Archive for the ‘Hardfought news’ Category

Dark Messiah: Might and Magic

By K2 on October 26th, 2006 at 1:52 am EST

We have a new game out, and it’s called Dark Messiah: Might and Magic. It’s been discussed on our forums here for a few weeks now – it’s a cross between an RPG and an FPS game, much like Oblivion IV was. This game has been built on a modified Source engine however, so you can expect the same kind of performance from this title much like you would from Counter-Strike or Day of Defeat for Source. I put up a server for Dark Messiah a few hours ago… filled up pretty fast, stayed full for awhile, well past midnight CST. Most everyone that joined really liked the pings, and will probably be back for more. I upped the default ticket time from 100 to 300, and the game mode is set to campaign (two teams [human or undead], each has to capture and guard several flags on key points of the map, much like Day of Defeat). This makes for some pretty lengthy and interesting battles, and gives players a chance to progress in level/skill. Friendly fire is ON, which is usual fare for the games we host here at Hardfought… luckily the game already has a TK punish/forgive function built-in. While there for plenty of bugs with this release, both client-side and server-side, it’s a fun game nonetheless, and I recommend you give it a go. You can get it through Steam, or you can buy the boxed version at your favorite computer game retailer.

The server we have up can be found at this IP address – (default port). As stated before, friendly fire is on, 24 player max, 300 tickets.

If you’re new to Hardfought, and are coming by this site for the first time because ya may have seen the address in the server or on the Dark Messiah forums, feel free to register on the forums and say hello, join in on the varied discussions we have, and so on.

I’ll play when time allows (nothing like having a new game come out just a week before ya get *married* lol), so if you have any valid suggestions to make the hardfought – Dark Messiah server a better place to play at, be sure to lemme know. See ya online gang.

EDIT (10/26/2006, 11:38pm CST) – Our DM:MM server will be down, at least for awhile. WAY too many bugs, not just with the client, but the server as well, unstable + broken cvars do not make a good mix.