00:05 [hdf-us] [xnh] Jera (Bar Orc Fem Cha) changed form for the first time, becoming a gold dragon, on T:4990 00:06 [hdf-us] [evil] gdiist (Kni Hum Mal Law) had a pair of bone kicking boots entrusted to him by Lugh, on T:2765 (0:58:49) 00:11 [hdf-us] [evil] gdiist (Kni Hum Mal Law) received Excalibur from a strange woman laying about in a pond, on T:2918 (1:03:46) 00:13 [hdf-us] [slshm] wsx9000 (Wiz Dop Fem Cha), 205010 points, T:27500, killed by a sabre-toothed cat 00:16 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dyriade (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) was bestowed with Magicbane by Anhur, on T:2353 00:21 [hdf-us] [xnh] Jera (Bar Orc Fem Cha), 8411 points, T:6870, killed by an ettin mummy, while moving through the air 00:24 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dyriade (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 1328 points, T:4584, killed by a hobbit, while fainted from lack of food 00:26 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Sam Gia Fem Law) killed the Abominable Snowman, on T:63291 (9:43:16) 00:27 -!- Noisytoot has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 00:36 [hdf-us] [slshm] wsx9000 (Wiz Dop Fem Cha), 512 points, T:1223, killed by a dingo puppy 00:38 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Sam Gia Fem Law) defeated Kathryn the Ice Queen, on T:63818 (9:54:46) 00:38 [hdf-us] [evil] gdiist (Kni Hum Mal Law) killed the Goblin King, on T:3339 (1:30:35) 00:40 [hdf-us] [nh370] alexaugust (Sam Hum Fem Law) destroyed elmegil's ghost, the former Conjurer, on T:1036 00:43 [hdf-us] [slshm] wsx9000 (Wiz Dop Fem Cha), 2134 points, T:1274, killed by a gnome, while helpless 00:44 [hdf-us] [evil] karibou (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:12863 (2:39:33) 00:49 [hdf-us] [nh370] alexaugust (Sam Hum Fem Law), 2250 points, T:1747, killed by a gnome 00:55 -!- Loggers_VIII has joined #hardfought 01:01 [hdf-us] [un] Peteird (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) eschewed atheism, by dropping a dagger on an altar, on T:8463 (2:25:08) 01:05 -!- qt_mobile has joined #hardfought 01:06 !tell K2 Happy birthday (slightly belated)! I hope it was fun and that you had a good time absorbing Jimmy Carter's powers/life force 01:06 I'm on it, qt_mobile. 01:06 -!- qt_mobile has quit [Client Quit] 01:27 with the latest changes on altar sacrificing and luck does that mean that you can't max your luck if you only have shallow altars in the game? 01:28 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Vinyl (Tou Hum Fem Neu) became literate by reading a scroll, on T:3516 01:29 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Vinyl (Tou Hum Fem Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:3824 01:32 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Vinyl (Tou Hum Fem Neu) eschewed atheism, by dropping 53 darts on an altar, on T:4031 01:33 [hdf-us] [nh370] qwsaqwsa (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) entered Sokoban, on T:4624 01:33 -!- Peteird has joined #hardfought 01:34 "A trap door in the ceiling opens and a rock falls on your head! You feel wise!" 01:35 moult: no? 01:36 I mean once you're of decent level, you can get monsters to spawn on early levels that will give you luck 01:36 [hdf-us] [nh370] alexaugust (Sam Hum Mal Law) destroyed alexaugust's ghost, the former Ronin, on T:1602 01:37 in other news, I've become separated from my celestial dragon in a pacifist run >:( 01:40 oh wonderful, she somehow escaped the secret sewer room 01:40 [hdf-us] [nh370] lurchy (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 856 points, T:1448, killed by a giant bat 01:42 [hdf-us] [nh370] lurchy (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 8 points, T:108, killed by a sewer rat 01:43 [hdf-us] [nh370] lurchy (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) murdered his faithful kitten, on T:25 01:43 [hdf-us] [nh370] lurchy (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 20 points, T:35, killed by a fox 01:44 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Vinyl (Tou Hum Fem Neu), 9225 points, T:4565, killed by a marilith 01:45 [hdf-us] [nh370] alexaugust (Sam Hum Mal Law) reached Mine Town, on T:2396 01:46 -!- Sgeo has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:48 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Vinyl (Mon Hum Mal Cha) murdered Filcowy Klebek, his faithful kitten, on T:340 01:52 [hdf-us] [nh370] alexaugust (Sam Hum Mal Law), 4884 points, T:2940, killed by a scorpion 01:52 [hdf-us] [un] Peteird (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) entered Minetown, on T:13996 (3:16:45) 01:53 -!- shadowrider38 has joined #hardfought 01:54 [hdf-us] [un] Peteird (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) entered a temple, on T:14122 (3:18:15) 01:54 [hdf-us] [nerf] shadowrider38 (Sam Hum Mal Law), 13313 points, T:6960, killed by a spiked orc 01:55 what is a spiked orc 01:57 2d14 weapon physical, 4d2 claw physical, 4d8 passive quills apparently 01:58 those are some really fucked numbers for an orc 02:02 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Vinyl (Mon Hum Mal Cha) entered Sokoban, on T:1768 02:05 [hdf-us] [nerf] shadowrider38 (Bar Orc Fem Cha), 695 points, T:1003, killed by a large mimic 02:13 [hdf-us] [nh370] Quinlan (Val Hum Fem Law), 1555 points, T:2278, killed by a crossbow bolt 02:14 [hdf-us] [nh370] lurchy (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) murdered his faithful kitten, on T:2040 02:15 [hdf-us] [un] Peteird (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) had Magicbane bestowed upon her by Anhur, on T:15740 (3:39:34) 02:17 [hdf-us] [nerf] shadowrider38 (Bar Orc Mal Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:2652 02:19 [hdf-us] [un] Peteird (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) had Trollsbane bestowed upon her by Anhur, on T:15824 (3:43:30) 02:19 -!- Umbire has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 02:19 [hdf-us] [nerf] shadowrider38 (Bar Orc Mal Cha), 3404 points, T:2776, quit 02:20 -!- shadowrider38 has quit [Quit: Leaving] 02:22 [hdf-us] [nh370] lurchy (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 2152 points, T:3027, killed by a dwarf lady 02:22 -!- elenmirie__ has joined #hardfought 02:29 -!- elenmirie__ has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 02:30 [hdf-us] [un] Peteird (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) had Orcrist bestowed upon her by Anhur, on T:16955 (3:54:49) 02:36 -!- Peteird has quit [Quit: Peteird vanishes!] 02:43 -!- cathartes has quit [Quit: fly away] 02:43 [hdf-us] [nh370] Quinlan (Mon Hum Mal Law) destroyed alexaugust's ghost, the former Ninja, on T:2005 02:48 -!- Noisytoot has joined #hardfought 02:48 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Noisytoot] by ChanServ 02:53 [hdf-us] [hackm] SludgeGunkman (Pri Elf Mal Law), 665 points, T:951, killed by a gnome lady 02:54 -!- Noisytoot has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 03:02 -!- Noisytoot has joined #hardfought 03:02 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Noisytoot] by ChanServ 03:07 -!- Noisytoot has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 03:15 [hdf-us] [nh370] lurchy (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 2788 points, T:4962, killed by a jaguar 03:15 -!- anselmus has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:16 [hdf-us] [nh370] qwsaqwsa (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 2995 points, T:6161, killed by a gray unicorn 03:17 -!- elenmirie__ has joined #hardfought 03:24 [hdf-us] [nh4] Nettle (Ackbladder) (Hea Gno Fem Neu), 21646 points, T:2358, killed by a giant bat 03:29 [hdf-eu] [nh370] elenmirie (Pri Elf Fem Cha) performed her first genocide (class L), on T:18304 03:31 [hdf-us] [nh370] lurchy (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 528 points, T:1836, killed by a dwarf 03:35 -!- ajh has joined #hardfought 03:40 -!- a1 has joined #hardfought 03:40 -!- a-1 has joined #hardfought 03:41 [hdf-us] [nh370] Quinlan (Mon Hum Mal Law) entered Sokoban, on T:4314 03:44 -!- wvc has joined #hardfought 03:44 -!- a1 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 03:44 -!- a-1 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 03:52 -!- Haudegen has joined #hardfought 03:59 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vis (Mon Hum Mal Cha) killed Sir Garland, on T:16625 04:18 [hdf-eu] [nh370] elenmirie (Pri Elf Fem Cha) genocided master mind flayers, on T:18807 04:19 -!- Loggers_VIII15 has joined #hardfought 04:19 -!- Loggers_VIII has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 04:19 -!- Loggers_VIII15 is now known as Loggers_VIII 04:27 [hdf-us] [nh370] Quinlan (Mon Hum Mal Law), 16244 points, T:7009, killed by an energy vortex 04:31 [hdf-us] [nh4] gelrath (Kni Hum Mal Law), 21638 points, T:1044, killed by a gnome king 04:33 [hdf-us] [evil] gdiist (Kni Hum Mal Law) killed the invisible Gollum, on T:10177 (4:52:46) 04:39 -!- Loggers_VIII has quit [Quit: Client closed] 04:45 [hdf-us] [nh4] gelrath (Kni Hum Mal Law), 30350 points, T:1717, killed by a pony 05:04 -!- wvc has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 05:06 -!- wvc has joined #hardfought 05:08 [hdf-us] [evil] gdiist (Kni Hum Mal Law), 25688 points, T:11847, killed by an elven queen 05:11 -!- hackemslashem has joined #hardfought 05:11 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v hackemslashem] by ChanServ 05:19 -!