hum Mal Cha), 1203 points, T:4242, killed by an air elemental of the deep blue sea 07:33 -!- robin_ has joined #hardfought 07:33 -!- robin has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 07:34 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dictyostelium (Val Dwa Fem Cha), 597516 points, T:32821, killed by Yeenoghu, while paralyzed 07:34 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Fukka (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 228 points, T:774, killed by a bear trap 07:46 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Fukka (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:2540 07:47 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Fukka (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 1714 points, T:2681, killed by a soldier ant 07:51 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Dru Cen Fem Neu) entered Gehennom, on T:49103 (1 day, 9:37:54) 07:53 [hdf-us] [evil] dbanethacker (Val Hum Fem Neu) destroyed coplate's ghost, the former Thaumaturge, on T:17034 (4:38:59) 07:54 [hdf-us] [dnh] KrO2 (Mad Elf Mal Una) killed Daemon, on T:39405 07:54 [hdf-us] [dnh] KrO2 (Mad Elf Mal Una) killed Lady Constance, on T:39445 08:00 [hdf-us] [evil] Koeranen (Ran Elf Fem Neu) killed the Goblin King, on T:5082 (0:50:01) 08:05 -!- Umbire has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 08:10 [hdf-us] [evil] dbanethacker (Val Hum Fem Neu) made her first wish - "blessed amulet of magical breathing", on T:17138 (4:56:07) 08:10 -!- Haudegen has quit [Quit: Bin weg.] 08:20 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Fukka (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 730 points, T:1882, killed by a coyote 08:21 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 08:21 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v ais523] by ChanServ 08:23 [hdf-eu] [4k] woodfighter (Cav Gia Fem Cha), 10773 points, T:6250, killed by a bolt of cold 08:30 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Fukka (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 275 points, T:913, killed by a bolt of fire zapped by a gnome 08:30 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Fukka (Val Hum Fem Law), 97 points, T:100, killed by a rock piercer 08:36 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Fukka (Mon Hum Mal Law) reached Mine Town, on T:1664 08:37 [hdf-eu] [nh370] wisp (Arc Hum Fem Law) wished for "blessed magic marker", got "a magic marker", on T:58183 08:42 [hdf-us] [evil] dbanethacker (Val Hum Fem Neu), 56314 points, T:19077, killed by a death ray 08:44 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Fukka (Mon Hum Mal Law), 2441 points, T:3546, killed by a yeti 08:45 [hdf-eu] [dnh] dedal (Bin Hum Mal Non), 0 points, T:12, killed by shredding of the soul 08:52 [hdf-eu] [nh370] wisp (Arc Hum Fem Law) killed Yeenoghu, on T:59415 08:58 [hdf-eu] [evil] dedal (Con Ith Fem Cha), 14 points, T:27, killed by a water elemental 08:59 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vinyl (Pir Inc Fem Cha) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1896 09:02 [hdf-eu] [dnh] dedal (Bin Hum Mal Non), 38 points, T:231, killed by shredding of the soul 09:03 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Bar Dwa Fem Neu) had a dwarvish bearded axe entrusted to her by Crom, on T:10340 (0:56:37) 09:04 [hdf-eu] [dnh] dedal (Bin Hum Mal Non), 42 points, T:111, killed by a grid bug 09:04 [hdf-eu] [dnh] dedal (Bin Hum Mal Non), 0 points, T:14, killed by touching Helping Hand 09:08 -!- lorimer has quit [Quit: NAE TROOSERS] 09:12 [hdf-us] [evil] dbanethacker (Val Hum Fem Neu) killed the Goblin King, on T:2776 (0:26:01) 09:15 -!- oh6 has joined #hardfought 09:17 -!- Haudegen has joined #hardfought 09:18 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vinyl (Pir Inc Fem Cha), 16773 points, T:3580, killed by a bat 09:19 [hdf-eu] [nh370] wisp (Arc Hum Fem Law) killed Orcus, on T:62467 09:20 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dyriade (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 699 points, T:2847, killed by a giant spider 09:21 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Bar Dwa Fem Neu) destroyed Arahael's ghost, the former Initiate, on T:15031 (1:14:25) 09:22 -!- lorimer has joined #hardfought 09:22 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v lorimer] by ChanServ 09:26 [hdf-us] [evil] Loggers (Dru Cen Fem Neu), 2881 points, T:2387, killed by the Goblin King 09:28 [hdf-us] [evil] dbanethacker (Val Hum Fem Neu) killed the invisible Gollum, on T:3814 (0:41:51) 09:28 [hdf-eu] [nh370] MalkMcJorma (Hea Hum Mal Neu) became literate by naming Sting, on T:292 09:30 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vinyl (Pir Elf Fem Cha) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:833 09:30 [hdf-us] [evil] dbanethacker (Val Hum Fem Neu), 3228 points, T:4001, killed by a hill orc 09:32 [hdf-us] [evil] Loggers (Dru Cen Mal Neu) killed the Goblin King, on T:745 (0:04:31) 09:33 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Kni Clk Mal Law) killed Sir Garland, on T:14107 09:37 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Sam Hum Mal Law) killed Medusa, on T:37477 09:45 [hdf-us] [evil] dbanethacker (Val Hum Fem Neu), 537 points, T:1551, killed by a giant mimic 09:51 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Bar Dwa Fem Neu) made her first wish - "blessed fixed +2 dragonhide bracers of decay", on T:18527 (1:44:25) 09:59 [hdf-us] [evil] Loggers (Dru Cen Fem Neu) made her first wish - "blessed +2 dragonhide cloak of magic resistance", on T:6207 (0:28:16) 10:02 [hdf-us] [evil] Snuff (Rog Dro Mal Cha) killed the Abominable Snowman, on T:31252 (21:49:51) 10:04 -!- khadgar has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 10:05 [hdf-us] [evil] Loggers (Dru Cen Fem Neu) killed the Rat King, on T:7067 (0:34:53) 10:06 [hdf-eu] [nh370] MalkMcJorma (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 1928 points, T:4074, died of starvation, while frozen by a floating eye's gaze 10:07 [hdf-eu] [evil] lacca (Inf Ith Fem Una) changed form for the first time by mimicking a pile of gold, on T:5304 (1:21:03) 10:08 -!- phinxy has joined #hardfought 10:10 [hdf-us] [hackm] arnibald (Pir Hum Mal Cha), 188 points, T:142, killed by a bear trap 10:11 [hdf-us] [nh370] stash (Val Dwa Fem Law) destroyed Fukka's ghost, the former Initiate, on T:2117 10:12 [hdf-us] [nh370] stash (Val Dwa Fem Law), 1055 points, T:2185, killed by a vampire bat 10:13 [hdf-eu] [dnh] dedal (Bin Elf Mal Non), 46 points, T:31, killed by shredding of the soul 10:15 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Kni Clk Mal Law) killed Croesus, on T:15512 10:17 [hdf-eu] [dnh] dedal (Bin Elf Mal Non), 207 points, T:383, killed by a dart trap 10:19 [hdf-eu] [dnh] dedal (Bin Elf Mal Non) wished for "5 blessed potions of gain ability", on T:71 10:20 -!- mobileuser has quit [Quit: Client closed] 10:22 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Sam Hum Mal Law) made his first wish - "blessed fixed greased gray dragon scale mail", got "a greased gray dragon scale mail", on T:40271 10:23 [hdf-eu] [evil] lacca (Inf Ith Fem Una) completed Sokoban, acquiring an amulet of magic resistance, on T:7086 (1:37:00) 10:25 [hdf-us] [hackm] arnibald (Pir Hum Mal Cha), 708 points, T:1223, killed by a duergar 10:26 [hdf-us] [hackm] arnibald (Pir Hum Mal Cha), 56 points, T:50, killed by a bear trap 10:27 -!- Tangles has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 10:29 [hdf-eu] [evil] lacca (Inf Ith Fem Una) killed Gollum, on T:7641 (1:42:06) 10:29 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Kni Clk Mal Law) destroyed the Arsenal, on T:16149 10:30 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Vargen (Ran Elf Mal Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:3346 10:31 [hdf-us] [nh370] hilliance (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 341535 points, T:27929, choked on a wraith corpse 10:32 [hdf-us] [evil] Snuff (Rog Dro Mal Cha), 769450 points, T:32078, petrified by Medusa 10:33 [hdf-us] [hackm] arnibald (Pir Hum Mal Cha) had The Marauder's Map bestowed upon him by the storm, on T:1239 (0:06:41) 10:33 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Dru Gia Fem Neu) had Magicbane bestowed upon her by Silvanus, on T:106150 (1 day, 12:35:48) 10:33 -!