Archive for the ‘Hardfought news’ Category

New NetHack variant: notdNetHack

By K2 on April 9th, 2019 at 1:06 pm EST

There’s a new NetHack variant out called ‘notdNetHack’, its official release was yesterday, and it’s being hosted here at Hardfought on all three servers. NetHack community member ‘Demo’ is the variant author; you can view the code repository here. notdNetHack is a different take of the variant ‘dNetHack (version 3.15.1)’ with several changes, bug fixes and new branch levels. In short, it’s not dNetHack ;) You can see a change log at the link posted.

Other news – I guess I neglected to do a post write-up of the TNNT (The November NetHack Tournament). Long story short – clan OotC (Order of the Cockatrice) won overall, with clans Teenage NetHack Ninja Turtles and teamsplat taking a close 2nd and 3rd place. Luxidream was the top-scoring individual with 32 ascensions. TNNT will definitely see another go this November, so stay tuned.

More news soon…