- elenmirie__ has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 05:42 [hdf-us] [nh4] gelrath (Kni Hum Mal Law), 22735 points, T:923, killed by a gnome lord 05:48 [hdf-eu] [nerf] DoktorL (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) Siboga, the delicatessen proprietrix, has been killed, on T:4529 05:48 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:46824 05:48 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:46826 05:56 [hdf-us] [nh4] gelrath (Kni Hum Mal Law), 29814 points, T:2050, killed by a gnome 05:56 [hdf-eu] [nerf] DoktorL (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) Rellenk, the hardware store proprietor, has been killed, on T:4859 06:01 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha) attained the rank of Slayer (level 22), on T:47591 06:02 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Car Hum Mal Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:2760 06:05 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed Orcus, on T:47835 06:06 [hdf-us] [nh343] pavelek (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 19 points, T:88, killed by a sewer rat 06:11 [hdf-us] [nerf] hackemslashem (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed Wintercloak, on T:16291 06:11 -!- mobileuser has joined #hardfought 06:12 [hdf-us] [nerf] hackemslashem (Val Dwa Fem Law) acquired the Sokoban magic marker, on T:16332 06:13 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Car Hum Mal Cha), 3423 points, T:3386, killed by a human mummy 06:15 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Car Hum Mal Cha), 203 points, T:573, killed by a gnome lord 06:20 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Car Hum Mal Cha), 480 points, T:1258, killed by a giant bat 06:26 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Car Hum Mal Cha), 736 points, T:843, killed by a rabbit 06:29 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Car Hum Mal Cha), 29 points, T:250, killed by a fox 06:31 !PORN 06:31 Arseniy: The moon is new for 4 more days. 06:44 wait wut 06:54 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Car Hum Mal Cha), 3866 points, T:3397, killed by an elven arrow 07:03 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:51575 07:03 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:51576 07:07 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha) performed the invocation, on T:51730 07:08 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Car Hum Mal Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:1271 07:14 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed the high priest of Moloch, on T:51836 07:14 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha) acquired The Amulet of Yendor, on T:51838 07:17 Moult: with ring of aggravate monster, you can get tough monsters to spawn on a floor with a shallow altar (of course you have to be prepared for the tough monsters) 07:17 though I'm not sure ais523 was fully aware of the implications of the aggravate monster change when he changed sacrificing 07:20 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Car Hum Mal Cha), 3349 points, T:2035, killed by a shoggoth 07:22 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Dyriade (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 42 points, T:269, killed by an arrow 07:27 <@hackemslashem> oh, ow 07:32 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Car Hum Mal Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:1206 07:33 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor (2nd time), on T:52531 07:37 -!- ajh has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 07:39 [hdf-au] [nh370] Moult (Hea Gno Mal Neu) made his first wish - "blessed greased +2 silver dragon scale mail", got "a greased silver dragon scale mail", on T:38479 07:40 [hdf-eu] [nh370] xororand (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:4017 07:45 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha) entered the Elemental Planes, on T:53214 07:45 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha) entered Plane of Earth, on T:53214 07:46 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor (3rd time), on T:53215 07:50 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha) entered Plane of Air, on T:53302 07:52 [hdf-eu] [nh370] xororand (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) was bestowed with Magicbane by Anhur, on T:6148 07:52 -!- Umbire has joined #hardfought 07:54 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha) entered Plane of Fire, on T:53377 07:56 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha) entered Plane of Water, on T:53393 07:56 [hdf-eu] [evil] davez (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 1868 points, T:2304, killed by a bolt of fire 07:56 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha) genocided class ;, on T:53395 07:59 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Car Hum Mal Cha), 6503 points, T:3000, killed by a snake 07:59 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha) entered the Astral Plane, on T:53424 07:59 [hdf-eu] [nh370] moop (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) entered Sokoban, on T:4014 08:02 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed Famine, on T:53445 08:04 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed Pestilence, on T:53474 08:04 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed Famine (2nd time), on T:53476 08:07 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed Pestilence (2nd time), on T:53531 08:07 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed Famine (3rd time), on T:53536 08:08 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha) killed Death, on T:53558 08:16 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Bar Orc Mal Cha), 2625504 points, T:53576, ascended 08:16 https://au.hardfought.org/userdata/m/misanthrope/nethack/dumplog/1735211497.nh.html 08:17 [hdf-eu] [nh370] moop (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:5868 08:17 gg 08:19 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Rog Vam Mal Cha), 1012 points, T:1274, killed by a crossbow bolt 08:22 [hdf-eu] [evil] davez (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:3045 (0:25:15) 08:22 -!- elron has joined #hardfought 08:25 <@doktor_l.> @hackemslashem I appreciate your efforts in nerfing protection and raising level of shopkeepers, however I'd like you to know I scored 6 points on full-on protection racket on the first attempt. And if there is a second attempt, all shopkeepers are goners. 08:25 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Bar Vam Mal Cha), 1158 points, T:680, withered away 08:26 <@shrigis> How do u bite as a nerfhack vampire? I'm starving to death because early game mobs get 1 hit with the regular attack 08:27 <@doktor_l.> unwield your weapon I suppose 08:27 <@malorpower> the issue is the vampire bite is your LAST attack. If it was sorted first it would be helpful. 08:28 <@doktor_l.> though some of them you'll still punch out in one hit 08:28 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 66 points, T:285, killed by a large mimic 08:28 it doesn't have the (unnethack?) thing where you can drain blood from a fresh corpse? 08:28 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vis (Mon Hum Mal Cha) killed Cerberus, on T:23050 08:30 <@shrigis> No, they intentionally removed that 08:31 <@shrigis> Really feels like you should be able to bite without a melee attack 08:32 <@doktor_l.> Do you propose the game become fair? Cause I'm afraid that's not the goal. 08:32 yeah, either that or drain blood from a corpse within 5 turns. no idea why that was intentionally removed unless the point was to make vampires counterintuitively difficult 08:33 [hdf-eu] [nh370] moop (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) eschewed atheism, by dropping 2 darts on an altar, on T:6661 08:35 -!- lorimer has joined #hardfought 08:35 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v lorimer] by ChanServ 08:40 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) completed Sokoban, acquiring a magic marker, on T:27271 (2:30:42) 08:43 -!- Bleeko has joined #hardfought 08:44 aosdict: It was a really tedious mechanic, and very bug-prone. There are a few fixes pending for upload right now. There was actually a bug with vampire regeneration that caused additional hunger so that fix will dramatically improve things 08:44 -!- ajh has joined #hardfought 08:44 [hdf-us] [nh370] Alvietron (Val Dwa Fem Law) reached Mine Town, on T:2339 08:45 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:2037 08:48 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vis (Mon Hum Mal Cha) was given Frost Brand, on T:25788 08:49 <@hackemslashem> I don't want it to be unfair though, we're in the first phase of seeing how far is too far. Not all my experiments will work out, I'm ok with that 🙂 Let me know what seems unreasonable and I can look into tweaking things 08:49 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 2250 points, T:2419, killed by a magic missile zapped by an Uruk-hai 08:52 your doing the gods work hacked 08:52 hackem " 08:52 jeep it up 08:52 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vis (Mon Hum Mal Cha) was given their Quest, on T:26007 08:52 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Tou Trt Mal Neu) killed the Master of Thieves, on T:44737 (15:54:32) 08:52 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Tou Trt Mal Neu) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:44738 (15:54:35) 08:54 [hdf-us] [nh370] Alvietron (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered Sokoban, on T:3733 08:54 <@shrigis> I think rabies should show up on the status bar as a status effect 08:55 <@shrigis> And cartomancers should get some message about melee attacks being ineffective when trying to use melee 08:57 [hdf-us] [nh370] WizzyTheWeird (Wiz Hum Fem Neu), 403 points, T:873, killed by a small mimic, while praying 08:58 [hdf-us] [nh370] howbrutal (Arc Dwa Fem Law) became literate by naming Sting, on T:678 09:01 afaik, the rabies status thing is known, but there are difficulties getting a new status to show 09:02 aoei: hehe thanks! 09:03 The rabies status has been an issue since I created it (https://github.com/elunna/NerfHack/issues/54) - the problem is I'm not sure if we have room for another status line. We might be able to sub out one, but I think I need help with this one 09:04 There do seem to be a couple of latent statuses that the devteam doesn't use though 09:04 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:1438 09:05 Shrigis: Made an issue for the carto thing () 09:05 "if there is a second attempt, all shopkeepers are goners" are you hinting at some exploit @doktor_l 09:06 [hdf-us] [nh370] Alvietron (Val Dwa Fem Law) was bestowed with Mjollnir by Tyr, on T:4892 09:06 <@doktor_l.