- Tangles has joined #hardfought 10:33 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o Tangles] by ChanServ 10:33 [hdf-eu] [evil] lacca (Inf Ith Fem Una) killed the Goblin King, on T:8295 (1:46:56) 10:36 [hdf-us] [hackm] arnibald (Pir Hum Mal Cha), 406 points, T:1410, zombified by a kobold zombie, while helpless 10:37 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Kni Clk Mal Law) crowned King of the Angles, on T:16755 10:38 -!- khadgar has joined #hardfought 10:39 -!- Tangles has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:39 -!- Tangles has joined #hardfought 10:39 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o Tangles] by ChanServ 10:40 -!- phinxy has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 10:44 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Vargen (Ran Elf Mal Cha) eschewed atheism, by dropping 91 arrows on an altar, on T:3934 10:44 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 336 points, T:401, killed by a winter wolf cub 10:44 [hdf-us] [evil] coplate (Wiz Elf Fem Neu) killed the Goblin King, on T:1489 (0:10:22) 10:45 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 0 points, T:7, killed by a dwarf mummy 10:46 [hdf-us] [evil] rebatelo (Mon Gia Mal Neu) hit with a wielded weapon for the first time, on T:7630 (1:54:47) 10:47 [hdf-us] [nh370] RedArrow (Pri Hum Mal Cha) chose a runed dagger to be named "Sting", on T:1407 10:51 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:757 10:53 -!- Jera has joined #hardfought 10:53 [hdf-us] [evil] coplate (Wiz Elf Fem Neu), 3183 points, T:2374, quit 10:53 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 285 points, T:914, killed by a flaming sphere 10:55 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 174 points, T:618, killed by a snake 10:59 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 515 points, T:1205, killed by a gnomish wizard 10:59 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 56 points, T:74, killed by a soldier ant 11:00 [hdf-us] [nh370] RedArrow (Pri Hum Mal Cha), 1257 points, T:2928, killed by a kitten 11:02 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Dru Gia Fem Neu) entered the Hidden Dungeon, on T:107372 (1 day, 13:05:14) 11:02 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 373 points, T:901, killed by an Uruk-hai 11:03 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 108 points, T:232, killed by a wolf, while praying 11:04 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 163 points, T:338, killed by a giant beetle 11:04 -!- Sgeo has joined #hardfought 11:05 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 0 points, T:70, killed by a dingo 11:05 [hdf-us] [dnh] KrO2 (Mad Elf Mal Una) killed Glasya, on T:39667 11:08 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 564 points, T:595, killed by a winter wolf cub 11:09 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 58 points, T:65, killed by a snake 11:10 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 369 points, T:362, killed by a crossbow bolt 11:10 [hdf-us] [evil] MishiLoggers (Pri Trt Fem Law) became literate by engraving "Glory to Lugh!! :33", on T:3313 (0:18:54) 11:11 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 2 points, T:152, killed by a giant ant 11:12 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Jinsho (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) was bestowed with Ogresmasher by Thoth, on T:5464 11:12 [hdf-us] [nh370] samiam (Pri Hum Mal Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:2542 11:13 [hdf-us] [dnh] KrO2 (Mad Elf Mal Una) killed Asmodeus, on T:39828 11:14 [hdf-us] [evil] rebatelo (Mon Gia Mal Neu) killed the Goblin King, on T:8895 (2:20:32) 11:15 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 881 points, T:1192, killed by a crow, while praying 11:15 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 247 points, T:17, killed by dipping a worn object into a forge 11:16 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 253 points, T:95, killed by an orc mummy 11:16 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 248 points, T:426, killed by a giant spider 11:17 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 52 points, T:87, killed by a giant spider, while praying 11:17 [hdf-us] [nh370] samiam (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 2041 points, T:3059, killed by an orc-captain 11:17 [hdf-us] [evil] MishiLoggers (Pri Trt Fem Law) killed the Goblin King, on T:4485 (0:25:54) 11:18 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 368 points, T:458, killed by a plains centaur 11:18 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 0 points, T:47, killed by a pony 11:19 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 0 points, T:110, killed by a freezing sphere 11:22 [hdf-us] [nh370] Cryomaniac (Val Dwa Fem Law) reached Mine Town, on T:1526 11:24 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1158 11:27 [hdf-us] [evil] bouquet (Dru Hum Fem Neu) had a pair of leather gloves entrusted to her by Silvanus, on T:37286 (8:40:08) 11:28 [hdf-us] [hackm] arnibald (Pir Hum Mal Cha), 756 points, T:2173, killed by a gnome lady 11:31 [hdf-us] [evil] coplate (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 283 points, T:1141, killed by a system shock 11:31 -!- oh6 has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 11:33 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Dru Gia Fem Neu) killed Tal'Gath, on T:107627 (1 day, 13:35:57) 11:33 [hdf-us] [evil] coplate (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 36 points, T:449, killed by a fox 11:34 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Dru Gia Fem Neu) genocided beholders, on T:107641 (1 day, 13:36:38) 11:35 [hdf-us] [evil] MishiLoggers (Pri Trt Fem Law) had Demonbane bestowed upon her by Lugh, on T:6704 (0:43:14) 11:35 [hdf-us] [gnoll] KaiHerd (Mon Hum Fem Cha) entered the Big Room, on T:10156 (4:56:19) 11:37 -!- oh6 has joined #hardfought 11:38 -!- elron has joined #hardfought 11:38 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Law), 978 points, T:4677, killed by a mirkwood elder 11:40 -!- Haudegen has quit [Quit: Bin weg.] 11:41 [hdf-us] [evil] dbanethacker (Val Hum Fem Neu), 425 points, T:781, killed by a gnome lord 11:45 [hdf-us] [evil] bouquet (Dru Hum Fem Neu) had a copper scimitar entrusted to her by Silvanus, on T:39500 (8:57:35) 11:45 [hdf-us] [evil] rebatelo (Mon Gia Mal Neu) killed Gollum, on T:10639 (2:50:00) 11:46 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Bar Dwa Fem Neu) completed Sokoban, acquiring a magic marker, on T:22080 (2:05:58) 11:51 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Dru Gia Fem Neu) destroyed Kas, on T:108165 (1 day, 13:54:17) 11:54 [hdf-us] [xnh] elfz (Ran Elf Fem Cha), 1784 points, T:3139, quit 11:55 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Sam Hum Mal Law) attained the rank of Kokushu (level 18), on T:40683 11:56 [hdf-us] [xnh] elfz (Ran Elf Fem Cha) chose an elven dagger to be named "Sting", on T:1 11:56 [hdf-us] [nh370] hilliance (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) was bestowed with Magicbane by Anhur, on T:5138 11:57 [hdf-us] [evil] MishiLoggers (Pri Trt Fem Law) had a blessed steel flail entrusted to her by Lugh, on T:11363 (1:05:35) 11:58 [hdf-us] [nh370] hilliance (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) was bestowed with Sting by Anhur, on T:5203 11:58 [hdf-us] [nh370] sluggoman (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) wished for "magic marker", got "a magic