Archive for the ‘Hardfought news’ Category

Hardfought 2.0 goes live!!

By K2 on April 5th, 2009 at 4:42 am EST

Yeah boy! Hahah… finally. If you’re reading this, you’re seeing Hardfought with a brand new style. Same theme, but with a totally new layout, from what you can see to the way things work on the back-end. I still have a lot of work to do to get the site exactly the way I want it, but the major hurdles have been um… hurdled ;) So enjoy the site! Let me know what ya think, good or bad. I realize that certain lil things may be missing… I just noticed that ‘previous topic/next topic’ is not present on phpBB3. There are also plug-ins and scripts that I had incorporated into the old msgboard that haven’t made their way to the new board, but will. Like the photo album galleries; that’s the big one I will start work on ASAP. Quick reply, that’ll show it’s face as well. So on and so forth.

Alright. Back to work ;-)