> You may call it an exploit, it's really just a form of wizard start-scumming I've used in my pacifist run of the base game 09:06 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) changed form for the first time, becoming a gray dragon, on T:29388 (2:56:52) 09:06 ah,  start-scumming, got it 09:07 <@doktor_l.> some of the pets you get will level up to fight (and kill, of course) even those buffed shopkeepers 09:07 [hdf-us] [nh370] howbrutal (Arc Dwa Fem Law), 1651 points, T:1499, killed by a killer bee 09:07 -!- elenmirie__ has joined #hardfought 09:08 [hdf-us] [nh370] samiam (Pri Hum Mal Cha), 11730 points, T:8411, killed by a mumak 09:09 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Fukka (Val Dwa Fem Law) became literate by reading a scroll, on T:4720 09:11 [hdf-us] [nh370] Alvietron (Val Dwa Fem Law), 5153 points, T:5396, killed by a hallucinogen-distorted leprechaun 09:11 [hdf-us] [nh370] Alvietron (Val Dwa Fem Law), 0 points, T:9, killed by strangulation 09:13 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 2933 points, T:2536, killed by a hobbit, while sleeping 09:16 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Fukka (Val Dwa Fem Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a giant beetle, on T:5806 09:17 [hdf-us] [nh370] samiam (Pri Hum Mal Cha), 464 points, T:2108, killed by a dwarf 09:18 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Fukka (Val Dwa Fem Law), 6327 points, T:6088, killed by a winter wolf cub 09:19 -!- floating_eye has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:19 -!- floating_eye_ has joined #hardfought 09:21 -!- floating_eye_ has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:21 -!- floating_eye has joined #hardfought 09:22 [hdf-us] [nh370] WizzyTheWeird (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:1204 09:25 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) killed the invisible Oracle, on T:30905 (3:15:23) 09:27 [hdf-us] [nh370] Cropper (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) acquired the Sokoban amulet of reflection, on T:7243 09:30 weee 09:30 K2: Message from qt_mobile at 2024-12-30 01:06 EST: Happy birthday (slightly belated)! I hope it was fun and that you had a good time absorbing Jimmy Carter's powers/life force 09:30 [hdf-us] [evil] Koeranen (Ran Elf Fem Neu) chose an elven dagger to be named "Sting", on T:3301 (0:16:11) 09:32 ab K2 09:33 hi 09:33 Hello K2, Welcome to #hardfought 09:35 [hdf-us] [evil] Koeranen (Ran Elf Fem Neu) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:3894 (0:21:06) 09:36 -!- elron has quit [Quit: Client closed] 09:37 -!- elron has joined #hardfought 09:39 !who 09:39 K2: [hdf-eu] moop [nh370] :: [hdf-au] No current players :: [hdf-us] WizzyTheWeird [nh370] Cropper [nh370] trying [un] Koeranen [evil] elron [evil] karibou [evil] dh [slth] 09:41 !who 09:41 K2: [hdf-eu] moop [nh370] :: [hdf-us] WizzyTheWeird [nh370] Cropper [nh370] trying [un] Koeranen [evil] elron [evil] karibou [evil] dh [slth] omghax [nerf] :: [hdf-au] No current players 09:42 !whereis omghax 09:42 K2: [hdf-us] omghax [nerf]: (Cav Gno Fem Neu) T:5 The Dungeons of Doom level: 1 09:43 [hdf-us] [evil] Koeranen (Ran Elf Fem Neu) killed the Goblin King, on T:4616 (0:28:30) 09:53 -!- VaderFLAG_ has joined #hardfought 09:53 -!- VaderFLAG has quit [Killed (lead.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services))] 09:53 -!- VaderFLAG_ is now known as VaderFLAG 09:54 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) killed Croesus, on T:32693 (3:44:15) 09:55 [hdf-us] [nh370] WizzyTheWeird (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) destroyed Vinyl's ghost, the former Esquire, on T:3156 09:56 -!- mode/Beholder [+Ziw] by Beholder 09:56 -!- lead.libera.chat changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ ¤ public irc logs available on website ¤ ssh nethack@hardfought.org, nethack@eu.hardfought.org or nethack@au.hardfought.org ¤ Check out this new ttyrec player - https://thinkmoult.com/pyttyplay-nethack-player.html 09:56 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 09:57 [hdf-us] [slth] di (Wiz Dro Fem Cha), 7507 points, T:4400, quit 09:57 !who 09:57 K2: [hdf-eu] moop [nh370] mobileuser [evil] DoktorL [nerf] :: [hdf-us] WizzyTheWeird [nh370] Cropper [nh370] omghax [nh370] trying [un] Pullings [nh4] Koeranen [evil] elron [evil] karibou [evil] xtof54 [slth] :: [hdf-au] No current players 09:57 !whereis omghax 09:57 K2: [hdf-us] omghax [nh370]: (Sam Hum Mal Law) T:1 The Dungeons of Doom level: 1 09:57 [hdf-us] [nh370] omghax (Sam Hum Mal Law), 0 points, T:10, killed by a falling object 09:59 -!- phinxy has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 10:05 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) had Ogresmasher bestowed upon her by Lolth, on T:33942 (3:55:47) 10:10 [hdf-us] [nh370] WizzyTheWeird (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) destroyed Shrigis' ghost, the former Lookout, on T:4233 10:11 [hdf-eu] [nh370] omghax (Bar Hum Fem Neu), 0 points, T:51, killed by a guard, while sleeping off a magical draught 10:13 [hdf-au] [nh370] omghax (Bar Orc Fem Cha), 2 points, T:37, killed by a sewer rat 10:14 NetHack 370-hdf updated (all servers) 10:14 ^ new editlevel version 114 10:17 [hdf-us] [nh370] WizzyTheWeird (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) acquired the Mines' End luckstone, on T:4693 10:18 [hdf-eu] [nh370] moop (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) acquired the Mines' End luckstone, on T:12087 10:22 -!- phinxy has joined #hardfought 10:23 [hdf-us] [nh370] WizzyTheWeird (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) was bestowed with Magicbane by Thoth, on T:5155 10:23 [hdf-us] [nh370] Cropper (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) acquired the Mines' End luckstone, on T:8675 10:26 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Fukka (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 28 points, T:68, killed by a poisonous corpse 10:28 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Fukka (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 20 points, T:35, killed by a jackal 10:34 [hdf-us] [nerf] hothraxxa (Arc Vam Mal Cha), 768 points, T:2022, killed by a rothe 10:40 -!- elenmirie__ has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 10:43 [hdf-us] [evil] karibou (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) had Magicbane bestowed upon her by Lolth, on T:17737 (3:58:18) 10:44 [hdf-eu] [nh370] xororand (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 23431 points, T:9133, killed by a queen bee 10:46 [hdf-eu] [nerf] DoktorL (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) acquired the Mines' End luckstone, on T:7903 10:47 [hdf-eu] [nh370] moop (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) acquired the Sokoban amulet of reflection, on T:13682 10:50 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Fukka (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 3260 points, T:2703, killed by a rothe 10:50 [hdf-us] [nh370] rancat (Wiz Gno Fem Neu) killed Juiblex, on T:38849 10:53 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Fukka (Arc Gno Mal Neu), 207 points, T:1038, killed by a large kobold 10:54 [hdf-us] [nh370] rancat (Wiz Gno Fem Neu) bribed Asmodeus with 50 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:39118 10:55 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) polymorphed her first object, on T:38742 (4:45:05) 10:57 [hdf-us] [dnh] phaperplane2 (Hea Hum Mal Neu) killed the invisible Center of All, on T:98321 10:58 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Sam Gia Fem Law) killed Medusa, on T:64340 (10:07:42) 11:00 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Rog Hum Mal Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:1367 11:00 [hdf-us] [xnh] SamG (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 2988 points, T:2022, killed by a werewolf 11:04 -!- crunchbubba39 has quit [Quit: Client closed] 11:06 [hdf-us] [evil] karibou (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) killed Aphrodite, on T:19375 (4:21:07) 11:07 [hdf-eu] [nh4] ZlojSerge (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 9073 points, T:867, killed by a large mimic 11:08 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 3128 points, T:2659, killed by a hill orc 11:11 [hdf-us] [nh370] WizzyTheWeird (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) made his first wish - "2 Blessed scrolls of charging", got "a scroll labeled HAPAX LEGOMENON", on T:5985 11:12 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) hit with a wielded weapon for the first time, on T:24250 (4:03:31) 11:12 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) killed the Abominable Snowman, on T:24257 (4:03:52) 11:12 [hdf-us] [nh370] WizzyTheWeird (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) made his first artifact wish - "blessed Orb of Fate", got "a glass orb named the Orb of Fate", on T:5985 11:13 [hdf-us] [nh370] WizzyTheWeird (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) wished for "blessed rustproof +2 Mjollnir", got "a war hammer named Mjollnir", on T:5986 11:14 [hdf-us] [evil] karibou (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) completed Sokoban, acquiring a pair of gauntlets of protection, on T:19965 (4:28:44) 11:15 [hdf-us] [un] Peteird (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) killed the invisible Anaraxis the Black, on T:24357 11:15 -!- Peteird has joined #hardfought 11:15 YEEEEES! 