marker", on T:24022 11:58 [hdf-us] [nh370] sluggoman (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) wished for "magic marker", got "a magic marker", on T:24023 12:02 [hdf-us] [hackm] arnibald (Pir Hum Mal Cha) had The Marauder's Map bestowed upon him by the storm, on T:2364 (0:33:34) 12:06 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Bar Dwa Fem Neu) had a mithril dwarvish spear entrusted to her by Crom, on T:24749 (2:26:32) 12:08 [hdf-us] [evil] MishiLoggers (Pri Trt Fem Law), 34609 points, T:14915, suffocated by a creeping mound 12:09 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Jinsho (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 7955 points, T:7267, killed by a priestess of Thoth 12:10 [hdf-us] [evil] rebatelo (Mon Gia Mal Neu) performed his first genocide (creeping mounds), on T:12048 (3:07:02) 12:11 [hdf-us] [gnoll] KaiHerd (Mon Hum Fem Cha) killed Master Kaen, on T:13100 (5:31:40) 12:12 [hdf-us] [nh370] hilliance (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:5979 12:12 [hdf-us] [gnoll] KaiHerd (Mon Hum Fem Cha) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:13166 (5:33:23) 12:15 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Bar Dwa Fem Neu) had a pair of levitation boots entrusted to her by Crom, on T:27681 (2:34:42) 12:16 -!- elron has quit [Quit: Client closed] 12:19 [hdf-eu] [slshm] RusselSouls (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 5888 points, T:2617, killed by a raven 12:19 [hdf-us] [gnoll] KaiHerd (Mon Hum Fem Cha) completed her quest without incident, on T:13605 (5:39:43) 12:20 [hdf-us] [nh370] OPC (Wiz Orc Mal Cha), 1077 points, T:1940, killed by a giant ant 12:22 [hdf-us] [evil] rebatelo (Mon Gia Mal Neu) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:12494 (3:18:17) 12:22 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Bar Dwa Fem Neu) had a bone two-handed sword entrusted to her by Crom, on T:28408 (2:41:44) 12:24 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Bar Dwa Fem Neu) chose an elven dagger to be named "Sting", on T:29170 (2:43:48) 12:24 [hdf-us] [evil] rebatelo (Mon Gia Mal Neu) killed the Oracle, on T:12677 (3:20:38) 12:24 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Bar Dwa Fem Neu) chose an elven broadsword to be named "Orcrist", on T:29170 (2:44:01) 12:27 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Bar Dwa Fem Neu) had a steel dwarvish bearded axe entrusted to her by Crom, on T:30081 (2:46:48) 12:28 [hdf-us] [nh370] samiam (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 35 points, T:124, killed by a jackal 12:36 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Jinsho (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 2270 points, T:2622, killed by a dwarf 12:36 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Dru Gia Fem Neu) destroyed Vecna, on T:109020 (1 day, 14:39:24) 12:38 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Bar Dwa Fem Neu) became Crom's Envoy of Balance, on T:32915 (2:57:51) 12:38 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Dru Gia Fem Neu) genocided alhoons, on T:109050 (1 day, 14:41:31) 12:39 [hdf-us] [evil] Snuff (Arc Dwa Mal Law) had a bone javelin entrusted to him by Quetzalcoatl, on T:4417 (1:31:57) 12:39 [hdf-us] [nh370] samiam (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 505 points, T:2069, killed by a dwarf queen 12:41 [hdf-us] [evil] Snuff (Arc Dwa Mal Law), 2902 points, T:4486, killed by an orc shaman 12:41 -!- oh7 has joined #hardfought 12:41 -!- oh6 has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 12:41 -!- oh7 is now known as oh6 12:46 [hdf-us] [nh370] hilliance (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) entered Sokoban, on T:7825 12:46 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Kni Clk Mal Law) destroyed Lich, the Fiend of Earth, on T:18821 12:47 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Kni Clk Mal Law) killed Kary, the Fiend of Fire, on T:18835 12:47 [hdf-us] [nh370] OPC (Wiz Orc Mal Cha), 4596 points, T:4489, killed by a soldier ant 12:49 [hdf-us] [nndnh] Cryomaniac (Val Dwa Fem Law), 930 points, T:1383, killed by a wolf zombie 12:53 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Kni Clk Mal Law) killed Kraken, the Fiend of Water, on T:18891 12:54 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Kni Clk Mal Law) killed Tiamat, the Fiend of Wind, on T:18940 12:55 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Bar Dwa Fem Neu) changed form for the first time, becoming a gargoyle, on T:35056 (3:14:38) 12:55 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Kni Clk Mal Law) killed Garland, on T:18975 12:57 [hdf-us] [nh370] RedArrow (Arc Hum Fem Neu), 468 points, T:1938, killed by a small mimic 12:57 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Bar Dwa Fem Neu) killed the Rat King, on T:35295 (3:17:17) 13:03 [hdf-us] [nh370] samiam (Pri Hum Mal Neu) murdered Ellie, his faithful dog, on T:3101 13:05 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Jinsho (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:2496 13:05 [hdf-us] [nh370] samiam (Pri Hum Mal Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:3378 13:07 -!- mobileuser has joined #hardfought 13:09 [hdf-eu] [evil] McPanther (Mon Gia Mal Cha) had 16 shuriken entrusted to him by Huan Ti, on T:1848 (0:27:47) 13:09 [hdf-us] [nh370] samiam (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 2676 points, T:3713, killed by a wolf 13:12 [hdf-us] [evil] dbanethacker (Val Hum Fem Neu) killed the invisible Gollum, on T:2166 (1:25:39) 13:13 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Kni Clk Mal Law) read the necronomicon for the first time, on T:19438 13:14 [hdf-eu] [evil] McPanther (Mon Gia Mal Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:2621 (0:32:45) 13:18 -!- Haudegen has joined #hardfought 13:19 [hdf-us] [evil] MajiLoggers (Inf Ith Fem Una), 290 points, T:461, killed by a freezing mist 13:22 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bartlem (Mon Hum Mal Cha) made his first wish - "blessed fixed Eye of the aethiopica", got "a square amulet named the Eye of the Aethiopica", on T:3351 13:22 [hdf-us] [dnh] klepto (Hdf-Nob Hlf Fem Cha) killed Cerberus, on T:24093 13:22 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bartlem (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 8625 points, T:3352, killed by touching The Eye of the Aethiopica 13:23 [hdf-us] [evil] dbanethacker (Val Hum Fem Neu), 3069 points, T:3595, killed by a kobold 13:23 -!- elron has joined #hardfought 13:24 -!- phinxy has joined #hardfought 13:25 [hdf-eu] [nerf] wvc (Rog Vam Fem Cha), 404 points, T:567, killed by a giant bat 13:26 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Kni Clk Mal Law) killed the invisible Lady of Pain, on T:20277 13:26 [hdf-eu] [evil] McPanther (Mon Gia Mal Cha) hit with a wielded weapon for the first time, on T:3807 (0:45:06) 13:28 [hdf-us] [dnh] klepto (Hdf-Nob Hlf Fem Cha) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:24481 13:29 [hdf-us] [evil] rebatelo (Mon Gia Mal Neu), 29499 points, T:14109, killed by an energy vortex 13:29 -!- oh7 has joined #hardfought 13:30 [hdf-us] [evil] rebatelo (Mon Gia Mal Neu), 1606 points, T:1, escaped 13:30 -!- oh6 has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 13:30 -!- oh7 is now known as oh6 13:31 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 1089 points, T:1392, killed by a gnome zombie 13:32 [hdf-eu] [nerf] wvc (Rog Vam Fem Cha), 594 points, T:1610, caught herself in her own magical blast 13:32 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 0 points, T:137, killed by a dwarf 13:33 [hdf-us] [dnh] Shrigis (Pir Hum Mal Neu) killed the invisible Center of All, on T:33132 13:35 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 886 points, T:962, killed by a giant spider 13:35 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Dru Gia Fem Neu) wished for "blessed mithril magic whistle", on T:110099 (1 day, 15:38:16) 13:38 -!