00:00 Yeah a lot of stuff that happens in grunthack can happen in vanilla, but just seems to happen more often in gh. 00:01 Maybe it just *seems* to happen more due to the combination of other evil stuff. 00:03 EPI: the Big Room can have polytraps. Multiple polytraps. 00:04 is that theoretically possible in vanilla? 00:08 yes 00:08 not sure why it wouldn't be 00:09 I used a bigroom polytrap in my 3.4.3 paci 00:10 polytraps may actually be less dangerous in bigrooms because monsters are less likely to stumble across them and the player is more likely to be aware of where they are 00:10 ais523: you would still have to deal with the shitty eat prompts and such in a potential 3.7 windowport, right? 00:10 since that is up to the game engine rather than windowport 00:11 possibly, it's also possible I could change the game engine to make that more flexible 00:11 so that different windowports could do it differently 00:11 mhm 00:11 hmm 00:12 apparently 3.6.1 config got sections now 00:12 kind of 00:12 not really similar to how ini sections work 00:13 hm 00:13 I should add + and - for pageup/pagedn unless it clashes with something else, in windows 00:13 lack of it drove me crazy for a bit after I had played ADOM for a bit lol 00:14 since it uses +/- 00:14 it also happens to be much easier to reach than <> 00:14 on this kbd 00:15 FIQ: + selects all spellbooks, - deselects all items on something (I forget whether it affects the page or the whole menu) 00:15 hm 00:15 :( 00:15 neither of those bindings is completely sacred, you might have to move things around a bit though 00:15 I guess not then 00:15 well + being spellbooks would be silly to change 00:16 unless you had an entirely different UI for selecting items of a given type 00:17 sure 00:17 but changing that UI significantly just to make +- pageup/dn would be silly 00:17 IMO 00:18 ais523: is there a simple way to disable the desync detector? 00:19 I think you could just comment out the call to it, I'm not 100% sure where it is though 00:19 it runs in replaymode when going forward using commandmode which is a bit redundant 00:19 well it'd detect a desync in the replay 00:19 (sure, until I messed with it, it only ever went 1 turn forward but still...) 00:19 ais523: except it doesn't 00:20 since it would read/write an entirely new save 00:20 and doesn't read from the existing save 00:20 desyncs are not detected until it encounters something unexpected 00:20 and yet it runs the detector 00:21 well, is it detecting a desync within the turn, or against the diff in the save file? 00:21 if it's within the turn, it seems a bit pointless 00:21 yeah 00:21 that is what it is doing 00:37 [gh] Tangles (Mon Elf Mal Neu), 8559 points, T:3943, killed by a wood nymph's bolt of fire 00:37 sigh 00:50 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 00:50 -!- greqrg has quit [Quit: Disconnected] 01:40 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 01:54 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 01:54 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 02:01 -!- noty has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.9] 02:18 !tell K2 Woohoo, SLEX 2.0.5 is now ready for the server *bundlebundlebundle* (your bundle monster is also in there now!) :) It breaks saves, obviously; the version at commit e442590 (current master) is it. If it's not too much work, can you install it on hdf? Thanks! ;) 02:18 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 02:19 LarienTelrunya: http://nethack4.org/pastebin/example-diagonalobans.txt (the goal squares aren't shown because the generator doesn't generate them yet; imagine they're behind the player, to the south) 02:20 hmm, those somehow seem familiar? 02:20 perhaps, it's a set I generated a while ago 02:20 they're fiendishly hard :D 02:20 so you might have seen them back then, or even if you didn't, someone else might have given you a copy 02:21 and yes, many people (including me) find diagonaloban much harder than regular sokoban 02:22 the main visual difference is that diagonalobans typically have a really high boulder density 02:22 and often it's hard to figure out how to extract the boulders at all, especially at the start of the level 02:24 -!- Crawldragon has joined #hardfought 02:25 yeah, that sample set always involves arranging as many boulders as possible at the top without getting any stuck, and only then the bottom ones are capable of reaching the target 02:26 right, that's the principle on which they're generated 02:27 I assume a "complete" sokoban generator would disguise it a bit better rather than them all looking the same 02:29 -!- ais523 has quit [] 02:57 Evil Patch idea: inspired by that one King's Quest game, letting some seemingly irrelevant monster on, say, dungeon level 8, die, will cause the portal on the Plane of Fire (the one that leads to Water) to not exist and triggers an archonstorm 2000 turns after you entered Fire. And of course the game never lets you know it became unwinnable either. 02:58 EPI continuation: make that monster be a woodchuck on the Oracle level. You have to kill the Oracle before it kills the woodchuck, or the plane of fire becomes the aforementioned kill screen. 02:58 EPI addendum: and if the Oracle is still alive 5000 turns into the game, the woodchuck is automatically killed even if you're not on the level at that time. 03:01 morning 03:02 !lastgame bug_sniper 03:02 bug_sniper: No last game for bug_sniper 03:02 !lastgame 03:02 bug_sniper: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/R/Raisse/nhdev/dumplog/1504505863.nhdev.txt 03:02 !lastgame bugsniper 03:02 LarienTelrunya: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/b/bugsniper/slex/dumplog/1502596507.slex.txt 03:02 thanks 03:05 hi LarienTelrunya and people 03:06 yo FIQ, what's up? 03:06 not much 03:07 been trying to look into operation Make Replaymode Not Slow 03:07 not doing much progress 03:08 however I did get a proper performance test of nitrohack replaymode as a baseline 03:08 it takes 1s to playback an entire game from turn 1 to 33433 03:08 ah I read you somehow lost 10k turns since there was no checkpointing or something? 03:09 compared to this, it takes NH4 33s to playback using commands from turn 1 to 104xx-something 03:09 no that is fine 03:09 bsically 03:09 the game checkpoints with binary saves every now and then 03:09 but the save I was testing with was unusually annoying to load because it took forever 03:10 like... 20s? 03:10 anyway, turns out the reason for this was that the last checkpoint was almost 10k earlier 03:10 so it had to playback *using diffs* for almost 10k turns 03:10 ah, but it did load fine? 03:11 and yes, playback using commands is actually slower currently 03:11 but it has obvious rooms for major improvements 03:11 LarienTelrunya: yes, NH4 saves don't break down generally 03:12 and when they do, they're generally always recoverable 03:12 I don't think fiqhack has had a single save not possible to recover yet 03:12 ah but they often require manual recovery, I think I still have half a dozen broken ones on my fourk account on ascrun 03:12 I assume nethack4 has, since it has been around longer, and for some time when the save system was still experimental 03:13 last time a fiqhack game needed a manual recovery was over 3 months ago 03:13 there was some annoying bug that caused it 03:13 but I tracked it down 03:13 so it should be ok now in that regard 03:14 of course, if nethack encounters a panic 03:14 or segfault 03:14 it requires dev intervention 03:14 but that isn't really the same thing 03:14 why do nh4oids not adopt the nh3 "automatic recovery" system for segfaults? 03:14 is it out of fear of segfault scumming? :P 03:15 i.e. using a reproducible segfault to "cheat away" bad results from e.g. wishing for a stack of items and only getting one? 03:15 I suppose it could have a recovery mechanism that automatically rewinds 5 turns if a segfault happens, on next start 03:16 but then the save would need to be backed up for dev investigation 03:19 jonadab: would that be a good idea? 03:22 FIQ: YASI: add map amnesia to the list of properties obtainable from potions of wonder. It deletes the map of the current level every turn. 03:22 no 03:24 why not? it balances the fact that you can get uberintrinsics like magic resistance and reflection :D 03:24 it is already balanced 03:24 you can become slow 03:25 polymorphing 03:25 conflict 03:25 fixed abilities 03:25 and jonadab can become clairvoyant 03:26 heh, once I got intrinsic conflict in slex on dlvl15 by eating a ring - it was unintentional and my powerful dragon became a fierce machine of hulking death, but I ended up ascending that game :P 03:26 conflict is very useful! 03:32 LarienTelrunya: you should add the cat lord to slex 03:32 whose level is based on how many cats you killed that game 03:33 gah! Bismas Thokup and his stOOpid cats! :P 03:33 hah 03:33 thomas biskup 03:33 -!- lorimer has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 03:33 * LarienTelrunya rummages through her bag of holding for a scroll of genocide labeled ONE DAY TEAM LOWERCASE F WILL BE GENOCIDED 03:33 The creator of ADOM did that on purpose to make people angry! :P 03:34 Uh, the cat lord thingy? 03:35 speaking of which, Elona has a special mode where killing a cat gives -50 karma, which is similarly silly but thankfully completely optional 03:36 also, some cat fetishist programmer made it so that eating a cat corpse gives -5 karma for no apparent reason 03:36 it should give -10 karma 03:36 and there are statues of cats and all NPCs in Elona constantly talk about cats :P Noa and his weird cat fetish! 03:36 I like cats 03:37 I like spiders. Shall I make it so that killing a spider in slex increases divine anger by one, and eating one causes smiting? :P 03:37 today I visited my cousin's hours and I now have cathair all over my shirt 03:37 *house 03:39 you've made spiders the best monster type to find, since they spawn with something on top of them 03:40 Garter snakes spawn like that in vanilla, right? 03:41 Mandevil: But only if they are generated while the level is made. In slex, concealing monsters will get items at all times. 03:41 -!- NeroOneTrueKing_ has joined #hardfought 03:42 LarienTelrunya: So revgenocide will create them with items? 