11:15 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 219874 points, T:24542, killed by a woolly mammoth, while fumbling 11:16 [hdf-us] [nh4] gelrath (Kni Hum Mal Law), 32940 points, T:2192, poisoned by a water moccasin 11:17 [hdf-us] [nh370] WizzyTheWeird (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) wished for "blessed +2 silver dragon scale mail", got "a silver dragon scale mail", on T:6196 11:18 [hdf-us] [xnh] SamG (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 2417 points, T:1767, killed by a wolf 11:19 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 469 points, T:1160, killed by a gnome lord 11:21 [hdf-us] [nh370] WizzyTheWeird (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) entered Sokoban, on T:6404 11:21 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) had a pair of gauntlets of protection entrusted to her by Lolth, on T:40172 (5:11:38) 11:24 -!- crunchbubba65 has joined #hardfought 11:25 [hdf-us] [nh4] gelrath (Kni Hum Mal Law), 24796 points, T:1270, killed by a gnome king 11:26 [hdf-us] [nh370] nirol0 (Pri Hum Mal Neu) performed his first genocide (class L), on T:32315 11:27 [hdf-eu] [nh4] ZlojSerge (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 25202 points, T:1477, killed by a bat 11:28 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 798 points, T:1322, killed by a gnome 11:28 [hdf-us] [hackm] SludgeGunkman (Inf Hum Mal Una), 31 points, T:87, killed by a boiling potion 11:32 [hdf-us] [nh4] gelrath (Kni Hum Mal Law), 23957 points, T:864, killed by a gnome 11:32 [hdf-us] [un] Peteird (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) was chosen to take lives for the Glory of Anhur, on T:25263 (6:38:20) 11:32 [hdf-us] [un] Peteird (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) was bestowed with spellbook of finger of death, on T:25263 (6:38:20) 11:37 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Sam Gia Fem Law) wished for "blessed +3 dragonhide jumping boots", on T:66016 (10:46:44) 11:37 [hdf-us] [nh370] sluggoman (Val Hum Mal Law) attained the rank of Swashbuckler (level 18), on T:24551 11:38 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Sam Gia Fem Law) wished for "blessed +3 dragonhide gauntlets of dexterity", on T:66021 (10:47:22) 11:38 [hdf-us] [xnh] SamG (Mon Hum Mal Cha) consulted the Oracle, on T:1319 11:38 [hdf-us] [dnh] KrO2 (Kni Hlf Mal Law) wished for "the blessed greased fixed Wallet of Perseus", on T:38827 11:39 [hdf-us] [nh370] samiam (Pri Hum Mal Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:3182 11:44 [hdf-us] [nh4] gelrath (Kni Hum Mal Law), 25329 points, T:1166, killed by a dwarf king 11:44 [hdf-us] [nh370] nirol0 (Pri Hum Mal Neu) killed Nalzok, on T:33186 11:44 [hdf-us] [nh370] nirol0 (Pri Hum Mal Neu) found the Mitre of Holiness carried by a monster, on T:33186 11:45 [hdf-us] [nh370] nirol0 (Pri Hum Mal Neu) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:33196 11:45 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Rog Hum Mal Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:2793 11:46 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) killed Aphrodite, on T:42919 (5:36:30) 11:46 [hdf-us] [nh370] samiam (Pri Hum Mal Cha), 3016 points, T:4292, killed by a Woodland-elf 11:50 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 2712 points, T:3277, killed by an ogre 11:51 [hdf-us] [nh370] WizzyTheWeird (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) attained the rank of Enchanter (level 14), on T:8459 11:53 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vis (Mon Hum Mal Cha) killed Master Kaen, on T:27559 11:53 [hdf-us] [nh4] gelrath (Kni Hum Mal Law), 26978 points, T:1350, killed by a gnome lord 11:57 [hdf-us] [nh370] WizzyTheWeird (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) performed his first genocide (master mind flayers), on T:8936 11:57 [hdf-us] [xnh] SamG (Mon Hum Mal Cha) entered Sokoban, on T:2847 11:57 -!- terrapin has joined #hardfought 11:58 [hdf-us] [nh370] WizzyTheWeird (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) wished for "Blessed spellbook of identify", got "a spellbook of identify", on T:8995 11:58 -!- Loggers_VIII has joined #hardfought 11:59 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 334 points, T:1010, killed by a gnome lord 12:01 [hdf-us] [nh370] WizzyTheWeird (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) found the Eye of the Aethiopica on the floor, on T:9507 12:02 [hdf-us] [nh370] WizzyTheWeird (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) killed the Dark One, on T:9558 12:03 [hdf-us] [nh370] WizzyTheWeird (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:9568 12:03 [hdf-eu] [un] muahdib (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 531 points, T:813, killed by a poisonous corpse 12:05 [hdf-us] [nh370] Noah (Pri Hum Mal Law) wished for "blessed fixed expensive camera", got "a blessed expensive camera", on T:44593 12:06 [hdf-eu] [un] muahdib (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 365 points, T:712, killed by a boiling potion 12:07 [hdf-us] [nh370] Noah (Pri Hum Mal Law) entered the Astral Plane, on T:44608 12:09 [hdf-us] [nh4] gelrath (Kni Hum Mal Law), 29905 points, T:1647, killed by a dwarf lord 12:10 [hdf-us] [hackm] SludgeGunkman (Cav Dwa Fem Law), 1162 points, T:1260, killed by a compsognathus 12:11 -!- Haudegen has quit [Quit: Bin weg.] 12:11 [hdf-us] [xnh] SamG (Mon Hum Mal Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:5680 12:12 [hdf-eu] [nh4] ZlojSerge (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 35504 points, T:3387, killed by a bolt of fire 12:12 dinosaurs are definitely one of my favorite fantasy creatures 12:15 [hdf-eu] [un] muahdib (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) entered the Gnomish Mines, on T:2073 (0:08:42) 12:15 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 818 points, T:2043, killed by a rat 12:16 [hdf-us] [nh370] Noah (Pri Hum Mal Law), 3514416 points, T:44634, ascended https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/N/Noah/nethack/dumplog/1734982295.nh.html 12:17 [hdf-us] [nh4] gelrath (Kni Hum Mal Law), 23138 points, T:1560, killed by a hobgoblin 12:17 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Sam Gia Fem Law) entered the Hidden Dungeon, on T:66965 (11:08:59) 12:18 [hdf-eu] [un] muahdib (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 1631 points, T:2892, killed by a soldier ant 12:19 -!- nurdglaw has joined #hardfought 12:21 [hdf-us] [nh4] gelrath (Kni Hum Mal Law), 11005 points, T:741, killed by a giant mimic 12:21 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Sam Gia Fem Law) killed Tal'Gath, on T:67408 (11:12:29) 12:22 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Sam Gia Fem Law) genocided beholders, on T:67581 (11:14:01) 12:23 [hdf-eu] [un] muahdib (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) entered a shop, on T:1195 (0:04:24) 12:24 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Sam Gia Fem Law) killed Cerberus, on T:67769 (11:15:47) 12:25 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Sam Gia Fem Law) entered Gehennom, on T:67783 (11:16:06) 12:25 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) killed the Dark One, on T:44846 (6:15:07) 12:25 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:44856 (6:15:16) 12:25 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 817 points, T:1133, killed by a gnome lord 12:25 [hdf-us] [xnh] SamG (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 10427 points, T:7434, killed by a horse 12:25 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) had Secespita bestowed upon her by Lolth, on T:44876 (6:15:42) 12:26 -!- Peteird has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:26 [hdf-us] [evil] dbanethacker (Val Hum Fem Neu) averted death (killed by a soldier ant), on T:9025 (2:21:16) 12:26 [hdf-eu] [un] muahdib (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 794 points, T:1704, killed by a werejackal 12:26 [hdf-eu] [un] muahdib (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 20 points, T:33, killed by a newt 12:28 [hdf-eu] [un] muahdib (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 253 points, T:534, killed by a boulder 12:28 [hdf-us] [hackm] SludgeGunkman (Kni Orc Mal Cha), 721 points, T:1052, killed by a telamon 12:29 [hdf-us] [nh370] WizzyTheWeird (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) acquired the Sokoban bag of holding, on T:12102 12:30 -!- nurdglaw has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:32 [hdf-us] [nh370] WizzyTheWeird (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) wished for "blessed +2 silver dragon scale mail", got "a silver dragon scale mail", on T:12171 12:32 [hdf-eu] [un] muahdib (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 284 points, T:734, killed by a hobbit 12:34 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) completed her quest without incident, on T:45517 (6:24:13) 12:34 [hdf-us] [nh370] WizzyTheWeird (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) entered Gehennom, on T:12274 12:35 -!- Loggers_VIII has quit [Quit: Client closed] 12:38 [hdf-eu] [un] muahdib (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 444 points, T:1159, killed by a fox 12:40 [hdf-us] [nh4] gelrath (Kni Hum Mal Law), 33473 points, T:2075, killed by a gnome lord 12:45 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 1627 points, T:1654, killed by a wand 12:45 [hdf-us] [nh370] WizzyTheWeird (Wiz Hum Mal Neu) wished for "Blessed spellbook of detect treasure", got "a spellbook of detect treasure", on T:12982 12:46 -!- wvc has quit [Quit: wvc] 12:46 [hdf-us] [evil] dbanethacker (Val Hum Fem Neu) had Mjollnir bestowed upon her by Odin, on T:10099 (2:41:25) 12:47 [hdf-us] [nh370] WizzyTheWeird (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 269923 points, T:13106, killed while stuck in creature form, while reading a book 12:48 -!- wvc has joined #hardfought 12:48 [hdf-us] [un] rericksn (Bar Vam Mal Cha) entered Moria, on T:14748 (5:13:06) 12:48 -!