Archive for May, 2005

Latest CS: Source update, new clan squad?

By K2 on May 13th, 2005 at 2:40 pm EST

I’m sure you’re all well aware by now, Valve put out a rather large update to CS: Source early this morning. The update includes two new maps – de_port and a remake of the old classic de_inferno. For a complete list of the changes/additions made to the game, check out the news over at the site – All of the Hardfought public and private match servers were updated within minutes of the update going live… de_inferno is now in rotation of HF1 and HF2, and both de_inferno and de_port are featured on HF3. My personal thoughts about the new maps is this – de_inferno is a much better laid out map than the custom job that was made weeks ago. The layout is a bit different from the original, but I think it’ll become a mainstay map, for competitive play as well as for public use. de_port is a fun map, but is very much like cs_compound. It’ll get a lot of play time in the coming weeks because it’s new, but I predict the novelty will wear off in under a month. We’ll see ;-)

Hardfought Charlie squad? Yup you read right… we’re looking to add a third and final squad to the Hardfought CS: Source clan, mainly due to the persistient interest in people wanting to join the clan. Phoenix, who was heading up Bravo squad, will step down after CAL season two to lead the new Charlie squad for the start of season three. One of our admins, PUPPY, is also joining the ranks of Charlie squad. This leaves five slots open for tryouts. HomingPigeon already made a msgboard post about it all; if you’re interested in joining, say so either in that thread or msg myself, Phoenix, or HP about it. We’ll announce tryouts here sometime soon.

That’s all I have for now gang… be sure to tryout the new maps, let everyone know whatcha think. Have a good weekend.