Archive for the ‘Hardfought news’ Category

Belated Happy New Year

By K2 on January 13th, 2013 at 12:19 am EST

Hi all. Happy belated New Year!! Hahah… ok. I think we can all agree that it’s good to see 2012 put away and retired, time to usher in a new year. Lots of crazy shit went on, but at the same time I gotta say that 2012 will be one of my best years ever for the simple fact that my daughter was born in 2012. She’s eleven months old today, can’t believe she’s coming up on one year already. Those of you that are parents weren’t joking around, the time really does go by fast. I will NOT miss diaper changes… the faster that time goes by, the better :-) Anyways, I hope all of you had a great Christmas and New Years holiday.

Hardfought stuff – I have been fixing a LOT of look n’ feel stuff on the site over the last month (see the phpBB modification log for a lot of the fixes and changes). With WP-United back in full force from a couple months ago and being able to update the site, that really gave me the ‘bug’ again. I feel like I have a better handle on things this go-around, which is making things easier to identify and fix and/or tweak. Just resolved a glaring issue with private messages. Comments on the wordpress side look much cleaner than previously. A lot of areas now have a more polished and rounded look. So on and so forth. If any of you notice something that isn’t right that I’ve missed, please lemme know. I was looking back in the news archives, specifically back in the spring of 2009 when Hardfought got it’s first real overhaul… holy crap I remember a lot of the mess I had to fix back then, hah! Several of ya were pretty good at helping me find issues for me to fix… would be nice to see that level of participation again someday. Not a lot of traffic nowadays and that’s ok, I get it. Ah well. It’s all good.

So. Again, Happy New Year!