- elron has quit [Quit: Client closed] 13:38 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 1308 points, T:755, killed by a fall onto poison spikes 13:39 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 0 points, T:4, killed by an ape 13:39 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 248 points, T:258, killed by a giant bat 13:40 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Fukka (Pri Elf Mal Cha), 146 points, T:579, killed by a kobold 13:40 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 123 points, T:76, killed by a gnome king 13:40 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 78 points, T:108, killed by a duton 13:42 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 214 points, T:510, killed by a dwarvish spear 13:42 [hdf-eu] [nh370] xororand (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 1063 points, T:3268, killed by a manes 13:43 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 74 points, T:268, killed by a rock mole 13:43 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bartlem (Mon Hum Mal Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:1727 13:44 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Dru Gia Fem Neu) used a forge to create The Sword of Annihilation, on T:110284 (1 day, 15:46:38) 13:44 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 349 points, T:397, killed by a Woodland-elf 13:44 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 355 points, T:210, killed by a Woodland-elf 13:45 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 199 points, T:82, killed by a crow 13:45 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 0 points, T:150, killed by a small dagger 13:46 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 275 points, T:142, killed by a giant bat 13:46 [hdf-us] [evil] k2 (Dru Hum Mal Neu) killed the Goblin King, on T:1470 (0:10:08) 13:46 [hdf-eu] [nerf] wvc (Rog Vam Fem Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:1767 13:46 [hdf-us] [nh370] OPC (Wiz Orc Mal Cha), 1630 points, T:2630, killed by a spotted jelly 13:48 [hdf-eu] [nerf] wvc (Rog Vam Fem Cha), 2080 points, T:1863, killed by an orc-captain 13:48 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bartlem (Mon Hum Mal Neu) destroyed samiam's ghost, the former Adept, on T:1883 13:53 [hdf-us] [nh370] OPC (Wiz Orc Mal Cha), 826 points, T:1212, killed by a dwarf 13:53 [hdf-us] [evil] k2 (Dru Hum Mal Neu), 1890 points, T:1940, killed by a hill orc 13:54 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Law) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1922 13:57 [hdf-us] [un] Sylvie (Hea Hum Fem Neu), 33539 points, T:30251, killed by a death ray 14:00 [hdf-us] [dnh] Kame (Rog Hlf Fem Cha), 2954 points, T:3070, killed by a raven 14:01 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) killed Gollum, on T:2309 (0:13:39) 14:01 -!- mobileuser has quit [Quit: Client closed] 14:04 -!- elron has joined #hardfought 14:06 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Kni Clk Mal Law) wished for "blessed +2 the silver sky", on T:21107 14:06 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:2642 (0:18:44) 14:07 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Dru Gia Fem Neu) genocided two random monsters from class L, on T:111131 (1 day, 16:09:54) 14:07 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Dru Gia Fem Neu) genocided two random monsters from class L, on T:111132 (1 day, 16:09:58) 14:08 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Dru Gia Fem Neu) wished for "fixed uncursed marker", on T:111142 (1 day, 16:11:18) 14:10 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Kni Clk Mal Law) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:21231 14:11 [hdf-eu] [nh370] xororand (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:2175 14:12 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) had Orcrist bestowed upon him by Huan Ti, on T:3182 (0:24:21) 14:12 [hdf-us] [nh370] OPC (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 1622 points, T:1829, killed by a dwarf 14:13 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) consumed animal products (fortune cookie) for the first time, on T:3210 (0:25:24) 14:13 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Dru Gia Fem Neu) genocided disenchanters, on T:111161 (1 day, 16:15:58) 14:13 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Dru Gia Fem Neu) genocided green slimes, on T:111162 (1 day, 16:16:08) 14:17 -!- Jera has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:19 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vinyl (Pir Elf Fem Cha), 87656 points, T:7412, killed by an alpha metroid 14:20 [hdf-eu] [nh370] xororand (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) destroyed xororand's ghost, the former Conjurer, on T:4148 14:21 [hdf-eu] [nerf] wvc (Rog Vam Fem Cha), 214 points, T:555, killed by a dwarf 14:21 [hdf-us] [hackm] arnibald (Pir Hum Mal Cha) polymorphed his first object, on T:3051 (1:15:38) 14:22 [hdf-us] [nh370] OPC (Wiz Orc Mal Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:1467 14:22 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Bar Dwa Fem Neu) wished for "blessed fixed greased +2 dragonhide cloak of magic resistance", on T:36552 (3:50:58) 14:23 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) had a pair of high boots entrusted to him by Huan Ti, on T:3727 (0:35:36) 14:23 [hdf-us] [evil] Nightsorrow (Sam Hum Mal Law) performed his first genocide (piranha), on T:278 (0:01:28) 14:26 [hdf-us] [nh370] OPC (Wiz Orc Mal Cha), 2051 points, T:1840, killed by a gray unicorn 14:26 [hdf-eu] [nh370] xororand (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) destroyed OPC's ghost, the former Conjurer, on T:5767 14:26 [hdf-eu] [nh370] xororand (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 6353 points, T:5809, killed by a gold golem 14:28 [hdf-us] [evil] Nightsorrow (Sam Hum Mal Law) killed the Goblin King, on T:1509 (0:06:33) 14:29 [hdf-us] [nh370] OPC (Wiz Orc Mal Cha), 308 points, T:728, killed by a gas spore's explosion 14:30 [hdf-us] [evil] Nightsorrow (Sam Hum Mal Law) killed Gollum, on T:1698 (0:07:54) 14:30 [hdf-us] [evil] Nightsorrow (Sam Hum Mal Law), 2045 points, T:1702, killed by a giant bat 14:32 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Kni Clk Mal Law) killed Glasya, on T:22400 14:33 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Kni Clk Mal Law) killed the invisible Daemon, on T:22459 14:36 -!- elron has quit [Quit: Client closed] 14:37 -!- mobileuser has joined #hardfought 14:38 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:5378 (0:50:46) 14:40 [hdf-us] [evil] Nightsorrow (Sam Hum Mal Law), 910 points, T:997, killed by a gecko, while frozen by a monster's gaze 14:41 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 19666 points, T:5721, poisoned by a locust 14:44 [hdf-us] [nh370] OPC (Wiz Orc Mal Cha) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:3001 14:45 [hdf-us] [dnh] Shrigis (Pir Hum Mal Neu) killed Graz'zt, on T:35019 14:46 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Jinsho (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) entered Sokoban, on T:6162 14:46 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Bar Dwa Fem Neu), 107634 points, T:39499, killed by an elven queen 14:49 [hdf-us] [nh370] OPC (Wiz Orc Mal Cha), 4654 points, T:3909, killed by a large dog, while fainted from lack of food 14:54 [hdf-us] [gnoll] KaiHerd (Mon Hum Fem Cha) killed Medusa, on T:16785 (7:52:45) 14:55 [hdf-us] [dnh] klepto (Hdf-Nob Hlf Fem Cha) killed Medusa, on T:27161 15:01 [hdf-us] [evil] Nightsorrow (Sam Hum Mal Law) killed Gollum, on T:1911 (0:09:47) 15:04 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bartlem (Mon Hum Mal Neu) destroyed samiam's ghost, the former Acolyte, on T:3319 15:06 [hdf-us] [evil] Nightsorrow (Sam Hum Mal