Archive for the ‘Hardfought news’ Category

Fourteen years old!

By K2 on October 22nd, 2014 at 5:24 am EST

Hardfought just turned fourteen years old today! Happy birthday Hardfought!! Weeee… hrm. Ok. Enough of that silliness ;) So, what all has happened around here since this time last year? We delved into the world of Bitcoin for a few months and played around with that for awhile. Had a real-time ajax-based chatroom put on the site, which is being used as I type this. Finally got around to getting a solid SSL certificate installed (yay). We’re now back to folding, and with a vengeance at that. And last but not least, the latest game craze appears to be some console title known as ‘Destiny’. It’s some Halo knock-off made by the folks over at Bungie that has most everyone here all hot n’ bothered. Whatever, Nethack still rules them all :)

Cheers, HF. Can’t wait to do the 20 year post…