00:09 [gh] k2 (Mon Elf Mal Neu) retrieved the Mine's End luckstone, on T:5150 00:12 [gh] k2 (Mon Elf Mal Neu), 14019 points, T:5390, killed by a gargoyle 00:25 I like that whoever created these arrays defining material weight and AC had to think up reasonable values for things like LIQUID and VEGGY. 00:26 e - a vegetable plate mail 00:27 aos, where do you have one of those? 00:27 is that slashem extended aosdict? 00:28 no, grunt 00:28 you can't actually get one 00:29 but the code is there to calculate its weight and AC if you could 00:34 v - a blessed fireproof +0 pair of flesh gloves. 00:35 * aosdict wonders if you can eat the gloves 00:36 This pair of flesh gloves is delicious! 00:36 wishing for liquid justgives you that objects normal base material 00:36 -!- Manaflare has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:37 veggy/vegetable doesnt work 00:38 z - [ a blessed +0 pair of silver gauntlets of power and dexterity 00:38 playing monk in gh, that'll definitely be on my wish list 00:40 ais523: I just noticed that the ARMOR macro defines AC as 10 minus the provided AC, so you define plate mail as 3, and fedora as 10, and so on. Would it be reasonable to change this and the AC values so that the values in objects.c can actually be sensical base AC? 00:40 aosdict: there have been mistakes in the past due to people misunderstanding how the value works 00:41 I'm not sure if changing that would make things less confusing or even more so 00:41 what do you mean by sensical? 00:41 aosdict? 00:41 if I redid the objects.c definition from scratch, it'd make sense to change that in the process 00:41 K2: I assume it's the opposite of "nonsensical" 00:41 K2: e.g. plate mail is 7, fedora is 0 00:41 what the wiki lists as "base AC" 00:41 ais523 I didnt know you were funny 00:42 ;) 00:42 aosdict gotcha 00:42 https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/sensical 00:42 ah i stand corrected. you're not 00:42 I should have probably used sensible 00:43 "sensical" doesn't quite mean the same thing, IMO 00:43 but as a backformed word, it's not 100% obvious what it means, as different people are likely to have discovered it independently 00:43 with the current 10 - ac in the macro, it seems like that makes life easier for developers used to early edition D&D armor class / the status quo of the code, and annoying for everyone else 00:44 (you can compare words like "cromulent", which has a similar meaning, but which is understood differently by different people given the circumstances under which it was coined) 00:44 aosdict: well, I've wanted to get rid of AC from the UI because it's a completely backwards way to do things 00:44 (and by D&D3E, it had been changed to count up from 10 rather than down from 10) 00:45 i know what the word means, i was asking aosdict in what context. rofl 00:45 ais523: you want to hide the user's AC/Def from the status bar? 00:46 aosdict: no, just to change it to count upwards 00:46 i.e. any value that counts "backwards" should be hidden from the user and replaced with one that counts correctly 00:47 I started trying to think of ways to do that, and eventually concluded that it'd be better to split the one defensive stat into two 00:47 you already did that with AC 00:48 aosdict: what do they defend against? 00:48 what does what defend against? the separate stats? 00:50 yes 00:51 the general idea is that you have one stat used in the calculation of whether you get hit (usually called evasiveness or Ev), and one stat for damage reduction when you do get hit (AC). 00:52 This allows for things like wearing heavy armor being very good for AC but bad for evasiveness, since you can't dodge as nimbly. 00:52 that's getting into D&D4E realm 00:53 AC and reflex (2 of the 4 defenses) 00:54 Except it doesn't come straight from your Dex and Cha, or whatever stats it uses. 00:54 dex and int 00:54 that could be interesting 01:02 IMO variable evasion systems are very hard to design well 01:03 oh I know, I've been designing one 01:03 that doesn't necessarily make them bad but you have much less flexibility with hte numbers than you'd htink 01:03 (this says a lot about NetHack, really, which is entirely based on variable evasion until you reach AC -1) 01:24 -!- ais523 has quit [] 01:33 [slex] Yuring (Pok Dro Fem Neu), 2112 points, T:3007, quit 01:38 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 01:48 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 01:48 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 01:50 is this the end of days or what lol 01:51 3 hurricanes at same time, massive wildfires on US west coast, and now just a few min ago a magnitude 8.0 earthquake off coast of southern mexico 01:51 3 hurricanes are not unheard of. 01:51 correction, 4 01:51 What's the fourth? 01:52 Irma, Katie, Jose... and? 01:52 harvey 01:52 well that one has come and gone but still 01:52 Well, that's not hurricane any more. 01:53 But yeah, can't get any rest. 01:53 At least Irma doesn't look like hitting Texas again. 01:53 nope it's dead set on florida 01:54 jose is somewhat following irma 01:54 Yeah. 01:55 Though is expected to steer clear of Fl. 01:55 it'll hit some of the islands hit by irma but is expected to turn north before hit puerto rico 01:55 *hitting 01:56 katia is headed right for the area that just felt that mag 8 earthquake 01:56 but its a weak storm relatively speaking 01:56 mag 8 where? 01:56 http://www.cnn.com/2017/09/08/americas/earthquake-hits-off-the-coast-of-southern-mexico/index.html?adkey=bn 01:57 in the pacific about 75 miles out 01:57 dang 01:58 hope they dont get a tsunami 01:58 Near Mexico City... 01:58 now all we need is yellowstone to erupt. that should do it 01:59 And we have elections soon and our version of Berlusconi looks like gaining majority. 01:59 I've never been so depressed like recently. 01:59 :/ 01:59 World is going to crap. 01:59 it'll get worse before it gets better 01:59 but it will get better 02:01 But the worst is that things like truth, fact, reality, honesty, honor etc. don't count any more. 02:01 That's what gives me creeps. 02:09 s - [ a blessed +4 pair of dragonhide water walking boots of speed and power and dexterity (being worn) 02:09 Wow. 02:09 i'm on a local copy of gh in wizmode 02:09 How'd you get that? 02:09 Aha. 02:09 i didnt think it would let me stack that many properties 02:10 q - = a blessed ring of free action and reflection and searching 02:10 So wizmode wishes. 02:11 yup 02:11 just testing a few things, seeing whats possible 02:13 u - a blessed rustproof +9 ring of protection and reflection and searching and stealth. 02:13 i dont think you can do that in regular game, stack that many properties 02:13 -!- zombifier has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 02:13 i think the limit is 2, and that's rare 02:14 You can only get one. 02:14 From wishing unless you're very lucky and the game generates additional property for you. 02:14 yeah that 02:15 on the very ultra rare occasion, i saw a random spawn item with two properties 02:15 it was elven boots of speed and fumbling or something 02:15 Hehe. 02:15 i remember not using them because of an undesireable property 02:41 does the fact that it's dragonhide do anything for you? 02:42 LarienTelrunya, can you get a blessed +4 pair of dragonhide water walking boots of speed and power and dexterity in slashem extended? 