Law) killed the Goblin King, on T:3344 (0:15:24) 15:08 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo (Ran Inc Mal Cha) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1049 15:09 [hdf-us] [nh370] hilliance (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) acquired the Sokoban amulet of reflection, on T:10772 15:12 [hdf-us] [nh370] galatea (Rog Hum Fem Cha), 790 points, T:3709, killed by a werejackal 15:12 [hdf-us] [evil] Snuff (Pri Dro Fem Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:1834 (0:20:52) 15:18 [hdf-us] [evil] Snuff (Pri Dro Fem Cha), 1736 points, T:2251, quit 15:21 [hdf-us] [hackm] arnibald (Pir Hum Mal Cha), 3890 points, T:7959, killed by a zoo bat 15:21 [hdf-us] [evil] Nightsorrow (Sam Hum Mal Law), 5334 points, T:5936, zombified by an elf zombie 15:21 [hdf-us] [hackm] arnibald (Pir Hum Mal Cha), 0 points, T:7, killed by a serval 15:22 [hdf-us] [hackm] arnibald (Pir Hum Mal Cha), 42 points, T:173, killed by a serval 15:22 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vinyl (Pir Inc Fem Cha), 4517 points, T:993, killed by a dwarf 15:25 [hdf-us] [nh370] RedArrow (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:1809 15:27 [hdf-us] [nh370] hilliance (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) polymorphed his first object, on T:11272 15:28 [hdf-us] [nh370] stash (Arc Gno Fem Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:2471 15:29 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vinyl (Pir Inc Mal Cha), 237 points, T:408, killed by a dart trap 15:30 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Somnium (Tou Hum Fem Neu) was bestowed with Ogresmasher by The Lady, on T:1399 15:31 [hdf-us] [xnh] elfz (Ran Elf Fem Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:4832 15:34 [hdf-us] [hackm] arnibald (Pir Hum Mal Cha), 610 points, T:1170, killed by a small mimic 15:34 [hdf-us] [nh370] stash (Arc Gno Fem Neu), 665 points, T:2792, killed by a giant bat 15:37 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bartlem (Mon Hum Mal Neu) entered Sokoban, on T:5837 15:38 [hdf-us] [dnh] hothraxxa (Bar Vam Mal Cha), 1397348 points, T:34933, killed by Graz'zt, while frozen by a potion 15:40 [hdf-us] [nh370] hilliance (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) acquired the Mines' End luckstone, on T:12330 15:41 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Somnium (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 872 points, T:2143, killed by a gnome, while sleeping 15:42 [hdf-us] [nh370] FakeNameHere (Val Dwa Fem Law) attained the rank of Warrior (level 14), on T:28690 15:42 !lastgame hothraxxa 15:42 mobileuser: [hdf-us] https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/h/hothraxxa/dnethack/dumplog/1738965342.dnh.txt :: [hdf-eu] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/h/hothraxxa/hackem/dumplog/1688159190.hackem.html 15:43 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Somnium (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 2 points, T:91, killed by an electric shock 15:44 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vinyl (Pir Inc Fem Cha) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:1005 15:46 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bartlem (Mon Hum Mal Neu) tasted meat for the first time, by eating a stalker corpse, on T:6721 15:48 [hdf-us] [nh370] hilliance (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) changed form for the first time by mimicking a pile of gold, on T:12784 15:54 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Jinsho (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 25016 points, T:9931, killed by a panther 15:57 [hdf-us] [evil] Snuff (Pri Dro Fem Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:3775 (0:38:02) 16:00 [hdf-us] [hackm] arnibald (Pir Hum Mal Cha), 1399 points, T:2019, killed by a rabid rabbit 16:01 [hdf-us] [nh370] Bartlem (Mon Hum Mal Neu) acquired the Sokoban bag of holding, on T:7890 16:06 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Dru Cen Fem Neu) wished for "blessed fixed +2 Secespita", on T:50115 (1 day, 11:00:31) 16:07 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Kni Clk Mal Law) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:23032 16:07 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Dru Cen Fem Neu) used a forge to create The Staff of the Archmagi, on T:50117 (1 day, 11:01:07) 16:08 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Kni Clk Mal Law) performed the invocation, on T:23086 16:08 [hdf-us] [evil] Yeshua (Arc Hum Mal Law), 660 points, T:1249, killed by a pony 16:09 [hdf-us] [evil] Yeshua (Wiz Dro Mal Cha) performed his first genocide (two random monsters from class n), on T:1 (0:00:09) 16:10 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Kni Clk Mal Law) killed the elder priest of Moloch, on T:23137 16:11 [hdf-us] [evil] Yeshua (Wiz Dro Mal Cha) performed his first genocide (two random monsters from class n), on T:1 (0:01:45) 16:12 -!- aosdict has joined #hardfought 16:12 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v aosdict] by ChanServ 16:19 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Somnium (Tou Hum Fem Neu) became literate by engraving "Elbereth", on T:3433 16:19 [hdf-us] [evil] Yeshua (Wiz Dro Mal Cha) murdered Jones, his faithful pseudodragon, on T:1468 (0:09:56) 16:19 [hdf-us] [evil] Yeshua (Wiz Dro Mal Cha), 606 points, T:1468, killed by the Goblin King 16:19 [hdf-us] [hackm] arnibald (Pir Hum Mal Cha), 420 points, T:1662, killed by Mr. Akhalataki; the shopkeeper 16:21 [hdf-us] [nndnh] johnnyteapot (Tou Inc Mal Neu), 131 points, T:115, killed by a soldier ant 16:22 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Somnium (Tou Hum Fem Neu) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:3450 16:24 [hdf-us] [nh370] jww (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) murdered his faithful green slime, on T:107712 16:30 -!- nurdglaw has joined #hardfought 16:30 [hdf-us] [nh370] FakeNameHere (Val Dwa Fem Law) found the Orb of Fate on the floor, on T:29374 16:31 [hdf-us] [nh370] FakeNameHere (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Lord Surtur, on T:29392 16:31 [hdf-us] [nh370] FakeNameHere (Val Dwa Fem Law) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:29393 16:35 -!- Umbire has joined #hardfought 16:35 -!- Umbire has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:36 -!- Umbire has joined #hardfought 16:40 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Somnium (Tou Hum Fem Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:4563 16:41 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vinyl (Pir Inc Fem Cha) wished for "blessed rustproof +3 silver dragon scale mail", on T:3131 16:46 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo (Ran Inc Mal Cha) was given the Lifehunt Scythe, on T:1519 16:46 [hdf-eu] [4k] woodfighter (Cav Gia Fem Cha) entered the Sokoban zoo, on T:9519 16:46 [hdf-us] [nndnh] johnnyteapot (Tou Inc Mal Neu), 17595 points, T:1882, killed by a uranium imp 16:49 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo (Ran Inc Mal Cha) was given the Holy Moonlight Sword, on T:1985 16:50 [hdf-us] [nndnh] johnnyteapot (Tou Inc Mal Neu) wished for "blessed +3 godhands", on T:59 16:56 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Sam Hum Mal Law) entered Gehennom, on T:41399 16:57 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Dru Cen Fem Neu) destroyed Kas, on T:50495 (1 day, 11:34:46) 17:03 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Somnium (Tou Hum Fem Neu) made her first wish - "blessed fixed greased +2 gray dragon scale mail", got "a greased gray dragon scale mail", on T:5746 17:03 [hdf-us] [evil] Nightsorrow (Sam Hum Mal Law) killed the Goblin King, on T:1296 (0:07:16) 17:06 [hdf-us] [evil] Nightsorrow (Sam Hum Mal Law) killed Gollum, on T:1646 (0:09:45) 17:06 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Sam Hum Mal Law) attained the rank of Daimyo (level 22), on T:41823 17:09 [hdf-us] [evil] Nightsorrow (Sam Hum Mal Law), 2324 points, T:1894, killed by a Mordor orc 17:09 [hdf-eu] [4k] woodfighter (Cav Gia Fem Cha) entered the Minetown temple, on T:11745 17:10 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Somnium (Tou Hum Fem Neu) entered Sokoban, on T:6080 17:12 [hdf-us] [nndnh] johnnyteapot (Tou Inc Mal Neu) destroyed the Lokoban Pinata, on T:3026 17:15 [hdf-eu] [4k] woodfighter (Cav Gia Fem Cha) reached the bottom of the Mines, on T:11963 17:16 [hdf-us] [nndnh] hothraxxa (Nob Vam Mal Cha), 5734 points, T:2841, killed by Amon 17:21 -!