- wvc has quit [Client Quit] 12:53 [hdf-us] [un] rericksn (Bar Vam Mal Cha) killed Durin's Bane, on T:14944 12:56 [hdf-eu] [un] muahdib (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) had Magicbane bestowed upon him by Anhur, on T:3273 (0:18:04) 12:57 [hdf-us] [xnh] SamG (Mon Hum Mal Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:2000 12:58 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Sam Gia Fem Law) killed Dispater, on T:69920 (11:49:14) 12:58 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Sam Gia Fem Law) killed Geryon, on T:69937 (11:50:01) 12:59 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) killed Aphrodite, on T:12086 (1:11:28) 12:59 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Sam Gia Fem Law) genocided green slimes, on T:69979 (11:50:58) 13:02 [hdf-us] [nerf] hothraxxa (Arc Vam Mal Cha) changed form for the first time, becoming a wererat, on T:3712 13:03 [hdf-us] [nh370] samiam (Pri Hum Mal Cha), 742 points, T:2220, killed by a dwarf 13:04 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) used a forge to create The Staff of the Archmagi, on T:46552 (6:54:07) 13:04 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Sam Gia Fem Law) destroyed Kas, on T:70222 (11:55:40) 13:06 [hdf-eu] [un] muahdib (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) entered Sokoban, on T:5134 (0:28:22) 13:07 -!- Loggers_VIII has joined #hardfought 13:08 -!- NetSysFire is now known as Guest6552 13:08 -!- NetSysFi1 has joined #hardfought 13:08 -!- Guest6552 has quit [Killed (lithium.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services))] 13:08 -!- NetSysFi1 is now known as NetSysFire 13:08 [hdf-us] [xnh] mohoomanz (Pri Hum Mal Neu), 6210 points, T:3817, killed by a jaguar 13:08 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Fukka (Ran Hum Fem Neu), 799 points, T:1321, killed by a dwarf 13:09 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Sam Gia Fem Law), 1596066 points, T:70417, dissolved in molten lava 13:09 [hdf-us] [nh370] sluggoman (Val Hum Mal Law) killed Geryon, on T:25308 13:09 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 764 points, T:1368, petrified by a cockatrice 13:10 [hdf-us] [nh370] nmlkj (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:4314 13:12 -!- Moth has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 13:12 -!- flgr has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 13:12 -!- scardracs has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 13:13 -!- Guest66 has joined #hardfought 13:13 [hdf-us] [xnh] SamG (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 6646 points, T:3149, killed by a blast of frost exhaled by a winter wolf 13:14 -!- scardracs has joined #hardfought 13:14 -!- Moth has joined #hardfought 13:14 -!- flgr has joined #hardfought 13:17 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) became literate by reading a book, on T:14748 (1:30:23) 13:18 [hdf-us] [evil] terrapin (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 361 points, T:1139, killed by a goblin 13:19 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) killed Baphomet, on T:97128 (1 day, 17:12:08) 13:19 [hdf-us] [hackm] SludgeGunkman (Und Vam Mal Neu), 2517 points, T:1801, killed by a wolf 13:21 [hdf-us] [nh370] nmlkj (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 5815 points, T:5807, killed by a mumak 13:23 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Fukka (Ran Gno Fem Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:2836 13:27 [hdf-us] [dnh] KrO2 (Kni Hlf Mal Law) killed Kostchtchie, on T:40512 13:27 [hdf-us] [xnh] mohoomanz (Rog Hum Mal Cha) chose an elven dagger to be named "Sting", on T:926 13:30 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) killed Dispater, on T:98174 (1 day, 17:23:29) 13:31 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Sam Hum Mal Law) destroyed Shrigis' ghost, the former Rogue, on T:1013 13:31 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Fukka (Ran Gno Fem Neu) performed her first genocide (wood nymphs), on T:3549 13:38 [hdf-eu] [evil] davez (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) hit with a wielded weapon for the first time, on T:5571 (0:46:18) 13:38 [hdf-us] [nh370] Alvietron (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 82 points, T:278, burned by a tower of flame 13:39 [hdf-us] [nerf] Noah (Arc Elf Fem Cha), 3816 points, T:3996, killed by a bolt of lightning 13:40 [hdf-us] [evil] dbanethacker (Val Hum Fem Neu) changed form for the first time, becoming an elven royal, on T:12591 (3:35:12) 13:41 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Fukka (Ran Gno Fem Neu) was bestowed with Trollsbane by Venus, on T:5882 13:41 [hdf-eu] [nh370] nurdglaw (Hea Hum Mal Neu), 777 points, T:2026, killed by a gnome 13:44 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Fukka (Ran Gno Fem Neu) genocided class a, on T:6276 13:45 [hdf-us] [xnh] Vadun (Val Hum Fem Law), 614 points, T:753, killed by a giant ant 13:45 [hdf-us] [dnh] KrO2 (Kni Hlf Mal Law) killed Bael, on T:40660 13:46 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Fukka (Ran Gno Fem Neu), 5925 points, T:6523, killed by a wolf, while frozen by a potion 13:46 [hdf-us] [evil] dbanethacker (Val Hum Fem Neu) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:13137 (3:41:21) 13:46 [hdf-us] [xnh] Jera (Bar Orc Fem Cha) changed form for the first time, becoming a fog cloud, on T:5143 13:54 [hdf-us] [evil] dbanethacker (Val Hum Fem Neu) killed the Rat King, on T:13560 (3:49:56) 13:56 [hdf-eu] [nh4] ZlojSerge (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 39581 points, T:7365, killed by a giant mimic 13:57 <@hackemslashem> I think that's fine 🙂 13:59 [hdf-eu] [evil] davez (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 16351 points, T:7223, killed by a warhorse 14:05 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Gandelf (Mon Hum Mal Neu), 142 points, T:206, killed by a tiger 14:05 -!- anselmus has joined #hardfought 14:05 -!- zaan has joined #hardfought 14:08 -!- crunchbubba65 has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:13 [hdf-us] [nerf] hothraxxa (Arc Vam Mal Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:5300 14:14 [hdf-eu] [un] muahdib (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) entered the Big Room, on T:13369 (1:29:27) 14:14 [hdf-us] [xnh] Jera (Bar Orc Fem Cha) entered Sokoban, on T:6756 14:16 [hdf-us] [nerf] hothraxxa (Arc Vam Mal Cha), 8345 points, T:5348, killed by a gnome king, while praying 14:18 [hdf-us] [nerf] Superfly (Rog Hum Mal Cha), 261 points, T:1022, killed by a falling rock 14:21 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:99880 (1 day, 18:14:30) 14:21 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:99895 (1 day, 18:14:42) 14:22 [hdf-us] [evil] karibou (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) had Dragonbane bestowed upon her by Lolth, on T:28623 (6:41:34) 14:26 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) genocided green slimes, on T:100044 (1 day, 18:19:12) 14:29 [hdf-us] [nh370] Cropper (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) killed Medusa, on T:15035 14:30 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Sam Hum Mal Law), 11510 points, T:4345, killed by a gargoyle, while jumping around 14:31 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) killed Orcus, on T:100376 (1 day, 18:24:56) 14:37 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Inf Ith Mal Una) killed the Goblin King, on T:1243 (0:06:14) 14:43 [hdf-eu] [un] muahdib (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) entered Minetown, on T:16716 (1:58:13) 14:44 -!- Loggers_VIII has quit [Quit: Client closed] 14:45 -!- terrapin has quit [Quit: Cheers!] 14:46 [hdf-eu] [un] muahdib (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) entered a temple, on T:16895 (2:01:40) 14:53 [hdf-eu] [un] muahdib (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) killed Tjisolok on T:17246 14:54 [hdf-us] [nerf] Noah (Arc Elf Fem Cha), 1835 points, T:2897, killed by a baby green dragon 14:54 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Fukka (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:2198 14:54 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Fukka (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 595 points, T:2236, killed by a hill orc called Ogunaoth of Zogunu 14:55 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Inf Ith Mal Una), 3168 points, T:3515, killed by a piranha, while sleeping 14:57 -!- Loggers_VIII has joined #hardfought 14:59 [hdf-eu] [un] muahdib (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) had Frost Brand bestowed upon him by Anhur, on T:17630 (2:14:10) 14:59 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Inf Ith Mal Una), 418 points, T:698, killed by a wand, while moving through the air 15:01 [hdf-us] [slshm] wsx9000 (Wiz Dop Fem Cha), 430 points, T:1725, killed by a gnome 15:01 [hdf-eu] [xnh] ttiger11 (Sam Hum Mal Law) murdered Hachi, his faithful little dog, on T:579 15:02 [hdf-us] [nh370] Alvietron (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 956 points, T:2075, killed by a dwarf king 15:04 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) killed Demogorgon, on T:102579 (1 day, 18:57:36) 15:07 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Sam Hum Mal Law) reached Mine Town, on T:3346 15:14 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Vinyl (Mon Hum Mal Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:4408 15:15 [hdf-us] [nh370] Alvietron (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 2013 points, T:1975, killed by a giant ant 15:16 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vis (Mon Hum Mal Cha) was given Vilya, on T:28903 15:16 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the Goblin King, on T:2299 (0:16:41) 15:18 [hdf-us] [dnh] KrO2 (Kni Hlf Mal Law) killed the creature in the ice, on T:41139 15:18 -!- elenmirie__ has joined #hardfought 15:19 [hdf-us] [nerf] hothraxxa (Arc Vam Mal Cha), 560 points, T:1171, killed by a dwarf 15:21 [hdf-us] [dnh] KrO2 (Kni Hlf Mal Law) killed Levistus, on T:41210 15:22 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) wished for "blessed +3 dragonhide bracers of frost", on T:102878 (1 day, 19:15:05) 15:22 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Kni Hum Mal Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a gelatinous cube, on T:57261 15:23 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Sam Hum Mal Law) became literate by reading a scroll, on T:4378 15:27 [hdf-us] [nerf] Shrigis (Sam Hum Mal Law), 10241 points, T:4469, killed by an invisible stalker 15:28 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Vinyl (Mon Hum Mal Cha) hit with a wielded weapon (daggers) for the first time, on T:4835 15:31 -!