Archive for the ‘Hardfought news’ Category

Msgboard conversion in progress

By K2 on October 8th, 2007 at 4:10 am EST

In case you’re wondering why our msgboard is offline, it’s because I have initiated a conversion from our current board (phpBB2.x) over to phpBB3. As of this post, the conversion has already finished (database w/ posts, topics, users, etc), but there’s still a lot of work to do to ensure that all permissions carried over, that there are no errors or missing posts/topics, and so forth. Right this minute, I am rebuilding the search index. It’s CPU-intensive, so if ya notice the page loading up kinda slowly, that’s why. It’s pretty late right now on the mainland, so hopefully this wont affect too many of ya. The original board is untouched, so if there are any serious bugs or show-stoppers with the conversion, I can go back to our original board easily and quickly – everything is intact. Once I am satisfied with the conversion, phpBB2 will be disabled (the database will remain as a backup for a period of time), and phpBB3 will become a permanent fixture. The look n’ feel is going to be different – it’s gonna take me some time to get it to match the site, so bear with me in that regard. I’ll edit this post as progress is made.