- Jera has joined #hardfought 17:21 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo (Ran Inc Mal Cha) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:3365 17:24 [hdf-eu] [dnh] post163 (Nob Hum Fem Neu), 0 points, T:1, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 17:24 [hdf-eu] [evil] post163 (Wiz Elf Mal Neu) performed his first genocide (elves), on T:1 (0:00:02) 17:25 [hdf-eu] [evil] post163 (Wiz Elf Mal Neu), 0 points, T:1, killed by a scroll of genocide 17:25 [hdf-us] [evil] Nightsorrow (Sam Hum Mal Law), 624 points, T:1135, killed by the Goblin King 17:26 [hdf-us] [dnh] post163 (Nob Inc Fem Cha), 37 points, T:56, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 17:26 [hdf-us] [evil] post163 (Wiz Dro Mal Cha) performed his first genocide (two random monsters from class @), on T:1 (0:00:03) 17:26 [hdf-us] [evil] post163 (Wiz Dro Mal Cha), 0 points, T:1, killed by a scroll of genocide 17:26 [hdf-au] [evil] Arahael (Mon Hum Fem Neu) killed the Goblin King, on T:555 (0:09:53) 17:26 [hdf-us] [evil] LiamTheDruid (Dru Cen Mal Neu) killed Aphrodite, on T:7370 (2:01:50) 17:27 [hdf-us] [nndnh] post163 (Nob Vam Mal Cha), 0 points, T:1, killed by touching The Rod of Seven Parts 17:29 [hdf-us] [dnh] post163 (Nob Elf Mal Cha), 118 points, T:157, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 17:29 [hdf-us] [dnh] post163 (Nob Elf Mal Cha), 0 points, T:1, killed by touching The Rod of Seven Parts 17:29 [hdf-us] [nh370] FakeNameHere (Val Dwa Fem Law) performed her first genocide (gremlins), on T:34951 17:29 [hdf-us] [dnh] post163 (Nob Hum Fem Cha), 0 points, T:10, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 17:30 [hdf-us] [dnh] post163 (Nob Inc Fem Cha), 210 points, T:132, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 17:30 [hdf-us] [dnh] post163 (Nob Hum Fem Neu), 0 points, T:1, killed by touching The Rod of Seven Parts 17:30 [hdf-us] [dnh] post163 (Nob Dro Fem Cha), 0 points, T:1, slipped while mounting a saddled giant spider 17:32 [hdf-us] [xnh] post163 (Kni Hum Mal Law), 0 points, T:121, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 17:34 [hdf-us] [evil] LiamTheDruid (Dru Cen Mal Neu), 10790 points, T:7840, killed by a leocrotta 17:34 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Dru Cen Fem Neu) destroyed Vecna, on T:50951 (1 day, 12:05:46) 17:35 [hdf-us] [nh370] post163 (Kni Hum Mal Law), 109 points, T:74, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 17:36 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Dru Cen Fem Neu) genocided alhoons, on T:50954 (1 day, 12:07:29) 17:36 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Dru Cen Fem Neu) genocided two random monsters from class L, on T:50954 (1 day, 12:07:45) 17:36 [hdf-us] [hackm] post163 (Yeo Hum Mal Law), 230 points, T:189, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 17:36 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Dru Cen Fem Neu) genocided two random monsters from class L, on T:50955 (1 day, 12:08:14) 17:36 [hdf-us] [nh370] post163 (Kni Hum Fem Law), 5 points, T:28, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 17:37 [hdf-us] [xnh] elfz (Ran Elf Fem Cha) entered Sokoban, on T:7479 17:39 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Somnium (Tou Hum Fem Neu) acquired the Sokoban bag of holding, on T:8931 17:39 [hdf-eu] [nh370] post163 (Kni Hum Mal Law), 3 points, T:52, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 17:40 -!- Tangles has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 17:41 [hdf-au] [nh370] HungryMotu (Val Hum Fem Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:1529 17:41 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vis (Bin Hum Mal Non), 316 points, T:488, killed by a dwarf 17:42 -!- Tangles has joined #hardfought 17:42 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o Tangles] by ChanServ 17:43 [hdf-us] [nh370] kanto (Val Dwa Fem Law) reached Mine Town, on T:1579 17:44 [hdf-eu] [nerf] post163 (Kni Hum Mal Law), 390 points, T:556, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 17:45 [hdf-eu] [dnh] post163 (Nob Vam Mal Cha), 0 points, T:15, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 17:45 -!- nurdglaw has quit [Quit: Client closed] 17:48 [hdf-us] [nerf] post163 (Kni Hum Mal Law), 0 points, T:1, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 17:49 [hdf-eu] [spl] post163 (Wiz Inf Fem Cha), 251 points, T:558, killed by a gnome 17:54 [hdf-us] [gnoll] KaiHerd (Mon Hum Fem Cha) entered Gehennom, on T:17976 (8:35:43) 18:01 [hdf-eu] [nerf] parasite (Sam Hum Mal Law) was bestowed with Fire Brand by Amaterasu Omikami, on T:16340 18:04 -!- Tangles has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 18:04 [hdf-au] [evil] Mystes (Dru Gia Fem Neu), 431 points, T:762, killed by a mountain dwarf 18:05 [hdf-eu] [nh370] xororand (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:1923 18:07 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo (Ran Inc Mal Cha) killed Cerberus, on T:9008 18:08 [hdf-us] [nh370] quervo1 (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:2459 18:09 [hdf-eu] [nh370] xororand (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 2178 points, T:2249, killed by a dwarf lady 18:09 -!- viskipappi has joined #hardfought 18:10 -!- viskipappi has left #hardfought 18:11 -!- Tangles has joined #hardfought 18:11 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o Tangles] by ChanServ 18:11 -!- viskipappi has joined #hardfought 18:12 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Jinsho (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 676 points, T:1029, killed by an orc zombie 18:16 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Somnium (Tou Hum Fem Neu) acquired the Mines' End luckstone, on T:11323 18:19 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vis (Bin Hum Mal Non) entered Minetown for the first time, on T:2467 18:19 [hdf-eu] [spl] post163 (Kni Dwa Fem Law), 0 points, T:1, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 18:20 [hdf-us] [nh370] Leggman (Val Dwa Fem Law) acquired the Mines' End luckstone, on T:18615 18:20 [hdf-eu] [evil] McPanther (Mon Gia Mal Cha), 21739 points, T:8182, withered away, while praying 18:22 [hdf-us] [nh370] quervo1 (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) entered Sokoban, on T:3382 18:23 [hdf-eu] [nh370] xororand (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 2110 points, T:3733, killed by a soldier ant 18:24 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vis (Bin Hum Mal Non), 4454 points, T:2975, killed by a hill orc 18:24 -!- ponies_ has quit [Quit: get clopped] 18:25 -!- ponies has joined #hardfought 18:25 [hdf-us] [nh370] arckex (Pri Hum Mal Law) chose a runed dagger to be named "Sting", on T:2751 18:29 -!- Hekik has quit [Quit: leaving] 18:29 -!- CRISPR has joined #hardfought 18:32 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Jinsho (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:1691 18:32 [hdf-us] [nh370] haldisse (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 4768 points, T:5280, killed by a werejackal 18:36 -!- robin__ has joined #hardfought 18:36 [hdf-us] [slth] danm (Wiz Dro Fem Cha), 36002 points, T:6524, killed by a troll, while unconscious from rotten food 18:38 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo (Ran Inc Mal Cha) consulted the oracle for the first time, on T:12009 18:38 -!