03:42 Yeah. 03:45 so that's one way to get items late in the game once the drop rate goes down 03:45 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 03:45 heh, their generation rate goes down the same way of course :D 03:46 I am allergic to cats 03:46 so you revgeno spiders and get fewer spiders? 03:46 nah, the items they hide under are then replaced by gold pieces more often 03:46 which they can still hide under but are probably less useful than other items ;) 04:06 aosdict: "Water nymphs may create a pool on their spot when killed. The player's items fall into it, of course." 04:07 you forgot the EPI prefix 04:09 EPI: lava nymphs, the perfect thing to evaporate and get those water pools out of the way 04:10 aosdict: I considered making speed boots grant the intrinsic speed only, and same with the temporary boosts, and make artifact speed boots that gives the current extrinsic speed 04:26 -!- elenmirie has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:26 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 04:26 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 04:28 !tell K2 actually, I added a few more commits; the current master is the version ready for the server 04:28 Will do, LarienTelrunya! 04:39 [gh] Tangles (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 10000 points, T:5403, killed by a leocrotta 04:44 -!- Crawldragon has quit [Quit: If beer is liquid bread, what is liquid peanut butter?] 04:58 [nd] Raisse (Cav Dwa Fem Law) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:3107 05:00 [nd] Raisse (Cav Dwa Fem Law) had Demonbane bestowed upon her by Anu, on T:3315 05:01 argh I'm always making that mistake 05:08 [nd] Raisse (Cav Dwa Fem Law) had Demonbane bestowed upon her by Anu, on T:3085 05:10 going back in time?! 05:10 savestate cheating? :D 05:20 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 05:55 . 05:55 K2: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2017-09-04 02:18 EDT: Woohoo, SLEX 2.0.5 is now ready for the server *bundlebundlebundle* (your bundle monster is also in there now!) :) It breaks saves, obviously; the version at commit e442590 (current master) is it. If it's not too much work, can you install it on hdf? Thanks! ;) 05:55 K2: Message from LarienTelrunya at 2017-09-04 04:28 EDT: actually, I added a few more commits; the current master is the version ready for the server 05:55 ok 05:55 hi K2! 05:56 hi! 05:56 Hello K2, Welcome to #hardfought 05:56 i'll put .5 up today 05:56 slex 2.0.5 is ready, current master is at commit 81cf424 :) 05:56 maybe I'll make a few more commits later, but they will be non-savebreaking, obviously 05:57 mmmmk 05:57 what I really should do is add rumors about the new features 05:59 but the current version is ready to go live, I'll only make non-savebreak commits for a while now 05:59 ok 05:59 i'll get to it here in a bit 06:00 just got to work, settling in for a double shift. federal holiday today so no one is here, i'll have ample time 06:00 heh, I'm alone in my office today as well, although I don't think it's a holiday in Germany 06:04 race/roles is partially done for slex (beholder bot) 06:04 there's still a LOT to add to make it fully functional 06:04 damn you and your bazillion races/roles :P 06:06 heh, I wanted to add the tracer/feminist/gang scholar roles but didn't get to it due to time constraints and missing frameworks for them 06:06 they will be in a future version though :D 06:07 hah 06:42 [gh] Tangles (Val Dwa Fem Law) had invisible long sword bestowed upon her by Tyr, on T:1925 06:43 Invisible long sword? 06:43 -10 to-hit? 06:43 Unless sinv. 06:51 Yeah I don't know. Probably a long sword of invisibility. 06:51 gh will randomly generate items as invisible 06:51 Hmm nope. 06:51 they typically do not confer invis 06:53 K2: I was under the impression that invisible wands, rings and cloaks were usually invisibility 06:53 but not this sword apparently. 06:53 I wonder if it has any other redeeming qualities. 06:54 I had an invisible boulder in an earlier game :) 06:54 Tangles: yeah that's also usually the case (same with potions of invis and spellbook of invis) 06:54 but not always 06:54 hah invis boulder 06:55 ooh it's thirsty! 06:55 The invisible long sword draws the life from the jackal! You kill the jackal! 06:55 \o/ 06:55 thats asc kit worthy wooo 06:55 Does that mean it will attack peacefuls like stormbringer? 06:55 Need to be careful around this priest if so. 06:56 Hmm no it doesn't. good. 06:56 nope 06:56 only stormbringer acts that way 06:59 yeah. There's lots of peaceful gnomes and dwarves about, so it was easy to test. 07:01 Evil Patch idea: the wand of wishing on the Castle level is not in a container, but spawns on the floor of the throne room. Add 5 guaranteed rust monsters and 10 guaranteed blue dragons. 07:16 the wand used to be on the ground without a container to protect it 07:24 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 07:24 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 07:32 [gh] Tangles (Val Dwa Fem Law) retrieved the Mine's End luckstone, on T:3595 07:41 [gh] k2 (Arc Dwa Mal Law), 1281 points, T:5091, killed by a dwarvish soldier's crossbow bolt of fire 07:47 K2: what's the status of the slex update? I hope there are no compile errors this time? 07:49 sometime today 07:49 okay :) 08:12 morn 08:19 lol dammit. 08:19 R) [ a +0 helm of opposite alignment and power (being worn 08:19 you'll have to take it off for the quest 08:22 Yeah. I figured it was worth the risk since I have not bought protection yet. 08:28 Tangles the chaotic valkyrie 08:34 [nd] munterplant (Val Hum Fem Law) made her first wish - "blessed +2 silver dragon scale mail", on T:2056 08:38 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 08:42 [nd] munterplant (Val Hum Fem Law) had Excalibur thrown at her by some watery tart, on T:2687 08:48 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: This is a styx river, stepping on which causes contamination. Really do it? (y/n)] 08:59 FIQ: Not anymore. It rusted away. 09:00 Tangles the rusty valkyrie 09:01 Yeah. At least I can carry all my scrolls and potions now because they all stack nicely. 09:02 (because they are all blank/clear from falling in water so many times) 09:03 though now I have this: F) ( an uncursed large box named box of holding :( 09:04 haha 09:04 sorry 09:04 Tangles: use ctrl+directions to walk in mines safely 09:05 Yeah... or I could just not walk into the pools. It's not like I don't know they are there. 09:05 I just need to suck less. 09:05 well I mean 09:05 bleh 09:05 the ctrl+direction thing is why I find K2's paranoid mindset silly 09:05 because it's so easy to defeat 09:05 so it's just annoying 09:06 new gh feature for 0.2.3: ctrl+direction will now walk into water 09:06 if name == FIQ 09:06 and if k2.mood == evil 09:06 heh 09:07 which is an alias for rn2(50) 09:07 so amy changed something with new slex version, i cant get it to compile fully 09:07 (true 49/50 of the time) 09:09 jonadab: seriously though 09:09 you should add shallow water to the mines 09:09 it makes flavour sense which I think was sgrunt's original idea 09:09 no matter how much K2 wants to twist it 09:09 it makes *sense* 09:09 it's just evil 09:11 FIQ: Actually, deep water would be less evil in NH4 than in GruntHack. 09:12 Because of UI differences. 09:12 Thhough requiring a pick to traverse Mines levels is slightly evil, since the Mines is often where players GET a pick. 09:14 I suggested shallow water for 4k 09:14 since it has it 09:15 Sure. 09:15 Could do a mixture of them, actually. 09:17 FIQ, jonadab: do you think the system of tiered spellbook appearances for narrowing them down without price-id would also work for scrolls? In this case, the length of the label would roughly correlate with price. 09:17 not sure 09:18 aosdict: Possibly? 09:18 Are you thinking the number of "words" in the scroll name indicates price bracket, or what? 09:18 The list of names might have to be changed. 09:18 s/names/labels/ 09:19 Just the string length. And it wouldn't be a rigid correlation.. 09:19 s/.././ 09:19 Currently, I classify scrolls into the following price brackets. 1. Identify. 2. Light. 3. Enchant Weapon. 4. 80zm. 5. unimportant. 6. 300zm. 09:20 Scrolls have the same problem as spellbooks, no way to informally ID them except price ID and monster use 09:20 (Light is also unimportant, but it's useful to distinguish it from enchant weapon.) 09:20 200zm has taming 09:20 it is very important 09:20 and in 4k it also has flood 09:20 (Because enchant weapon can be improtant early.) 09:20 both useful 09:20 Well, and read-testing. But that's not a good idea 09:21 in fiqhack you can throw them to a monster and see what happens 09:21 FIQ: The 100/150/200zm scrolls aren't worth trying to narrow down based on price, IMO. I just wait until I can formally ID all my stuff, for those. 09:21 Same as potions. 09:21 there is no 150zm scrolls 09:21 Ah. 09:21 potions can be safely quaff-IDed 09:21 100/200 then. 09:21 quaffing unidentified potions is a good way to get 389287497 turns of hallucination. 09:21 And then you die. 09:21 worst is hallu and sickness (but the latter can be trivially IDed with ammo) 09:22 yeah 09:22 allthough I don't consider hallu detrimental 09:22 just very, very annoying 09:22 and it last for half a century 09:22 It makes you kill your pet. 09:22 but generally I just lock myself in a closet 09:22 and 500s 09:22 (That's the one and only way in which Brogue hallu is not as bad: you don't kill your pet.) 09:23 (In all other ways, Brogue hallu is as bad or worse.) 09:23 in 4k you can id hallu though 09:23 Being locked in a closet with a stack of food would help. 09:23 so it is nice 09:23 At Delphi, yeah. 09:23 so once you are past oracle 09:23 Which, that's a side effect. 09:23 you can safely quaff-ID 09:23 The reason I put hallu at Delphi was for Sokoban haters. 09:23 just make sure there's no monster next to you 09:24 in case you get paralysis 09:24 sleeping is ok, you wake up if hit 09:24 But since having it there makes quaff ID less scary post-delphi, I should probably also shorten the duration of hallu from quaffing, to make it more usable as a utility. 09:24 Before you get a unihorn. 