Archive for November, 2000

Welcome to The Nexus

By K2 on November 11th, 2000 at 5:09 pm EST

Hello there… again :-) The Hardfought Quake3 server has been brought down temporarily. In its place, the website has been brought over to support the new clan I am with, known as Nexus… a team comprised of some very fine Quake3 players and all-around good people… tons o’ fun to play with, which is what we’re primarily about. You may remember most of our team from a past clan association… let’s just say we didn’t care too much for the ‘management’ from that clan ;-) So here we are to start anew, keeping things the way they should have been from the start.

Anyways… this is just a short ‘hi there’ msg for everyone. Stay tuned, I’ll be making more news posts and links as time goes on. I’ll be putting up roster info, matches played, etc. See ya soon…
