Archive for the ‘Hardfought news’ Category

Sweet Sixteen

By K2 on October 22nd, 2016 at 6:00 am EST

Hardfought turns sixteen years old today. Imagine that ;)

So I’m actually writing this post a couple days early, and it’s scheduled to post on the 22nd. I’ve got drill this weekend, so I won’t be around to actually post or ‘celebrate’ if that’s what we do anymore when Hardfought gets a year older. Anyways, happy 16th Hardfought – on with the news.

I made a post a few weeks ago in the web server section of the forum outlining plans to move the website away from paid hosting, and to run it from a dedicated box from the house. We’re coming full circle after over a decade of hosting. The hardware is in, I just need time to put it together, get the OS and other components installed (Ubuntu + LAMP), get the domain pointed here and initiate the transfer. The site will understandably be down for a bit when I kick things off… hoping to get this done before Christmas. I’ll make the announcement before I initiate.

That’s all for now folks. Until next time…