- Sgeo has joined #hardfought 15:31 -!- hackemslashem2 has joined #hardfought 15:31 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v hackemslashem2] by ChanServ 15:32 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Kni Hum Mal Law) wished for "uncursed magic marker", got "a magic marker", on T:57535 15:32 -!- mobileuser has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:32 -!- Loggers_VIII has quit [Quit: Client closed] 15:32 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Vinyl (Mon Hum Mal Cha) was bestowed with Orcrist by Huan Ti, on T:5106 15:32 [hdf-us] [nh370] qwsaqwsa (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) the Oracle has been killed, on T:4599 15:33 -!- hackemslashem has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 15:34 [hdf-us] [xnh] SamG (Mon Hum Mal Cha) entered Sokoban, on T:5121 15:35 -!- Loggers_VIII has joined #hardfought 15:36 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Kni Hum Mal Law) Lahinch, the second-hand bookstore proprietor, has been killed, on T:57844 15:38 [hdf-us] [nh370] Alvietron (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) Angmagssalik, the general store proprietor, has been killed, on T:3565 15:38 [hdf-us] [evil] Koeranen (Ran Elf Fem Neu), 6210 points, T:6657, poisoned by an orcish arrow 15:39 [hdf-us] [nh370] Alvietron (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:3627 15:39 [hdf-us] [nh370] Alvietron (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) entered Sokoban, on T:3654 15:39 [hdf-us] [evil] Koeranen (Ran Elf Fem Neu) chose an elven dagger to be named "Sting", on T:374 (0:01:27) 15:40 [hdf-us] [xnh] mohoomanz (Rog Hum Mal Cha) entered Sokoban, on T:5486 15:42 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) had Luck Blade bestowed upon her by Lolth, on T:50151 (7:40:22) 15:43 [hdf-us] [nh370] icantfindaname (Sam Hum Mal Law) reached Mine Town, on T:1440 15:46 -!- Guest66 has quit [Quit: Client closed] 15:47 -!- Loggers_VIII has quit [Quit: Client closed] 15:49 -!- ajh has quit [Quit: leaving] 15:49 -!- elenmirie__ has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 15:50 -!- Loggers_VIII has joined #hardfought 15:50 [hdf-us] [nh370] icantfindaname (Sam Hum Mal Law), 2838 points, T:2259, killed by an Uruk-hai 15:51 [hdf-us] [nh370] qwsaqwsa (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) entered Sokoban, on T:8490 15:52 -!- Noisytoot has joined #hardfought 15:52 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Noisytoot] by ChanServ 15:52 [hdf-eu] [nh4] ZlojSerge (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 17794 points, T:847, killed by a gecko 15:53 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Kni Hum Mal Law) killed Asmodeus, on T:58692 15:54 -!- crunchbubba54 has joined #hardfought 15:56 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Kni Hum Mal Law) destroyed WizzyTheWeird's ghost, the former Enchanter, on T:58756 15:56 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Kni Hum Mal Law) found the Orb of Fate on the floor, on T:58756 15:56 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Kni Hum Mal Law) found the Eye of the Aethiopica on the floor, on T:58756 15:56 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Kni Hum Mal Law) found Magicbane on the floor, on T:58756 15:56 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Kni Hum Mal Law) found Mjollnir on the floor, on T:58756 15:56 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Val Dwa Fem Law), 6504 points, T:6669, killed by a saber-toothed tiger 15:58 [hdf-us] [dnh] KrO2 (Kni Hlf Mal Law) killed Malcanthet, on T:41500 15:59 [hdf-us] [nh370] lurchy (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 848 points, T:2839, killed by a kobold lady, while fainted from lack of food 16:01 [hdf-us] [nh370] icantfindaname (Sam Hum Mal Law), 992 points, T:1593, killed by a gnome lord 16:04 [hdf-us] [un] rericksn (Bar Vam Mal Cha), 65897 points, T:15336, killed by a deep orc 16:05 -!- Loggers_VIII has quit [Quit: Client closed] 16:06 [hdf-us] [nerf] hothraxxa (Arc Vam Mal Cha), 3136 points, T:2693, killed by a gnome king 16:06 [hdf-us] [evil] Koeranen (Ran Elf Fem Neu) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:4153 (0:28:06) 16:06 [hdf-us] [evil] Koeranen (Ran Elf Fem Neu), 4662 points, T:4156, killed by a wolf 16:08 [hdf-us] [evil] Koeranen (Ran Elf Fem Neu) chose an elven dagger to be named "Sting", on T:322 (0:01:32) 16:08 [hdf-us] [nh370] Alvietron (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 9701 points, T:7748, killed by a mumak 16:11 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) killed Medusa, on T:51181 (8:09:41) 16:13 [hdf-us] [nh370] icantfindaname (Sam Hum Mal Law) reached Mine Town, on T:2010 16:15 [hdf-us] [nh370] qwsaqwsa (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 4303 points, T:10156, killed by a bolt of lightning zapped by a gnome lord 16:18 [hdf-us] [xnh] SamG (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 17750 points, T:6408, killed by a giant mimic 16:19 [hdf-us] [nh370] qwsaqwsa (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) murdered her faithful kitten, on T:164 16:19 [hdf-us] [un] rericksn (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered Minetown, on T:1048 (0:06:32) 16:19 [hdf-us] [un] rericksn (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered a shop, on T:1058 (0:06:42) 16:20 [hdf-us] [evil] Koeranen (Ran Elf Fem Neu), 728 points, T:2031, killed by a drow zombie 16:20 [hdf-us] [un] rericksn (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered a temple, on T:1082 (0:07:05) 16:21 [hdf-us] [evil] Koeranen (Ran Elf Fem Neu) chose an elven dagger to be named "Sting", on T:473 (0:01:13) 16:22 [hdf-us] [nh370] icantfindaname (Sam Hum Mal Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a werewolf, on T:3698 16:22 [hdf-us] [evil] karibou (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) killed the invisible Dark One, on T:33677 (8:15:22) 16:22 [hdf-us] [evil] karibou (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) acquired the Bell of Opening, on T:33678 (8:15:26) 16:23 [hdf-eu] [un] muahdib (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) killed Bnowr Falr on T:25035 16:24 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vis (Mon Hum Mal Cha) killed Axus, on T:32018 16:24 [hdf-eu] [un] muahdib (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) killed Kipawa on T:25060 16:26 [hdf-eu] [un] muahdib (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) killed Sipaliwini on T:25363 16:27 -!- mobileuser has joined #hardfought 16:28 [hdf-us] [evil] karibou (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) refused to give up The Eye of the Aethiopica to Neferet the Green, on T:33966 (8:21:37) 16:31 [hdf-us] [evil] karibou (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) killed the invisible Neferet the Green, on T:33996 (8:24:13) 16:34 [hdf-us] [nh370] icantfindaname (Sam Hum Mal Law) entered Sokoban, on T:6137 16:34 [hdf-us] [xnh] SamG (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 1935 points, T:1550, killed by a wand 16:35 [hdf-us] [dnh] KrO2 (Kni Hlf Mal Law) killed the invisible Daemon, on T:41643 16:38 [hdf-us] [xnh] SamG (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 285 points, T:503, killed by a goblin 16:39 [hdf-us] [nh370] icantfindaname (Sam Hum Mal Law), 8735 points, T:7404, killed by a Woodland-elf 16:40 [hdf-us] [nh370] qwsaqwsa (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) was bestowed with Magicbane by Anhur, on T:3511 16:43 [hdf-us] [evil] Koeranen (Ran Elf Fem Neu) killed the Goblin King, on T:4662 (0:23:42) 16:44 [hdf-eu] [nh370] DramaticBeets (Val Hum Fem Law), 902 points, T:3481, killed by a gnome, while sleeping 16:48 [hdf-us] [nh370] lurchy (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) murdered his faithful kitten, on T:399 16:49 [hdf-us] [xnh] SamG (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 787 points, T:1001, killed by a blue jelly 16:51 [hdf-us] [evil] Koeranen (Ran Elf Fem Neu), 7865 points, T:5751, poisoned by a bone orcish arrow 16:51 [hdf-eu] [nh4] ZlojSerge (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 15864 points, T:648, killed by a jackal 16:53 [hdf-eu] [nh370] DramaticBeets (Arc Hum Fem Law), 127 points, T:1180, killed by a gas spore's explosion 16:53 [hdf-us] [nerf] Noah (Arc Elf Mal Cha), 16400 points, T:9007, killed by a tunnel worm 16:55 [hdf-us] [dnh] KrO2 (Kni Hlf Mal Law) killed Mephistopheles, on T:41996 16:56 [hdf-us] [nh370] qwsaqwsa (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:4539 17:00 [hdf-eu] [dnh] Vis (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 698875 points, T:34111, killed by a rock troll 17:00 [hdf-us] [nh370] lurchy (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) stole 16520 zorkmids worth of merchandise from Kabalebo's general store, on T:1059 17:01 [hdf-eu] [nh370] Vinyl (Mon Hum Mal Cha) acquired the Mines' End luckstone, on T:8067 17:03 [hdf-us] [nh370] lurchy (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 2384 points, T:1762, killed by a Kop Sergeant 17:04 [hdf-us] [nh370] GrmlyFndsh (Rog Hum Mal Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:3387 17:07 [hdf-us] [dnh] KrO2 (Kni Hlf Mal Law) killed Glasya, on T:42097 17:09 -!- hackemslashem2 is now known as hackemslashem 17:10 [hdf-us] [nh370] GrmlyFndsh (Rog Hum Mal Cha) eschewed atheism, by dropping a +0 pair of combat boots on an altar, on T:4300 17:19 -!- crunchbubba54 has quit [Quit: Client closed] 17:28 [hdf-us] [un] rericksn (Val Dwa Fem Law) has been given Excalibur, and now enjoys supreme executive power, on T:4518 (1:14:58) 17:28 [hdf-eu] [nh4] ZlojSerge (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 40172 points, T:2948, quit 17:30 [hdf-us] [nh370] qwsaqwsa (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 7323 points, T:7318, killed by a fire ant 17:31 K2: editlevel version? 