09:27 [nd] munterplant (Val Hum Fem Law), 5011 points, T:3645, killed by a priest of Odin, while paralyzed by a monster 09:37 woo found a bag! 09:37 of tricks 09:38 [nd] munterplant (Val Hum Fem Law), 1334 points, T:924, killed by a Mordor orc 09:45 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 09:45 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 09:45 floating eye dropped a blindfold, but not a corpse :/ 09:46 blindfold is useful for the next floating eye! 10:00 True! (except that I already had one) :/ 10:02 ...and there's another eye! (and a corpse this time) :D 10:02 !who 10:02 K2: NeroOneTrueKing [dnh] Tangles [gh] elenmirie [nd] 10:07 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 10:10 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 10:10 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 10:20 jonadab: so should I suggest to devteam to make CM a misc item instead o defensive 10:20 or do you think it would be a bad suggestion 10:20 I don't want to clutter their buglist with stuff so probably not a good idea to suggest 10:20 I think it has major balance implications. 10:21 So should not happen on the 3.6 branch. 10:21 oh I know 10:21 jonadab: you mean like the elbereth changes? 10:21 that did happen on 3.6? 10:21 and the speed system fixes 10:21 Well, the most disruptive ones of those were done on the 3.6 branch before 3.6.0 was released. 10:21 and nerfing quest artifact invoking 10:22 -!- mode/Beholder [+Zi] by Beholder 10:22 -!- card.freenode.net changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org ¤ GruntHack 0.2.2 is now live 10:22 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v Beholder] by ChanServ 10:22 But they take things back toward 3.4.3, IMO. 10:22 !ping 10:22 K2: Pong! 10:22 A little. 10:23 jonadab: thing is 10:23 I have the feeling that the change has a chance to actually be applied 10:23 and it would be fun to see how people deal with it :3 10:23 Long-term, it would probably be a good thing. Short-term, it would be disruptive. 10:23 And would necessitate additional balance changes, likely. 10:24 mostly because apparently at least some DT people doesn't know how muse works 10:24 monsters summoning allies does seem like a more miscellaneous strategy than a purely defensive one 10:24 aosdict: yep 10:24 but do you realize what impact this would have? 10:24 -!- K2 changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org ¤ GruntHack 0.2.2 and Slash'EM Extended 2.0.5 are now live 10:24 if not -- play fiqhack some time 10:24 aosdict: It makes sense. I don't disagree with it. I just think it's the kind of thing you do on trunk only, and then rebalance around it. 10:25 while technically it's not a misc item in fiqhack since fiqhack rewrites muse completely 10:25 it has similar impact 10:25 as if it was misc on vanilla 10:26 jonadab: I just end up getting this evil grin at the thought of the DT making that change to 3.6.1 :P 10:27 kinda like kaen having xray vision and killing your boulders 10:27 aosdict: anyway, to clarify 10:27 after fiqhack's muse rewrite 10:28 I ended up nerfing wands of create monster after some complaints 10:28 it wasn't enough 10:28 so I reduced their spawn rate 10:28 to 1/9 rather than 1/3 of the time they would otherwise get the scroll 10:29 create monster spam is not a too rare sight in fiqhack 10:30 Yeah. 10:30 sure, if you change the strategy so monsters generally have more opportunities to use it, the frequency of monsters getting them should be reduced by about that much 10:31 (perhaps wands of create monster could be defensive items, but that's not really consistent) 10:31 that is silly 10:31 it should be misc 10:34 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 10:44 [nd] elenmirie (Mon Hum Fem Neu) completed Sokoban, on T:8597 10:54 [gh] Tangles (Val Dwa Fem Law) completed Sokoban, on T:11335 11:02 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 11:02 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 11:06 -!- raisse has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:06 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 11:06 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 11:11 jonadab: here's a possible combination of scroll labels related to price: https://pastebin.com/7tgYgvmi 11:20 -!- lorimer has joined #hardfought 11:24 Hmm. 11:25 The code that does the shuffling would need to be changed, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. It could likely use an update. (Fourk already had to update it to get it to correctly handle extra appearances for potions, books, and rings.) 11:26 It's not clear to me that VENZAR BORGAVE, for instance, is really that much longer than LEP GEX VEN ZEA. 11:26 But that's a niggle. 11:28 -!- noty has joined #hardfought 11:28 It's notable that the cheap category (label less than 8 letters) can all be safely read-identified, and if known blessed this can be done without significant waste, with some preparation. 11:28 Yes, since this is a tentative addition to tiered spellbook descriptions, the shuffle code would have to be changed anyway. 11:28 (You risk wasting a scroll of light.) 11:29 Oh, good point about the spellbook shuffle. 11:29 Yes, that too would require changes to the shuffle code. Similar ones. 11:30 IMO, this would be a major change to the ID game, because it allows the identification process to be bootstrapped without a shop. 11:30 If you read-ID the cheap scrolls until you get Identify, you can bypass price ID entirely. 11:30 Another way to do this would be to widen the bands, so if you get MAPIRO MAHAMA DIROMAT or XIXAXA XOXAXA XUXAXA you know it's not identify, and it probably isn't a price 100 11:31 but you can't be sure whether it's 200 or 300 11:32 I should probably mention that Fourk made a different change to make bootstrapping price ID easier: barring bones, Minetown is guaranteed to have either a book store (College Town) or a general store (otherwise) in Fourk. 11:32 So you can always price-check scrolls at Minetown in Fourk, barring bones. 11:33 (And Minetown bones will only load if you set the bones option to "even on special levels", which can also give you e.g. Sokobones.) 11:34 One could argue that's even more powerful for bootstrapping the ID game, since it identifies identify unambiguously 11:34 But you have to get to Minetown. 11:35 NetHack 3.6.1-dev updated 11:35 Also, my change doesn't _bypass_ price ID, just makes it possible. 11:35 So the two changes are fundamentally different IMO. 11:35 Not sure which is better. 11:35 Though they solve at least one problem in common. 11:36 [gh] Tangles (Val Dwa Fem Law) wished for "blessed greased fireproof +5 dragonhide cloak of magic resistance and reflection named YASD is just around the corner", on T:12017 11:37 I don't know, I'm not sure I like the idea of making shops be a necessary part of the ID game, since as FIQ noted, some players consider price id to be one of the worst mechanics in the game. 11:37 hi 11:37 Hello FIQ, Welcome to #hardfought 11:37 or, well, not _necessary_, but very helpful 11:37 yes 11:37 I find it a very bad mechanic 11:37 I'm sufficiently experienced/spoiled that I use it myself without too much hassle 11:38 but it's... not a good thing 11:40 One thing is, though, I greatly dislike the way Brogue requires you to use-identify everything, and there's no safe way to do it really. 11:40 aosdict: at one point I considered "solving" it by fuzzing the price enough for it to be useless aside from "cheap means this, expensive means this" 11:40 I _like_ the fact that NetHack's ID game gives you lots of interesting ways to ID things. 11:40 So I think price ID as a mechanic should stay in the game. 11:40 so basically you could still figure i.e. scrolls of ID out 11:41 but otherwise it was up to RNG, allthough you could get a vague idea of usefulness based on price 11:41 I think this is how ADOM price id works, more or less 11:41 But I don't mind having _other alternatives_ besides price ID, for boostrapping the ID game. 11:41 you can get a vague idea of an item's usefulness from its price 11:42 but it's so many factors involved, and RNG, that you don't really know 11:42 I think I like that system of price ID better 11:42 Note that I almost never price ID potions. 11:43 if I find a ring, I don't want to be able to take it to a shop and determine if it's 200 or 300, if so keep it, and if not sell it 11:43 aosdict: basically I was thinking, on top of the existing modifiers, change the price categories around a bit, and in a single game fuzz the actual price between 0.33x-3x 11:43 And I don't think I've ever price-identified a weapon. Armor, only when deciding what to buy from an early armor shop. 11:43 aosdict: have you seen Fourk ring ID options? 11:44 No 11:44 aosdict: You still _can_ price-check them, but you don't _need to bother_. 11:44 "change the price categories around a bit" meaning "make it more consistent, with more 'powerful' effects costing more" 11:44 aosdict: Probably the most salient reason is because early enlightenment is more available. 11:45 lorimer: didn't sporkhack mess with price id some? what did it do exactly 11:45 FIQ: do you think rings in particular need to be changed around a bit? 11:45 let me take a look 11:45 iirc ring prices atm is rather arbitrary 11:46 also, something that could easily mess up price ID without more than minor algorithmic tweaks is to remove tiered prices altogether 11:46 FIQ: Eh, in NetHack the most useful effects are _cheaper_ in some item categories, most notably scrolls. Also to some extent books (light, identify, magic missile, charm monster, remove curse, all level 3 or lower). 11:46 yep, arbitrary 11:46 shock res is 150, fire res 200 11:46 for whatever reason 11:47 Ring price is "anything less than 200zm isn't worth identifying unless you can enlightenment-ID it on turn 50 or so". 11:47 jonadab: I was going to increase the price of enchant scrolls in this potential proposal 11:47 not ID scrolls, because they need to be distinct 11:47 Hmm. 11:47 jonadab: to the 200 category 11:47 sporkhack had a number of features that incidentally affected price-ID 11:47 below genocide (most powerful scroll in the game) definitely 11:48 lorimer: lich shopkeepers? 11:48 but above some other stuff 11:48 Or were lich shopkeepers Grunt? 