02:42 dragonhide water walking boots of (one of those properties) would be possible 02:42 dragonhide adds quite a bit to AC and it's already fooproof 02:43 however, in slex it would require the randomized appearance of water walking boots to randomly be one that's made of dragonhide, and that's not always the case 02:43 do you have enchanted rings in slex? 02:43 nope, only armor pieces 02:43 and it's strictly "either the item has one property or it has none" 02:44 and they cannot be wished for; however, scrolls of armor specialization are wishable and will add a random property to an armor that doesn't have one 02:51 [slex] Yuring (Pok Dro Fem Neu), 1103 points, T:1939, killed by a monster (leprechotta) 03:05 K2: how frequently is https://www.hardfought.org/nethack/slex-scores/ getting updated? 03:05 ah 03:05 i need to update it to reflect 2.0.5 03:05 same for gh 0.2.2 03:05 oops 03:06 my slex 2.0.2 game in which I died recently also isn't on the list yet 03:06 what was your score? 03:06 the list will only show top 250 03:07 oh wait 03:07 nvm 03:07 i know why 03:07 #177 has a score of only 103, so I'd certainly have been on the list 03:08 [20:54] <+Beholder> [slex] AmyBSOD (Fai Tum Mal Neu), 44071 points, T:5510, killed by a monster (Undead Kchief), while paralyzed by a monster attack 03:08 would be #22 on the current list :) 03:12 yup give me a min need to edit the script that supplies data for scoreboard 03:12 i keep forgetting that i have to do this bit 03:14 also sorry for breaking saves so often, I'll wait longer before the next update-pestering this time ;) 03:15 its ok 03:15 so 03:15 did you change something with hybrid names again? 03:15 the field in the database is too short again 03:16 wtf? that should actually be unchanged... 03:16 why its not working right this moment 03:16 only thing I did was add a gamemode field? 03:16 maybe i didnt set it long enough 03:16 i am not grabbing anything from that field 03:16 whats the max length name for hybrid? 03:16 how many characters? 03:17 let me calculate it 03:17 1morning! 03:17 -1 03:17 currently, if someone is crazy enough to pick every possible hybrid race, hybridname will be 72 characters long 03:17 gdamn 03:17 ok 03:17 hi FIQ 03:19 ok there we go 03:19 and there's your game 03:20 shouldnt have that issue anymore 03:20 K2: I wanted to ask 03:20 hybrid field can now accept up to 72 char 03:21 how do you feel about hosting slex 03:21 cool, thanks! #25 now :) 03:21 fantastic 03:21 ^^ FIQ 03:21 :) 03:22 and the scoreboard even has https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/A/AmyBSOD/slex/dumplog/1502830867.slex.txt links! awesome! 03:23 you just now noticing that? ;) 03:24 yeah, didn't realize they were there earlier, I was always looking for dumplogs in the userdata folder 03:25 click on your username 03:26 and login (using dgl creds) 03:26 ah crap i lost track of time 03:26 i need to go to bed 03:26 see you all 03:26 good night and thanks for all the help! 03:27 anytime 03:27 you rock! :) 03:27 lol 03:29 are you sure K2 rocks 03:29 maybe he metals 03:30 would you be surprised if I told you that I often listen to heavy/death metal while playing slex? 03:30 nope 03:31 what do you listen to when programming it 03:31 usually nothing, since I need to concentrate so I don't screw up ;) 03:31 listening to music helps me when editing 03:31 I concentrate better with some nice music in the background 03:32 keeps me focused 03:32 and before you ask, I don't do drugs when I'm about to start coding stuff :P 03:32 usually van halen, but any hard 80's rock will do 03:32 in fact I don't do drugs at all 03:32 you dont need to 03:32 you have slex 03:32 :D 03:32 LarienTelrunya: are you sure about that 03:33 :P 03:33 https://nhqdb.alt.org/?1724 03:33 hahahah 03:33 well once I played slex while high from some 72 vol% alcohol, but that's the exception rather than the rule :P 03:34 you mean drunk 03:34 not high 03:34 lol 03:34 usually I never drink, but on the rare occasion that I do (maybe once per year?), it's some high volume stuff 03:34 [slex] Yuring (Pok Dro Fem Neu), 974 points, T:780, killed by a monster (wraith) 03:35 ah, yeah, drunk, although I still somehow felt elated 03:35 you should check this out sometime LarienTelrunya - https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/mydion/id957809600 03:36 hmm, I'm not familiar with apple's music store 03:36 that's my old band. half these songs suck but the other half are still really good (imo). you might like a couple of them 03:37 i cant remember if we're on spotify 03:37 yup we are still. cool 03:38 wow you're in a band? 03:38 i hadnt checked in forever 03:38 i was 03:38 back in the 90's 03:38 thats what i did for a living 03:38 was poor 03:38 like, really poor 03:38 but it was fun 03:38 for a time anyways 03:39 that band is how I got my nickname 'K2' in fact 03:41 and I guess it has something to do with the mountain that has the same name? 03:42 nope 03:42 there is a mountain called K2? 03:42 yup 03:42 how original 03:42 FIQ: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K2 03:43 our guitarist was named Keith, that's also my name. so to avoid confusion, our kboard player started calling me K2 and it stuck 03:44 heh 03:44 that was back in... '92? '93 maybe 03:44 cool :) 03:44 so now you'll forever be the 2nd 03:44 so when i started getting online i just used that 03:44 the clone 03:44 * K2 shrugs 03:45 well i was the newest member of the group so it made sense 03:46 band broke up in 1997, i havent played with another group since 03:48 lol on amazon too... damn 03:50 ok bed for real 03:50 gnite 03:57 night 04:26 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 04:26 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 04:31 jonadab: when I was at uni, an organisation I belonged to had a room in a very old building. The lock would always stick but you could get it open by jiggling a credit card (or more likely, a student ID card) around where the latch was. 04:31 So the credit card thing always made sense to me :D 04:35 haha 04:39 @K2 │ FIQ! obj properties and materials are the same thing! 04:39 not true 04:39 and you know that 04:39 ;) 04:39 ais523 │ FIQ: I haven't received it 04:39 what 04:39 was I annoying enough that they put me on an ignore list or lol 04:40 !tell ais523 are you saying that you didn't actually receive this? https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/User:FIQ/DevTeam#Github_PRs_.2B_3.6.0_statuscolors 04:40 Will do, FIQ! 04:42 FIQ: ais asked about H6006 on the mailing list and at least one member already answered that they didn't receive it either. 04:42 !tell ais523 as for the silver handling issues... I suggest consolidating the touch_petrifies checks and the silver checks. The former is more likely to be correct considering how long it has been around. Basically something like touch_object(). For stoning, instapetrify. For silver, deal damage, drop it, or whatever 04:42 Will do, FIQ! 04:42 FIQ: the one before that, H5990 was received by me 04:43 bhaak: Hm 04:43 So some things are not going through? 04:44 seems so 04:45 Well, that would explain why several of my earlier mails seem to have been completely ignored... 