00:02 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Rog Dro Mal Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:2112 (0:13:08) 00:12 Imanity i'll look into it 00:12 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Rog Dro Mal Cha), 2947 points, T:3591, killed by a magic missile 00:12 i gotta sleep, gnite o/ 00:23 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Inf Ith Mal Una) killed the Goblin King, on T:2018 (0:10:26) 00:34 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Inf Ith Mal Una), 3423 points, T:3651, killed by a drow zombie 00:59 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Kni Dwa Mal Law) killed the Goblin King, on T:2591 (0:17:54) 01:31 -!- elenmirie__ has joined #evilhack 01:36 -!- elenmirie__ has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 01:37 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Kni Dwa Mal Law) made his first wish - "blessed +3 gray dragon scales", on T:6378 (0:55:18) 01:40 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Kni Dwa Mal Law) received Excalibur from a strange woman laying about in a pond, on T:6831 (0:58:16) 01:41 [hdf-us] [evil] gdiist (Kni Dro Fem Cha) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:8457 (4:24:53) 02:12 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Kni Dwa Mal Law) acquired the luckstone from Mines' End, on T:10963 (1:31:06) 02:16 -!- Umbire is now known as Guest3911 02:16 -!- Guest3911 has quit [Killed (calcium.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services))] 02:16 -!- Umbire has joined #evilhack 02:20 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Kni Dwa Mal Law) had a leather dwarvish cloak entrusted to him by Lugh, on T:11938 (1:38:22) 02:22 -!- Umbire has quit [Killed (zinc.libera.chat (Nickname regained by services))] 02:22 -!- Umbire has joined #evilhack 02:25 -!- Umbire is now known as Guest3692 02:25 -!- Umbire has joined #evilhack 02:27 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Kni Dwa Mal Law) had a helm of brilliance entrusted to him by Lugh, on T:13684 (1:45:26) 02:29 -!- Guest3692 has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 02:52 -!- Umbire has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 03:17 -!- elenmirie__ has joined #evilhack 03:31 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Kni Dwa Mal Law) completed Sokoban, acquiring an amulet of magic resistance, on T:22607 (2:49:50) 04:27 -!- Umbire has joined #evilhack 04:32 -!- elenmirie__ has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 05:12 -!- mobileuser has joined #evilhack 06:04 -!- aosdict has joined #evilhack 06:16 -!- aosdict has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 06:43 [hdf-eu] [evil] mobileuser (Tou Trt Mal Neu) completed his quest without incident, on T:45495 (17:00:09) 06:44 17 hours, whew 07:12 and I'm not even playing pacifist :-P 08:01 Hi Announcy and Hecubus, how are you 08:01 hmm 08:02 Announcy ? 08:02 I'm announcing stuff. Ask bhaak for more info. 08:02 \o/ 08:08 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:2392 (0:12:26) 08:20 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha), 3857 points, T:4745, poisoned by an orcish arrow 08:21 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) murdered her faithful owlbear, on T:52 (0:00:43) 08:26 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) had a spear entrusted to her by Manannan Mac Lir, on T:103719 (1 day, 21:00:14) 08:32 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:1796 (0:10:33) 08:40 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) rejected atheism with a prayer, on T:3240 (0:19:15) 09:21 -!- elron has joined #evilhack 09:36 -!- hackemslashem has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:44 -!- elenmirie__ has joined #evilhack 10:04 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) made her first wish - "blessed magic marker", on T:55132 (10:21:26) 10:05 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) wished for "blessed fixed +2 stone helm of brilliance", on T:55135 (10:22:05) 10:05 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) wished for "blessed fixed +2 dragonhide bracers of decay", on T:55140 (10:22:52) 10:21 -!- Umbire has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 10:24 -!