11:48 -- bad or useless objects were added to every price category 11:48 With some simple fuzzing, and let's say, the 200 zm rings' base prices scattered around on an interval of 150-250, price id would be still useful but impossible to determine any single item 11:48 -- shopkeepers became potentially nonhuman and correspondingly racist (lich shopkeepers were me, yes) 11:48 lorimer: I was considering changing up the categories a bit, so you could still reasonably figure out scrolls of ID from price id, and then add a per-game price fuzzing 11:48 lorimer: I don't like useless objects, but I do like potentially-dangerous ones. 11:48 do you think it would be a good idea? 11:49 (basically fuzz actual price fo an object type between 0.5x-2x or 0.33x-3x) 11:49 -- there was a random variant on price added to each individual object based on oid that potentially allowed it to overlap categories 11:49 (suspect this answers what you just typed) 11:49 hmm 11:49 I don't like the per-oid thing 11:50 it means added tedium more than anything 11:50 vanilla already tries to do that, but fails because it's non-deterministic and you can just drop the object repeatedly to get multiple quotes. 11:50 unless you mean per-otyp? 11:50 in general, i tried to add as much variance as i could that was generated at game start and was hidden from the player, and therefore couldn't be calculated from tables or a website efficiently 11:50 (added tedium because you'd just hoard a bunch of a certain type of scroll and price id individually) 11:50 FIQ: hm. i actually don't remember if it was otyp or oid 11:50 otyp makes more sense IMO anyway 11:50 helms of OA were oid 11:50 but yeah, sounds like the same idea as I had then 11:51 or similar 11:51 but that's because you rarely had more than one, and so any given one would always switch you the same way from neutral 11:51 heh 11:51 if you wished for a second one to make it work anyway, $win 11:52 because that helped clutter up the "what to wish for" tree 11:52 I always found that a bit silly tbh because it helps those who abuse it 11:52 and makes it just annoying for others 11:52 otyp is probably better in general though, because there are ways to make the shopkeepers themselves more random that you can't just "get another" out of 11:53 lich keepers, frex. you can usually reliably price-ID books there because everything's jacked up so high, but you are also likely going to have to beat the books out of the shk 11:54 The most important bit in the fuzzing I did was making sure that the 'fuzz' was in such a way that tiers could overlap 11:54 ie. a high fuzz 200-base scroll could also be a low fuzz 300-base 11:55 so price-ID -mostly- worked... buuuuut there was always that chance 11:55 turned being clever into a positive, not a guarantee 11:57 this is why I think the base prices could be spread out some. Ring of regeneration? Might be base price 260 and worth more than the base price 250 ring of polymorph. 11:57 i never got around to redoing base prices of most things 11:57 i think they didn't reflect actual utility in many cases though 11:57 identify being 26 was an obvious outlier, but probably good to have -that- one easily findable 11:59 and of course the local economy was broken too, as the player had a ton of ways to get 'more gold than they'll ever need' 12:00 Yes, I think at some point the amount of gold in the game needs a comprehensive rebalance. 12:01 with a stick 12:01 Hmm, /r/roguelikedev is advertising a Roguelike Celebration in San Francisco in November. Don't we have a couple of people who live there? dtype for instance? 12:02 NetHack should be represented. 12:02 Someone got Adeon to go and do a speedrun, I think. maybe dtype. 12:03 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 12:03 Oh, nice. 12:06 -!- K2 changed the topic on #hardfought to: Welcome to Hardfought - https://www.hardfought.org/ - public irc logs available on website ¤ Public NetHack server - ssh nethack@hardfought.org ¤ GruntHack 0.2.2 and Slash'EM Extended 2.0.5 are now live - NetHack 3.6.1-dev has been updated 12:09 jonadab: what if using a cursed key could break it? 12:12 FIQ: IMO, skeleton keys should obviousl y be made of bone, at which point it makes sense they can break. 12:13 However, a Slash'EM style "any unlocking device can break any time" is too much, because it just forces the player to tediously carry spare keys. 12:13 So if cursed kind of makes sense. Not sure. 12:16 What was the rationale behind not putting different type keys and keyholes into vanilla? 12:16 hey K2.... Couldn't load "bigrm-5.lev" - making a maze.--More-- 12:16 I know there was some reason, but I can't remember it 12:16 Program in disorder - perhaps you'd better #quit.--More-- 12:16 eeeergh 12:17 dev was just recently updated 12:17 oh. 12:17 as in within last hour 12:17 no save break tho 12:17 hm, I had something similar once before on an update 12:17 actually not getting the big room might be a good thing :) 12:17 right. didnt save/reload resolve it? 12:18 no, in that case it was minetown and it stayed a maze 12:18 oh... hah right 12:18 sumbitch 12:18 but you want the bigroom though right? ;) 12:18 but not getting the big room is not such a negative as not getting minetown :) 12:18 aosdict: vanilla used to have it 12:18 it was removed 12:19 a maze again... 12:19 this is interesting 12:19 elenmirie: and this one will not have minotaurs, luckily 12:19 good! no minotaurs, please. 12:19 so if the game cant reliabily create a set room, it mkaes a maze? 12:19 yes 12:20 yes 12:20 that's what the error message says 12:20 except not with the usual feature set 12:20 i.e. no minotaurs 12:20 thats kinda cool 12:20 neat lil failsafe built in 12:20 does going up the stairs take you to dlvl 10 elenmirie? 12:21 should do, but I haven't tried this time 12:21 ok 12:21 last time it did, the level was connected in correctly, you just didn't get the special level 12:22 ok 12:22 quite a few tweaks and fixes/changes since the last time we updated dev 12:22 * K2 is reading them 12:23 where are they? 12:23 FIQ sold me a dummy. there's a minotaur. 12:24 i'm reading these - https://github.com/NHTangles/NetHack36/commits/hardfought - anything more recent than jul 26th is new to our build 12:24 thx 12:29 hah neat 12:29 using cursed whistle in a vault summons the guard 12:29 throne rooms now spawn a king 12:29 couple other variants already do that (throne room bit) 12:30 carrots can now cure blind pets 12:30 blessed scroll of fire can be targeted 12:30 oooh 12:32 quote "Reduce the chance of a player playing on a public server encountering their own bones, by implementing separate bones pools. The pool a player belongs to is determined at game start, and only bones in that pool are used. The sysconf BONES_POOLS allows the sysadmin to define how many pools there are." 12:32 hm, a boulder pushed onto a level teleporter should level teleport, shouldn't it? 12:32 yes I like that one about the bones pools 12:32 i thought they teleported everything 12:33 FIQ: right, but *why* was it removed? 12:33 yeah, I just pushed a boulder onto one, then found the trap through auto searching, and the boulder is still sitting on it 12:33 whatever BONES_POOLS is set to as default is what we currently are using 12:33 hmm 12:35 make that TWO minotaurs. 12:35 damn 12:36 you got em tho yay 12:36 luckily they are still not sleep resistant 12:36 here have an orange 12:36 elenmirie: hm 12:36 then it changed from 3.4.3 12:36 sorry 12:36 not your fault! :) 12:36 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 12:36 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 12:36 elenmirie it probably IS 12:36 what, FIQ's fault? 12:36 yup 12:36 heh 12:37 my wife keeps asking me who FIQ is everytime something goes wrong 12:37 heheh 12:37 he's like a common household name now 12:37 elenmirie: only if it was "pushed" by a rolling boulder does it teleport I think 12:37 hahaha 12:37 did 3.6.x fix the issue with pets choking on food you throw them? 12:38 uh 12:38 that doesn't happen outside grunthack 12:38 oh 12:38 I wanted to add it to fiqhack 12:38 everyone said no 12:38 I wonder why 12:38 lol 12:38 you wanted pets to choke on food? 12:38 thrown to them yes :) 12:38 that's evil! 12:38 we need to fix that for gh 12:39 gameplay change 12:39 I think gh does it on purpose 12:39 i believe hothraxxa felt that pain at some point 12:39 which src file handles pets and eating 12:39 lets see if there are notes 12:39 it was a change to the vanilla bottomless pit (or is that bottomless pet) concept 12:39 oh i did, believe me 12:39 still haven't forgiven gh 12:40 if its a bug - fix it. if its intentional, leave it 12:40 bad enough that pets get satiated and won't eat your troll corpses 12:40 * hothraxxa looks at fiq 12:41 K2: it's clearly intentional 12:41 where is it clearly defined 12:41 show meh 12:41 in dog_eat() 12:41 line 316 12:41 you lazy ;) 12:42 i'm looking in eat.c 12:42 which seems the logical place to look 12:43 you're saying look in dog.c? 12:43 yes 12:43 sorry 12:43 dogmove.c 12:43 yeah of course because how lazy of me to not think to look there first 12:43 have you heard of grep 12:43 yes but i have github page pen already 12:43 open 12:43 hence lazy ;) 12:44 no 12:44 saving time 12:44 grep is how i figure dout how to fix the slex compile issue earlier today 12:44 that was enough grepping for you today 12:44 hard work 12:44 so go find the biggest penis you can find, and go suck it 12:44 pff :P 12:45 hm. finished backscroll >: 12:45 ;) 12:45 hothraxxa: was it interesting backscroll 12:45 hothraxxa: grunthack made pet choking intentional 12:45 i have concluded that devs are just another manifestation of the rng 12:45 haha what 12:45 they want the player to die 12:46 you figured that out *now*? 12:46 lol 12:46 all of the discussion here is fascinating 12:46 hothraxxa: what do you like the price id talk 12:46 about killing it 12:46 if every nethack player knew this stuff, no one would ever play the game 12:46 ha 12:47 well i've played without price-id and i hate it 12:47 i just submitted that to the nh quote db 12:47 fucking classic 12:47 lol 12:47 hothraxxa: do you know why I haven't killed it yet 12:48 because I want to find a suitable replacement first 12:48 dang K2. beat me to it. 12:48 not because of me 12:48 heh 12:48 i'm fine with a replacement 12:48 hothraxxa: I have 2 solutions to price id in my mind 12:48 1: embrace it and make the game automate the entire thing for you, because fuck that tedium 12:49 i just don't like playing without much hope of identifying something. 