04:45 but the guy who's in charge of the support form hasn't answered yet, so we don't know if something broke or just got stuck in the spam list 04:45 [nd] elenmirie (Mon Hum Mal Neu), 12123 points, T:4743, killed by a gnome king 04:46 what about this one https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/User:FIQ/DevTeam#Wand_of_teleportation_quirks_in_muse 04:46 bhaak: ahh 04:46 bhaak: do you know why I started documenting my mails to the DT? this was part of the reason :) 04:46 I had the feeling some of them were getting stuck somewhere 04:46 I just checked it, all but the last one got through 04:47 Also I wanted to see how many I've been sending just so I don't end up flooding the DT unintentionally 04:47 Ah, ok 04:47 it's also good for non devteam variant developers :) 04:47 that's why we started https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Bugs_in_NetHack_3.4.3/Reports#Unnumbered_bugs back in the day :) 04:48 ah 04:48 you might want to link your list from https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Bugs_in_NetHack_3.6.0 04:49 ah 04:53 bhaak: hmm maybe I should move my nethack.org reports to that list directly 04:54 that way there is no reason for people to make their personal articlees with their reports unless they send mail directly 04:55 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9] 04:59 FIQ: it's a long list. put the summary there with a link to the whole report? 05:12 bhaak: https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Bugs_in_NetHack_3.6.0#Bugs_not_mentioned_on_the_DevTeam.27s_website 05:12 does this look ok? 05:17 yeah 05:25 [slex] BSOD2 (Kur Trp Fem Law) killed the invisible Akane, on T:115 05:27 [slex] BSOD2 (Kur Trp Fem Law), 804 points, T:373, killed by a monster (invisible grid xorn), while being clawed 05:30 [slex] BSOD2 (Pri Bor Fem Cha), 124 points, T:15, killed by a killer bee 05:32 !tell k2 I just pushed an update to Beholder to forward slex announcements to FCCBot, per Elronnd's request earlier today. 05:32 Will do, Tangles! 05:33 -!- Crawldragon has joined #hardfought 05:41 K2: you should host acehack on hdf, so you can make the ascension list on https://scoreboard.xd.cm/ only list hdf :P 05:42 !tell K2 you should host acehack on hdf, so you can make the ascension list on https://scoreboard.xd.cm/ only list hdf :P 05:42 Will do, FIQ! 05:44 I should get around to ascending one of the variants sometime. 05:45 Crawldragon: ascend grunthack! *bundlebundlebundle* :) 05:45 LarienTelrunya: why are you sometimes confusing grunthack and slex 05:45 I'm not drunk enough to go anywhere near that game again 05:46 hahaha 05:46 what happened 05:46 that made you feel that way 05:46 I found out that the zombies respawn in Grunt 05:46 It was funny at first but there were a lot of zombies 05:46 ahh 05:46 FIQ: it's intentional, since everyone expects me to only shill slex and I consider grunt one of the best non-slex variants, so I sometimes try to *bundlebundlebundle* players into playing grunt instead :D 05:46 but why not dnethack 05:47 which iirc is your favorite variant 05:47 well it's IMHO the best one, but grunt has interesting zombies early on 05:47 Amy's definition of "interesting" is "annoys Crawldragon" 05:48 at least it doesn't have the feature where if you lose alignment you might as ewll #quit 05:48 courtesy of 4k 05:48 and grunt has no elder priest and no wand destruction patch :P 05:48 wand destruction patch is great 05:48 and no "unskilled weapons suck" "feature" like the un/spork/dyna triad 05:48 a destroyed wand a day keeps you on your toes ;) 05:49 seriously though, I added a bunch of ways to protect against that already 05:49 B-) 05:50 LarienTelrunya: and unlike some other variants 05:50 yeah but the ring of shock resistance means you cannot wear both free action and conflict at the same time, both of which are also essential! and without the resistance, the wand destruction patch will make you lose the rings entirely and then you're screwed! 05:50 with the right precautions, you can keep scrolls or potions in the open for more than 5 seconds in Gehennom 05:50 without them being destroyed 05:50 shock res object property 05:50 I feel like I'm observing two evil masterminds argue over what the best way would be to destroy the world 05:50 or at least London 05:50 blue dragon scale mail (which also grants extrinsic speed) 05:51 what's the deal with giving certain DSMs several innate properties??? 05:51 also grant protection 05:51 to balance them? 05:51 dnethack has MDSMs that grant speed, which seems pretty balanced to me :D 05:51 it doesn't anymore 05:51 ...what??? 05:51 now blue DSM grants speed instead 05:51 what does mercurial do then? 05:52 they grant the vanish intrinsic 05:52 where it can make one disappear from the game 05:52 unfortunately it also hit themselves 05:52 what? you mean you disconnect from the server by putting on? 05:52 so they're no more 05:52 ... 05:52 no it was a silly way of me to say "they no longer exist" 05:53 yeah but that's an obvious regression, slex would never remove things that are working fine :P 05:53 LarienTelrunya: but anyway 05:53 so you have 3 ways to get extrinsic shock res in fiqhack 05:53 so the mercurial dragons themselves also have the vanish intrinsic? :( 05:53 which will protect your wands 05:53 plenty of ways IMO 05:54 Crawldragon: clearly the best way is to make monsters read genocide 05:54 and allow anything to be genocided 05:54 ;) 05:54 Crawldragon: fun fact 05:55 LarienTelrunya: complained about her eyes being destroyed because fiqhack's colored text was hard to read 05:55 so just for that I added an option to disable the text colors 05:55 she never used it 05:55 and continued to complain 05:56 the disabling option does not help, I don't remember why 05:56 did you even try 05:56 Maybe you just have your terminal colors set up weird 05:56 I quite like FIQHack's weird color pallettes, actually. 05:57 okay, just entered a game in FIQhack on hdf, where I probably have the default scheme now and it's "omg are you using the guild of optometrists as your partner? you make people need glasses with your variant and gain 20% of the profit the optometrists make that way"? 05:57 well 05:57 it's not default 05:57 what is the option to turn it off again? 05:57 msgcolor 05:58 ... seriously dude 05:58 why does that look so wrong to me 05:58 what 05:58 what is wrong 05:58 there's gotta be something inherently bad about this color scheme compared to vanilla 3.4.3 05:58 It's not fleecey enough. 05:58 but I can't say what 05:58 ??? 05:59 the pallet setting defaults to "don't fuck up people's pallet" 05:59 * LarienTelrunya fires up a 3.4.3 game to compare 05:59 it is literally the same 05:59 LarienTelrunya: What telnet client do you normally use to play NetHack with? 05:59 Crawldragon: putty 05:59 Do you play locally? 05:59 LarienTelrunya: also I guess you're aware of classic_status 05:59 FIQ: ah, so the fact that older messages become "black on black background" is what's extremely irritating to me 05:59 for a 3.4.3 status bar 06:00 you mean darkgray? 