- hackemslashem has joined #evilhack 10:29 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) killed Cerberus, on T:56226 (10:46:06) 10:29 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) entered Gehennom, on T:56261 (10:46:50) 10:51 dishes done \o/ 10:55 new all time best rng result k2: 54 blessed smoky potions with 1 hostile djinni and 0 wishes 10:56 lol 10:56 oh man 10:57 so sorry :/ 10:57 im not even gonna calculate the percentage cuz that is just bonkers 10:59 like the game secretly created 100 djinns on some level i havent been to yet to screw my chances 11:07 heh 11:09 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) destroyed Kas, on T:57954 (11:26:44) 11:12 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) killed Croesus, on T:18409 (2:42:14) 11:13 The iron golem turns to wood! 11:13 hah 11:13 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) genocided disenchanters, on T:18423 (2:42:38) 11:16 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Kni Dwa Mal Law) performed his first genocide (gelatinous cubes), on T:24439 (3:07:50) 11:23 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) had a pair of steel gauntlets entrusted to him by Huan Ti, on T:18987 (2:53:22) 11:24 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) used a forge to create the Hammer of the Gods, on T:108250 (1 day, 23:08:59) 11:24 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha) had Orcrist bestowed upon him by Huan Ti, on T:19007 (2:54:02) 11:25 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) destroyed Vecna, on T:58481 (11:42:12) 11:25 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) used a forge to create Ashmar, on T:108485 (1 day, 23:10:10) 11:27 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) genocided two random monsters from class L, on T:58599 (11:44:53) 11:27 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) genocided two random monsters from class L, on T:58599 (11:44:57) 11:28 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) genocided alhoons, on T:58600 (11:45:21) 11:31 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Cha), 182909 points, T:19261, petrified by a cockatrice 11:34 next k2 use sticks to snakes on it and make it a snake golem 11:34 :P 11:47 -!- aosdict has joined #evilhack 11:49 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) became literate by reading the fortune inside a cookie, on T:6387 (0:37:14) 12:11 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) killed the invisible Gollum, on T:9095 (0:58:43) 12:13 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Kni Dwa Mal Law), 109098 points, T:28321, killed by a red dragon 12:15 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) had Werebane bestowed upon her by Lolth, on T:59496 (12:31:04) 12:17 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) had Frost Brand bestowed upon her by Lolth, on T:59836 (12:32:24) 12:18 EvilHack Commits: New spell: change metal to wood. https://github.com/k21971/EvilHack/commit/25cea6582d3f87ad2f0d416437f9fdc4bb8a82f5 12:19 \o/ 12:22 wewp 12:22 you knowwwwwwww 12:22 o.O 12:22 you have sooo many types of metal... 12:23 you know what else has types? 12:23 woooodddddd 12:23 omg 12:23 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Tou Hob Mal Neu) killed the Goblin King, on T:1500 (0:09:31) 12:23 ash oak and thorn baby 12:23 i mean, you have already put ash in the game cosmetically with archmagi right :-) 12:23 hear me out 12:23 go on... 12:23 even if PURELY cosmetic, it would be cool if wood had different types ONLY FOR DRUIDS TO SEE 12:24 btw, that is now my daughter's favorite phrase -- whenever she is suggesting something utterly stupid or expensive that i'm not gonna do... 12:24 hear me out, hear me out dad, hear me out 12:25 anyway, purely cosmetic version: use a deterministic hash of wooden item properties to pick from a table of wood names when displaying "wooden" for druid 12:25 * aosdict suggests an expensive camera to krm26. hear me out ok? 12:25 pick the most druidy woods maybe :-) rown, ash, yew, thorn, oak, whatevs 12:26 are you my daughter? she's talking about an expensive camera for her exchange student week in denmark in spring 12:27 uh... hi dad! 12:28 lol 12:28 if i were to have different wood types, it couldnt be purely cosmetic. some woods are harder/denser than others 12:28 you wouldnt want a wooden weapon/armor made of pine for instance 12:28 get her a couple disposable cameras for the really good shots and use her smartphone for the rest 12:29 along with that, i would remove all of the wood types from