12:49 2: kill it with fire and replace with something better 12:49 yes i'm looking at you amy 12:49 hothraxxa: at least in fiqhack you would feel it less 12:49 due to id scroll changes 12:49 i know 12:49 true. the fuzzing solutions to price id don't actually help with the essential problems of price id. 12:49 aosdict: it does 12:49 it kills price id more or less 12:49 which is the best solution 12:49 look i like fh overall. don't like some of the changes but they don't make me not want to play the game 12:50 it's not a good feature 12:50 but it needs a good replacement overall 12:50 oh, so you mean the regimented and rigid price id as it is now, not a complete removal? 12:50 hothraxxa: I figured there was clearly something I was doing right 12:50 or you wouldn't play the game 12:50 i'd say all of what you do is right 12:50 that is not true 12:50 nobody is perfect 12:50 people can rightfully complain on features 12:50 see: create monster changes 12:50 hrm. not me either? 12:50 nor pet choking 12:51 because fuzzing solutions that break up prices on a basic cheap to expensive scale don't remove the player's motivation to haul loot to a shop to price-check it 12:51 if I didn't listen to feedback at all 12:51 fiqhack would have pet choking 12:51 i didn't like the cm mobs, but i played with them 12:51 teleporting stuff would still require master skill 12:51 create monster would still be insane 12:51 however if you nerfed taming as well, that would make me stop playing 12:52 jonadab, FIQ: spork had "cursed tools might break" in it. worked out fairly well, it was an incentive to not just let all your stuff get cursed and who cares 12:52 didn't penalize newbies because they never got far enough to get anything cursed 12:52 hmm 12:52 anyway, pet choking would probably be fine in fh 12:53 because pets stop eating 12:53 fiqhack's dev cycle seems a lot like fourk would be if K2 regularly pulled and rebuilt the bleeding edge changes 12:53 aosdict: fiqhack updates more rapidly 12:53 but pretty much 12:53 however, doing so isn't really feasible 12:53 because bleeding-edge can savebreak at any point 12:53 well, you're not actually marking them as new versions 12:53 while fiqhack is intended to not savebreak ever 12:53 so you could make a pet eat anything tossed to them, so they could still choke 12:53 aosdict: because it marks a savebreak 12:53 jonadab doesnt really want bleeding edge fourk on live public server afaik 12:54 K2: it wouldn't even be a good idea 12:54 yes, just using it as an example 12:54 unless you want random savebreaks just for fun 12:54 i'd accept that. my beef with gh was that you had no way to know it could happen 12:54 um. i mean to know that your pet was vulnerable 12:54 hothraxxa: I have actually considered nerfing taming 12:54 stethoscope or wand of probing maybe 12:54 i know 12:55 only let you have a limited amount of monsters tamed at a time 12:55 grunt yani: stethoscopes show when a pet is satiated 12:55 aosdict: I should perhaps add that to fiqhack 12:55 fiqhack pets have satiation too 12:55 they just don't choke 12:55 yes. it's annoying but not a big deal 12:55 EAT THAT ICE TROLL YOU ASSHOLE 12:56 just find a tinning kit :P 12:56 i know how to deal with it 12:56 my tinning kits are always named Trollsbane 12:56 it's much more useful than the actual artifact 12:56 FIQ: Honestly, if you want to kill price ID, just remove shops from the game. 12:56 gah 12:56 jonadab: what 12:56 why would I do that 12:56 nooooo! 12:56 shops are part of the game 12:56 ^^ 12:56 Price ID is their mai raison d'etre. 12:56 hell I want to add shopkeeper services 12:57 once I can figure out how to make it not broken 12:57 hi chibougami! does my ass look fat in this robe? 12:57 jonadab: nethack *invented* the shop type nethack has 12:57 now used in several other roguelieks 12:57 *roguelikes 12:58 suits you, sir! 12:58 suits. where can i get some of that nice gray dragonscale? 12:59 lol 12:59 for shopkeeper services I was thinking 12:59 only accept cash 12:59 and selling only gives credit 12:59 does this robe make my ass look big? no, your ass makes your ass look big 12:59 lol 13:00 kills credit cloning too 13:00 but not "normal" shop stealing 13:00 fiq: what prices? 13:00 which I don't mind that much 13:00 hothraxxa: for shk services? unsure 13:00 I would probably make it a conduct either way 13:01 see i've found that they were too expensive 13:01 in case I do somehow break it regardless 13:01 but you play slex 13:01 shopkeepers in slex is a ripoff 13:01 hrm 13:01 try dnethack 13:01 or regular slash'em 13:01 i consider slex shopkeepers useless for id purposes 13:01 well 13:01 yeah 13:01 they can't do price id 13:01 at all 13:02 istr dnethack sk services were pretty pricey too 13:02 because everything cost equally as much as the highest priced item of that type in vanilla 13:02 well it depends on service 13:02 but I don't mind it being somewhat expensive 13:02 you can do pretty crazy stuff with it after all 13:02 makes it useless when it counts most 13:03 I generally hoard gold and stuff in dnethack 13:03 early game without much gold 13:03 then at midgame or so 13:03 go to a shop 13:03 and id everything 13:11 jonadab: YASI: stealing from a shop indirectly with pets doesn't make the shopkeeper angry directly (as usual) but he knows full well what you're doing and will jack up prices and tell other shopkeepers, do it enough and you're no longer welcome to their shops 13:12 [dnh] Tarmunora (Ana Dro Fem Cha) wished for "Blessed greased fixed historic +5 tie-dye shirt of shambhala", on T:10882 13:14 [dnh] Tarmunora (Ana Dro Fem Cha) killed Medusa, on T:10993 13:18 FIQ: I think monster/player symetry should dictate that it's no easier for a pet to carry an unpaid item out of a shop than it is for you. 13:19 Though perhaps pets shouldn't have a _bill_, because having shopkeepers trap your pet forever if it has eaten the tripe might be a little bit evil. 13:19 fiq: is this a bug? i am permanently invisible from eating stalker. when i invoke the ood, it says i'm unfading but i am still invisible to shopkeepers and monsters 13:21 I mean, if we were going to enforce "you should keep your pet on a leash" principles, then players who start with a pet should start with a leash. And they don't. 13:22 Of course, even if shopkeepers block a pet with an unpaid item from leaving via the door, you could circumvent this with a magic whistle. 13:22 So having the shopkeeper get mildly-peeved at you and charge higher prices then would make sense in that context. 13:27 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:35 [nd] elenmirie (Mon Hum Fem Neu) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:15783 13:38 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 13:40 [gh] k2 (Arc Dwa Mal Law), 260 points, T:1679, killed by a jackal 13:52 -!- LarienTelrunya has joined #hardfought 14:00 -!- Jonathanhanes_ has quit [Quit: vanishes] 14:03 [slex] dolores (Bin Clk Fem Law), 21 points, T:538, killed by a monster (marine goblin) 14:03 -!- greqrg has joined #hardfought 14:07 [gh] k2 (Arc Dwa Mal Law), 2479 points, T:2623, fell into a pit 14:14 jonadab: the player is not an animal 14:14 an animal has no concept of shopping 14:14 what you say definitely holds for intelligent monsters though 14:14 hothraxxa: working as intended, minus the weird message 14:14 I think vanilla works the same 14:14 i was planning to check 14:15 -!- raisse has joined #hardfought 14:15 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v raisse] by ChanServ 14:15 i think the orb should trump permainvis 14:15 half way thru dbl shift 14:15 yay 14:20 FIQ: You think shopkeepers ought to turn a blind eye to animals, in particular, walking out with shop merchandise? 14:23 when an animal gets loose in a real-life shop, the shopkeeper rarely just lets it take anything it wants 14:23 at the least, they'd probably call animal control 14:23 There's a thought. 14:23 Add a dogcatcher to NetHack. 14:23 If your pet steals from a shop, and you don't get it leashed before the dogcatcher shows up, you have to pay to get it out of hock. 14:23 make it a role 14:33 -!- tsadok has joined #hardfought 14:33 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v tsadok] by ChanServ 14:35 just had a first 14:35 successfully did part of protection racket w/ arc, bought 6 points of protection at lvl 1 (minetown temple) 14:35 grunthack hah 14:36 neat 14:36 i'll b dead here soon 14:36 there's a drawvish soldier here with a crossbow and bolts of fire 14:36 *dwarvish 14:37 -!- jonadab has quit [*.net *.split] 14:39 -!- Webmant9 has joined #hardfought 14:42 -!- Webmant has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:43 -!- Webmant9 is now known as Webmant 14:51 [gh] k2 (Arc Dwa Mal Law), 415 points, T:2803, killed by a human priestess of Quetzalcoatl 14:51 wtf 14:51 i aimed at the wrong monster 14:52 8 points of protection for nothing lol 14:52 [dnh] Tarmunora (Ana Dro Fem Cha) destroyed the Arsenal, on T:15394 14:59 [dnh] Tarmunora (Ana Dro Fem Cha) killed Sir Garland, on T:15852 15:01 [dnh] Tarmunora (Ana Dro Fem Cha) killed the Nightmare, on T:15948 15:01 [dnh] Tarmunora (Ana Dro Fem Cha) destroyed the invisible Lich, the Fiend of Earth, on T:15949 15:01 gg 15:02 ais523: just make the shopkeeper surround the offender with nymphs :P 15:02 where would a real-life shopkeeper find all those nymphs? :-P 15:02 heh, shopkeepers using mercenaries to get rid of pets 15:03 ais523: I meant ingame 15:03 in the fountain build into the shop 15:03 *built 15:04 or in the unmappable unfindable unteleportable closet 15:05 [dnh] Tarmunora (Ana Dro Fem Cha) killed Kary, the Fiend of Fire, on T:16019 15:06 [nd] elenmirie (Mon Hum Fem Neu), 49675 points, T:18945, killed by an Elvenking 15:08 [dnh] Tarmunora (Ana Dro Fem Cha) killed Kraken, the Fiend of Water, on T:16112 15:11 [slex] dolores (Elp Ang Fem Cha), 22044 points, T:5372, killed by a tail spikes 15:11 [dnh] Tarmunora (Ana Dro Fem Cha) killed Tiamat, the Fiend of Wind, on T:16164 15:13 hm 15:13 !lastgame dolores 15:13 LarienTelrunya: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/d/dolores/slex/dumplog/1504548202.slex.txt 15:13 I should finish ability stuff so I can give rogues, nymphs and shopkeepers an itemsteal ability 15:13 ais523: you know what would be hell? 15:13 a nymph who encountered a ring of teleport control :P 15:15 does that work in vanilla? 