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Hardfought LAN #7 is a GO

By K2 on March 30th, 2006 at 7:08 pm EST

Alright gang, we finally secured a spot for our next LAN party, Pyrox has scripted us a brand new registration form… we got a public server again, Hardfought Clan is still in the playoffs… things are just lookin’ peachy yeah? ;-P

So here’s the scoop on HF LAN #7:

  • When – July 7th thru July 9th (Friday – Sunday). We’ll kick off with a lil get-together at a local restaurant near the LAN party site, have some drinks, see how much troucle we can get into, etc. Figure about 6pm for that. Then come bright and early Saturday morning at 9am, we’ll start the actual LAN party. We’ll go thru the night on into Sunday, and start tearing down/packing up around 5-6pm that evening.
  • Where – The GuildHall at SMU, at 5232 Tennyson Parkway in Plano, Texas (Dallas), 75024. You can find a map of the place at the GuildHall’s website at
  • Who – The signup form is on the left frame, in yellow. Real slick new form that Pyrox made for us. We have room for 200 attendee’s this year… yeah 200, wow ;-) After you signup and confirm, your name will pop-up on the attendee’s list. You’ll have the option to either pre-pay via PayPal ($12) or pay at the door in cash ($15). Be sure to check out the rules and FAQ section on the registration form, as more detailed info is put out there.

Now, some interesting details about this years LAN. One of the senior staff that works at the GuildHall runs a console gaming community, known as DFWgames ( He is in charge of approving our LAN, and making sure everything goes smooth between us. Turns out his community was wanting to host another get-together around the same time. After talking for a bit, we decided it’d be beneficial for all concerned to combine our events. I know at least some of ya play console games like PS2, Xbox 360, and that some of his console crew play PC games as well. So this will be an interesting mixer of sorts. The LAN will be split up into three rooms (this is the plan so far anyways) – one for PC, one for console, and the third as a detox/chill-out room when ya just gotta take a break from gaming. The reason we’re going with 200 attendee’s total this year – I was only planning on 50 or so, but Ryan (the guy from The GuildHall) is expecting at least 100 if not 150. I’m thinking he’s not gonna hit exactly 150, so if we go a lil over 50, that should be fine. According to Ryan, the GuildHall has plenty of room to accomidate everyone and their systems. As far as games being played – ya’ll know what we’ll be playing (CS: Source, BF2), and on the console side, they’ll have games like Tekken 5, Soul Calibur 3, etc… mostly fighting games. I’ll have a more complete list of games being played in the FAQ on the registration form as I get the data.

Tournaments – there will definitely be fun tourney’s held on both the console and PC side. If you want to participate in one of these tournaments, make sure to bring a lil extra cash (five or ten bucks per) to pitch in. details about which games and the rules for each tournament will be posted as we get closer to the day of the event.

Alcohol, smokes, and food – You can bring your food and drink into the facility, and you WILL clean up after yourself before you go. Unfortunately, as per SMU campus rules, no alcohol is allowed on campus. And I would bet that no smoking is allowed inside, either. I’m sure tho that people will make accomidations to get their buzz on without breaking any rules ;-) And there’s always the pre-party that Friday, too.

Other stuff – I know some of ya are going to ask about monitors. There’s always somebody that can bring an extra monitor or two, so if ya need one, start a thread on our msgboard and ask. Internet access – I wanna say that YES, we’ll have it, but I’m not 100% sure about that just yet. I’ll let ya know as soon as I find out. We should be able to hook everything up to The GuildHall’s internal network for LAN play, but I’ll make sure some switches are brought just in case. Make sure you guys bring blank CD’s, and games/programs/mp3/DVD’s, etc so we can do some serious ‘backups’ of everything… hah ;-) Oh yeah… I’ll compile a list of all the hotel’s nearby and post them on our msgboard, maybe we can work out a deal with one of the local chains here.

If ya have any questions, ask me, and I’ll have an answer for you. can’t wait to see how many discussion threads pop up, I think the record for one LAN is six… hell, I dunno. Anyways, that’s all I got for now. So go sign up, and start making plans now. See ya in July folks ;-)