wand and just use "wood" with the same druid mod 12:29 SMOP 12:29 <@Loggers_VIII> I think that it should be for guys other than Druid too though 12:29 the cooler thing would be to leave wands as-is and just add a bunch of new wood-type materials in place of wood 12:29 but we already have oak, ebony, maple, balsa, forked, and pine wands 12:30 I dunno what species of wood forked is but I'm sure someone knows 12:30 just changed forked to something like birch or ash 12:30 elm 12:31 nah, it's got a nice distinct tile 12:31 forked is morphological not phylogenetic 12:31 also, change metal to wood... which type of wood? 12:31 OMFG 12:31 ironwood 12:31 i mean but SO COOL k2 12:31 <@Loggers_VIII> forked is to wood what hexagonal is to metal 12:31 ironwood i dont think belongs in nethack, i'd restrict it to trees of western europe, not like there arent enough recognizable names 12:32 loggers I kind of want to make the hexagonal wand mineral (i.e. a big stick of quartz someone turned into a wand) 12:32 i mean, even i wont recommend adding woods like avodire, bocote, ipe, etc 12:33 lots of hexagonally structured gems to choose from! emerald, apatite, etc 12:33 #materialscienceshack 12:34 that's the shite my entire game revolves around 12:34 no. quartz 12:34 if... big IF, different woods were added, it would just be a select few 12:35 -!- Grassy is now known as Grasshopper 12:35 if you allowed emerald wands people would start trying to shatter it into a bunch of emerald stones 12:35 and engrave with it as a hard object 12:35 we must presume the jeweled wand is covered with rhinestones 12:36 yes 12:36 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) had Stormbringer bestowed upon her by Lolth, on T:64231 (12:52:08) 12:37 i'm gonna drop a screenshot to show why materials insanity is bad...lemme figure out how to use stupid screenshots 12:37 ask your kid, she knows 12:39 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) had a staff of divination entrusted to her by Lolth, on T:64582 (12:54:20) 12:39 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) chose a runed broadsword to be named "Orcrist", on T:13348 (1:25:53) 12:39 any of you all have big plans for this evening? us, we're going to a neighborhood party. fairly low key 12:39 i hate windows. where the hell does it jam screenshots 12:39 look for the app 'snip & sketch' 12:39 saves it to pictures folder 12:40 <@Loggers_VIII> going to some party with a bunch of friends that I’m probably gonna hate hehe 12:41 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Tou Hob Mal Neu), 2223 points, T:3223, killed by a giant ant 12:42 hah 12:42 why would you hate it? 12:42 https://imgur.com/ilV8ozZ 12:43 pillar cedar for the win 12:43 I was invited to a probably medium key party but am probably going to do the lowest key option of staying home and going to bed before midnight 12:44 I was considering doing the thing of "go to the office very late, work late and head over to times square", but the forecast is it's gonna pour basically from 9 pm to 11 12:44 <@Loggers_VIII> meh it’s gonna be a high key party and I am not really a high key partier 12:44 <@Loggers_VIII> but variety’s the spice of life so I’m going anyway 12:44 :) 12:45 krm26 what game is that screenshot from? 12:45 <@Loggers_VIII> yeah that looks sick 12:45 that's my game 12:45 oh wow 12:45 remember when i asked you about maybe hosting a dev version for me? that is it 12:46 yeah vaguely 12:46 how long ago did you ask? 12:46 it is like a new python iteration of a game i first built on the plato/novanet system decades ago 12:46 oh, maybe a year or two 12:46 so this is in python? 12:46 yup 12:46 neat 12:46 repo? 12:47 yeah, it is in a private repo -- the game concept relies on no/low spoilers 12:47 gotcha 12:47 which is why it is best hosted 12:48 <@Loggers_VIII> wait now I really wanna play the game 12:48 the "primary mechanic" is guess is discovering the relationships between phyla of organisms/metals/woods/fabrics/etc and exploiting them to make combat ez 12:48 each game, those relationships are randomized 12:48 <@Loggers_VIII> game that relies on no/low spoilers that no one has ever played is very very exciting to me 12:48 different difficulties select from more complex relationship palettes 12:49 ugh... hey, if we added different wood types, then we'd need different tree types to match also 12:49 wood golems would just be one type of wood, fuck that