17:32 [hdf-eu] [xnh] ttiger11 (Sam Hum Mal Law), 193 points, T:659, killed by a fox 17:32 -!- elron has quit [Quit: Client closed] 17:32 [hdf-us] [un] rericksn (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered Sokoban, on T:4873 (1:19:49) 17:33 -!- elron has joined #hardfought 17:34 yes 17:34 [hdf-eu] [nerf] mobileuser (Pri Vam Mal Cha) acquired the Mines' End luckstone, on T:8865 17:34 look in include/patchlevel.h 17:35 [hdf-eu] [xnh] ttiger11 (Sam Hum Mal Law), 90 points, T:378, killed by a jackal 17:39 [hdf-eu] [nh370] xororand (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 108 points, T:636, killed by a small mimic 17:41 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) killed the Abominable Snowman, on T:53427 (9:08:08) 17:45 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Kni Hum Mal Law) killed Juiblex, on T:59426 17:45 [hdf-us] [evil] Nightsorrow (Sam Hum Mal Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:11242 (2:09:13) 17:50 [hdf-us] [hackm] dungeoneer (Nec Orc Mal Cha), 3206 points, T:3983, killed by a chameleon imitating a vampire royal 17:52 [hdf-eu] [xnh] ttiger11 (Sam Hum Mal Law) reached Mine Town, on T:1737 17:54 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Kni Hum Mal Law) bribed Baalzebub with 34 zorkmids for safe passage, on T:59819 17:54 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) defeated Kathryn the Ice Queen, on T:53943 (9:21:06) 17:56 [hdf-us] [hackm] dungeoneer (Nec Dop Fem Cha), 467 points, T:826, killed by a gnome lady 17:56 [hdf-us] [evil] dbanethacker (Val Hum Fem Neu) made her first wish - "blessed greased +2 dragonhide cloak of magic resistance", on T:17198 (5:06:20) 17:57 -!- mobileuser has quit [Quit: Client closed] 18:01 -!- robin has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 18:04 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) entered the Hidden Dungeon, on T:54327 (9:30:57) 18:06 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) killed Tal'Gath, on T:54410 (9:33:00) 18:09 [hdf-eu] [xnh] ttiger11 (Sam Hum Mal Law), 1972 points, T:2198, killed by a rothe 18:09 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha), 46066 points, T:21066, killed by a magic missile 18:09 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) performed her first genocide (beholders), on T:54570 (9:36:04) 18:10 -!- crunchbubba63 has joined #hardfought 18:11 [hdf-us] [nh370] howbrutal (Arc Dwa Fem Law), 1264 points, T:1516, killed by a sewer rat 18:11 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha), 0 points, T:13, killed by a fox 18:12 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) murdered her faithful goblin, on T:10 (0:00:10) 18:18 [hdf-eu] [xnh] ttiger11 (Sam Hum Mal Law), 159 points, T:822, killed by a brown mold 18:19 K2: oh i see, so basically time to die fresh and leave new bones 18:24 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:1903 (0:09:11) 18:32 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:3742 (0:16:46) 18:32 [hdf-eu] [xnh] ttiger11 (Sam Hum Mal Law), 1013 points, T:1047, poisoned by a rotted orc corpse 18:40 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) became literate by reading a book, on T:5168 (0:24:47) 18:43 -!- elron has quit [Quit: Client closed] 18:45 Moult yup 18:45 -!- robin has joined #hardfought 18:45 save-breaking changes from the past editlevel 18:48 [hdf-eu] [xnh] ttiger11 (Sam Hum Mal Law), 1438 points, T:1752, killed by a giant ant 18:49 [hdf-us] [nerf] hothraxxa (Arc Vam Mal Cha), 1009 points, T:1337, killed by a small mimic 18:56 [hdf-eu] [nh4] ZlojSerge (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 30012 points, T:2330, killed by a gnome king 19:00 [hdf-us] [un] rericksn (Val Dwa Fem Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a plains centaur, on T:9048 (2:46:53) 19:02 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) polymorphed her first object, on T:8254 (0:46:47) 19:03 [hdf-us] [nh370] post163 (Kni Hum Mal Law), 0 points, T:26, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 19:06 [hdf-us] [nh4] fl (post163) (Kni Hum Mal Law), 8720 points, T:274, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 19:06 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha), 6058 points, T:8765, quit 19:10 [hdf-us] [hackm] post163 (Yeo Hum Mal Neu), 97 points, T:124, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 19:12 -!- Umbire has quit [Killed (iridium.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services))] 19:13 -!- Umbire has joined #hardfought 19:14 [hdf-us] [slth] post163 (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 0 points, T:1, killed by a bolt of cold 19:16 [hdf-us] [slshm] post163 (Kni Hum Fem Law), 66 points, T:99, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 19:18 [hdf-au] [nh370] Moult (Hea Gno Mal Neu) wished for "blessed greased fixed +3 speed boots", got "a greased pair of snow boots", on T:41517 19:19 [hdf-us] [nh370] post163 (Kni Hum Mal Law), 0 points, T:1, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 19:19 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:1227 (0:05:49) 19:19 [hdf-au] [nh370] Moult (Hea Gno Mal Neu) wished for "blessed greased fixed +3 cloak of magic resistance", got "a greased ornamental cope", on T:41522 19:20 [hdf-au] [nh370] Moult (Hea Gno Mal Neu) wished for "blessed magic marker", got "a magic marker", on T:41526 19:23 [hdf-us] [nerf] post163 (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 20 points, T:1, caught herself in her own fireball 19:23 [hdf-us] [nerf] post163 (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) murdered her faithful kitten, on T:1 19:25 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Kni Hum Mal Law) attained the rank of Chevalier (level 22), on T:60683 19:25 [hdf-us] [xnh] Jera (Bar Orc Fem Cha) made her first wish - "blessed greased fixed gray dragon scales", got "a greased set of gray dragon scales", on T:10466 19:25 [hdf-eu] [nh4] ZlojSerge (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 40727 points, T:2574, killed by a dwarf 19:26 [hdf-us] [nh370] samiam (Pri Hum Mal Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:2790 19:28 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) killed the invisible Gollum, on T:3029 (0:14:58) 19:33 [hdf-eu] [xnh] ttiger11 (Sam Hum Mal Law), 2622 points, T:3926, killed by a wooden elven arrow 19:34 [hdf-eu] [evil] post163 (Wiz Gno Mal Neu) performed his first genocide (gnomes), on T:1 (0:00:02) 19:34 [hdf-eu] [evil] post163 (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 0 points, T:1, killed by a scroll of genocide 19:34 [hdf-eu] [nh370] post163 (Kni Hum Fem Law), 4 points, T:24, slipped while mounting a saddled pony called Fluttershy 19:35 [hdf-us] [nh370] samiam (Pri Hum Mal Cha), 2982 points, T:3295, killed by a soldier ant 19:35 [hdf-eu] [nh4] lfl (post163) (Kni Hum Mal Law), 1228 points, T:38, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 19:36 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha), 2024 points, T:4563, killed by a rope golem 19:37 [hdf-us] [xnh] Jera (Bar Orc Fem Cha) acquired the Sokoban bag of holding, on T:11255 19:39 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha), 2356 points, T:736, killed by a goblin 19:39 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha), 0 points, T:59, killed by a shattered potion, while reading a book 19:42 -!- cebolla has joined #hardfought 19:43 [hdf-eu] [hackm] post163 (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 0 points, T:1, killed by a system shock 19:44 -!- lowhope has joined #hardfought 19:46 [hdf-us] [nerf] post163 (Kni Hum Fem Law), 55 points, T:59, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 19:46 [hdf-us] [nh370] post163 (Wiz Gno Fem Neu) murdered her faithful kitten, on T:1 19:48 [hdf-eu] [evil] post163 (Wiz Elf Mal Neu), 105 points, T:270, killed by a steel dwarvish spear 19:49 [hdf-us] [nh370] post163 (Wiz Gno Fem Neu), 20 points, T:1, caught herself in her own ball of lightning 19:58 [hdf-eu] [nh370] post163 (Wiz Orc Mal Cha), 262 points, T:1074, killed by a dwarf zombie 20:18 -!- Loggers_VIII has joined #hardfought 20:26 [hdf-eu] [evil] davez (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 1810 points, T:1888, killed by a giant leech 20:28 [hdf-us] [slth] Regalia (Cor Hob Fem Law), 167 points, T:383, killed by a gecko 20:29 [hdf-eu] [nerf] post163 (Kni Dwa Mal Law), 0 points, T:1, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 20:35 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Kni Hum Mal Law) entered Sokoban, on T:3637 20:36 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Kni Hum Mal Law) had Excalibur thrown at them by some watery tart, on T:3751 20:39 [hdf-us] [nh370] StubbyBeast (Mon Hum Mal Cha) reached Mine Town, on T:1800 20:39 -!- Loggers_VIII has quit [Quit: Client closed] 20:40 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Kni Hum Mal Law) killed Orcus, on T:61353 20:43 [hdf-us] [nh370] StubbyBeast (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 2663 points, T:1924, killed by a soldier ant 20:44 [hdf-us] [evil] post163 (Wiz Dro Fem Cha), 0 points, T:1, killed by a bolt of fire 20:44 [hdf-us] [nh370] samiam (Pri Hum Mal Cha), 616 points, T:1523, killed by a kobold mummy 20:47 [hdf-eu] [evil] davez (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) destroyed the invisible davez's ghost, the former Thaumaturge, on T:2473 (0:19:54) 20:47 [hdf-us] [nerf] post163 (Wiz Elf Fem Cha), 0 points, T:1, killed by a bolt of fire zapped by herself 20:53 [hdf-us] [nh370] StubbyBeast (Sam Hum Fem Law) reached Mine Town, on T:1274 20:54 !ping 20:54 nabru: Pong! 20:54 [hdf-eu] [evil] davez (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:3048 (0:27:19) 20:54 [hdf-us] [hackm] SludgeGunkman (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 252 points, T:899, killed by a gnome zombie 20:55 [hdf-us] [nh370] StubbyBeast (Sam Hum Fem Law), 1832 points, T:1373, killed by a Green-elf 21:03 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Kni Hum Mal Law) murdered Meg, his faithful warhorse, on T:62641 21:05 -!