Archive for the ‘Hardfought news’ Category

Server down… ?

By K2 on March 2nd, 2006 at 6:33 pm EST

Yeah… did anybody notice? Pyrox did, that’s about it. Gave it one month to try and bring things back to the way they were, but it became pretty clear that our lil community here has moved on to other servers that already have a game in progress rather than trying to get a game started/sustain a game here. Understandable I suppose… can’t play on an empty server yeah? To those of ya that DID try to get things goin’ again, thank you very much. Too bad you all were on a short list. Too short a list for me to ask the benefactors to waste their money on monthly server fees anymore. Oh well.

Hardfought clan received advance notice of our server going down, so Burzum was able to lease a match server from the guys that run the NFO game-server cluster out of Dallas, TX.

That’s it. I’ll post news again concerning HF LAN #7… assuming anyone is interested ;-)