15:15 I'd imagine it would work in fiqhack 15:15 although at least if the player didn't have agg monster / the nymph didn't have monster detection, she wouldn't know where to teleport 15:15 it does work in fiqhack, yeah 15:15 true 15:16 one curious effect of fiqhack teleporting monsters without teleport control, which I think is an accidental AI bug I introduced at some point, allthough I like the effect so I haven't tried to figure out why it happens, is that if you hit a leppy/nymph 15:16 it will promptly teleport away 15:16 [dnh] Tarmunora (Ana Dro Fem Cha) killed Garland, on T:16604 15:17 [dnh] Tarmunora (Ana Dro Fem Cha) destroyed Chaos, on T:16634 15:48 !slexrc loli 15:48 !slexrc dolores 15:48 !slexrc AmyBSOD 15:48 https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/b/bugsniper/slex/bugsniper.slexrc 15:48 https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/d/dolores/slex/dolores.slexrc 15:48 loli isn't using the dungeon option, because there's no sane reason to hide walls from view :P 15:49 but anyway, your last rcfile line is causing it: DUNGEON=032 179 196 218 191 192 217 197 193 194 180 195 250 254 254 043 043 035 035 250 250 177 177 060 062 060 062 095 124 092 244 244 244 247 250 247 250 250 035 035 096 096 032 247 035 15:49 if you replace that with the updated one, it should work correctly 15:49 ??? 15:50 DUNGEON = 032 179 196 218 191 192 217 197 193 194 180 195 035 035 035 250 254 254 043 043 241 241 035 035 250 250 177 177 060 062 060 062 095 124 092 244 244 244 247 250 247 250 250 035 035 096 096 032 247 035 247 247 247 247 247 244 244 092 092 124 124 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 096 250 096 096 124 124 035 15:50 ^^ that is the updated config 15:50 -!- raisse has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 15:51 he cheated on the kurwa role using the nopet flag 15:51 lol 15:51 bug_sniper: it isn't cheating 15:51 loli: well, unlike the two of us, some players mysteriously want to make it so that solid rock is not # but empty space 15:51 I want the hallways to be ### 15:51 in kuwa mode 15:51 to make it ez pz 15:51 it's harder in base asci 15:51 easier in DCS mode 15:51 but still a bit hard 15:51 if this can fix that 15:52 I can kuwa all night long with no issue 15:52 well you can customize the dungeon any way you want, making it so that corridors are # is possible 15:52 if you give me the dungeon command 15:52 wait, let me fix it for you 15:52 one moment 15:52 I'll use that for kuwa 15:52 hide walls as well for kuwa 15:52 side it'll be weird 15:52 for both to be # 15:52 but remember, it only works if the graphics are set to IBM 15:52 -!- elenmirie has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (www.adiirc.com)] 15:53 not ibm 15:53 ibm doesn't work on linux 15:53 -!- elenmirie has joined #hardfought 15:53 -!- mode/#hardfought [+v elenmirie] by ChanServ 15:53 so it doesn't matter 15:53 loli: try this: 15:53 DUNGEON = 032 179 196 218 191 192 217 197 193 194 180 195 035 035 035 250 254 254 043 043 241 241 035 035 250 250 035 035 060 062 060 062 095 124 092 244 244 244 247 250 247 250 250 035 035 096 096 032 247 035 247 247 247 247 247 244 244 092 092 124 124 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 096 250 096 096 124 124 035 15:53 bug_sniper: are you on linux? 15:53 there, it's fixed 15:53 no, I'm on windows 15:53 ah 15:53 fixed my slexrc now 15:53 :) 15:54 it's wierd that you have to copy a little piece at a time because otherwise, you get kicked off 15:54 unless you use the wev editor 15:55 loli, you're not using a number pad? 15:55 really? I copied my esm config in one go 15:55 why would I ever 15:55 num pad is icky 15:59 because I copied your slexrc and had to turn on number pad 15:59 haha 15:59 nice 16:04 [slex] bugsniper (Nec Spe Fem Law), 1274 points, T:738, killed by a monster (dwarf lord mutant) 16:04 rip :( 16:04 @le?dwarf lord mutant 16:04 somehow it hit very hard 16:04 !lastgame 16:04 LarienTelrunya: https://www.hardfought.org/userdata/b/bugsniper/slex/dumplog/1504554275.slex.txt 16:04 -!- tsadok is now known as jonadab 16:19 -!- ais523 has quit [] 16:19 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 16:19 -!- ais523 has quit [Changing host] 16:19 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 16:22 LarienTelrunya: do you maintain a running changelog of all the changes you've made to slex? 16:22 unfortunately not; however, the repo is more or less a changelog 16:22 ok 16:22 the commit history I mean 16:23 although I guess it would have been nice if I had kept changelogs from the beginning, but making one now would be a huge task :( 16:24 [gh] k2 (Arc Dwa Mal Law) had dwarvish silver mattock bestowed upon him by Quetzalcoatl, on T:2885 16:25 nice gift 16:25 it'll do for now heh 16:26 though, "silver dwarvish mattock" seems more appropriate 16:29 although, consulting ELL sites for ordering of adjectives, the origin of an object should come before its material. 16:29 bug_sniper: don't use virus 16:29 * aosdict shrugs 16:29 it has that "feature" 16:29 use nano 16:29 ^^ 16:30 nano > virus :D 16:30 well, that may be a virus bug 16:30 [fh] hothraxxa (Arc Hum Fem Neu) wished for "uncursed historic greased magic marker named stephen leacock", on T:41989 16:30 aosdict: if an adjective is affecting the type of object, you put it last 16:30 virus is how I learned to use vi 16:30 so if a "dwarvish mattock" is a specific type of mattock, as opposed to a mattock that happens to have been made by a dwarf 16:30 otherwise, I might have become an emacs user 16:31 you'd want "dwarvish" to be the last adjective 16:31 I'm not sure NetHack gives us enough information to tell 16:31 could someone help me figure out how to deal with this treasure chest? 16:31 I mean, can you pick it up like a regular chest to store things? 16:31 nope, it weighs way too much 16:31 yeah, thought so 16:32 it's meant as a static container that is sometimes spawned and which contains items that may or may not be useful 16:32 Dabloons? Pieces of eight? 16:32 hmm, let me double check with other sources 16:32 jonadab: heh, would make sense I guess ;) 16:33 hm, jonadab is bright cyan now 16:34 arrgh I discovered a stupid bug in the decontamination code, will have to issue a fix and push it tomorrow 16:34 aosdict: I got timeout-disconnected, and auto-reconnect used my altnick. 16:34 yes, I saw 16:34 easier to differentiate you from FIQ and K2 now :) 16:35 also: bug_sniper: you can probably use that container you saw inside the treasure chest, at least if you can lift it out of there ;) 16:35 yeah, that's my plan 16:36 also I'm wondering whether ais523's TAS tools could, in theory (not that I expect it to really be done), ascend slex in something like 200 turns since the quest is always open :D 16:36 TAS tools would make mincemeat out of slex. 16:36 Because all the things that make it hard are randoly occuring. 16:37 LarienTelrunya: probably; Slash'EM is normally easier when broken/RNG-manipulated than NetHack because it has more mechanics and you can manipulate away the ones that aren't in your favour 16:37 so S'EE would likely be even easier 16:38 If you want to make a variant harder to TAS, remove the things that allow advancing the RNG state without using game time, such as #name and eroding engravings by walking into a wall. 16:39 that probably wouldn't make it harder to complete as a TAS, just the TAS would be more tedious to make 16:39 slex probably has even more ways to manipulate the state without using time, and what's more, it has items that randomly slow down the passing of turns, so they could probably be used to get a T:2 ascension in fact 16:39 repeatedly cancelling an attack on a pet works just as well as wallwalking, it's just much slower 16:39 and even if you fix that too, there are other options that are harder to fix 16:40 repeated artifact blasts, for example (known as "0-turn unpolymorph") 16:40 amy, will that grey stone autocurse if I pick it up? 16:40 slex also allows picking up and dropping items in zero turns, does that advance the RNG? 16:41 bug_sniper: not sure; I'm actually surprised it didn't end up in your inventory 16:41 You are hit by a gray stone! 16:41 [-8 -> 97] You stop searching. The gray stone falls down the stairs. 16:41 an autocursing one should have landed in your inventory I think 16:41 not sure if the "fall down the stair" logic comes before or after that, though 16:42 I can wizmode it if you like 16:43 okay, the stone of misfiring really falls down the stair first, and then autocurses if I go down and pick it up 16:43 thanks 16:43 so all the other autocursing gray stones will be the same and this one is therefore not safe to pick up 16:43 why would you want a stone of misfiring anyway? :-D 16:44 so that makes down staircases good places to stand if something is throwing stones at you 16:44 you wouldn't, but enemies can throw them at you ;) 16:44 bug_sniper: yeah, but I think there's a chance that they don't fall down 16:44 still, it gives sort of a saving throw 16:45 EPI: there is also a chance it knocks you down the stairs, killing you.\ 16:45 ais523: slex has over 100 nasty gray stones that only serve as a hazard, each of which gives a different adverse effect while it's in your inventory. And monsters throwing them at you can cause them to be added to the inventory. 16:45 Where they autocurse, obviously. 16:45 bug_sniper: enjoy the fact that decontamination is ridiculously bugged right now ;) 16:45 jonadab: evil patch ideas against slex is cheating 16:46 Heh. 16:46 got it 16:46 with "ridiculously bugged" I mean that it's too easy to get decontaminated 16:46 so if contamination seems harmless right now, know that it won't stay that way *evil grin* :D 16:47 whoa a +2 droven crossbow! and necros can reach legendary crossbow skill! 16:48 no bolts though 16:48 hopefully you'll find some! the droven crossbow is one-handed, even! 16:48 and that +2 got nerfed 16:48 no shield either 16:48 what? it didn't! 16:48 just got a few bolts though 16:49 big disadvantage of crossbows is that they need to be something like +6 with the skill at least at "skilled" to receive multishot bonuses :( however, the bolts deal good damage and have a rather good range too 16:50 what really got nerfed are the sling rocks though (specifically rocks; flint stones are still powerful) 16:50 also, firing a sling/bow/crossbow at point blank is rather ineffective now (YASI for aosdict's list?) 16:51 how about gems and mithril stones 16:51 those all still do their usual damage; as I said, specifically the item named "rock" is nerfed, the reason being that it's all-common and very easy to get hundreds of them 16:53 LarienTelrunya: in the combat system overhaul, ranged attacks point blank don't have the same distance penalty as other ranged attacks, but multishot doesn't work 16:54 ah, that would require the game to know whether there is an enemy on the first square that the projectiles will hit; what if that monster is invisible, or for some other reason not seen by the player? 