- robin_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 18:40 [hdf-us] [nh370] qwsaqwsa (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) became literate by reading a book, on T:3424 18:42 [hdf-us] [nh370] arckex (Pri Hum Mal Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a black light, on T:3942 18:48 -!- Tangles has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 18:50 -!- Tangles has joined #hardfought 18:50 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o Tangles] by ChanServ 18:51 [hdf-us] [nh370] arckex (Pri Hum Mal Law) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:4429 18:59 [hdf-us] [nh370] icantfindaname (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 947 points, T:512, killed by a bat 18:59 -!- viskipappi has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:01 [hdf-us] [gnoll] KaiHerd (Mon Hum Fem Cha) killed Dispater, on T:19216 (9:43:24) 19:05 [hdf-us] [nh370] icantfindaname (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 1157 points, T:1568, killed by a gnome lord, while sleeping 19:07 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo (Ran Inc Mal Cha) was given their Quest, on T:14798 19:08 -!- CRISPR has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 19:13 [hdf-au] [nh370] HungryMotu (Val Hum Fem Neu) was bestowed with Mjollnir by Odin, on T:2599 19:16 [hdf-us] [evil] Snuff (Pri Dro Fem Cha), 3290 points, T:5141, quit 19:22 [hdf-us] [gnoll] KaiHerd (Mon Hum Fem Cha) killed Baalzebub, on T:19598 (10:03:51) 19:22 [hdf-us] [nh370] VFD (Val Dwa Fem Law) reached Mine Town, on T:1874 19:25 -!- Tangles has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 19:26 -!- Tangles has joined #hardfought 19:26 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o Tangles] by ChanServ 19:29 [hdf-us] [nh370] icantfindaname (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 1305 points, T:2128, killed by a pony 19:32 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo (Ran Inc Mal Cha) killed Scorpius, on T:16801 19:33 -!- Tangles has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 19:33 -!- Tangles has joined #hardfought 19:33 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o Tangles] by ChanServ 19:34 [hdf-us] [nh370] VFD (Val Dwa Fem Law), 1984 points, T:2672, killed by a soldier ant 19:36 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Bar Gia Mal Cha), 359522 points, T:34912, quit 19:37 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Kni Clk Mal Law) killed the Grue, on T:23495 19:38 -!- mobileuser has quit [Quit: Client closed] 19:41 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Kni Clk Mal Law) entered the Planes, on T:23755 19:43 [hdf-au] [nh370] HungryMotu (Val Hum Fem Neu) found Snickersnee on the floor, on T:4727 19:43 [hdf-us] [nh370] ChefGraham (Hea Gno Mal Neu), 30586 points, T:14211, killed by an energy vortex 19:45 [hdf-us] [nh370] Cropper (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 61596 points, T:14110, quit 19:46 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Kni Clk Mal Law) destroyed Famine, on T:23898 19:48 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Kni Clk Mal Law) destroyed Pestilence, on T:23944 19:49 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Kni Clk Mal Law) destroyed Death, on T:23962 19:50 [hdf-au] [nh370] HungryMotu (Val Hum Fem Neu) entered Sokoban, on T:5505 19:51 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Kni Clk Mal Law), 4340644 points, T:24001, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/m/malor/notnotdnethack/dumplog/1739401295.nndnh.txt 19:54 -!- Tangles has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 19:54 geeg 19:54 [hdf-us] [nh370] kanto (Val Dwa Fem Law) became literate by engraving "hi", on T:4241 19:55 -!- Tangles has joined #hardfought 19:55 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o Tangles] by ChanServ 19:56 [hdf-us] [nh370] nabru (Sam Hum Fem Law) destroyed xororand's ghost, the former Thaumaturge, on T:877 19:56 !lastgame xororand 19:56 nabru: [hdf-eu] https://eu.hardfought.org/userdata/x/xororand/nethack/dumplog/1739574571.nh.html 20:08 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo (Ran Inc Mal Cha) was given the Silence Glaive, on T:18728 20:08 bum ass god 20:09 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo (Ran Inc Mal Cha) was given Apotheosis Veil, on T:18859 20:10 ???? 20:10 how am i supposed to deal with this diana 20:10 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo (Ran Inc Mal Cha) anointed by Diana, on T:18901 20:16 [hdf-us] [evil] Nightsorrow (Sam Hum Mal Law), 589 points, T:1369, killed by a hallucinogen-distorted large spider, while fainted from lack of food 20:22 [hdf-us] [nh370] kanto (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered Sokoban, on T:9591 20:23 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Wiz Oct Mal Cha) destroyed the Lokoban Pinata, on T:2064 20:23 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Sam Gia Mal Law) killed the Goblin King, on T:4191 (0:46:21) 20:23 [hdf-us] [nh370] kanto (Val Dwa Fem Law), 10602 points, T:9712, petrified by a chickatrice 20:33 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Wiz Oct Mal Cha) entered the adventure town for the first time, on T:3046 20:37 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Sam Hum Mal Law) was bestowed with Fire Brand by Amaterasu Omikami, on T:44700 20:39 [hdf-us] [nndnh] malor (Wiz Oct Mal Cha) was given Magicbane, on T:3745 20:41 [hdf-us] [xnh] zoya (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 1795318 points, T:77069, quit 20:47 [hdf-us] [nh370] icantfindaname (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 1328 points, T:3039, killed by a homunculus, while frozen by a floating eye's gaze 20:48 [hdf-us] [xnh] zoya (Val Dwa Fem Law), 274 points, T:847, killed by a small mimic 20:49 -!- cathartes has joined #hardfought 20:52 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Sam Hum Mal Law) killed Asmodeus, on T:45200 20:58 [hdf-us] [nerf] Sylvie (Ran Hum Fem Neu) wished for "blessed fixed ring of conflict", got "a tempered crystal ring", on T:111966 20:59 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Sam Hum Mal Law) killed Juiblex, on T:45591 21:00 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Dru Gia Fem Neu) killed Geryon, on T:112146 (1 day, 16:42:34) 21:01 [hdf-us] [nh370] icantfindaname (Tou Hum Fem Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:2310 21:02 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Sam Hum Mal Law) bribed Baalzebub with 127 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:45796 21:02 -!- aosdict has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.5.1] 21:03 -!- oh6 has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 21:07 -!- oh6 has joined #hardfought 21:07 -!- Tangles has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 21:08 [hdf-us] [dnh] Demo (Ran Inc Mal Cha) killed Medusa, on T:21623 21:09 -!- Tangles has joined #hardfought 21:09 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o Tangles] by ChanServ 21:14 [hdf-us] [evil] coplate (Wiz Elf Fem Neu), 0 points, T:10, killed by an unsuccessful polymorph 21:18 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Dru Gia Fem Neu) killed Lolth, on T:113325 (1 day, 17:00:35) 21:18 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) killed Gollum, on T:1953 (0:23:51) 21:21 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:2532 (0:26:14) 21:22 [hdf-us] [nh370] icantfindaname (Tou Hum Fem Neu) eschewed atheism, by dropping an orc shaman corpse named Unarukog of Grisuakhog on an altar, on T:5969 21:24 -!- Tangles has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 21:26 -!