making a bunch of different wood golem types 12:49 it is an awfl rabit-hole! in my game, you play in an ecosystem, so if you are like in the kauri temperate rainforest ecosystem, you get all the appropriate trees for that, instead of like oak and elm -- limits the complexity of thousands of tree types 12:50 heh 12:53 <@Loggers_VIII> k2 I’m begging you to host this man’s game 12:53 i need access to the repo 12:53 i may try to browbeat you a second time into hosting for me when i resume work on it next year...i just wanted some unadvertized link for my one potential playtester who is excited from having played the game in the 90s :-) 12:54 anyway back to #evilhack talk 12:54 weee 12:54 <@Loggers_VIII> krm26 I’m begging you to give this man access to the repo 12:54 damn it's already almost 1 pm 12:54 i need foooood 12:54 <@Loggers_VIII> now I’m excited for mystery game and Druid and I have neither… 12:54 oh damn, i should be baking for tonight, crap 12:55 loggers it won't happen, he has no more space on the hardfought menu 12:55 actually it does 12:55 i have room for one more 12:55 or it can be hidden 12:55 * aosdict quickly publishes notxnethack to fill the space 12:56 @Loggers_VIII soon. sooooon 12:56 (ish) 12:56 even after i wrap up druid stuff, there's other stuff i wanna add to 0.9 12:56 maybe 12:56 i may push some of that off to 0.9.1 12:56 we'll see 12:56 <@Loggers_VIII> what? I’m intrigued 12:57 <@Loggers_VIII> I remember you talking about doing stuff with hidden dungeon 12:57 rogues being able to make their own traps and set them 12:57 expand the hidden dungeon branch 12:57 there's stuff on the pad too i need to look over again 13:00 ok back in a bit, foooood 13:00 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) killed the Oracle, on T:14741 (1:35:57) 13:06 -!- hackemslashem has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:09 -!- elenmirie__ has quit [Ping timeout: 265 seconds] 13:10 [hdf-us] [evil] karibou (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) killed Croesus, on T:44011 (13:34:50) 13:21 [hdf-us] [evil] rebatela (Mon Hum Mal Neu) killed the Abominable Snowman, on T:60714 (17:50:52) 13:32 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha), 38118 points, T:19273, suffocated by a gelatinous cube, while paralyzed by a monster 13:33 -!- elenmirie__ has joined #evilhack 13:34 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) wished for "blessed +3 dragonhide toque of decay", on T:109676 (2 days, 1:19:26) 13:35 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) murdered her faithful ice vortex, on T:15 (0:00:16) 13:36 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) wished for "blessed +3 dragonhide robe", on T:109680 (2 days, 1:20:33) 13:36 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) murdered her faithful giant turtle, on T:3 (0:00:04) 13:36 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) murdered her faithful lurker above, on T:18 (0:00:16) 13:43 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:1446 (0:06:08) 13:44 theory: you can tell how hungry K2 is by the number of "o"s he puts in "food" 13:47 -!- Imanity has quit [Quit: Client closed] 13:55 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) genocided shocking spheres, on T:110777 (2 days, 1:39:51) 14:05 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Wiz Ith Mal Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:3823 (0:35:03) 14:08 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) used a forge to create Glamdring, on T:111077 (2 days, 1:52:53) 14:09 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) had Dragonbane bestowed upon her by Lolth, on T:69038 (13:47:40) 14:18 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) had Fire Brand bestowed upon her by Lolth, on T:70692 (13:56:37) 14:18 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) entered the Wizard of Yendor's lair, on T:111479 (2 days, 2:03:09) 14:20 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Wiz Ith Mal Cha), 7538 points, T:5579, killed by a fire ant 14:21 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) killed the Wizard of Yendor, on T:111632 (2 days, 2:05:45) 14:21 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) acquired the Book of the Dead, on T:111632 (2 days, 2:05:49) 14:21 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) had Angelslayer bestowed upon her by Lolth, on T:71206 (14:00:06) 14:23 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) had a staff of healing bestowed upon her by Lolth, on T:71573 (14:01:32) 14:34 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) performed the invocation, on T:112218 (2 days, 2:19:03) 14:53 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Con Dwa Mal Cha), 130 points, T:355, killed by a jackal 14:55 go go go krm26! 