06:00 yeah 06:00 That's fairly standard 06:00 Crawldragon: sometimes, yes, but for that I use cmder with a custom color scheme 06:00 turn off darkgray just for a moment 06:00 I want to test something 06:00 try it 06:00 say if it looks better or not 06:00 urgh NOPE 06:00 with darkgray it's infinitely much better 06:00 now do something 06:01 dark blue is literally the WORST color 06:01 that gives a new message 06:01 ok 06:01 so this is bad you say? 06:01 yeah sure the new message is gray, but the old one... urgh... 06:01 LarienTelrunya: and you run Windows on your PC, don't you? 06:01 fun fact: this is the exact same color scheme as dynahack has 06:01 and you didn't complain with that 06:01 I'd rather have older messages get removed entirely, than showing them in an eye-straining, much too dark color 06:01 Crawldragon: yes 06:01 so clearly you just want to complain on fiqhack ;) 06:02 LarienTelrunya: try setting your "pallette" option to "Windows terminal" 06:02 I'm not sure if that will give you the subtle difference you want, but it's worth a shot. 06:02 dynahack has another problem, it requires UTF8 to display correctly (no other variant does that) 06:02 LarienTelrunya: either way 06:02 remember to reset the darkgray option 06:02 as for the message color thing 06:02 I'll see what I can do 06:02 Crawldragon: already fiddled around with the palettes, and eventually settled on one that's only mildly annoying 06:03 LarienTelrunya: that is an entirely seperate issue but not the point I was trying to make 06:03 my point is 06:03 dynahack messages 06:03 I use the tertiary colors palette now. I never thought I'd like something like that but for some reason I do. 06:03 look *the exact same way* 06:03 as what you just saw in fiqhack 06:03 and you did not complain on them 06:03 ever 06:03 FIQ: nope, look at my current dyna game 06:03 nothing "fades to dark gray" here 06:03 whoops 06:03 well shit 06:03 disable status3 06:03 or that 06:03 see 06:04 weird, I don't remember that happening on ascrun 06:04 it always did 06:04 wtf, did I really cope with THAT on ascrun??? 06:04 yes 06:04 and you didn't complain 06:04 I mean, apparently I did, seeing how I ascended dyna twice, but still... 06:05 Maybe FIQ should make a special "fleecey" palette for Slex fans 06:05 * LarienTelrunya goes to test on ascrun 06:05 Crawldragon: well to me it looks like LarienTelrunya mostly likes to complain on fiqhack because it's fiqhack 06:05 maybe because I dislike slex :P 06:05 or maybe because it doesn't have high-heeled boots in it 06:05 wtf this cannot be, I can't believe I was really able to play that way 06:06 but this is the config I used during junethack 06:06 LarienTelrunya: btw, one thing you can try in NH4 variants 06:06 is to test out the different pallets it has to offer 06:07 see if it has some you like better 06:07 maybe I set my putty color scheme at home so that dark blue is brighter, I dunno 06:07 you can change pallet ingame... 06:07 among several different color schemes 06:07 maybe one is better for you 06:07 FIQ: I already said I did, fourk is the worst offender there since 9 out of 10 palettes make the solid rock so glaring that I'd fear going blind from staring at the screen for a prolonged time 06:08 #hashesassolidrock4lyfe 06:08 I think blue is just a really bad color for Roguelikes. I have yet to find a shade of blue that isn't either hideous or impossible to see. 06:08 ah 06:08 LarienTelrunya: I find the libuncursed default pallet awful fwiw 06:08 also, since "someone" made it so that nh4oids don't have rcfiles, you cannot use the DUNGEON option to change what the different dungeon features look like :P 06:08 this is one reason as to why I changed the default to "don't fuck up terminal pallets" 06:09 LarienTelrunya, either you have really sensitive eyes or I'm completely desensitized to glaring color schemes because I never had a problem with the glaring colors. 06:09 But then again I've been known to play for hours on games that I'm told give other people headaches for some reason. I think they're just graphics snobs. 06:09 LarienTelrunya: that is actually not true 06:09 the NH4 engine handles symbols completely differently 06:09 for better or worse 06:09 -!- elenmirie_ has joined #hardfought 06:09 this means you actually have *more* freedom 06:09 Crawldragon: it depends on the monitor, on my gaming PC I have an ATI card where everything is quite dark so I have to turn up the gamma; on the internet PC it's a Niewidia card where everything is glaring bright! 06:10 you can change a lot more 06:10 FIQ: oh yeah? how? 06:10 unfortunately, you need to compile the game to apply a new theme 06:10 ...what 06:10 heh 06:10 LarienTelrunya: the ascii/etc tilesets are made the same way as tiles 06:10 dude, I'm playing on a public server, I cannot compile the game for that! I have to use what's there! 06:10 yes 06:10 exactly 06:10 hence "unfortunately" 06:11 something I want to look into 06:11 is if it would be possible to make an per-user override 06:11 why not simply use something that nh3 has always had - the dungeon option - rather than scrapping it in the making of the nh4 system? 06:11 Like the SYMBOLS setting from 3.6.0? 06:11 good thing I'm not keeping a "List of reasons why the nh4 system is inferior to the nh3 one", because it would be huge 06:12 -!- elenmirie has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 06:12 -!- elenmirie_ is now known as elenmirie 06:12 NH3 has a much tighter interface but NH4 has smoother gameplay. 06:12 (yes, impossible() looking like a crash is also one of them) 06:12 Crawldragon: yeah I think NH3 has something similar now 06:12 LarienTelrunya: I actually consider this a feature 06:12 except for the whole "need to recompile" part 06:13 well, seriously, why didn't the nh4 dev team simply port over the dungeon option? it's working alright in nh3! 06:13 LarienTelrunya: http://sprunge.us/WFCX 06:13 this is much more useful than DUNGEON option IMO 06:13 the bad part is that it isn't exposed to the user 06:13 it should be 06:14 Well. Tell Alex Smith to make it into an editable rcfile like every sane nethack variant has (sorry :P) and everything will be alright. ;) 06:14 an user should be able to override this 06:14 also why does it have to be done at compile time? it should be possible to have code to handle all the possible things a player might change, and have it be able to be changed at runtime 06:15 are you reading what I am saying 06:15 this is what I am trying to say 06:15 it should be possible for an user to make a tileset file like this 06:15 and have it override stuff 06:15 monster colors 06:15 yeah, it's just that it strikes me as incredibly weird that it wasn't designed like that from the very beginning! 06:15 backgrounds 06:15 symbols 06:15 and so on 06:16 LarienTelrunya: you would have to ask ais why 06:16 nh3 has always had rcfiles, I'm sorry to have to say this but there is no excuse for taking them away 06:16 Yeah it's almost like the NH4 team had a different design philosophy than the NH3 team and wanted to take the game in a whole new direction or something. 06:16 Crawldragon: to be fair there is several decisions I find stupid 06:16 some of them are results of being based of nitrohack (rip rc files) 06:17 and frankly I can't blame them. Editing an rc file is dead simple for a computer geek but for any normies who want to play the game shoot 06:17 some have no real excuse (like this) 06:17 Crawldragon: I find the NH4 ingame configuration setup much saner than the NH3 one 06:17 but IMO rc file editing easily trumps both 06:18 why ais never at least tried to reintroduce rc files 06:18 puzzles me 06:18 I do like rc files better, I'm just saying I can understand the desire to get away from them 06:18 or at least have the option of never having to touch a text editor to edit your configuration 06:18 well, just add a comment "rcfile editing should be done by advanced users who know what they are doing", instead of blindly assuming every player is too stupid to do it :P 06:18 fun fact 06:18 the option configuration reader 06:18 !tell ais523 rcfile support for nh4 when :P 06:18 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 06:19 is lenient in several ways 06:19 which makes no sense if it was designed to only be handled by a computer 06:19 meaning it was clearly *designed* to be human editable 06:19 but unfortunately isn't really 06:19 due