- Tangles has joined #hardfought 21:26 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o Tangles] by ChanServ 21:26 [hdf-us] [evil] coplate (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 855 points, T:1649, killed by the Goblin King 21:28 [hdf-us] [nerf] Sylvie (Ran Hum Fem Neu) killed the high priest of Moloch, on T:112302 21:28 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) consumed animal products (fortune cookie) for the first time, on T:3475 (0:33:55) 21:29 [hdf-us] [nerf] Sylvie (Ran Hum Fem Neu) acquired The Amulet of Yendor, on T:112332 21:33 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) eschewed atheism, by dropping a bone orcish helm on an altar, on T:4143 (0:38:45) 21:35 [hdf-us] [evil] coplate (Wiz Elf Fem Neu) murdered her faithful pseudodragon, on T:1218 (0:04:01) 21:36 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) performed his first genocide (genetic engineers), on T:4192 (0:41:04) 21:36 [hdf-us] [nndnh] johnnyteapot (Tou Inc Mal Neu) consulted the oracle for the first time, on T:3248 21:37 [hdf-us] [hackm] Frozty (Arc Gno Fem Neu) had Mirrorbright bestowed upon her by Camaxtli, on T:3120 (3:07:30) 21:37 [hdf-us] [nh370] icantfindaname (Tou Hum Fem Neu) made her first wish - "blessed greased +3 silver dragon scale mail", got "a greased silver dragon scale mail", on T:8677 21:38 [hdf-us] [gnoll] KaiHerd (Mon Hum Fem Cha) killed Jubilex, on T:20123 (10:21:57) 21:40 [hdf-us] [nndnh] johnnyteapot (Tou Inc Mal Neu), 25616 points, T:3599, killed by a migo soldier 21:42 [hdf-us] [nh370] samiam (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 1024 points, T:2266, killed by a gnome lord, while sleeping 21:42 [hdf-us] [evil] coplate (Wiz Elf Fem Neu), 544 points, T:1307, killed by Mr. Annootok; the shopkeeper 21:42 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Dru Gia Fem Neu) killed the invisible Orcus, on T:114611 (1 day, 17:25:27) 21:45 [hdf-us] [nndnh] johnnyteapot (Tou Inc Mal Neu), 995 points, T:605, killed by a Woodland-elf 21:46 [hdf-us] [nh370] icantfindaname (Tou Hum Fem Neu) found Demonbane on the floor, on T:10782 21:46 [hdf-us] [nh370] RedArrow (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) destroyed OPC's ghost, the former Thaumaturge, on T:2486 21:48 [hdf-us] [nndnh] johnnyteapot (Tou Inc Mal Neu), 318 points, T:205, killed by a giant spider 21:49 [hdf-us] [nerf] Sylvie (Ran Hum Fem Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor (5th time), on T:112838 21:51 [hdf-us] [evil] coplate (Wiz Elf Fem Neu) killed the Goblin King, on T:1418 (0:08:34) 21:51 [hdf-us] [evil] coplate (Wiz Elf Fem Neu), 925 points, T:1441, killed by an electric chair 21:52 [hdf-us] [nh370] samiam (Pri Hum Mal Neu) destroyed samiam's ghost, the former Acolyte, on T:1698 21:53 [hdf-us] [nndnh] johnnyteapot (Tou Inc Mal Neu), 386 points, T:497, killed by an ape 21:54 [hdf-us] [nndnh] johnnyteapot (Tou Inc Mal Neu), 48 points, T:67, killed by a soldier ant 21:54 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:5933 (0:59:56) 21:55 [hdf-us] [nh370] RedArrow (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) made his first wish - "blessed +2 silver dragon scale mail", got "a silver dragon scale mail", on T:3228 21:58 [hdf-us] [nh370] samiam (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 1959 points, T:2398, killed by a dwarf 22:07 [hdf-us] [nh370] icantfindaname (Tou Hum Fem Neu) acquired the Mines' End luckstone, on T:14627 22:09 [hdf-us] [nh370] RedArrow (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) was bestowed with Magicbane by Thoth, on T:3976 22:09 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) destroyed Yeshua's ghost, the former Field Worker, on T:7068 (1:14:35) 22:12 -!- Haudegen has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.] 22:13 -!- Haudegen has joined #hardfought 22:17 -!- sumi80m has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:18 -!- sumi80m has joined #hardfought 22:26 [hdf-us] [nerf] Sylvie (Ran Hum Fem Neu) entered the Elemental Planes, on T:114801 22:26 [hdf-us] [nerf] Sylvie (Ran Hum Fem Neu) entered Plane of Earth, on T:114801 22:26 -!- lowhope has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:27 -!- lowhope has joined #hardfought 22:28 -!- Tangles has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 22:28 [hdf-eu] [nerf] parasite (Sam Hum Mal Law) acquired the Mines' End luckstone, on T:20598 22:29 [hdf-us] [nerf] Sylvie (Ran Hum Fem Neu) entered Plane of Air, on T:114890 22:29 -!- Tangles has joined #hardfought 22:29 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o Tangles] by ChanServ 22:37 [hdf-us] [nerf] Sylvie (Ran Hum Fem Neu) entered Plane of Fire, on T:114995 22:39 [hdf-us] [nerf] Sylvie (Ran Hum Fem Neu) entered Plane of Water, on T:115017 22:39 [hdf-us] [nh370] FakeNameHere (Val Dwa Mal Law) killed Medusa, on T:40199 22:40 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Dru Gia Fem Neu) murdered Peg, her faithful greater pegasus, on T:116050 (1 day, 18:23:16) 22:41 [hdf-us] [nerf] Sylvie (Ran Hum Fem Neu) entered the Astral Plane, on T:115066 22:43 [hdf-us] [nerf] Sylvie (Ran Hum Fem Neu) found Sunsword carried by a monster, on T:115073 22:44 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) completed Sokoban, acquiring a magic marker, on T:11963 (1:49:08) 22:44 [hdf-us] [nerf] Sylvie (Ran Hum Fem Neu) killed Death, on T:115090 22:45 [hdf-us] [nerf] Sylvie (Ran Hum Fem Neu) killed Death (2nd time), on T:115097 22:45 -!- Haudegen has quit [Quit: Bin weg.] 22:45 [hdf-us] [nerf] Sylvie (Ran Hum Fem Neu) killed Death (3rd time), on T:115105 22:49 [hdf-us] [nerf] Sylvie (Ran Hum Fem Neu), 6653236 points, T:115147, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/S/Sylvie/nerfhack/dumplog/1737833340.nerf.html 22:52 -!- Tangles has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 22:54 -!- Tangles has joined #hardfought 22:54 -!- mode/#hardfought [+o Tangles] by ChanServ 22:55 [hdf-us] [nh370] icantfindaname (Tou Hum Fem Neu) entered Sokoban, on T:18465 22:57 [hdf-us] [nh370] FakeNameHere (Val Dwa Mal Law) entered Gehennom, on T:41125 23:01 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 43635 points, T:14465, suffocated by a gelatinous cube, while frozen by a monster 23:01 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) hit with a wielded weapon for the first time, on T:14463 (2:06:46) 23:02 [hdf-us] [evil] k2 (Dru Hum Mal Neu) killed the Goblin King, on T:1955 (0:10:49) 23:05 [hdf-us] [evil] dingotron (Con Hob Fem Cha) wished for "blessed +2 grayswandir", on T:90086 (2 days, 4:36:24) 23:07 [hdf-us] [evil] k2 (Dru Hum Mal Neu), 2553 points, T:2201, poisoned by a bronze orcish arrow 23:13 [hdf-us] [nh370] FakeNameHere (Val Dwa Mal Law) made his first wish - "magic marker", got "a magic marker", on T:42213 23:14 [hdf-us] [nh370] FakeNameHere (Val Dwa Mal Law) wished for "+2 blessed silver dragon scale mail", got "a silver dragon scale mail", on T:42341 23:18 [hdf-us] [evil] dingotron (Con Hob Fem Cha) used a forge to create Ashmar, on T:90384 (2 days, 4:49:11) 23:20 [hdf-us] [nh370] RedArrow (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) acquired the Mines' End luckstone, on T:6920 23:27 [hdf-us] [nh370] icantfindaname (Tou Hum Fem Neu) changed form for the first time by mimicking a pile of gold, on T:23556 23:27 [hdf-us] [nh370] FakeNameHere (Val Dwa Mal Law) has been given Excalibur, and now enjoys supreme executive power, on T:42719 23:30 [hdf-us] [nh370] icantfindaname (Tou Hum Fem Neu) acquired the Sokoban amulet of reflection, on T:23832 23:32 [hdf-eu] [nerf] parasite (Sam Hum Mal Law), 69091 points, T:23991, petrified by a cockatrice 23:36 [hdf-us] [nh370] FakeNameHere (Val Dwa Mal Law) wished for "+2 fireproof speed boots", got "a pair of hiking boots", on T:42828 23:42 [hdf-us] [nh370] FakeNameHere (Val Dwa Mal Law) wished for "magic marker", got "a magic marker", on T:43145 23:51 [hdf-us] [nh370] icantfindaname (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 141870 points, T:27132, drowned in a pool of water by an electric eel