- aosdict has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.3.1] 21:05 [hdf-us] [evil] gdiist (Kni Dro Fem Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:1781 (0:34:29) 21:06 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Kni Hum Mal Law) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:62849 21:06 [hdf-us] [nh370] oh6 (Kni Hum Mal Law) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:62860 21:09 [hdf-us] [nh370] samiam (Pri Hum Mal Cha), 3109 points, T:2542, killed by a dwarf 21:11 [hdf-eu] [evil] davez (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) hit with a wielded weapon for the first time, on T:4055 (0:44:31) 21:14 [hdf-eu] [nh370] DramaticBeets (Arc Hum Fem Law), 387 points, T:947, killed by an acidic corpse 21:15 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) had a pair of speed boots entrusted to him by Huan Ti, on T:418 (0:01:46) 21:20 [hdf-us] [4k] T (fsbt490) (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 7590 points, T:2846, killed by a pony 21:20 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) killed Gollum, on T:1364 (0:07:07) 21:21 [hdf-us] [hackm] PeterSays (Bar Hum Mal Cha), 1621 points, T:1721, killed by a compsognathus 21:21 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Kni Hum Mal Law) acquired the Sokoban bag of holding, on T:6333 21:27 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:2086 (0:13:33) 21:27 [hdf-eu] [nh370] DramaticBeets (Arc Hum Fem Law), 227 points, T:2009, killed by a small mimic 21:33 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) had 16 shuriken entrusted to him by Huan Ti, on T:3040 (0:19:42) 21:33 [hdf-eu] [xnh] ttiger11 (Bar Hum Mal Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:3764 21:33 [hdf-us] [nh370] Kevkat (Wiz Elf Fem Cha) acquired the Mines' End luckstone, on T:15210 21:34 [hdf-us] [nh343] rac (Arc Hum Mal Neu) performed the invocation, on T:95798 21:36 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) tasted meat for the first time, by eating a floating eye corpse, on T:3171 (0:22:43) 21:37 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) had a bone visored helmet entrusted to him by Huan Ti, on T:3199 (0:23:38) 21:38 [hdf-au] [nh370] misanthrope (Kni Hum Mal Law), 10326 points, T:6843, killed by a mumak 21:42 [hdf-eu] [xnh] ttiger11 (Bar Hum Mal Neu) eschewed atheism, by dropping a dwarvish helm on an altar, on T:4196 21:43 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) performed his first genocide (genetic engineers), on T:3601 (0:30:03) 21:47 [hdf-eu] [evil] davez (Wiz Hum Mal Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:7010 (1:19:45) 21:58 [hdf-eu] [xnh] ttiger11 (Bar Hum Mal Neu), 4048 points, T:4792, killed by a soldier ant 22:05 [hdf-eu] [xnh] ttiger11 (Bar Hum Mal Neu), 186 points, T:1037, killed by a giant rat, while fainted from lack of food 22:11 [hdf-us] [evil] gdiist (Kni Dro Fem Cha) eschewed atheism, by dropping a key on an altar, on T:4320 (1:40:14) 22:22 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) murdered her faithful gold golem, on T:7 (0:00:08) 22:24 [hdf-us] [nh343] rac (Arc Hum Mal Neu) killed the invisible Wizard of Yendor, on T:96354 22:24 [hdf-us] [nh343] rac (Arc Hum Mal Neu) killed the invisible Wizard of Yendor, on T:96358 22:27 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:7706 (1:14:11) 22:28 [hdf-us] [nh343] rac (Arc Hum Mal Neu) killed the high priestess of Moloch, on T:96550 22:28 [hdf-us] [nh343] rac (Arc Hum Mal Neu) picked up the Amulet of Yendor, on T:96552 22:32 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha), 519 points, T:2040, killed by a dart 22:32 [hdf-us] [nh343] rac (Arc Hum Mal Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:96980 22:32 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) murdered her faithful goblin shaman, on T:2 (0:00:03) 22:33 [hdf-us] [nh343] rac (Arc Hum Mal Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:97068 22:34 [hdf-us] [nh343] rac (Arc Hum Mal Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:97175 22:35 [hdf-eu] [xnh] ttiger11 (Bar Hum Mal Neu) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:3360 22:35 [hdf-us] [nh343] rac (Arc Hum Mal Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:97351 22:36 [hdf-eu] [xnh] ttiger11 (Bar Hum Mal Neu) reached Mine Town, on T:3505 22:38 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:967 (0:04:16) 22:40 [hdf-us] [xnh] SamG (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 4292 points, T:1951, killed by a gray unicorn 22:45 [hdf-us] [nh343] rac (Arc Hum Mal Neu) killed the invisible Wizard of Yendor, on T:98123 22:46 [hdf-eu] [xnh] ttiger11 (Bar Hum Mal Neu) averted death (killed by a watchman), on T:4412 22:46 -!- Bleeko has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 22:48 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 22:48 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v ais523] by ChanServ 22:49 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) completed Sokoban, acquiring an amulet of reflection, on T:10851 (1:36:00) 22:50 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha), 3604 points, T:3107, quit 22:54 [hdf-eu] [xnh] ttiger11 (Bar Hum Mal Neu) consulted the Oracle, on T:5288 22:56 [hdf-eu] [evil] post163 (Wiz Trt Mal Neu), 0 points, T:1, killed by a bolt of fire 22:56 [hdf-eu] [nh370] post163 (Wiz Gno Mal Neu), 2 points, T:7, killed by a system shock 22:56 [hdf-us] [nh343] rac (Arc Hum Mal Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:99448 22:57 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:958 (0:04:47) 22:58 [hdf-eu] [dyn] l (post163) (Kni Hum Fem Law), 223 points, T:212, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 22:59 [hdf-eu] [dyn] sdfl (post163) (Kni Hum Mal Law), 102 points, T:53, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 23:00 [hdf-us] [nh370] alexaugust (Sam Hum Fem Law), 593 points, T:1059, killed by a dwarf 23:01 [hdf-eu] [ace] post163 (Kni Hum Mal Law), 10664 points, T:208, killed by a sewer rat 23:02 [hdf-eu] [ace] post163 (Kni Hum Mal Law), 2868 points, T:57, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 23:02 [hdf-eu] [ace] post163 (Kni Hum Fem Law), 0 points, T:1, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 23:03 [hdf-eu] [nh4] sdfl (post163) (Wiz Hum Mal Cha), 0 points, T:1, wiped out by a scroll of genocide 23:06 [hdf-us] [un] cpittman (Val Hum Fem Law) genocided demiliches, on T:30859 (17:59:06) 23:07 [hdf-us] [spl] fsbt490 (Rog Inf Mal Cha), 378 points, T:1469, killed by a little dog 23:07 [hdf-us] [nh370] nickplaysjazz (Val Dwa Fem Law), 2105 points, T:2697, killed by a dwarf queen 23:07 [hdf-us] [nh343] rac (Arc Hum Mal Neu) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:100143 23:08 [hdf-us] [un] cpittman (Val Hum Fem Law) entered the Blackmarket, on T:31048 (18:00:59) 23:09 [hdf-us] [xnh] Jera (Bar Orc Fem Cha) was bestowed with Cleaver by Set, on T:15034 23:09 -!- cathartes has joined #hardfought 23:12 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) eschewed atheism, by dropping a magical cubical amulet on an altar, on T:3897 (0:20:27) 23:14 [hdf-us] [xnh] Jera (Bar Orc Fem Cha) entered the Bigroom, on T:15245 23:18 [hdf-us] [xnh] Jera (Bar Orc Fem Cha), 29567 points, T:15387, killed by a soldier 23:19 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha), 9640 points, T:4800, quit 23:20 [hdf-us] [4k] T (fsbt490) (Tou Hum Mal Neu) entered the Minetown temple, on T:2763 23:22 [hdf-us] [4k] T (fsbt490) (Tou Hum Mal Neu) became pious, on T:2943 23:24 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha), 500 points, T:1009, killed by a hobgoblin 23:27 [hdf-us] [nh370] lurchy (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 807 points, T:1225, killed by a gnome 23:31 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:1034 (0:04:55) 23:31 [hdf-us] [4k] T (fsbt490) (Tou Hum Mal Neu), 10062 points, T:4020, killed by a dire bear 23:33 [hdf-eu] [spl] post163 (Wiz Dwa Nbn Neu), 0 points, T:1, zapped themself with a wand 23:40 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) hit with a wielded weapon for the first time, on T:3014 (0:14:40) 23:41 [hdf-us] [xnh] Jera (Bar Orc Fem Cha) made her first wish - "blessed greased +0 fixed gray dragon scales", got "a greased set of gray dragon scales", on T:1978 23:52 [hdf-eu] [evil] post163 (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 295 points, T:1397, killed by a gnome lord 23:53 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) changed form for the first time, becoming a kobold noble, on T:5282 (0:26:47) 23:53 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha), 8120 points, T:5286, quit 23:53 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) murdered her faithful pseudodragon, on T:1 (0:00:02) 23:53 [hdf-us] [hackm] PeterSays (Arc Gno Mal Neu), 219 points, T:763, killed by a flint stone 23:54 [hdf-eu] [nh370] post163 (Kni Hum Fem Law), 70 points, T:171, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 23:54 [hdf-eu] [nerf] post163 (Kni Dwa Fem Law), 0 points, T:1, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 23:54 [hdf-eu] [evil] post163 (Wiz Gia Mal Cha) murdered his faithful pseudodragon, on T:1 (0:00:03) 23:54 [hdf-eu] [evil] post163 (Wiz Gia Mal Cha), 40 points, T:1, caught himself in his own ball of lightning 23:55 [hdf-eu] [spl] post163 (Kni Inf Nbn Law), 2 points, T:57, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 23:56 [hdf-eu] [hackm] post163 (Yeo Elf Mal Neu), 45 points, T:50, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 23:56 [hdf-eu] [nh370] post163 (Kni Hum Mal Law), 0 points, T:10, slipped while mounting a saddled pony 23:56 [hdf-eu] [nh370] post163 (Wiz Hum Mal Neu), 0 points, T:74, killed by an unsuccessful polymorph 23:59 [hdf-us] [nh370] lurchy (Wiz Elf Mal Cha) entered Sokoban, on T:3995