to how the option system interacts with them 06:20 LarienTelrunya: https://hardfought.org/userdata/A/AmyBSOD/fiqhack/curses.conf 06:21 one thing that would be needed, of course, is a document that lists all the things that can be changed in that config file 06:21 this isn't far off from being something human-usable 06:21 the issue is 06:21 something like https://nethackwiki.com/wiki/Options except for nh4oids 06:21 1: things like the pallette option there 06:21 2: the fact that each time you edit an option ingame, the file is rewritten 06:22 it has comments 06:22 I like how the "comment" option is written as "comment=" rather than being an actual comment 06:22 you don't have to use "" in strings 06:22 et 06:22 c 06:22 stuff like that is expected by something human editable 06:22 so it was clearly designed to be 06:23 Maybe it just got lost in the to-do list like with my projects 06:23 Crawldragon: uh, you are misunderstanding the purpose of that line 06:23 it is for junethack authorization 06:23 obviously 06:23 if the config was truly human editable 06:23 Just ignore me, I've been up for about twenty hours and I'm easily amused. 06:23 the option wouldn't be needed 06:24 who will be the first one to spot that I edited my comment? ;) 06:24 that would be me 06:24 since I saw it before your remark 06:25 Surely if you point it out then it becomes fundamentally impossible for anyone to "spot" it 06:25 It doesn't count as "spotting" if you have it pointed out to you, so you've essentially created a logically impossible scenario 06:25 Crawldragon: indeed 06:25 I'm gonna shut up now 06:25 but I saw it before the remark ;) 06:25 since I closed the tab by mistake 06:25 lol 06:26 LarienTelrunya: another reason as to why it isn't considered human editable 06:26 look at this one https://hardfought.org/userdata/A/AmyBSOD/fiqhack/FIQHack.conf 06:26 the autopickup one 06:27 I almost feel bad sometimes when I play NH4 variants because it's obvious how much work goes into the user interface for those games and I'm still using the old-fashioned ASCII interface 06:27 FIQ: well that syntax is just plain weird 06:27 I think Fourk in particular I have to use ASCII for because the UTF8 GUI really hates my font 06:27 but, strangely enough, nh3 also has autopickup exceptions, yet it did not abolish rcfiles because of them :P 06:27 Crawldragon: switch to the "enhanced" tileset 06:27 should behave the same as other NH4 variants 06:28 What's that look like? Does that still use the line-drawing symbols? 06:28 it looks the same as the other nh4 variants look like with default tileset 06:28 4k had to mess with stuff because why not 06:29 Yeah I don't think I can use that either. My problem is just that the font I use is too simple. 06:29 I don't think it even has line-drawing characters. 06:30 so LarienTelrunya 06:30 main reason config files for NH4 variants isn't exposed 06:30 1: the config is rewritten each time you edit an option ingame 06:30 rip any fancy comments, order, etc 06:31 2: the bizarre autopickup syntax 06:31 2 is a non-issue if the rcfile says "the following option is not designed to be human-readable, please edit it in-game" 06:32 1 could probably be circumvented by making the in-game config saving option not rewrite stuff I guess, but look where the appropriate option (the one you changed in the game) is and change that line in the file specifically 06:32 this is exactly what I have in mind 06:32 would probably be a bit of work, but it should not be impossible 06:38 [gh] Tangles (Val Dwa Fem Law) entered Gehennom for the first time, on T:20374 07:19 heh 07:19 K2: Message from Tangles at 2017-09-08 05:32 EDT: I just pushed an update to Beholder to forward slex announcements to FCCBot, per Elronnd's request earlier today. 07:19 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-09-08 05:42 EDT: you should host acehack on hdf, so you can make the ascension list on https://scoreboard.xd.cm/ only list hdf :P 07:21 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 07:21 -!- moon.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org ¤ GruntHack 0.2.2 and Slash'EM Extended 2.0.5 are now live - NetHack 3.6.1-dev has been updated 07:21 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 07:21 !ping 07:21 K2: Pong! 07:22 [slex] k2 (Val Dwa Mal Law), 33 points, T:242, killed by a monster (fox) 07:23 hmm nothing went to the em.slashem.me channel 07:23 time to put kid on bus, brb 07:37 oh not the channel, but the bot itself 07:37 ok 07:38 would it be easier to send the messages directly to the channel? 07:38 its however Elronnd has it set 07:38 makes sense to send as a pm to the bot, that way Elronnd can control what msgs get forwarded to channel 07:39 ah, so we have to configure the bot to make it know what to do with them 07:39 say in event beholder runs amok, we're not spamming your channel 07:39 yup 07:39 ok back to bed for me hah 07:41 :) 07:46 should half physical halve damage only for physical attacks? 07:46 atm it halves damage from *any* melee attack 07:58 K2: There was a tornado the other day just a couple of miles from here. I have friends who lost their (attached) garage and have to rip out all their carpet and upholstery because of all the shattered glass that got blown around in their house. 07:58 jonadab: Message from ais523 at 2017-09-07 22:25 EDT: that's an inconsistency in the internal state, it means that a) aimake believes that it's produced an output file with that name, but b) it's unexpectedly missing information about it that it'd expect to have recorded (in this case, the hash of the file contents) 07:58 jonadab: Message from ais523 at 2017-09-07 22:27 EDT: you may be able to fix it by deleting the corresponding file on the disk and seeing if aimake's automatic recovery routines work; otherwise, I'd recommend doing a clean build 07:59 Perhaps this is compensation for the fact that a hurricane here is essentially impossible. 07:59 jonadab: % 07:59 er ^ 08:00 EPI: tornadoes can happen on watery levels, e.g. Medusa's island, and push the player several tiles into the water. DYWYPI? 08:00 I don't see the issue with this 08:00 (also, why didn't the nethack player character ever learn how to swim?) 08:00 a tourist should be able to 08:07 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: Page closed] 08:39 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 08:39 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 08:50 !tell ais523 That aimake error that you said the way to fix it is a clean build? It happens when doing a clean build. I think I have screwed something up about rltiles, but I am not sure what or how to fix it. 08:50 Will do, jonadab! 08:51 !tell ais523 Produced object bpath:tilesets/dat/merged/rltiles-32.nh4ct has no hash_on_disk: dependency at ../aimake line 7327. at ../aimake line 6617. main::__ANON__("Produced object bpath:tilesets/dat/merged/rltiles-32.nh4ct ha"...) called at ../aimake line 7327 main::find_hash_on_disk("bpath:tilesets/dat/merged/rltiles-32.nh4ct") called at ../aimake line 9146 main::__ANON__() called at ../aimake li 08:51 Will do, jonadab! 08:51 ne 6568 main::atomically(CODE(0x36ebc90)) called at ../aimake line 9188 08:53 !who 08:53 Grasshopper: hothraxxa [dyn] 09:04 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 09:28 !commands 09:28 Grasshopper: available commands are !help !ping !time !pom !hello !booze !beer !potion !tea !coffee !whiskey !vodka !rum !tequila !scotch !goat !lotg !d(1-1000) !