14:58 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Con Ith Mal Cha), 36 points, T:244, killed by a goblin, while fainted from lack of food 15:04 aosdict I was very hungry 15:04 if i'm not hungry, i'd say 'it's time for fd' 15:04 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) used a forge to create Ashmar, on T:72373 (14:43:07) 15:06 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) used a forge to create The Sword of Annihilation, on T:72476 (14:44:29) 15:06 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) used a forge to create the Armor of Retribution, on T:72525 (14:45:02) 15:11 [hdf-us] [evil] karibou (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) killed Medusa, on T:46051 (14:52:08) 15:17 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) used a forge to create Shadowblade, on T:72813 (14:55:53) 15:18 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) used a forge to create Dichotomy, on T:72833 (14:56:27) 15:19 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) used a forge to create Glamdring, on T:72858 (14:57:44) 15:19 -!- elenmirie_ has joined #evilhack 15:20 <@hackemslashem> Doesn't each artiforge destroy the forge? 15:21 K2: a negative correlation is still a correlation 15:21 @hackemslashem and aosdict: yes 15:22 -!- elenmirie__ has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:22 if you ever say "fooooooooood time" I'll know you're going out for dinner after you already ate an entire bag of cheese puffs and are not hungry in the slightest 15:23 <@hackemslashem> That is a high number of forges for elron, there's probably more guaranteed then i realized 15:24 !whereis elron 15:24 K2: [hdf-us] elron [evil]: (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) T:72962 Sokoban level: 8 15:24 there's a few guaranteed 15:24 on several set levels, there's a chance for one 15:24 then of course the regular dungeon 15:25 maybe they got lucky with forge spawns in the regular dungeon 15:25 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Con Ith Mal Cha), 4013 points, T:7178, killed by a dwarf zombie 15:25 elron where did you find all those forges? heh 15:25 the dungeon was rotten with forges; even had 2 double forge levels 15:26 The forge rots away completely! 15:26 hah 15:27 elron got all of the forges that krm26 didnt 15:27 dropping a ring of polymor[h down a sink has a chance to make a forge too 15:27 polymorph 15:27 polysdgfshfgw3253fd 15:28 still 2 forges remaining! 15:28 HAX 15:36 -!- Grassy has joined #evilhack 15:40 -!- Grasshopper has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:57 EvilHack Commits: New object: staff of evocation. https://github.com/k21971/EvilHack/commit/c97ebc6935c85c0dcf3fff4cb04d0a37a8de2359 15:58 [hdf-us] [evil] splungetoo (Con Ith Mal Cha), 17 points, T:139, killed by a fox 16:05 -!- malor has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:06 -!- malor has joined #evilhack 16:16 [hdf-us] [evil] dbanethacker (Val Hum Fem Neu) completed Sokoban, acquiring an amulet of reflection, on T:23540 (6:12:36) 16:16 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) killed Baphomet, on T:76524 (15:54:31) 16:20 -!- hackemslashem has joined #evilhack 16:25 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) killed Yeenoghu, on T:76842 (16:04:02) 16:33 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) killed the invisible Orcus, on T:77079 (16:11:23) 16:50 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) became literate by reading a book, on T:3604 (0:18:40) 17:00 about to head out, if i'm not back by midnight, happy new years all 17:00 -!- Umbire has joined #evilhack 17:02 -!- Imanity has joined #evilhack 17:02 Nice orctown kappa 17:02 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha), 14577 points, T:5992, quit 17:07 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) murdered her faithful dwarf noble, on T:2 (0:00:03) 17:08 -!