16:55 interesting case I hadn't considered 16:55 but since an unknown monster will get exposed after the first hit or miss, it should still work to cancel multishot afterward 16:55 what if it died to the first hit already? :D 16:55 too bad 16:56 still no multishot 16:56 also, in your proposal, does throwing e.g. a dagger at point blank work or does it receive the same nerf? 16:56 missile weapons are a ranged attack and so can't be multishot point blank 16:56 ah 16:57 It might make for interesting strategy if you _did_ try to multishot stuff if you can't see the monster next to you though. 16:57 in slex, it's specifically launchers (that are not firearms) which receive penalties for shooting at point blank; throwing daggers, or shooting a shotgun, should still work 16:57 See, I think it'd be harder to throw 3 daggers in quick succession than shoot 3 arrows 16:58 I've tried to fire a toy bow once. Muuuuuuch harder than throwing an object. It took me over a minute until the arrow was finally loaded! 16:59 I mean, I was probably being stupid and a trained fighter could do it much faster, but still, throwing a dagger should take no more than 3 seconds, and then you reach for the next one and throw again 16:59 bug_sniper: you should use your container more often! 17:00 LarienTelrunya: yeah I think you're probably Unskilled in toy bow, right? 17:00 nah, restricted :D 17:00 yeah 17:00 bug_sniper: in particular, put your gold in it before sitting on a throne or reading a spellbook, or it might get deleted, which is what happened there :( 17:01 yeah 17:02 hahaha a spellbook of wishing :D hardest to cast of all spells in the game! 17:06 EVC trap :) 17:07 bug_sniper: use the pick-axe :D 17:08 the nurse ignored me 17:08 but she did give you a few max HP! 17:08 # - [ an uncursed iron skull cap named Relic of AmyBSOD {12} 17:08 faketifact 17:09 [dnh] Tarmunora (Ana Dro Fem Cha) killed Croesus, on T:18148 17:09 [gh] k2 (Arc Dwa Mal Law) changed form for the first time, becoming a straw golem, on T:4476 17:10 +4 sling 17:11 not bad, that's enough to get +multishot 17:11 that explains why I still still dealing damage point plank 17:13 the way the "point blank damage" nerf works is that it halves the damage it would otherwise have done, and prevents any to-damage bonuses (from e.g. rings of increase damage) from being applied. 17:13 including the sling's? 17:13 slings, bows and crossbows, yeah 17:13 basically, all launchers that aren't guns 17:14 also, hint: ctrl-U removes all those annoying I markers ;) 17:15 I might as well just dig down now 17:15 aosdict: that silver mattock also reflects 17:15 ah, that would work too 17:15 -!- ais523 has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:16 -!- ais523 has joined #hardfought 17:17 unfortunately it's getting late for me though, so I'll call it a night; gonna be back about 8 hours from now 17:18 ok, see you later 17:18 gnite 17:18 see you! seems you got a good run going with the necro :) 17:18 see you K2, and thanks for updating! I'll have a few minor commits tomorrow ;) 17:18 in if you're surprised at why I'm available while you're looking for someone, it's labor day 17:19 contamination bugfix in particular 17:19 bug_sniper: ah, I see 17:19 blessed be the holyday! :D 17:19 -!- LarienTelrunya has quit [Quit: nymphet: I'll be back about 8 hours from now, hopefully I'll see you then :)] 17:21 [gh] k2 (Arc Dwa Mal Law), 8094 points, T:5316, killed by a mumak 17:31 :( K2 18:00 What are the potential side effects if "monstr[]" is changed from "const int" to just "int"? My gut feeling is that there will be no new bugs, but it would become possible to accidentally butcher monstr[] if I introduce a bug to it 18:15 [dnh] Tarmunora (Ana Dro Fem Cha) destroyed the invisible Center of All, on T:20824 18:19 NeroOneTrueKing_: the fact that it's currently const means that people may have been writing code under the assumption that it doesn't change 18:19 remembering the old value, for example 18:20 changing it to non-const and making no other changes is unlikely to have side effects other than possibly being a little less efficient 18:20 if you change it to non-const, and also change values inside it, I'm pretty sure that code that uses it (mostly monster gen code) will use either the old or the new value, and it wouldn't surprise me if it always just used the new value 18:21 Thanks, ais523. I'm looking at having randomized monsters' difficulty actually reflect how nasty they are 18:22 fiq, k2: my game crashed without a message and now crashes immediately upon loading 18:22 probably telling me i've played too much today 18:24 [dnh] Tarmunora (Ana Dro Fem Cha) wished for "The blessed greased fixed historic +5 Grandmaster's Robe", on T:21010 18:25 my guess is a segfault? that's often more obvious serverside than it is on the client 18:25 also, does the historic flag share with anything? is it even recorded on non-statues? 18:28 it uses the spe variable 18:28 but wishing for it only affects the spe variable if the base object is a statue 18:31 It's just funny to toss a bunch of prefixes on a wish 18:31 oh, spe 18:31 you have to be careful with prefix-throwing sometimes 18:32 there have been cases where people set the spe of a magic marker to a very low number, for example 18:32 ais523: i also think a segfault. that's always been the case before with getting tossed out to dgl 18:35 ais523: can changing stuff from const to non-const ever introduce bugs? 18:35 isn't it just to make code cleaner by making it clear what alters vars or not 18:35 FIQ: only in cases where the code was technically buggy beforehand but the const caused the bug to get optimized out 18:36 hothraxxa ok 18:38 ais523: how can I skip diff lines? 18:38 ? 18:38 log_replay_save_line checks if it needs to do anything by investigating if there is a diff or not 18:39 oh, I see 18:39 but, presumably due to a bug, this doesn't actually do anything in practice except slow things down 18:39 you can just look for the leading ~ and then read and throw away the line 18:39 I wanted to see if I could skip it 18:39 yeah I got that 18:39 but how do I do it? is there some existing function in the save code for it? 18:39 I found the code rather hard to follow 18:40 basically it gets the line with "logline = lgetline_malloc(program_state.logfile);" 18:40 the normal approach to processing the log file is 18:40 but simply running that twice is not helpful, or similar "obvious" (allbeit hacky) methods 18:40 lgetline_malloc will read and malloc an entire line, and I think (not sure) it moves the cursor past it 18:41 yeah, I made that assumption 18:41 then you look at the first character of the line (*logline) to determine what to do with it 18:41 and when you're done, you free(logline) 18:41 so I tried to simply re-run it if it encountered a '~' 18:41 that's why there's "malloc" in the name, to remind you to free it 18:41 right 18:42 it's been ages since I looked at that code, anyway (in realtime), so I can't remember quite how it works 18:42 there are multiple pointers into the save file that all have to be juggled 18:42 basically I tried logline = lgetline_malloc(program_state.logfile); (... until diff line detected); free(logline); logline = lgetline_malloc(program_state.logfile); 18:42 but it didn't seem to do anything 18:42 I recommend looking at the comments in the definition of struct program_state, they explain how it works 18:43 as in, if I then return (after freeing again), it will warn of unexpected '~' in the same place 18:43 as if nothing actually happened 18:43 mhm 18:45 k2: nudge me when it's fixed, thanks 18:45 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has joined #hardfought 18:46 [dnh] Tarmunora (Ana Dro Fem Cha) read the necronomicon for the first time, on T:21369 18:46 k 18:46 * K2 nudges FIQ 18:48 -!- NeroOneTrueKing_ has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 18:50 ? 18:51 there he is 18:51 hothraxxa is having an issue with his fh game 18:51 have time to take a look? 18:54 hmm amy left 18:54 was going to ask how hard Wish is to cast 18:55 K2: ah 18:55 yes I do 18:55 give me the save and I'll look 18:55 prepping it 18:55 ais523: which reminds me, Amy suggested yesterday, and I'm not sure if it's a good or bad idea, that if the game crashes, it should be backed up with the crash for later dev looking and be rewinded 1 turn 18:56 so that if you get a segfault in NH4+friends, you aren't stuck in limbo until a dev shows up 18:56 FIQ see dev channel 18:56 FIQ: it's not so much that it's a bad idea but that it's nontrivial to implement 18:57 doing the backing up /in/ the segfault handler is dangerous because you don't know what state the executable's in at the time 18:57 ais523: I was thinking that you changed the load text description to "(crashed)" or similar, nitrohack-style, whenever you are going to write a turn to the save 18:57 so you'd need to do it on the next run of the program, and then how do you reliably detect the segfault? and is there a way to rewind the game 1 turn at a time via repeated segfaulting? 18:57 and once the turn has successfully processed, change it 18:57 right, something like that might work 18:57 to what it's supposed to be 18:58 ais523: oh I wasn't saying to backup on segfault directly 18:58 but on the next load, the game is recognized as having crashed 18:58 so it is backed up and the last turn is removed 19:00 also you need to be careful so that HUP (or exiting via ctrl+c mid-turn) isn't treated as a crash 19:00 that would be very hard 19:00 in NH4 at the moment, kill -9 is a supported way of exiting the game without damaging the save 19:01 obviously we can change that, but having a guarantee that strong makes it very hard to cheat via timed hangups or the like 19:07 urgh 19:08 this is partially why I want to fix slow replaymode 19:08 hoth's save takes >1min to load in valgrind 19:08 perhaps I should change the binary checkpointing to be done more often 19:08 seems like an easy enough chang 19:09 e 19:09 ais523: how much do you think changing an order of magnitude would affect size? 19:09 FIQ: it's hard to know 19:09 I suppose it can be tested 19:10 still loading 19:10 there 19:10 that took 3 minutes 19:10 and it didn't even crash 19:10 let's see outside valgrind 19:11 ah, there is still useful errors 19:11 so perhaps not needed 19:19 oh I think I see the issue 19:24 maybe 19:24 there is an issue either way 19:24 one of the "get rid of monster from the map" functions doesn't remove its displaced image 19:26 because of course there is several of those 19:32 !tell K2 pushed a fix which hopefully fix hoth's game (I wasn't able to repro the crash but valgrind no longer complains) 19:32 Will do, FIQ! 19:32 mmmk 19:32 K2: Message from FIQ at 2017-09-04 19:32 EDT: pushed a fix which hopefully fix hoth's game (I wasn't able to repro the crash but valgrind no longer complains) 19:33 FIQhack updated 19:33 hothraxxa ^^ 19:36 thanks guys 19:36 dont thank me. thank your recruiter. har har 19:36 too soon. still crashes 19:39 -!