(1-50)d(1-1000) !8ball !rng !role !race !variant !tell !source !lastgame !lastasc !streak !rcedit !scores !sb !setmintc !whereis !players !who !commands 10:00 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 10:00 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 10:00 [gh] Tangles (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the invisible Asmodeus, on T:20839 10:15 !source 10:15 bug_sniper: https://github.com/NHTangles/beholder 10:35 [gh] Tangles (Val Dwa Fem Law) killed the invisible Lord Surtur, on T:21909 10:36 [gh] Tangles (Val Dwa Fem Law) picked up the Bell of Opening, on T:21909 10:40 go Tangles! 10:40 heh 10:41 Surtur did not even pick up the orb 10:56 [nd] Grasshopper (Cav Dwa Fem Law) changed form for the first time by mimicing a pile of gold, on T:61113 10:59 Tangles: Surtur is a wuz anyway 10:59 but he has deadly drawbridges 10:59 hah yes, the drawbridges make me a little nervous. 10:59 K2: well the main reason I'm having it PMed is so that there's just one bot in the channel 11:00 same reason I kicked pino(bot|clone) out and had fccbot pm them 11:00 jonadab: oh, you can !tell ais from here? Neat! 11:01 Elronnd: Only works if he enters a channel where Beholder is. 11:01 But he's been in this channel several times lately. 11:02 EPI: a level with 37 drawbridges on it, and several barracks, with iron bars so the soldiers can shoot out at you across the water. 11:03 ..and all soldiers on said level generate with wands of striking. 11:05 You could be sure some of them would get them. 11:05 It's a fairly high-probability item. 11:05 With several barracks, the odds lean heavily toward, yes, you're gonna be seeing that zapped. 11:05 yeah 11:06 there's usually a few just on the fire giants in surtur's lair. 11:07 Standing and fighting on those drawbridges is not a smart strategy. 11:07 anyway... sleep time. 11:07 'night. 11:12 jonadab: just generate a wand of striking on every square, the soldiers will pick them up 11:13 But what if I want some of the soldiers to have wands of create horde? 11:34 nite Tangles 11:34 gosh, Tangles is prob in the Land of Nod already 11:35 amazing how a little bit of exploring Gehennom suddenly eats up 1/2 hour or so 11:39 Or a month. 11:54 ;) 11:54 jonadab: tornadoes suck :( 11:54 entralling to watch up close though 11:54 Oh, I wasn't close enough for that. All we got here was the thunderstorm of the decade and a few hours of no power. 11:56 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 11:59 you might be getting those storms more often as global warming heats up 12:00 something Mr Trump will deny of course 12:00 in his warm fuzzy glow of denial 12:02 ugh 12:03 yeah those in the know are saying that because the average water temp of the oceans are higher, the potentional for hurricanes more often and their severity has increased 12:03 potential 12:12 in general, expect more extreme weather events 12:15 yup and not just in the US 12:18 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 12:18 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 12:28 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 12:40 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:53 When can we get our next ice age? 12:55 the fastest way is probably triggering a yellowstone eruption? 12:56 probably wouldn't reintroduce an ice age, but it would certainly cool things down for most of the rest of everyone's life 12:56 except for some people, which it would greatly heat things up for the rest of their life 12:56 Heh. 12:57 Do we have enough nukes to make that happen? 12:57 If we bury them deep under Old Faithful, perhaps? 12:57 that would be a neat movie plot 12:58 global warming threatens the earth, so the US government decides in desperation to trigger Yellowstone, and has to deal with all the problems that would come with planning to do it 13:03 -!- zombifier has joined #hardfought 13:08 -!- Grasshopper_ has joined #hardfought 13:08 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper_] by ChanServ 13:08 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 13:13 blowing up Yellowstone in a vain attempt to stall global warming sounds ridiculous enough to be a Trump idea 13:13 this is why it would be a summer blockbuster type movie 13:13 he'll try to stop the water ungulfing coastal cities by building walls around them 13:13 and walls around yellowstone to stop the lava flow 13:14 Grasshopper_: well, you do have to believe in global warming before trying to stall it... 13:14 aosdict: yes, this movie depends on Trump getting a "rude awakening" to global warming 13:15 like, sea levels suddenly rising and engulfing/threatening some cities 13:15 or you just cast for an ordinary movie-standard presidential role, and don't focus on the president too much 13:16 and the movie will star Bruce Willis, leading a team of tough but irreverent miners to plant the bombs 13:16 Most movies have fictional Presidents for a reason. Easier to do casting. 13:17 You don't have to find someone who actually _looks_ like the guy to play the part. 13:17 And you don't have to burden your makeup department too much either. 13:17 trouble is that Trump upsets the stereotypical president image 13:17 I don't think a movie would be automatically a box-office failure simply for having a President that isn't the real current President in it. 13:17 just get some fat dude and cut up a 70's orange nylon capret to make a wig 13:29 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 13:39 [nd] munterplant (Val Hum Fem Law), 140 points, T:602, killed by a Kop Sergeant 13:43 [nd] munterplant (Val Hum Fem Law), 136 points, T:612, killed by a water demon 13:49 [slex] AmyBSOD (Kur Trp Fem Law), 27988 points, T:3081, killed by a monster (mumak) 14:00 [slex] dolores (Kur Trp Fem Law), 241 points, T:352, killed by a monster (river moccasin) 14:12 !lastgame AmyBSOD 14:12 LarienTelrunya: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/A/AmyBSOD/slex/dumplog/1504812510.slex.txt 14:23 [nd] Grasshopper (Cav Dwa Fem Law) killed Yeenoghu, on T:64074 14:26 [slex] dolores (Kur Trp Fem Law), 5335 points, T:2088, killed by a monster (punt), while dressing up 14:26 -!- zombifier has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:38 this pear I am eating is most definitely NOT 50 nutrition 14:43 wow, +4 apron 14:51 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 14:51 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 15:12 [slex] BSOD2 (Coo Sok Mal Cha), 397 points, T:66, killed by a monster (soldier ant) Go Team Ant! 15:34 -!- Grasshopper_ has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:44 [slex] dolores (Kur Trp Fem Law), 10018 points, T:3422, killed by a monster (Ms. Tuktoyaktuk, the shopkeeper), while dragging an iron ball 15:47 [dyn] hothraxxa (Hea Gno Fem Neu), 4294 points, T:11653, killed by a vorpal jabberwock 15:48 actually a chameleon who was formerly a master lich :( 15:51 EPI: shape changes check what your resistances and equipment are and try to change into a form you won't be able to handle. 15:51 *changers 16:02 what's this "try"? They WILL do so. 16:12 jonadab: how is there not an Evil Patch Idea wiki page? 16:15 aosdict: No idea. 16:15 Maybe nobody created one. 16:15 Or maybe it got deleted by admins. 16:16 I doubt _that_ 16:17 probably it just never got created, time to change that 16:18 Are there wiki pages for YANI, YASI, etc.? 16:19 yani exists, yasi doesn't 16:19 and of course there's Category:YANI 16:22 YASI could be covered on the YANI page, probably. 