- mobileuser has quit [Quit: Ping timeout (120 seconds)] 17:10 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) murdered her faithful pseudodragon, on T:25 (0:00:18) 17:19 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) killed the Goblin King, on T:954 (0:05:24) 17:27 [hdf-us] [evil] karibou (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) genocided master mind flayers, on T:47106 (15:45:14) 17:51 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) became literate by reading a book, on T:7178 (0:35:49) 17:53 -!- elenmirie_ has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 17:55 -!- Imanity has quit [Quit: Client closed] 18:24 -!- mobileuser has joined #evilhack 18:48 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) destroyed Vlad the Impaler, on T:78214 (16:35:40) 18:48 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) acquired the Candelabrum of Invocation, on T:78215 (16:35:43) 18:52 -!- Loggers_VIII has joined #evilhack 18:55 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) genocided vampire mages, on T:78515 (16:42:21) 19:16 -!- hackemslashem has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:22 -!- elenmirie_ has joined #evilhack 19:32 -!- elenmirie_ has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 19:41 [hdf-us] [evil] elron (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) killed the invisible Demogorgon, on T:79216 (17:28:14) 19:42 [hdf-eu] [evil] Kaizo (Wiz Ith Fem Cha) killed the Oracle, on T:9334 (0:50:36) 20:07 -!- mobileuser has quit [Quit: Client closed] 20:12 -!- elron has quit [Quit: Client closed] 20:12 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) killed the orcish high priest of Moloch, on T:112382 (2 days, 2:39:46) 20:12 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) acquired the Amulet of Yendor, on T:112383 (2 days, 2:39:47) 20:42 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) killed Lucifer, on T:112517 (2 days, 3:09:49) 20:46 [hdf-us] [evil] Loggers (Hea Trt Mal Neu) killed the Goblin King, on T:1117 (0:06:42) 20:47 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) entered Purgatory, on T:112529 (2 days, 3:15:14) 20:49 magicbane no longer blows up bags of holding in live evilhack, right? 20:53 ye 20:57 should be good to bag it 20:58 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) killed Juiblex, on T:112724 (2 days, 3:26:36) 21:00 dammit, there goes the amulet to f knows where 21:01 ah well not ascending this knight i guess 21:05 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) killed Saint Michael, on T:112973 (2 days, 3:33:19) 21:10 -!- Loggers_VIII has quit [Quit: Client closed] 21:11 -!- Loggers_VIII has joined #evilhack 21:22 -!- Loggers_VIII has quit [Quit: Client closed] 21:27 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) entered the Planes, on T:114319 (2 days, 3:55:25) 21:30 -!- Loggers_VIII has joined #evilhack 21:35 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) killed Pestilence, on T:114548 (2 days, 4:03:34) 21:35 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) killed the White Horse, on T:114550 (2 days, 4:03:36) 21:36 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) killed Famine, on T:114560 (2 days, 4:04:01) 21:36 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) killed the Black Horse, on T:114562 (2 days, 4:04:04) 21:37 [hdf-us] [evil] krm26 (Kni Hum Fem Cha) murdered her faithful woolly mammoth, on T:114582 (2 days, 4:04:50) 21:46 -!- aosdict has quit [Quit: WeeChat 4.3.1] 22:10 [hdf-us] [evil] gdiist (Kni Dro Fem Cha) completed Sokoban, acquiring an amulet of magic resistance, on T:12234 (7:33:18) 22:17 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Neu) had 14 copper shuriken entrusted to him by Chih Sung-tzu, on T:586 (0:02:06) 22:19 -!- Loggers_VIII has quit [Quit: Client closed] 22:21 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Neu) killed Gollum, on T:1587 (0:06:41) 22:22 [hdf-us] [evil] DragonSidedD (Mon Hum Mal Neu), 1381 points, T:1938, killed by a piranha 22:39 -!- Glasshopper has joined #evilhack 22:43 -!- Grassy has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 22:45 -!- Loggers_VIII has joined #evilhack 22:46 [hdf-us] [evil] karibou (Wiz Dro Fem Cha) killed Cerberus, on T:49161 (17:06:42) 22:55 -!- malor has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 22:59 [hdf-us] [evil] karibou (Wiz Dro Fem Cha), 690130 points, T:49302, killed by Charon 23:01 -!- malor has joined #evilhack 23:20 -!- Loggers_VIII is now known as Loggers 23:20 -!- Loggers is now known as Loggers_VIII