- NeroOneTrueKing_ has joined #hardfought 19:39 hmm 19:39 I can't reproduce :( 19:39 [slex] bugsniper (Nec Spe Mal Law), 19502 points, T:3393, killed by a monster (brown patch) 19:40 I am trying to load again now from the original save in case my loading of it fucked things up 19:40 hothraxxa are there any error msgs generated at all that you can see? 19:41 nope. it just dumps me out to dgl 19:42 -!- NeroOneTrueKing has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 19:42 hmm 19:43 [dnh] Tarmunora (Ana Dro Fem Cha) wished for "3 uncursed scrolls of genocide", on T:22937 20:11 -!- greqrg has quit [Quit: Disconnected] 20:24 [dnh] Tarmunora (Ana Dro Fem Cha) killed Great Cthulhu, on T:23259 20:26 hothraxxa you still on? 20:35 ok so it is definitely related to displacement 20:35 but why isn't this thing working 20:37 aosdict: remember how you said something about splitting the advanced attack spells into 2 separate spells? I got that working in dnethack offline. 20:38 K2: trying a new fix 20:38 ok 20:40 NeroOneTrueKing_: got a diff to look at? 20:41 * aosdict remains continually amazed at how people will suddenly start talking about relevant topics upon coming back online 20:41 not working 20:42 No diff, and the code is for dnethack, so some changes will have to be made, but... 20:42 heh 20:42 https://pastebin.com/fgb5WCCU 20:43 This is the important function, which is called in docast() 20:44 it is not helping that every time I test, I have to wait for this stupid thing to load 20:46 This makes the advanced spells only available to cast if you are Skilled+ and you know the base spell. 20:47 wait, so it only adds the advanced spell once you actually try to cast it? 20:47 or is this called when populating the Z menu? 20:47 "Loading... 100.00%" my ass 20:49 when populating the Z menu 20:49 and the + menu too 20:52 hm 20:52 something is broken with displacement 20:52 wait hold on I found a bug with it >.< 20:52 hmm. I don't think vanilla has that structure 20:52 hothraxxa: I'll push a "fix" that prevents the crash but prints an error instead 20:52 at least, it doesn't use the same codepath for Z and + 20:52 Dismiss it for now, please tell if you see it in the future 20:52 dismiss as in rewind or as in repair? 20:53 repair 20:53 I inserted an displacement sanity check in relmon 20:53 and it triggered 20:53 Error: Displacement removal failed! Displaced at: 79,21 :: Found at: 0,0 20:53 aosdict: yes, it does: https://github.com/Vanilla-NetHack/NetHack/blob/master/src/spell.c , line 581 20:53 something is placing the displaced image in 0,0 despite displaced() being false 20:53 not sure what is going on 20:54 is the "cast spell" part, which looks identical to the dnethack one 20:54 NeroOneTrueKing_: yeah, docast exists, but + doesn't use it 20:55 lemme know when to pull 20:55 FIQ 20:59 one thing worth mentioning is that this was bones 20:59 might be related 20:59 aosdict: my bad! Checking further, dnethack doesn't either 21:00 It only works once you open the 'Z' menu 21:00 ...including for the other special cases dnethack has. 21:03 K2: pushed stuff 21:03 So either we put this function call into dospellmenu or in both docast and dovspell 21:04 k 21:05 FIQhack updated 21:05 hothraxxa: round 2 21:05 ais523: so this is how the engine figures out whether or not to create a binary save 21:05 if (program_state.binary_save.pos < 21:05 (program_state.gamestate_location - program_state.save_backup_location) 21:05 || !program_state.ok_to_diff) 21:05 that doesn't really tell me much 21:06 NeroOneTrueKing_: I assume you also added non-generated books for SPE_FROST_STORM, SPE_FIRE_STORM, etc? 21:06 yes. Still need to make them no-wish and no-write, but that ought to be trivial 21:06 FIQ: binary_save.pos is the uncompressed length of the binary save 21:06 Less trivial will be making them not appear in dnethack's book of infinite spells, but you aren't too concerned about that, right? 21:06 seems like it tries to create save backups with 50% frequency if I understand it properly? 21:06 gamestate_location - save_backup_location is the number of bytes that have been written to the save file since the last backup 21:07 as in, 50% to be taken up by binary saves 21:07 maybe I'm reading it completely wrong 21:07 so it's saying, if the /uncompressed/ length of the binary save is less than the /compressed/ length of the diffs since the last binary save, write it 21:07 that caps the amount taken up by the binary saves at 50% but it'll generally be much less because they compress well 21:07 hm 21:08 and they're written less often nowadays because the diffs compress better than they used to 21:08 I don't care about a book of infinite spells but it seems like they could still be added to tht 21:08 that* 21:08 would dividing save pos by 10 be reasonable here? 21:08 if I understand it correctly 21:10 FIQ: yes, I think that would be reasonable 21:10 worth a try, at least 21:10 binary saves in the example one I was using for perf testing made binary saves on line 4, 1813, 4397, 10769, 19585, 38811, 60772, 94652, 129940, 129943 (this abnormality was caused by me messing with replay shenanigans) 21:10 in a 43k-ish-turn save 21:12 K2: updated fh again 21:12 FIQHack │ fiqhack/4.3.0 1117745 Fredrik Ljungdahl: Make more binary save checkpoints, making longer saves take less time to load 21:13 aosdict: now with fewer bugs! https://pastebin.com/xgCYT2tG 21:14 other parts that are needed for this to work: 21:14 1) as you mentioned, new spellbooks SPE_FROST_STORM etc 21:15 2) call update_alternate_spells() in dospellmenu(), not docast() 21:15 I do not like this approach 21:15 3) split apart SPE_FIREBALL into SPE_FIREBALL and SPE_FIRE_STORM etc 21:16 I think it would be better to make them seperate spells 21:16 as in 21:16 truly seperate 21:18 [dnh] Tarmunora (Ana Dro Fem Cha) was given their Quest, on T:23914 21:18 FIQ: I'm deliberately *not* truly separating them to maintain the same functionality they had prior 21:19 FIQ: only problem with that is that you now have to account for balance of spellbooks 21:20 that would add 4 attack spellbooks. does that weight spells in general too much towards attack? 21:21 Why are only attack spells getting this treatment, and not others? 21:21 in vanilla, there's only fireball and cone of cold, but your point still holds. 21:21 Because attack spells are currently the only ones being considered that have advanced forms 21:22 (of course, I want to add an advanced light spell, but that's just an idea at this point) 21:25 dnh has advanced clairvoyance 21:25 even 3.6 has it 21:26 FIQ: good point, I should do that one too. What would be a suitable name? 21:27 aosdict: Doesn't remove curse have a more-skilled form that does your whole inventory, not just your weapon? Or am I thinking of the blessed scroll? 21:27 And doesn't monster detection have a more-skilled form that gives you way more turns of it? 21:28 jonadab: That's the Skilled effect. It's not an advanced spell, it's just the powered-up version of the base spell. 21:28 I don't really like powered-up versions of spells, but I certainly don't think they should all be broken out into separate spellbooks. 21:28 jonadab: yes, some spells at Skilled+ use the blessed (potion/scroll) effect 21:29 aosdict: Isn't the same thing true of fireball and cone of cold, just a powered-up version? 21:29 I don't really see the conceptual difference. 21:31 well, in the context of dnethack, which gives the player the choice between casting the advanced version and the basic version, splitting it into two spells can be a convenience item for the player. 21:32 yes, for all the other spells, the advanced version gives you all the same effects as the normal version, but better. 21:33 There are many more occasions when potentially hitting anything in a 5x5 box is detrimental than for other spells' advanced forms 21:33 Ah. 21:33 Only one I can think of is that you don't want to uncurse something in your inventory, like a potion of gain level or scroll of genocide. 21:33 So the difference is that sometimes you might prefer to cast the less-advanced one? 21:33 But in vanilla, once you get Skilled, you can no longer cast the ray form. What NeroOneTrueKing_ said. 21:34 Right, and for light, you might want to light the area instead of blinding monsters with a ray of light. 22:05 -!- CAMILA1 has joined #hardfought 22:05 -!- CAMILA1 has left #hardfought 22:26 another fiqhack update? aosdict isnt going to know what to do with himself 22:26 FIQhack updated 22:28 so i just got home, both dogs vying for attention and affection, and ozzy (the 100+ lbs dog) headbutts me in the eye socket 22:28 heh 22:28 i wonder if it'll bruise 22:35 -!- Menche is now known as Menche_ 22:37 * aosdict calmly notes the new fiqhack update 22:41 K2: sorry 22:42 for? 22:42 updates 22:43 thats not something to apologize for 22:43 updates are a Good Thing™ 22:44 but it gets spammy over time 22:47 nah 22:54 -!- jonadab has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 23:11 [dnh] yrchard (Kni Hum Mal Law), 130 points, T:966, killed by a poisonous corpse 23:28 [dnh] starboy (Tou Inc Mal Neu), 228 points, T:611, killed by a sewer rat 23:30 YASI: time-distorted room. Bigroom with a lot of loot in gehennom but continuously generate monsters that decrease your speed by 1 if 2 spaces or closer to you, and having speed decreased to 0 kills you 23:32 !who 23:32 Tarmunora__: No current players 23:45 !who 23:45 bug_sniper: starboy [dnh]