16:25 If it were me, I'd just make them all redirect to a "community abbreviations" glossary page that just gave what they all stood for and maybe a one-sentence description. 16:25 But whatever. 16:36 [nd] Raisse (Cav Dwa Fem Law) had Snickersnee bestowed upon her by Anu, on T:485 16:42 I swear to god every time I read something written by the Free Software Foundation it makes me want to punch Richard Stallman in the face 16:43 These guys could send me an e-mail telling me what a nice guy I am and they would still come across as a bunch of pretentious dicks. 16:51 anything specific? 16:52 Yeah I'm running through their list of commentary about different software licenses 16:53 ``The text of the CeCILL uses a couple of biased terms that ought to be avoided: “intellectual property” and “protection”; this decision was unfortunate, because reading the license tends to spread the presuppositions of those terms.'' 16:56 jonadab: about your idea for blessed !oGL to max a stat of the user's choice, I think increasing a stat of the user's choice by 1d2 or so is plenty. Still better than uncursed, without the ridiculous amount of power it currently has in vanilla. 17:01 [slex] AmyBSOD (Kur Trp Fem Law), 12110 points, T:1923, killed by a monster (edderkop), while being clawed 17:04 Crawldragon: Fundamentally, the FSF pushes a position that they know perfectly well causes almost as many problems as it solves. Their existence is useful (and not just because of Emacs) for making people aware of issues, but their actual position is garbage. 17:05 Agreed 17:05 In particular, it's clear to anyone who thinks it through that the GPL gives you, very obviously, fewer freedoms than e.g. the MIT license. 17:05 I think my main problem with the FSF though is that they go about their business self-righteously, like they're still in college writing their dissertation for a liberal arts degree. 17:06 Well, it's silly to think that copyleft licenses are more permissive than the "permissive" family of licenses. 17:07 I don't like a couple provisions in the NGPL, for instance. 17:09 aosdict: indeed. 17:09 I've personally been in a situation where I've said, "this open-source project's implementation of foo is neat, and would be cool to use in this _other_ open-source project, but I can't, because they have incompatible share-alike licenses." 17:09 AGPL vs NGPL, for instance, in the case of Brogue and NetHack. 17:10 I find myself in the curious position often where it feels like certain software licenses are almost punishing me for my generosity. 17:10 How much code can you reasonably transfer between Brogue and Nethack? 17:10 I like the permissive family of licenses because I feel like they ask all that I can expect of anyone who uses my software, but they're fundamentally incompatible with the licenses of any software I might want to derive subroutines from 17:10 IMO, this incompatibility issue is a far worse problem in practice than, "Oh, no, some vendor might sell a version with an added feature and not contribute the feature back." 17:11 aosdict: I wanted the level gen. 17:11 FOr a branch, probably. 17:11 And yes, it would've needed modifications, clearly. 17:13 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: good night!] 17:37 [nd] knavery (Rog Orc Mal Cha), 21685 points, T:13388, killed by a Green-elf, while sleeping 17:41 -!- Menche has quit [Quit: Leaving] 17:48 -!- Tarmunoraway is now known as Tarmunora 17:55 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:43 -!- Grasshopper has joined #hardfought 18:43 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Grasshopper] by ChanServ 18:49 at my work we've had minimal run-ins with the GPL, but that has indeed led to a certain amount of re-implementation 19:08 I don't like that libuncursed is GPL 19:08 but I am not going to contest it 19:09 (it's also dual-licensed for NGPL so that nethack-based projects are allowed to use it) 19:11 -!- elenmirie has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:11 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 19:11 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 19:16 -!- Webmant has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 19:23 FIQ: yeah, things like that really ought to be permissively licensed or _at least_ LGPL-type "you can link" licensed, so that a significant percentage of projects can potentially use it. 19:35 I suggested LGPL to ais, he refused, to the surprise of noone 19:35 he's not the one to be swayed by opinions :P 19:35 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 19:46 this is weird - I tried using a jump spell to cross the moat in Rodney's tower (level 1) and instead of going all the way over the water I dropped into the drink 19:47 twice in a row 19:47 as though there was a wall or monster on the next tile (there wasn't, I zapped digging at the wall before) 19:49 nethack dev 19:49 I always forget that jumping is a thing, even when I'm a knight, so I have very little experience with the finer points of how it works. 19:49 But I totally want to add a ring of jumping, just because of Belkar. 19:49 (Thus far I have refrained.) 19:50 YASI: ring of illness. Wearing it gives you fatal illness, but _taking it off_ cures fatal illness, reliably. Autocurses when worn, of course. 19:51 me dropping into the drink seems like a bug, unless there is something I'm missing 19:54 I know jump has range limits, but I don't know exactly what they are. 20:11 jonadab: the water tile was right in front of me 20:11 I do that kind of jumping all the time - something weird going on 20:11 Ah, dunno then. 20:11 range of a straight jump is 3 tiles 20:11 straight as in not diagonal 20:12 Ah. 20:13 One of these years I have to learn to remember that jump is a thing in NetHack. 20:13 And learn how to use it to advantage. 20:13 It's theoretically supposed to be quite powerful in some situations. 20:14 yes, like on astral 20:14 Or if you're trying to get Excalibur and you get water moccasins. So they tell me. 20:15 jumping diagonally through doorways has now been nerfed 20:15 but I still prefer to have jumping before the end-game at least 20:15 and as it is a lv1 spell, you can try your luck at writing it without wasting too many marker charges 20:16 I stupidly (sic) let myself get mind-sucked by a mind-flayer 20:17 just once, but now I've lost so many Gehennom maps 20:17 sigh 20:18 Ouch. 20:18 Play Fourk. Flayers are dangerous, but there is no amnesia. 20:22 that sounds more sensible 20:22 I don't mind amnesia so much, except that just one successful mf attack wipes out like 1/3 of all level maps 20:22 I removed amnesia as a mechanic because A) it's not fun and B) it doesn't actually make the game technically harder, just more annoying. 20:22 seems a bit extreme 20:23 yeah, annoying 20:23 things that make the game annoying for the player are not fun (except maybe for the devs, if they are watching) 20:25 It's one thing for a game to annoy the player because it's hard. But amnesia doesn't actually make the game hard, technically. The actual danger to the character from flayers comes from the other aspects of their attack, such as the risk of brainlessness. 20:25 Which I retained. 20:30 jonadab: so what do you think of amnesia draining skill exercise and spell memory? 20:30 would you still find it plainly frustrating? 20:30 draining this *instead* of levels and appearances, I mean 20:31 aosdict: In principle, draining those things is better than draining stuff the player can get from the ttyrec. 