Archive for the ‘Hardfought news’ Category


By K2 on November 1st, 2009 at 7:23 am EST

Yeah, let’s post some news! Heh, so what is there to tell? Not a whole lot HF-wise… game servers are still down, and I still need to finish the website look n’ feel after the OnePress debacle. That’s about it. On a personal note though, things have been going well. I’m back in college and making A’s, Jenn loves her new job, we made a new addition to the family six weeks ago in the form of a very intelligent and trouble-making German Shepherd pup named ‘Koa’, and Jenn and I are celebrating our 3rd year wedding anniversary today. I actually get to be here for this one ;-)

Anyways. Hope that all of you have been doing well also, and that ya have fun during the upcoming holidays. I will be learning how to snowboard, heh ;-) Until next time…