Archive for the ‘Hardfought news’ Category

Hardfought BF2: Special Forces

By Suck. on November 28th, 2005 at 6:03 pm EST

For those of you who didn’t know, Battlefield 2: Special Forces, the BF2 expansion pack, was released on Tuesday, Nov 22nd as was patch 1.12 for BF2. Due to struggling popularity, we made the decision to turn Hardfought BF2 #1 into a BF2:SF server. We also changed the IP to try to correct a server reporting error where the server was not showing up in the in-game server browser. We made no changes to HF BF2 #2 besides changing the name to reflect it being our only BF2 server now. Here is the info for our BF2 servers now: – Hardfought BF2 – [Ranked – Urban maps only] – Hardfought BF2:SF – [Ranked]

You can learn more about or purchase BF2:SF at the Battlefield 2: Special Forces homepage. For information about BF2 Patch 1.12, check out EA’s Community Update – 11/22/05.

To those of you who celebrated Thanksgiving, I hope you all had a happy and safe turkey day.