20:32 But I just did a clean sweep and wiped amnesia from the game. Flayers are still plenty dangerous. 20:32 And I replaced the scroll of amnesia with scroll of water. 20:42 actually much nastier 20:42 (when used against the player) 20:56 Well, this isn't FIQHack, so I didn't make monsters read it. 20:57 I do want to make it dangerous, though, by making it potentially put water on your own tile if not blessed. 20:57 Well, I mean, it does if cursed already. 20:57 But I want to make it have a chance to if uncursed. 20:57 I just really like the idea of scrolls of amnesia being able to let you retrain skills. 20:58 Particularly since they're so cheap to write. 20:58 Ah, so as a way of recovering skill points? 20:59 That would only be an interesting mechanic if skill points were at a serious premium. 20:59 Which in 3.x they aren't, so far. 20:59 But you were also looking at that as a separate balance issue, weren't you? 21:00 Yes. 21:02 Amnesia is currently a frustration issue, since that's what it is in its current form. But I think that it can be mitigated, unlike most frustration issues. 21:06 -!- Menche has quit [Quit: Leaving] 21:08 jonadab: but you should 21:17 fun fact: half physical damage is strictly superior to the mitre undead protection, it is redundant 21:17 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 21:17 they don't stack 21:20 aosdict: jonadab: I'm not against amnesia per se, but the effect could be ameliorated eg less levels/item IDs forgotten per successful suck 21:20 like maybe up to 1/2 what it does in vanilla currently 21:21 Grasshopper: well, I hate the forgetting the level map/item appearance mechanic and think it should die. 21:21 aosdict: fair enough 21:21 Since it gives a benefit to players who are willing to search through their ttyrec to get the missing information 21:22 in Baldurs Gate, mind flayers are incredibly dangerous because they can mind-control your party's characters 21:22 in addition to sucking brains 21:22 so it is a much tougher opponent to deal with 21:22 jonadab: I challenge you to dying to a cockatrice without being petrified by it 21:23 in wizmode 21:23 EPI: mind flayers will hunt down and make your pets into thralls, turning them from tame to hostile 21:23 hint: You can't 21:23 (All right, you can, by choking on a cockatrice corpse while being stone resistant, but that wasn't the point) 21:23 Basically 21:23 If you die to a normal hit 21:23 aosdict: I actually really like that idea 21:23 It still says that you get petrified 21:24 I am not sure why this is 21:24 Well I know why code-wise 21:24 But not sure if intended or not 21:24 FIQhack yani: a player killed by a mind flayer, whether from brainlessness or from normal death, may survive in the bones file as a player monster thrall of the mind flayer 21:25 and his/her pets 21:25 Grasshopper: well, since you seconded it, I'll write that one down to add to the list 21:26 aosdict: thrall? 21:26 although if being a thrall just means making them hostile, it prob doesn't really matter about pets 21:26 "thrall" is a term to describe a player/monster under mind control 21:26 FIQ: mentally subservient to the mind flayer, which is what they do in D&D 21:26 hm 21:27 if you wanted to get _really 21:27 ok this is a much better way to give good flavour to player monsters in bones 21:27 aosdict: basically what you describe essentially happens already, sometimes 21:27 if you wanted to get _really_ complex, you could change the AI of thrall monsters to coordinate with the mind flayer 21:27 except Rodney mindcontrols (charm monster) 21:28 aosdict: not sure if you know 21:28 but 33% of fiqhack bones spawn player monsters 21:28 with their inventory/etc intact (and not mass-cursed) 21:28 they retain intrinsics, spells, etc 21:28 yes, I do know that 21:28 ahh 21:28 well you suggested basically that 21:29 except better flavour for it 21:29 so it would be easy to make thrall-bones for mind-flayers 21:29 maybe up the chance from 33% to 100% if they died from brainlessness 21:29 yeah 21:29 yeah 21:41 FIQ: That's easy, in wizmode: polyself to stone golem, wear amulet of unchanging. 21:42 #togglegen, and revgeno cockatrices. 21:42 try it 21:42 oh wait 21:42 what you will say will actually work 21:42 due to an unrelated bug 21:43 And if it says you got petrified, while you were clearly stoning resistant, then that's obviously a bug. 21:43 well 21:43 wear yellow DSM 21:43 while not polymorphed and not unchanging 21:43 or whatever means you can get stone res w/o polyself 21:43 (which triggers an unrelated bug) 21:43 and it will say petrified :) 21:43 Stone res without polyself isn't possible in vanilla. 21:44 Nor in Fourk, I didn't added that to YDSM until .5 21:45 Hmm, YANI: a ring of free action doesn't block petrification, but it lets you continue to act after petrification starts, until you become an actual statue. So you get the full number of turns slow petrification theoretically takes, to fix it, rather than the smaller number until you (usually) can't move. 21:46 libnethack/src/mhitm.c:1119:9libnethack/src/mhitu.c:1963:26: error: use of undeclared identifier 'tmp'; did you mean 'otmp'? 21:46 what happened here? 21:46 not the error, that is nice and descriptive 21:46 the line counter thingy 21:46 -!- Menche has quit [Quit: HERE GOES] 21:47 Dunno. Is that FIQHack you're building? 21:47 uh 21:47 this is bizarre 21:47 I am seeing different errors each time I build 21:47 My instinct says aimake is doing something weird with combining multiple lines of compiler error output. But that's a guess. 21:47 I think my terminal might be messed up 21:47 I'm using a makefile but I don't think it is related 21:47 Oh, possible. 21:47 since it has worked fine without issues until now 21:47 Ah, if it's a makefile, then my aimake guess is wrong. 21:48 make doesn't do what aimake does that way. 21:48 yeah it's the terminal 21:48 (i.e., doesn't take multiple lines of compiler output and combine them, etc.) 21:48 aimake does that for a reason, and it's kinda nice once you get used to it... mostly. 21:49 But it does have a couple of weird downsides, occasionally. 21:50 (Not insurmounteable things. If aimake had as many developers working on it as make probably has, I suspect it would be overwhelmingly superior.) 21:50 (But it gets so little developer time, it's buggy.) 22:15 this is what happens if you try to merge codepaths that look similar but isn't remotely similar if you look at it a bit more 22:15 "The fire elemental hits the large cat. The fire elemental hits the large cat!" 22:16 it is only 1 message if it hits me 22:18 jonadab: would you consider EPIs to be a subset of YANIs? 22:18 They _are_ new ideas, just not ones that are meant seriously 22:18 there 22:19 now the hitmsg only procs for player as defender 22:19 for now 22:19 until things are more merged 22:25 [dnh] Danthrax (Wiz Elf Mal Cha), 1779 points, T:1814, killed by a gnome king 22:46 !google fluplqaoss 22:46 no google bots 22:48 -!- Menche has joined #hardfought 23:15 -!- elenmirie has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 23:23 [dnh] Danthrax (Arc Hum Mal Neu), 3071 points, T:3375, killed by a crow, while praying 23:36 "Although the ingredients of the BLT have existed for many years, there is little evidence of BLT sandwich recipes prior to 2017." 23:36 I think that sentence is evidence that the Wikipedia editors are very bored. 23:40 it's evidence that they don't appreciate the evoultion of the BLT to include a slice of cheese and, if desires, a fried egg... and a little fresh-ground pepper